Clearwater Romance

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Clearwater Romance Page 23

by Marissa Dobson

  They took their time across the slippery parking lot, and as they entered the church, a few heads turned in their direction. As if sensing her nervousness, Logan placed his hand on her arm and directed her to one of the back rows.

  During the service, her gaze wandered until she spotted Lexy and John a few rows ahead. The older the woman sitting beside them had to be Logan’s mother because she kept glancing at Logan. While waiting for the service to end, Jasmine couldn’t quite settle her rattled nerves. If Logan’s family disliked her, or resented the fact she had a child already, they could end whatever was growing between them.

  When the service ended, everyone rose. In a strange and hurried rush, Logan escorted her out the side door before anyone made their way down the aisle. “I have a surprise this way. Come on or we’ll be late.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He opened the door and there in the parking lot stood two beautiful chestnut-brown Clydesdale horses in front of a white carriage. “I thought we’d take a ride around town to see the Christmas lights. Then we can stop at the lighting of the large Christmas tree on Main Street. What better way to see all the lights than in a horse drawn carriage? Climb aboard, Mi’lady and we shall ride.” Holding Alyssa in one arm, he offered Jasmine his other hand. Once she was settled on the seat, he handed her Alyssa, and then climbed in.

  “Clearwater has a number of smaller Christmas tress located around town, but the Main Street tree has always been lit on Christmas Eve. The whole town gathers around after Christmas Eve service. It’s something you don’t want to miss.” Logan thanked the driver for the heavy blanket, and then tucked it over her legs and around Alyssa. He nodded for the driver to go and then leaned back, wrapping his arm around her.

  Alyssa sat on Jasmine’s lap, giggling and smiling as the horses trotted through town. Her daughter was having a blast.

  “How do you like Clearwater so far? Is it all you hoped for?” Logan flashed a saucy grin.

  “Clearwater is a unique town, and I have a very friendly neighbor.”

  He leaned in and kissed her, ever so softly. “I hope you’re planning to stay.”

  Caught up in the moment, she laid her head on his shoulder. “Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Thank you for everything. You have made this the best Christmas ever.”

  He chuckled. “Remember that tomorrow when you’re stuck having Christmas dinner with my insane family. You might regret agreeing to go with me.”

  Chapter Eight

  December 25

  At four o’clock, Christmas morning, Alyssa woke crying. “Hush, sweetie, it’s too early to be up.” Jasmine carried her daughter to her bed. She had just pulled the warm covers over them when a soft knock hit her door.

  “Jasmine, I heard Alyssa cry. May I come in?”

  “Sure.” Logan poked his head around the door. “I hope this isn’t an omen of what she will be like on future Christmases, waking up before dawn to see what Santa brought. Sorry she woke you.”

  Floppie laid curled in a ball on the edge of the bed. His head perked up to see what the commotion was at such an early hour. Obviously deeming they weren’t important enough to be awake, he laid his head back down.

  Logan stepped into her room and sat down next to them on her bed, wearing only his blue and grey, plaid pajama bottoms. His chest was bare and insanely sculpted. The light from the moon shone through the curtains enough to highlight his body. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been awake for hours.”

  His fingers fiddled with the corner of the blanket at the foot of the bed. She had never seen him unsure of himself. He seemed almost nervous. “Is everything all right?”

  He took a deep breath. “Jasmine, I love having you and Alyssa here.” He took another breath. “I love you, and I can’t picture my life without you.”

  A lump formed in her throat. “Logan…”

  “Please, let me finish.”

  She wasn’t sure what he was going to say, but all thoughts were lost when he grasped her hand and then dropped down on one knee beside the bed.

  He pulled a ring from his pocket and held it between two fingers. “Marry me, Jasmine. I love you. Take me as your husband, and allow me to be the father Alyssa needs.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Her life had changed so much in the last two weeks—all for the better. She loved Logan, and Alyssa would have a complete family. Was this all too soon? Are we caught up in being snowbound in the cottage? Would everything change once normal life set in?

