Wheelie’s Challenge

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Wheelie’s Challenge Page 23

by Chiah Wilder

  The sunlight streamed in, highlighting the pools of blood under the table where Tigger’s body lay. Squinting, Wheelie bumped fists with Breaker then followed his brothers out.

  * * *

  Two days later

  Denver, Colorado

  The white rental car wound around the narrow road’s curves passing row upon row of marble and granite tombstones all rising from the manicured grass. Spiked, black fences and towering evergreens surrounded the cemetery.

  Wheelie parked the car and switched off the ignition. He turned his head and saw Kendra’s pink headstone. Concrete edging bordered the flower bed filled with yellow, red, and purple pansies. His mother had planted the memorial garden a year after Kendra’s funeral.

  Sofia handed him the bouquet of pale pink roses then leaned over and kissed him softly. “I’ll give you some privacy and wait here. When you’re finished, I’d like to come over and say a prayer.”

  Wheelie tilted his head then slid out of the car. The smell of fresh dirt filled the dry air and he looked past the tombstones and saw several new graves. In the distance, a black hearse slowly wended its way down the road followed by a procession of black limousines. He looked away and the sound of trucks rambling along the busy street that circled the cemetery invaded the peacefulness of the place. A warm breeze whispered through the leaves of the oak trees.

  Wheelie placed the flowers in the metal vases on each side of the headstone. He stared for a long time at Kendra’s name then he knelt down on one knee.

  “Knowing Elmore was alive ate at me. I couldn’t fuckin’ stand it,” he said in a low voice. He touched the stone: it was smooth and cool. “You know how I am. I’ve carried so much bitterness and hate inside me for what he did to you, and now I can finally let it go. I can let you rest in peace.” Wheelie picked up some stray leaves that littered the flower bed. “I’m gonna be a dad. Isn’t that something? Fuck, I wish you were here to watch my kid grow. You’d have made a kickass aunt.” He stood up and smoothed back his windblown hair. “I’ll miss you forever … that’s never gonna go away.” After many minutes, he turned around and motioned to Sofia to come over; it was time Kendra met his woman.

  On the way back to Pinewood Springs, they listened to country music on the radio and Sofia rested her head on his shoulder. Every so often, she’d dot his chin, neck, and jaw with her sweet kisses.

  “You okay?” she whispered.


  “I love you, Wheelie.” Sofia traced his jaw with her fingernail.

  “I love you too. You’re the one I was born to love, babe.” He caught her hand and kissed it.

  “I’ve given you my heart. You’re my strength, and I’ll love you forever.” Sofia nuzzled her face in his neck.

  “I want you to wear my patch, baby.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “When we get home, I’ll get your cut embroidered. I also wanna go with you to your next doctor’s appointment.”

  “I’d love that.” Sofia squeezed his bicep. I’m just so happy we’re having a baby.” Wheelie smiled then kissed her forehead. “When we get home, you gotta take it easy. I know you wanted to start working and helping out at the car wash, but with you being pregnant, you should wait on all that.”

  She giggled. “I’m not sick. I’m just having a baby. I’ve wanted to work for years, but Tigger never let me. I’m really looking forward to finally having a job.”

  “If the doctor says it’s cool then you can start punching in your timecard. I’m just warning you that I can be a picky boss.”

  “Maybe I can give the boss some special favors during slow times.” Sofia licked the side of his neck.

  “I think I’m gonna like working together.” Wheelie winked at her. She licked him again and he groaned. “If you keep that up, I’m gonna have to pull over.”

  Sofia moved away and leaned back against the seat. “We’re not too far away from Pinewood, and I’m just aching to show you a real good time.”

  Desire shot through him as his dick twitched. He sped up and she laughed. He couldn’t wait to get home and show his old lady how much he loved and wanted her.

  Having Sofia in his life made him complete, and as long as he breathed, he’d be hers in mind, body and soul. She gave him her heart, and he’d make sure she never regretted it.

