Chasing Jenna

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Chasing Jenna Page 21

by Micki Fredricks

  His other arm wrapped around my waist, pushing me toward the building, pinning me between the bricks and his body. I screamed into his hand. His face pressed hard against my cheek, whispering something in my ear, but I wasn’t going to calm down long enough to hear what this madman was trying to say. I knew what he wanted; he didn’t need to give me the play by play.

  I wildly threw my elbows and kicked behind me to escape his hold. I closed my eyes and arched my back as hard as I could, while attempting to rip my arms from him. When I felt two thuds on my side, I instinctively opened my eyes to see what had happened. It was Angel – he stood on his back legs with both paws on me.

  Startled enough to stop struggling, the person behind me took his opportunity and whispered in my ear, “It’s me, Marcus … don’t scream!”

  He dropped his hands and I lunged toward Angel, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face in his fur. Still holding onto Angel for the much needed comfort, I turned and looked up to where Marcus was standing. Angel nuzzled in closer and leaned his weight into me.

  “Are you crazy? Why would you do that to me? I thought you were Ryan. I thought you were going to kill me.” He leaned down, taking his shoes and socks off. He threw the socks at me and I pulled them over my bare feet while he put his shoes back on.

  “We have to go.” He reached down and grabbed my hand, helping me to my feet. “I drove by a carload of the Brothers over by the clock tower and got nervous that they recognized me. So I left the car and ran over here as fast as I could. Jenna, we have to find somewhere to go, there are too many people looking for you. We’re not safe out here.”

  “Back to the apartment?”

  He nodded his approval and I turned toward the street.

  “Wait,” he said as he grabbed my arm.

  I turned toward him, willing him to hurry with my eyes.

  “There’s something I need to tell you about Ryan.”

  Warning alarms sounded in my head and my entire body stiffened at the sound of his name.

  I yanked my arm from his grip and Angel growled a warning at him. “Don’t talk to me about Ryan! I don’t want to hear his name – do you understand me? We stood staring at each other, rain covering both of us. Silence filled our standoff as he contemplated his next words. My heart raced with anger and betrayal. How could he bring him up? His brother had just tried to kill me and what was I doing? Standing here, trusting him. How stupid could I be?

  “There’ something you need to know.” He said.

  I interrupted him, not wanting to hear anything he had to say about Ryan, “No, there is something you need to know. I survived your brother and I will survive you. If you have any ideas of hurting me, also know this, I will kill you without hesitation.”

  I walked past him to the back of the building and stole a glance around the corner to make sure no one was there. When I turned, his eyes were on me.

  “I would never hurt you.”

  I huffed out a sarcastic laugh and tried walking past him but he grabbed my arm. “Please Jenna, I need you to believe me.”

  I looked up into his blue eyes, the familiarity of them made my heart skip a beat, and pissed me off at the same time.

  “You aren’t the first Kitson brother to make that promise to me … forgive me if I am not one hundred percent trusting.” His eyes flashed understanding; he nodded once and dropped his hand.

  “Back at the house, you said you’d left something at the apartment I would need. What was it?”

  “I left the papers I found in your file. I tucked them between the mattress and the box springs.”

  I needed those papers. If there was any chance that I could get the police involved, or anyone to listen to me, I need some sort of proof of what was going on inside that house. Something solid, more than my word, because as Cale had so kindly pointed out, I was easily erased. I nodded my approval at him.

  “One more thing; there’s also a bag of money, new ID’s for us and a couple of guns.”

  My heart stopped and the world spun. I put my hand against the bricks to steady myself. It had never occurred to me there might be another option. I could run.


  The run back to the apartment was easier than I’d thought it would be. Less than an hour ago, I thought I was going to die, so I guess anything is easier than having someone beat the life out of you.

  Angel took the lead, scouting ahead and checking around all the buildings. I was confident no one would surprise me by jumping out; Angel would have them by the throat before they could touch me.

  So our biggest concern was the people on foot and in the cars. Since all the sane people had found somewhere to hide from the drizzle, which now resembled a light sleet, all we had to do was hide from the traffic.

  My feet were past the point of throbbing and had simply lost all feeling, but they somehow kept me upright and moving forward. My chest felt like a cement block had taken up residency on it, but I continued to suck in the frigid air, each breath harder than the last.

  We came out of a half-empty parking lot to the backside of the building I’d been calling home for the last week. I knew the only way to get to the apartment was through the alley where Angel and Becky had found me. My throat tightened at the thought of being out in the open with only an occasional dumpster to hide behind. Marcus and I stood with our backs to the building. We both desperately needed a rest.

  How’d you get all that stuff?” I took a deep breath and looked around the corner. It was dark and there were people sleeping next to the dumpster. The street was relatively quiet tonight, but the other end of the alley was brightly lit up from the stores across the street. Angel had already started trotting down the alley.

  “What? He asked in a breathy whisper.

  “The money, the guns, the ID’s – how did you get all of it?”

  “You can do a lot of things when you have the right amount of money.”

