Bear to the Bone (A Paranormal BBW Billionaire Shifter Tale): A Silver Moon Romance

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Bear to the Bone (A Paranormal BBW Billionaire Shifter Tale): A Silver Moon Romance Page 1

by Caspian, Jessica

  Bear to the Bone

  (A Paranormal BBW Billionaire Shifter Tale)

  By Jessica Caspian

  Copyright 2014 A Silver Moon Romance. All Rights Reserved

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  “Alright now give her a kiss,” Tara instructed.

  The couple nodded as they posed nude on the bed and the man started to give her a kiss. Tara snapped a few photographs of it, marveling the way the two people looked. They were a young couple in love and they wanted to show off their bodies. They were both aspiring models and they had a lot of experience with many paid gigs, but this one was different. This one was a paid shoot with Tara not only to help her out, but to also get more erotic photographic of the two of them. Tara had done erotic photography before, some of her work was in Permanent Impressions magazine and she once sold a photograph for a thousand dollars. She knew when she met this couple that they were right choice for her shoot. When she looked at them not only did she see herself in a way, but she saw something she really wanted. Tara craved the feeling of touching a man and being erotic with him, and the fact that she hadn’t gotten any in about a year made her even more sexually frustrated. The couple started to kiss with more passion as Tara snapped a couple more pictures, both looking down on them and from the angle of the female’s side.

  “Very good. Now start to kiss her while squeezing her tits,” she said.

  The man nodded and started to kiss his girlfriend again. It was a sight to watch and Tara got a few more angles of them making out as he grasped her breasts. The man’s fingers seemed to graze over her nipples, and there was a small moan escaping the woman’s mouth as he did this. He smiled as he grasped the nipples and started to pinch them. Tara continued to take pictures, trying her best to ignore the wetness in her pants and the desire to just masturbate and touch herself right then and there. It was so hard for her to resist, but she knew that being one of the most renowned photographers had its price, and the price was to be professional no matter the instance. After that she looked at them again as they broke away from the kiss.

  “Alright. Now as my final shot I want you to touch her genital area, but don’t penetrate. A lot of magazines don’t want penetration for a few reasons and I don’t want you guys to shoot yourselves in the foot. If you do want a few of penetration I’m willing to photograph it, but only fingering,” she instructed.

  “We would like a couple of penetration. Just for our personal collection,” the man replied. He was a very attractive Latino male who definitely had the looks. His girlfriend, who looked Brazilian, nodded in assent.

  “Alright. Now let’s do a few of those then. The teaser ones,” Tara replied.

  The couple nodded and the man smiled. He placed his fingers right over her pussy, being careful not to touch and penetrate the inside. The woman arched her back as if he was penetrating her and had a very sexy face on. Immediately Tara was wet as she snapped a few of them, getting close to show that it was just a teaser shot and it wasn’t a real penetration. That was a big thing with a lot of magazines and websites. They don’t want penetration on there because it basically makes it porn so if one does it in a soft-core manner, then there won’t be any issues. Tara moved over to the backside and got close to them, snapping a few more. It was very weird to be around a naked couple with the guy doing a teaser of him fingering her, but at the same time it was almost like an adrenaline rush for her and she loved it. She loved taking erotic photography. Even though she did a whole lot, sex does sell and Tara liked having a fat paycheck rather than one that’s tiny and dismal. The erotic stuff went for almost double what she normally did, so even though she didn’t’ go too crazy like some of her other photographer friends, she still was able to capture the beauty of an erotic embrace all while making some great money in the meanwhile.

  After she finished those then it was time for the penetration with his fingers. He slipped them into the woman’s pussy and she let out a small moan, flushing a little bit. Tara didn’t know if the flushing was from the penetration or just something she liked to have in erotic photographs, but Tara liked how it looked and captured the woman’s small flush on her tanned skin. It wasn’t too apparent, but it was enough to show on camera that her cheeks had a tiny glow to them and they looked both healthy and full. After Tara finished that the couple got up and the man pulled his hand out of her and stopped penetrating her. He turned to Tara, still naked and his erection stiff from desire and want to fuck his girlfriend.

  “Thank you very much Tara,” he said.

  “Thank you. I’ll have the photos for you as fast as I can do them. I have a couple of other shoots later on this week, so I may not be able to get to them too fast but I will have them to you by the end of the week,” she replied.

  “Thanks,” the man said.

  He grabbed his boxers and the woman grabbed her underwear, the only things they brought with them to the shoot. After Tara heard the door close she knew both of them were finally gone, or at least in the dressing room. Tara locked the studio door, and soon she was all alone with nothing but the bed, the backdrop, and the lights illuminating the area. Tara had this studio for years, and although she was used to being in here the thought of being alone still worried her. however, what she was really focused on right now was the desire that she had while she watched the couple in the erotic embrace. There was something just sexy about them, and Tara had both a feeling of jealousy and a feeling of desire course through her as she thought about it. Tara could already feel the wetness in her pussy, and soon she wasn’t able to take it anymore. She undid her pants and pulled them down a little bit, slipping her fingers into her wet pussy.