  Wheelie pulled Sofia close to him and her familiar scent warmed him as they made their way back home.


  Ten months later

  “Do you need me to help with anything else?” Marie asked as she took the pan of roasted vegetables out of the oven.

  “I think I’m good. Thanks for being such a big help,” Sofia said to Wheelie’s mother.

  Marie went over and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re part of our family, and the granddaughter you gave me is the best gift ever.” She dabbed her eyes with the corner of the apron.

  “What’re you two conspiring about in here?” Wheelie said as he walked into the kitchen carrying Macy.

  Marie went over to him and took the baby from his arms. “I’ll hold her while you help Sofia finishing setting the table. The guests will be here any minute.”

  Wheelie chuckled and wrapped his arm around Sofia’s waist, tugging her back into him. “You look sexy in your lacy apron. Later tonight, I’d like to see you in it without anything else on,” he whispered against her neck.

  Tingles skated across her skin and she put her hands on top of his. “I can do that.”

  “Damn, baby. Now I have an image of you like that and it’s gonna drive me fuckin’ nuts during the party.”

  Sofia giggled and wiggled her ass against his hardness. “You better not let your mom see you like that.”

  “Talk about a cockblock.” He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “What do you need me to help you with?”

  “Getting everything on the buffet table.” The doorbell chimed and she pulled away from him. “They’re here. I hope this turns out. I’ve never given a party before.”

  Wheelie cupped her face in his hands. “It’s gonna be great. Relax. This is supposed to be fun.” He kissed her gently on the lips. “You better get the door.”

  As Sofia went to open the door, her heart beat a mile a minute. Wheelie had suggested that they throw a party inviting all the brothers, the old ladies, and girlfriends so they could see their baby daughter. At first she thought it was a great idea, but nerves overtook her and now she wasn’t so sure about it.

  “Smile, dear. You look beautiful and everything looks wonderful,” Marie said.

  I totally lucked out with my mother-in-law. Wheelie’s mother had been a Godsend after Sofia had given birth to Macy. It’d been a tough delivery, and Marie had offered to stay as long as Sofia needed her. After six weeks Marie had gone back to Denver, but she and Al had come back to Pinewood Springs the week before, and Sofia was so grateful they were there for the party.

  She opened the door. “Chas … Addie … come on in.” Behind them she saw Axe, Baylee Throttle, Kimber, Rock and Clotille. Soon the house was full of people and Sofia was so busy scurrying around that she forgot how nervous she’d been.

  “Macy is so pretty.” Doris gave her and Wheelie that I-knew-it look. “She’s got your eyes,” she said to Sofia then looked at Wheelie, “and your dark hair.”

  “And Kendra’s nose,” he said in a low voice. Sofia grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

  After a couple of hours, Wheelie came up to Sofia and put his arm around her. “You look tired. Why don’t you sit down and visit with the old ladies.”

  “I want to make sure everything’s fine.”

  “It is.” He kissed her. “Go on over and talk to Kimber. I told her you’ve been bugging me about buying you a bike.”

  A rush of excitement shot through her. “Are you saying that you’re going to get me one?”

  He laughed. “I’m saying that I probably will.”

  Sofia threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head dow
n, giving him feathery kisses all over his face. “I love you so much. Thank you.”

  “Just don’t tell my mom. She’d kill me.”

  “It’ll be our secret.” She turned around and went over to Kimber and told her that she wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle.

  “Awesome! I’m so glad that I won’t be the only old lady who rides anymore. You’re going to love it. Have you picked out a motorcycle yet?” Kimber popped an hors d’oeuvre in her mouth.

  As they talked about the different Harley models, Sofia saw Wheelie go over and take Macy from his mom and cuddle her close to him, kissing the top of her head. Warmth and love spread through her. Macy’s already Daddy’s little girl. I love watching him with her. As if he sensed Sofia watching him, he looked over at her and winked.