  Even with doubts running through her head, she did what her heart wanted. “Yes.”

  He jumped from the floor and back onto the bed, sliding the ring onto her finger. “Oh, darling, I was worried you would think we were moving too fast. Now, this is the best Christmas. I can’t wait to tell Lexy, she’s going to be so happy. She’s been bugging me to ask you since I showed her the ring.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It was your grandmother’s wedding ring. She gave it to me many years ago. I had it cleaned and have been saving it for the perfect girl. It seems only right for you to have it. Almost like your grandmother knew this would happen.”

  Thank you, Grandmother.

  During the excitement of Logan’s proposal, Alyssa had fallen asleep in Jasmine’s arms. Logan nudged Jasmine’s hip so he could lie beside her on the bed. He slipped his arm around her and cuddled close, talking about their future and wedding.

  After the holidays, they would move into her grandmother’s old house and make it their home, and then after New Year’s, they would have an intimate wedding. But before any of that could happen, they had to tell his family, and have Christmas dinner at Lexy’s.

  * * *

  Remember when you’re stuck having Christmas dinner with my insane family, you might regret agreeing to go with me. Logan’s words ran through her mind as she added a pair of silver and red dangly earrings to complete her outfit. She took a step back, taking in her full appearance. Her long brown hair was curled and flowed around her shoulders. She wanted to fuss with it, since it was normally pulled back in a clip, but didn’t have time. She hoped meeting his family wouldn’t be as bad as he made it sound, because in a few short weeks they would be her family too.

  “Jasmine? You ready? Everyone is going to be sitting down to eat if we don’t get a move on.”

  She had spent the last hour going through her clothes, being a typical woman and not finding anything to wear. Was her procrastination intentional or just one of those things? She wasn’t sure. Dressing Alyssa was easy. During their trip to town, she had bought a red, with black trim, velvet Christmas dress. Her outfit was complete with a small red bow for her hair. Her daughter looked adorable.

  Jasmine, on the other hand, was unsure and insecure about her outfit and meeting her potential in-laws. Alyssa, would generally start off shy and coy around strangers, but eventually opened up and showed off. She was a happy baby. When it came to Jasmine, she was shy and didn’t easily open up. She worried that people wouldn’t like her and found it hard to break out of her shell. What would his parents think? She hadn’t even been in town twenty-four hours and she’d been living with their son. Not in that way, of course, but still…


  “Okay, I’m coming.” She picked Alyssa up from her crib. “Come on, sweetie. Time to go see Aunt Lexy.” She entered the living room and put Alyssa in her car seat. Logan stared at her, smiling. He then stepped closer and took her in his arms. “Honey, you are a breath of fresh air. You look incredible.”

  Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. She never had anyone compliment her so much. “Thank you. You’re pretty amazing yourself.” She hesitated, feeling suddenly uneasy again. “But are you sure, this dress is all right? That I’m—”

  He stopped her with a finger over her lips. Logan didn’t see her imperfections and past baggage. He didn’t mind that she was a single mother and had no family. His loving gaze said he only saw her, and to him that seemed to be worth everything. �
��Darling, you are perfect. You’re just a little nervous, but there’s nothing to worry about. Lexy and John already love you, and they’re the hardest to win over. Lexy hasn’t liked a single girl I have ever dated. Everyone is going to love you and Alyssa. Now come on, we’re going to have a wonderful time, and the best part will be coming home with you tonight.”

  * * *

  With the roads still a mess of snow, the drive was slow to Lexy’s. If they didn’t have Alyssa, Christmas gifts, and food, it might have been quicker to walk through the field that separated the houses. Fifteen minutes later, Logan stopped in front of Lexy and John’s house. It had so many lights covering the trees and front porch, Jasmine was sure the house could be seen from space. A large Christmas tree, decorated with red and white ornaments and lights, sat in the front window. Every spot of the house had Christmas lights, and in the yard by the porch stood a large sleigh and reindeer with Santa waving.

  “I forgot to tell you, Lexy and John go all out for Christmas, which is why we always have Christmas dinner here. It’s the most festive.”

