Writing the Wolf: A wolf shifter paranormal romance (Wolves of Crookshollow Book 2)

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Writing the Wolf: A wolf shifter paranormal romance (Wolves of Crookshollow Book 2) Page 8

by Steffanie Holmes

  I was so slick and wet from my orgasm that his huge length slid inside me with one single stroke. I sighed as I filled up with him, our bodies becoming one.

  I rose up on my knees, drawing myself up along his whole length, before slamming my body back down, grinding him deep inside me. Caleb grabbed my thighs, his forearm muscles tightening as he controlled my movements, gliding his glorious cock up inside me as I slammed my pelvis down against him. I struggled to hold his shoulders as we bucked against the bed, my breath coming out in short, sharp gasps.

  This was unlike any sex I’d had before. This was wild, primal, wolfish. I wasn’t lying back, letting the man take control. Instead, I was on top, forcing him to go harder, faster, deeper. And the way Caleb was looking at me, his eyes heavy with lust, I could tell he was loving every minute of it.

  I rode him hard, and he rose to the challenge, reaching up to stroke my breasts as he slammed his cock inside me. The bed creaked dangerously as he pounded against me.

  The ache inside me swelled again, leaping through my limbs, rising right through my body and pounding against my skull. My pleasure roared in my ears, a beast that could not be tamed. I dug my fingers into Caleb’s shoulders as a second orgasm tore through me, the ache becoming a roaring fire as it burned me up in his arms.

  When I could focus on Caleb again, his face was tight with concentration, his jaw set in a determined line. His hands gripped me hard, and I could feel his muscles tensing. He was close. I grinned down at him. “Come for me, Caleb,” I cried, surprised at myself. I sounded like some movie harlot, and I loved it.

  His eyes grew wide, and he clenched his jaw as a shudder rocketed through his body. Inside of me, his cock tensed, jerking as he came.

  Caleb’s face relaxed, and his grip on me softened. He collapsed back against the pillows, and I collapsed against him, my body spent. He wrapped one strong arm over my shoulders, his fingers tracing circles on my back. Delicious shivers followed the trail of his touch.

  “That was …” he huffed, squeezing my shoulders.

  “Yeah.” I leaned my cheek against his shoulder, draping my arm across him, my dark skin standing out against his tattooed chest. We looked like we fit together.

  So that was sex with a werewolf. Apparently, I had no idea what I’d been missing.



  Rosa’s eyelids fluttered shut, and in minutes she was snoring on my shoulder, a thin line of drool extending from her mouth onto my chest. That was totally adorable.

  This woman is amazing. I can’t believe she’s mine.

  My own eyelids grew heavy, but I couldn’t allow myself to sleep. That’s exactly what Angus and Robbie were waiting for. I wondered if Robbie was still outside, peering in the window at us. If so, we’d given him one hell of a show.

  I stared at the ceiling, counting the nails in the timber frame, and thought about how bloody lucky I was.

  I’d never expected to find my mate. Many werewolves went their whole life without meeting theirs. It was pretty hard to date women when I had to constantly hide in the wilderness in case I accidentally bit them. I’d fucked a lot of girls, had a lot of fun, meaningless sex, but I never stuck around afterward. I’d never actually wanted to talk to those girls. This … this was something else.

  Now that I had Rosa, I wanted nothing else but to be with her constantly. At least, thanks to my stepbrothers, I was able to do just that. I just wished it wasn’t at the expense of a price on her head, or my mother’s head.

  I hope you’re okay out there, Mum. I knew she couldn’t hear my thoughts over this distance, but I hoped all the same. I know you’re tough, but whatever the Bairds are planning, it’s not gonna be good. I’ll find a way to get out of this, I promise you.

  Moonlight streamed across the bed through the curtain-less window. Now that all the sexual tension had been released from my body, the wolf within me itched against my skin. The full moon was only three nights away. Would I be able to remain by her side in my full wolf form, or would I be a danger to her without my human emotions? When I lived with the Macleans, we always stayed away from humans during the full moon shift, even mates, with good reason. Once, Robbie was late back from a drop in Aberdeen, and he got caught on the road during his shift, crashed his bike into a tree, and nearly devoured the kind old couple who stopped to help him. Douglas had to go threaten the couple so they wouldn’t talk to the press.

  Harsh, yes, but that was the reality in a werewolf gang. It was a pretty lonely existence, especially if your pack didn’t accept you.

  My mother wasn’t even safe around us. She kept a small flat near the university in Aberdeen where she and the other mates would stay during the moon. But then, she wasn’t Douglas’ fated mate. She was a widow with a werewolf cub, and he was a powerful alpha whose previous mate had been killed in a gang fight. He needed a woman by his side to maintain his power. Their marriage was a bond for survival, for both of them.