  “Macy’s the cutest,” Cheri said as she came over. “You’re going to love having a daughter, and Wheelie’s so sweet with her.”

  “When are you going to have another child?” Addie asked as she joined in on the conversation.

  “Jax and I are trying.” Cherri took a sip of her drink.

  Macy’s high pitched cries brought Sofia dashing over to Wheelie. He handed the baby to her, and she rocked Macy in her arms cooing to her.

  “She’s hungry,” Marie said, coming over.

  “I’ll go upstairs and feed her,” Sofia said. She went up to the master bedroom then sank down on the rocker by the window. After taking out her breast, she brought her baby’s mouth to it and rocked slowly locking her eyes with Macy’s as the little one sucked.

  “Do you like that, sweetie?” Sophia said softly. “Macy Kendra Nessen, you are the most beautiful baby in the world, and Mommy and Daddy love you very much.”

  “She takes after her mom,” Wheelie said, standing in the doorway.

  Sofia looked up and smiled. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  Wheelie closed the door behind him and came over. “I love watching you feed Macy. The two of you are just perfect.” He ran his fingers over Macy’s soft hair. “The day she was born was the proudest day of my life, and it edged out the day I got my full patch.” Macy flailed her arm and he placed his finger into her tiny palm.

  “I can see you’re going to spoil her to death,” Sofia said, touching his forearm.

  “She deserves to be spoiled just like you do. I have every fuckin’ intention on spoiling the two women in my life.”

  Sofia grinned then looked back down at Macy. Her eyelids grew heavy and soon she fell asleep. Wheelie picked her up and carried her to the crib then he went back to Sofia and dipped his head down.

  “My mom’s offered to have Macy in her room tonight.” He tilted her head back slightly and crushed his mouth on hers, his tongue pushing inside. She moaned and he dropped to his knees. “I took her up on it. Tonight it’s just you and me, babe.”

  “I’ll still have to feed Macy, but I think I can manage to fit you in.” She chuckled then buried her face in his neck. “We better get back to the party. What’re they going to think?”

  “They’re bikers, and the women know the score.” He slipped his hand under her dress and massaged the soft skin of her inner thighs. “I can’t keep away from you.”

  Sofia kissed him passionately then pushed him away and stood up. “We have to get back to the party.”

  “My mom’s playing hostess and she fuckin’ loves it.” Wheelie yanked her back to him and ran his lips over her neck and shoulder.

  She groaned and cocked her head to the side, giving him better access. “It feels so good,” she murmured, arching hard against his body.

  Wheelie grabbed hold of her dress and pushed it up and Sofia backed away slightly then he brought it over her head and threw it on the floor. Licking her lips, she unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over his chest before sliding it off. Running her fingers over his muscles, she smiled when they twitched under her touch. Sofia lowered her hands until they rested on the waistband of his jeans then she looked up and her heart lurched madly when she caught his smoldering gaze. A delicious shudder heated her body, and she grasped the zipper and pulled it slowly down ….

  Sated and tingling, Sofia lay cocooned in Wheelie’s arms. She glanced over at the crib to make sure Macy was still sleeping then she looked at their wedding picture on the nightstand: Wheelie was handsome in his cut and black jeans, and she glowed in her flowing ivory lace dress.

  “We should probably get back to the party,” Wheelie said in a low voice.

  “You think?” She giggled then snuggled closer to him. “I love being your wife. You made me have faith again in ‘happily ever after.’”

  Wheelie bent down and kissed her deeply. “It feels so right being with you and having our sweet daughter. You can always count on me, babe. During the great times and the times when shit happens, my love for you will never falter. You can lean on and depend on my love.”

  Sofia squeezed him tightly. She’d never felt a love as deep and as complete as she did with Wheelie. She trusted him with her forever.

  “Let’s get back to the party,” she said to her husband.

  He kissed her again, squeezed her behind then pulled her up.