  He reached into the back seat to unbuckle Alyssa. The front door flew open and Lexy waved at them. “Hurry up, slow pokes! I want to introduce Jasmine and Alyssa to everyone. Don’t worry about the car seat. I have a feeling everyone is going to want to hold that bundle of joy. It’s been so long since we’ve had a baby here at Christmas!”

  Jasmine took a deep, steady breath. This was sure to be an eventful evening. Through the window, she could see a house full of people. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, but all she could think about was if it was too late to turn and run.

  “I’ll get Alyssa, you grab the other stuff.”

  Logan rubbed her back, pulling her out of her thoughts and back to the reality she was about to face. No time to escape now. She reached in the truck for the diaper bag and the gifts. Logan touched her cheek.

  “On second thought, all that can wait until after you’ve met everyone, and feel more at ease.” He kissed her cheek and wrapped his arm around her waist. She walked beside him to the house, his arm at her waist lessening the stress, but in reality she was scared as an abused dog, ready to run.

  At the door, she resisted the urge to turn back to the truck. The crowd was larger than she had thought from outside, and crowds weren’t her thing, especially when they were people she didn’t know. Logan’s family was even larger than she expected. There had to be at least thirty adults and eight or ten children milling about.

  He must have sensed her panic because he squeezed her a little tighter to him. “You said you always wanted to be a part of a big family.” He whispered, and then winked, giving her the encouragement to continue.

  Alyssa held out her arms for Jasmine. She held her daughter, taking comfort from her small body against hers. Alyssa buried her head in the nook of Jasmine’s shoulder.

  Most of the men crowded around the large television, while the women sat around the dining room table, or huddled in the kitchen. The children were spread out in each room.

  Lexy put her fingers between her lips and whistled. “Hey everyone! Meet Jasmine and her daughter, Alyssa! Jasmine is Grandma Vivian’s granddaughter. They moved into her house.”

  A chorus of hello and nice to meet you followed.

  Jasmine leaned onto Logan’s chest for support. “Hello, everyone. Thank you for inviting us.” Even to her own ears she could hear her voice shaking. If anyone noticed, they didn’t let on.

  “See, darling, I told you it wouldn’t be too bad. Come on, I want to introduce you to my mother before she has a nervous breakdown. I’m sure Lexy has told her all about you. Didn’t you, Lexy?” He frowned at his sister as he guided Jasmine across the room and into the kitchen, where a group of women mingled and cooked.

  She spotted Logan’s mom, recognizing her as the lady next to Lexy in church. She was a short woman, with brunette hair perfectly curled in a bun. Logan’s mother leaned against the counter, staring at Jasmine. Even with the woman’s size, Jasmine still found her intimating. Her deep, brown eyes seemed to search into Jasmine’s soul. Logan led her forward, forcing her feet to move.

  “Mom, I’m sure Lexy has already told you all about Jasmine. Jasmine, this is my mother, Patsy.”

  Jasmine held her breath, waiting for the woman to say something first.

  A smile broke across his mother’s face. “You are a pretty little thing. My goodness, Lexy, she does resemble Vivian. And oh, Alyssa is adorable! May I hold her?”

  Jasmine nodded and released a breath while Logan’s mother took Alyssa from her arms. Alyssa hid her face behind her hands—her usual reaction when she was nervous.

  “I hear you stole my son’s heart,” Patsy said, playing with Alyssa’s fingers.

  Heat raced over Jasmine’s entire body, bringing all her fears to the surface again. She feared Pasty thought she wasn’t good enough for her son. Her heart pounded so loud, she assumed everyone could hear it. She glanced at Logan for support.

  He smiled. “Oh, yeah, my mom is a little forward, but she’s like that with everyone. It’s just worse when you’re about to be part of the family.”

  Jasmine admired Patsy’s strength and hoped she could learn a few lessons from Logan’s mother.

  With her pulse galloping, she took another deep breath. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Clarke, I might have stolen your son’s heart, but he has mine in return. I love him.”