  She started to lightly massage the outer area, moaning a little bit at the touch. She loved the feeling of her outer area being touched and massaged a little bit. The sensation was very tingly and almost too much for her at some points. She started to lightly move her hand down to where her clitoris is. That was the gold mine of sensation for her and immediately when she touched it she felt shivers course through her body. She was entranced at the way her body seemed to already feel like this as if on command, and she started to lightly touch her clitoris even more so, moving her hand up and down against the little bud, making the erectile tissue hard already. She started to push her finger up and down the clitoral hood, moaning at the touch. She thought to what the couple was probably doing right now, and she was sure that they were probably either having crazy sex in the locker room or they were at home and they already were fucking. Tara didn’t really care, but right now she had to handle the horny feeling she had. She started to move her fingers against the clit, moving them up and down and then around the edge before pressing her hands against them. She backed up to the wall and rested against it, the panting she let escape her mouth loud and echoing through the studio. She was happy that no one else was there. They were the last shoot of the day and Tara let her assistant go home for the day, leaving her alone. She started to pull down her panties until she was exposing her naked and shaven pussy. She moved her fingers further down to her pink hole, which was already moist and wet.

  She inserted a finger into there, loving the way her pussy seemed to eat it up and take it in. She started to finger herself a little bit faster, moving at a very steady and even pace. She started to move a little bit faster, her breathing growing heavy as her desire and wetness started to pool up inside her. She started
to make the pace even faster, to the point where she was almost ready to come. However, she really wanted to insert another into her gaping hole and did so, moving her fingers together at a steady pace. She could feel the other finger start to stretch her tight pussy, moving in and opening it up. She really wished ti wasn’t her fingers going in and out of her, but she got what she could and when she was horny she needed to handle it. As she pumped her fingers in and out she thought about the couple and the erotic embrace that they had. It was so sexy and tantalizing and she loved watching them that she definitely wanted that to be herself someday. She hadn’t looked for a boyfriend in months, and after the last one who cheated on her with her former best friend she was ready to give up on guys and just deal with the whole thing later. Yet she knew that the horny feeling wouldn’t go away, and she liked to use toys in order to satiate herself. However, as she continued this she knew that it was going to take more than a simple toy to alleviate the feeling of desire and want she had regarding the feeling of touching and fucking a man.

  After a few more times she let out a loud cry as her pussy walls tightened and she released her essence. It flowed out of her quickly and she gasped for air as she felt her walls go back to the normal tightness she felt. After she finished up she pulled out and sucked on her fingers, touching the essence and liking it. She loved the feeling of her essence, but she wished she still had a man with her. However, that was something she was going to rectify later. She had to first handle her work issue and get her stuff out to her clients as fast as possible. It was the life of a photographer, but she didn’t mind it at all. The problem of a boyfriend will be handled later; right now she needed to have a hot date with her MacBook in order to get these pictures edited.

  ~ ~ ~

  Tara went home that night and booted up her computer, looking at the different things she needed to do. Her bank account was very hefty, and she liked that, but her profile had a lot to handle. She hadn’t been on there in a while, and when she looked at the messages she was disgusted with all the creepy and weird guys on there who looked like pigs. She got away from that instantly and started to open up the pictures to edit. The first ones she did was a nude shoot of another woman, whom she didn’t feel any attraction to whatsoever. After a few pictures she thought it was time to look at her email. She did, and when she opened it she looked at it with great surprise. In there at the top was an email from one of the magazines she covered on a weekly basis, and they had in the subject line “an offer you can’t refuse.” Tara clicked on it, and ready the message, getting excited at the content.

  Hello there Tara,

  We love the work that you do so much that we’re extending this opportunity to you. We want you to photograph something extremely rare and something you may have never expected us to ask for. There is a very rare creature up in Alaska that we would like to have in our next book, and it’s called the rare silver Kodiak bear. They are very hard to find, but we will pay for all expenses. We entrust that you will definitely be able to help us catch a sight of this bear. We want you to leave next Monday? Does that work for you?



  Tara looked at the email in shock. She had never been to Alaska and she would be able to finally see a rare sighting while photographing it. They were a very important company as well, for they distributed wildlife and nature guides and magazines all around the world. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse, and she knew immediately her answer. Tara started to write back a reply quickly, saying she will definitely do this. She sent it, and shortly after the ticket for next Monday was there. Apparently they were going to pay for everything until she found the bear, but she didn’t want to stay out there too long. She had to get back in order to go back and do more shoots with people. They would understand if it’s a week or so that she’s gone, but if it was longer than that she could lose a few clients. Tara hoped it would only be a few days. Enough time to enjoy the wilderness but also enough time to get back and help out more clients so she didn’t lose any projects.