  I nodded at him.

  “But when, when did you do it?”

  Angel had circled back and the light tapping of his toenails grabbed my attention as he came back around the corner, obviously irritated we didn’t follow him the first time.

  “Let’s just get inside and I’ll tell you everything.” He nudged me with his arm, encouraging me into the open alley.

  We slid along the wall of the building quickly, trying to be as quiet as possible. I kept watch in front of us while Marcus kept his eyes behind us. We stepped over the people that slept by the dumpster and made our way to the edge of the alley. Knowing we were about to step into the light of the streets, I gave Marcus a pointed look – he nodded once and followed me out into the artificial light. We kept our eyes on the ground and ducked once again into the darkness of the building entrance. I stood bent over, my hands on my knees, trying to fight off the hyperventilation that threatened to take over. Marcus stood at the door, looking back and forth making sure no one was rushing into the building. His breathing echoed off the filthy walls. When he was sure no one was following us, he came over and rubbed my back softly until I could breathe again.

  I looked up the open staircases and wondered how I’d ever make it up that far. The warmth of the building made my frost-bitten feet burn.

  Marcus gave me a small smile, “Almost there.”

  We started up the stairs, staying close to the banister – once again with me leading and Marcus watching to make sure no one came in the front doors. Once we reached my floor, we moved so our backs were against the wall, still watching over the banister for anyone approaching.

  The hallway was empty except for the trash that lay along the wall between each apartment door. The darkness of the hall seemed almost inescapable and the grime and dust hung in the air like a blanket.

  “What if someone is in there?” My panic rising before I could control it. I turned toward Marcus and rocked back and forth – the room started to fade out. “I can’t do this.”

  “You stay with me.
Pull it together!” He shook both of my shoulders. I met his eyes and he whispered, “Please don’t leave me now – I need you.”

  I closed my eyes and took in a ragged breath. I saw Katie’s face – I could do this for her. I would live through this and bring her killers to justice. When I opened my eyes, I felt more in control. He looked at me with hopeful eyes and I nodded to him letting him know that I was okay. I turned toward my door and started down the hallway. We crept along, trying to avoid making any noise. As I stepped in front of Becky’s door, it opened. Her facial expression dropped and panic crossed her face. She started to slam her door but I stopped it with both hands.

  “Becky, wait!” She pushed against the door as I tried to keep it open. Suddenly, she stopped and the door flew open. Marcus’s fearful eyes darted back and forth between her and me, not knowing what to expect.

  “Please leave – I don’t want your kind of trouble.”

  “I’m not trying to get you in any trouble; I just wanted to know if you’ve seen anyone coming from my apartment?”

  She took in a deep breath and crossed her arms in front of herself as she glared at me. “No.”

  I nodded my head at her and stepped out of the doorway as she started to close the door.

  Before it was shut completely, she looked out and whispered, “Do you remember the advice I gave you that day?”

  I nodded my head and she shut the door.

  I stood staring at her closed door. Marcus leaned in and asked, “What advice did she give you?” Goosebumps rose all over my body as I her words sunk in.

  “She said, ‘when you live in a neighborhood like this, it’s very important to know exactly who your neighbors are, and then go about your business acting like you have no idea who your neighbors are.' We can’t trust her, we have to get our stuff and leave now!”

  I rushed to the apartment door and Marcus stepped in front of me, unlocking the door and pushing it wide open. Angel rushed in and jumped on the bed.

  “You get the bag, it’s in the shower - and I’ll get the paperwork.”

  I ran into the bathroom and pushed the shower curtain to the side – I gasped. It was there, just as he said it would be. There was several hand guns in the bag with what appeared to be a couple boxes of ammo. The guns lay on a bed of more money than I’d ever seen in my life.

  Sweat beaded on my forehead as I took the whole thing in. There it was the rest of my life in a black duffel bag. I adjusted the top gun so I could zip the bag, but noticed an envelope with my name on it. I recognized the handwriting right away … it was from Ryan. I tentatively reached for it, unsure if I wanted to know what was inside. I took a deep breath as I pulled out the hand written letter.

  Dear Jenna,

  If you are reading this letter, it means you are still alive and I’ve done my job. I now pass that responsibility to Marcus. He will keep you safe, I have to believe that. I know he’ll explain all of this to you, but I wanted you to hear it from me first.

  Jenna, I do love you. I know right now there isn’t a part of you that could ever believe it, but please try to understand … you are the most important thing in this world to me.

  When I was trained, I was told I would be a body guard. I believed my job would be to keep people safe. I never imagined what that actually meant.

  I became suspicious when Cale told me to spend as much time as possible with you. He said I should make sure you trusted me, but I could never tell you what my assignment really was. I decided to dig deeper into what the business side of The Brotherhood actually is.

  I put it all together the night I found you in the basement. A part of me always wondered if The Brotherhood’s business was illegal; but prostitution and high-end escorts? It makes my stomach turn to know what generations of my family have been involved in.