  Bouncing Alyssa on her hip, she studied Jasmine’s face. “That’s good to hear.”

  “On that note, Mom, I have something to tell you. I asked Jasmine to marry me and she said yes. We are planning a small wedding after the new year.”

  Jasmine’s fingers gripped Logan’s shirt.

  “Well, I’ll be.” Patsy stepped around the island in the kitchen, taking Alyssa with her, and waltzed into the living room. “Logan’s getting married! I can’t believe it. My son is finally getting married. Hopefully he will be adding more children like this precious darling to our family!”

  Jasmine sighed, a smile creasing her cheeks. Maybe dreams do come true. Alyssa and I will be part of a loving family.

  Everyone called out their congratulations. Lexy pulled on Jasmine’s arm, bringing her back to the kitchen. “I am so happy for you. Welcome to the family.”

  Lexy embraced her in a long hug, tears flowing freely down her face. When Jasmine asked Lexy to be her matron-of-honor, Lexy squeezed her tight again.

  “I would love to! Anything I can do to help, let me know. We’re going to be like sisters, and I have always wanted a sister.”

  The rest of the day flew by. It was Jasmine’s first Christmas with a family and a traditional dinner all wrapped up in one. Hopefully, it was the first holiday of many more to come. This was the life she craved—to be surrounded by family and friends. Now Alyssa would have that and so much more, and if Logan’s mother had her wish, Alyssa would have plenty of brothers and sisters to play with in the near future.

  Thanks to the Clarkes, Jasmine grew closer to her grandmother every day, and she was sure Logan and his family would continue to share their wonderful stories about her.

  When they returned home, and Jasmine tucked Alyssa in bed, Logan took Jasmine’s hand and guided her to the living room. He pulled her close beside him as they sat by the warmth of the fireplace. As she stared at the fire glistening in the diamond on her finger, Logan held her other hand. “I have a present for you. Remember when I asked you about the one place in the world you wanted to go? You said Paris.” He handed her a long narrow box. “Open it.”

  She untied the box and lifted the lid. Inside the box was a photograph of Paris. “Oh, my!”

  “I thought we could go to Paris for our honeymoon.”

  “Oh, Logan, thank you. This is amazing, but we can’t. I…”

  He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “I love the thought, Logan. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Logan Clarke, and honeymoon in Paris. I never thought I would ever get to go there, but of
all the places in the world I want to be right now, this is where I want to be the most.” She paused as tears filled her eyes. “I love you, Logan Clarke.”

  “And I love you, my sweet, Jasmine. I promise to make you the happiest woman. Whether in Paris, or in your grandmother’s old log home.” He pulled her closer and sealed his promise with a kiss.

  The Surrogate

  Surrogate pregnancy…

  Eight months ago Jessi Macis was artificially inseminated as surrogate mother, never imaging it would land her with more than she bargained for. Giving her word and her eggs to help the man she pined for have the child he longed for would have been more than some could handle but Jessi did it because of their friendship.


  Doctor Michael Johnson’s divorce came as a huge surprise to him, but not nearly as big as the one when he realized he never truly loved his ex-wife. That he had always longed for the woman that stole his heart when he was just an intern. Now with a successful practice and twins on the way can he convince her he wants to be more than just the father to the twins?

  Christmas and babies…

  Add in the holiday season to the mess he created, will it be enough to soften her heart and bring the two together at last?

  Chapter One

  Jessi Macis white-knuckled her car into the driveway of the Johnson’s household thankful she made it there. During parts of the trip she thought the snow would get the best of her little car. Just shy of eight months pregnant, she had no desire to get stranded by the weather. She wouldn’t let the blizzard stand in the way of the commitment she made to spend the holidays and last few weeks of the pregnancy with the child’s parents.

  She pushed open the car door surprised no one had come outside. They should have been expecting her, especially since she was two hours late. There had been times she didn’t think she’d make it at all. The cold air whipped in swirling eddies sending shivers through her as she slogged through the snow to the house.


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