  The rest of the night Tara continued to edit, finishing both the woman’s pictures and the couple’s erotic shoot. She was busy, but that’s because she didn’t want to have to edit a whole bunch of other pictures while she was in Alaska. She didn’t know the internet connection out there either and she wasn’t going to take any chances. After she finished up she went to bed, mentally panning out the rest of her week so she was able to get it all done. Tara was excited, and she was ready for the challenge she was about to face. For she was ready to photograph this rare sight, and nothing was going to stop her from doing so.

  The rest of the week was a blur with a few more shoots and editing like crazy. Wednesday came around and Tara was at the terminal and going onto the plane. Her assistant drove her to the airport and he was in charge of shoots for the next two weeks. The guy was pretty good, but a lot of the clients preferred Tara just because she was very friendly and sweet to them and really did have a good heart. As Tara got onto the plane she started to feel apprehensive. This is the first time in a while she’d been on a plane, and she was a little bit nervous. However, Tara calmed down as she got in her seat. The plane soon took off and she was on her way to Alaska.

  The flight from her town in California to the place she was supposed to go was pretty fast. It was about four hours, and they wanted to get her to the closest sighting of the bear. The last one was in Anchorage, Alaska and that’s where she was shipped. When the flight attendant said they were about to be there Tara looked out the window.

  It was pristine beyond all measure. She could see the greenery of the trees and a little bit of water around. The airport wasn’t too buy, so she could only see a tiny bit of the tarmac and a very small airport. However, before they landed there was something else she saw which piqued her curiosity.

  It was a stone mansion. It looked pretty big from the altitude she was at, so it was probably huge down below. She looked at it with much wonder and awe for a little bit, wondering both who in the world would build such a big place in the middle of nowhere and why he would even bother to be out there. She wanted to know that, but after a second the mansion seemed to vanish as they descended onto the tarmac. When they got there she could feel the rolling sensation of the plane landing and soon they were at the gate. Tara got up from her seat and started to walk out, wondering what laid ahead of her. When Tara got out of the baggage claim she looked around. There was apparently a driver who was going to take her up to the cabin. After a seconds he saw a portly man with a card that said “Tara” on it. She walked over to the man and smiled.

  “I’m assuming you’re from the Alaskan branch of the magazine company?” she ventured to ask.

  “That’s correct. And you look like you’re ready to venture out and see what this place is all about,” he replied.

  “That I am,” she said. She was ready for what was to come and the man brought her to the car. It was a jeep that looked like it had seen better days, but it definitely drove like a good, solid car. They started to go away from the airport and u the mountain, driving about forty-five minutes before he stopped at a small cabin in the middle of the woods. He turned to her with a smile on his face, a grin glowing around him.

  “This is the cabin. If you have any problems don’t hesitate to call or use the walkie-talkie in there. This was where the bear was last sighted. If you want to get any more pictures from the place you’re glad to do so. When you’re ready to go home just give us a ring and we will take you back to the airport,” he said.

  “Thanks,” Tara replied. She felt a little bit apprehensive about being left here all alone, but thankfully Tara had some skills under her belt. The man smiled and got back in the car, driving off. After a minute he was but a speck in the distance, leaving Tara all alone in the forest.

  She looked at the cabin. It was small but looked cozy. There was a red jeep similar to the one she was driven to the cabin with. She looked around, but it was pretty
dead. Tara grabbed her bags and went inside, opening the door to look around. It was a very nice cabin, with a small living room and kitchen area that was attached to it. Tara looked around at the bathroom, which was very small and only had a tiny shower and a toilet in it with a tiny sink. She didn’t see any other room to really move in the place, but she didn’t really care. She wasn’t planning on staying at the Hilton, she just needed a place to lay her head and go to the bathroom.

  The bedroom looked like something out of a woodland magazine. There was a king-sized bed with a nice little closet and a dresser. There were a couple of outlets and it seemed like the place had a little bit of Wi-Fi. She didn’t mind living a little bit rugged, but this made things a bit easier for her in the end. Tara set up her computer so that she was ready for what was to come regarding work and put her camera next to it on the small desk in the living room. She looked around, admiring the place its beauty. They definitely have some nice cabins out here, and Tara could see the appeal of having one in the future. However, Tara had other fish to fry and that fish was the Kodiak bear, so she grabbed her camera and started to move out.

  Tara walked around, marveling at the way the place looked and the different types of trees. There were the standard pine cones, but sometimes there was a tree she hadn’t ever seen before. Tara could see the snow-capped mountains in the distance and she took a picture of it. She hoped that one say someone would ask her to go up there and look at the creatures up there. She continued to walk around for a little bit before she spotted a nearby stream. She moved down by it to look at the water, taking a picture of it. It was all so calm and beautiful, and Tara could definitely get used to this. however, she didn’t see the silver Kodiak as of yet, and it was starting to get towards midday, so she decided to go a little bit further before going to lunch. After a few failed attempts at finding the bear she went down to the edge of the river, immediately spotting the property she saw on the plane. She walked over to it and went alone the edge of it. It was a very interesting location and Tara couple feel something there, so she started to look around a little bit more. There was something in this place that was telling her inexplicitly that the bear was nearby, but as she looked she didn’t find anything.


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