  I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you then, Jenna – I should have. I just wanted to protect you, and I thought if I could get enough information and go to the DCI myself, you would never have to be scared again. I wanted you to know I could and would protect you no matter what. I wanted you to believe I would always be the person that would come to save you.

  I went to Cale and pledged my loyalty to him. I promised him I would bring you in. I’m sorry; it was the only thing I could think of to keep off his radar.

  After we left Katie, I knew I was in over my head, so I spent the next day gathering everything in this bag. My plan was to go back for her that night and the four of us were going to disappear.

  I messed up Jen. I messed up badly and it got Katie killed. I had no idea they would do something like that. I should’ve never left her; I should’ve made her come with us.

  Marcus lost his mind when he found out about Katie, and I can’t blame him. I would’ve been the same way if something like that happened to you. The Brotherhood knew Marcus had been in the house and the kind of information he had. According to them, he had to die. They were crazy about trying to find him.

  Cale told me if I didn’t deliver you that night, they would not only kill my brother, but they would kill your mom. I was never a big fan of your mom, but I knew you wouldn’t want her harmed in any way.

  I’d planned on telling you everything that night, but when I got there and saw Marcus, I knew he wanted to kill me – and would if I didn’t do something – and that meant you both would be dead for sure.

  I panicked; I had to calm you both down. After I made you pass out, I waited until Marcus woke up and I explained everything; then we came up with a plan. We needed more information and more time.

  I would take you to Cale – I hated this part, Jenna … please believe me … this was not an easy option, it nearly killed me.

  I would sneak Marcus in and he would get you out of the house. Once the alarm goes off, everyone would rush to find you and I would grab all the information I could get from the files that Marcus had discovered.

  I plan to fax all the info to the main office of the DCI and hope someone important sees it. Then I will do whatever it takes to get close enough to Cale and kill him. He will pay for his part in Katie’s death. I will do this for you and for my brother. I don’t know how else to make it right.

  Marcus is to leave with you to help you start a new life. He knows what he needs to do. I understand that you’ll never want to see me again, and I can accept that – as long as I know you’re alive. I love you and you being alive and safe are the most important thing to me.

  Thank you for walking into my life that day. I’m forever changed because of you. Please understand my heart is broken and will never heal … it will never stop wanting you. No matter how long my life is, your face will always be the one I see every night, your love will be my craving, our memories always precious to me.

  This isn’t easy ... saying goodbye. Every part of me wants nothing but to be near you, to hold you, to love you – and to feel your love back. I’m sorry I failed you. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the one to come when you needed me the most.

  All of my heart,


  Marcus’s arms were suddenly around me. I turned in toward him, grabbing onto his shirt.

  “We have to go get him,” I pleaded.

  He shook his head, “No. He doesn’t want that, Jenna.”

  I started struggling and he tightened his arms around me. “They will kill him,” I yelled as I pounded against his chest. “There’s no way he’ll get close enough to Cale to kill him. As soon as they figure out you’re the one who took me, they will know he helped you. They will torture and kill him.”

  He was silent, avoiding my eyes. “You know that don’t you? He knew that! What did he do Marcus? What did you both do?”

  He grabbed my face in his hands and made me look at him. “Yes, he knew that, we both knew it. The only way to get close enough to possibly kill Cale was to get caught. He knew they would start looking for him as soon as they knew it was me that came for you.”

  My legs buckled and Marcus caught me.

�He’s dead isn’t he?”

  Marcus laid his head on top of mine. “Maybe the DCI got there first or maybe he was able to get Cale alone or …” his voice cracked and faded out.


  He just shook his head against mine and I knew – Ryan was dead.

  There are times in your life when reality is just too painful and even your own heart can’t allow you to feel it. I held Marcus as he cried – I felt nothing. I was completely broken. I closed my eyes – a thought crossed my mind. I reached around Marcus and grabbed a gun. I watched the light reflect off the cold, gray metal as I lifted it to my head and pressed it against my temple.

  “What the hell, Jenna,” Marcus screamed as he pushed me against the sink and pulled the gun from my hand. I looked at him with no emotion … I wanted to die.

  “You don’t get to do that!”

  My body started to shake.

  “My brother died so he could save your life. You don’t get to do that!” he said again. Tears suddenly started and ran in steady steams down each side of my face. I pushed him away from me and he fell against the opposite wall, just as defeated as I was.

  I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway, stopping in front of Becky’s door. I banged as hard as I could until she opened it with the chain attached. Her eyes were crazy with panic.

  “Come with us,” I said.

  “What? No, go away!” She started to close the door and I pushed against it.

  “We have money and guns. Come with us – we can save you from this life.”

  She paused, staring at me through the slit in the door. “Why?”

  I dropped my eyes to the floor. My chest heaving with the heaviness of what I knew I was going to say next. “Because, someone saved me from this kind of life and I want to save you too.”

  Marcus was suddenly behind me. “We have to go now.”

  I looked at Becky again. “This is your one chance. Please, come with us.”


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