  Notes from Chiah

  As always, I have a team behind me making sure I shine and continue on my writing journey. It is their support, encouragement, and dedication that pushes me further in my writing journey. And then, it is my wonderful readers who have supported me, laughed, cried, and understood how these outlaw men live and love in their dark and gritty world. Without you—the readers—an author’s words are just letters on a page. The emotions you take away from the words breathe life into the story.

  Thank you to my amazing Personal Assistant Natalie Weston. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You bailed me out big time on this book. I was in a small town and I forgot my computer and my cell phone, and when I reached out to you, you took care of it in your calm way. You made my stress level go way down. Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me! I’m so lucky you’re on my team!

  Thank you to my editor Lisa Cullian, for all your insightful edits, excitement with this book. You made my book shine. A HUGE thank you for your patience and flexibility with accepting my book in pieces. I never could have hit the Publish button without you. You’re the best!

  Thank you to my wonderful beta readers Natalie Weston and Jeni Clancy. You rock! Your enthusiasm and suggestions for Wheelie’s Challenge: Insurgents MC were spot on and helped me to put out a stronger, cleaner novel.

  Thank you to the bloggers for your support in reading my book, sharing it, reviewing it, and getting my name out there. I so appreciate all your efforts. You all are so invaluable. I hope you know that. Without you, the indie author would be lost.

  Thank you ARC readers you have helped make all my books so much stronger. I appreciate the effort and time you put in to reading, reviewing, and getting the word out about the books. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I feel so lucky to have you behind me.

  Thank you to my Street Team. Thanks for your input, your support, and your hard work. I appreciate you more than you know. A HUGE hug to all of you!

  Thank you to Carrie from Cheeky Covers. You are amazing! I can always count on you. You are the calm to my storm. You totally rock, and I love your artistic vision.

  Thank you to my proofer who stayed up all night and the next morning to get my novel back to me so I could hit the publish button on time. There are no words to describe how touched and grateful I am for your dedication and support. You’re the best!

  Thank you to Ena and Amanda with Enticing Journeys Promotions who have helped garner attention for and visibility to the Insurgents MC series. Couldn’t do it without you!

  Thank you to the readers who continue to support me and read my books. Without you, none of this would be possible. I appreciate your comments and reviews on my books, and I’m dedicated to giving you the best story that I can. I’m always thrilled when you enjoy a book as much as I have in writing it. You
definitely make the hours of typing on the computer and the frustrations that come with the territory of writing books so worth it.

  And a special thanks to every reader who has been with me since “Hawk’s Property.” Your support, loyalty, and dedication to my stories touch me in so many ways. You enable me to tell my stories, and I am forever grateful to you.

  You all make it possible for writers to write because without you reading the books, we wouldn’t exist. Thank you, thank you! ♥

  Wheelie’s Challenge: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Book 11)

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the eleventh (can you freakin’ believe that) book in the Insurgents MC series as much as I enjoyed writing Wheelie and Sofia’s story. This gritty and rough motorcycle club has a lot more to say, so I hope you will look for the upcoming books in the series. Romance makes life so much more colorful, and a rough, sexy bad boy makes life a whole lot more interesting.

  If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. I read all of them and appreciate the time taken out of busy schedules to do that.

  I love hearing from my fans, so if you have any comments or questions, please email me at [email protected] or visit my facebook page.

  To receive a free copy of my novella, Summer Heat, and to hear of new releases, special sales, free short stories, and ARC opportunities, please sign up for my Newsletter at http://eepurl.com/bACCL1.

  Happy Reading,


  Army: Night Rebels MC

  Coming August 2018

  A member of the Night Rebels MC, Army is an arrogant, tough, SOB, and he makes no bones about it. His idea of having a good time is to ride his Harley, booze with his brothers, and have rowdy sex whenever the mood strikes him which is often. Hook ups are on his terms, and if a woman doesn’t like it, she knows where the door is.

  The good-looking biker doesn’t have a shortage of women and the last thing he’s looking for is an old lady.


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