  So I had no way of knowing what would happen to Rosa when the full moon took me, and I had to find out soon, because I couldn’t exactly leave Rosa alone while I answered the call of nature.

  This was the kind of question I wished I could ask my father. But of course, I didn’t have a father. Never really did. I wasn’t even born when he died, and Douglas treated me more like a thorn in his paw than a son.

  Luke will be here today, and Anna is his fated mate. I can ask him then, when Rosa isn’t listening, of course.

  I glanced down at Rosa, wondering again if I should tell her that she was my fated mate. It would be better for her to have all the information, especially if my stepbrothers got their hands on her.

  They won’t get her. I won’t allow it.

  I remembered the hurt in her eyes when I’d asked her about her cat; whenever she talked about her previous life. I knew someone had cut her so deep, she didn’t know how to heal. Telling her we were destined to be together was not the way to heal her. It would send her running faster than a wolf in heat.

  I clutched Rosa tighter. That was the last thing I wanted.

  The sun rose, and the pull of the moon faded a little. It was always easier to ignore it during the day. I slid my body out from beneath Rosa, leaving her to sleep while I grilled bacon and made eggs in the tiny kitchen. As I was cracking the eggs into a bowl, one slipped through my fingers and splattered on the floor, half of the sticky insides going all over my bare foot.

  Screwing my face up as egg ran through my toes, I stepped back, right onto Rosa’s shirt that I’d thrown across the floor last night in what now turned out to be a very misguided gesture of passion.

  My other foot flew out from beneath me, and I went down. I landed hard on my ass on the floor. As I was still holding the egg carton at the time, it popped open. I watched three eggs sail in the air above my head before all three crashed down around me, splattering their wobbly contents across the floor.

  I hope Rosa didn’t see that.

  Behind me, someone clapped slowly. I whirled around. Rosa was sitting up in bed, grinning that wild grin of hers. Her hair stuck out in all angles from her head, like some kind of voodoo goddess. She’d seen every glorious moment. Of course she had.

  “Breakfast and a show.” She smiled sleepily as I picked myself up.

  “Eat quickly.” I handed her the one intact plate of food, and started to mop up the mess. “We need to go pick up Luke from the airport.”

  “Did he bring Anna?” Rosa asked, her eyes widening. She forked a huge piece of bacon into her mouth and chewed. “I would love to get another woman’s take on dating a werewolf.”

  “Are we dating, are we?”

  Rosa’s face reddened. She put down her plate, and stared at her hands. “That wasn’t what I meant to say,” she mumbled.

  “No taking it back now. We can be dating, if you like.”

  She shook her head. “No, we can’t. Don’t get me wrong, Caleb. Last night was … well, you know what it was. But I can’t be with anyon
e right now, least of all a shapeshifting werewolf.”

  Disappointment surged through me. I thought that after last night – which she had initiated, much to my surprise and delight – we’d be able to move onto something more serious, and she’d be able to open up to me about her problems, and then maybe I could tell her about us. But it appeared I’d misjudged the situation.

  You let me into your bed, Rosa, and it was fucking amazing. Why won’t you let me into your heart?

  “Okay, fine.” I shrugged, making my face impassive, trying not to let her see that I was hurt. “Whatever you want. Fuck buddies, then. Isn’t that what the kids are calling it these days?”

  “I prefer, ‘It’s complicated.’” Rosa picked up her plate again and took another huge bite.

  Complicated was right. I’d finally met the woman of my dreams, but she didn’t want to be with me.

  After breakfast, we walked down the forest path to Rosa’s car. I kept my nose in the air the entire way, parsing the nocturnal activities from the scent paths in the air.

  “Are they still here?” Rosa whispered, her hand seeking out mine.

  “Robbie is,” I whispered back, squeezing her hand. “He’s about fifty metres behind us, in the trees. Don’t turn around and look at him, though. I don’t think he’ll attack us, not by himself. But I don’t want him to know we know he’s there. Let him think I’m an idiot; it makes things much easier for us.”

  The conversation I’d had with Robbie replayed over in my head as Rosa drove us out of Crookshollow toward London. The more I thought on it, the more certain I was that he was making that offer of his own accord. What had made him do that? It was so completely out of character for my little stepbrother. Was he trying to stand up to Angus?

  London was a nightmare, as usual. We hit the M25 during a huge traffic jam. My wolf blood bubbled beneath my veins. It hated being trapped in a car like this, hemmed in on all sides by people honking and shouting. Someone tried to cut in front of us, and I growled out the window so ferociously he pulled right back in again.

  Rosa patted my knee. “Down, boy. We’re not far away.”

  “I fucking hate London,” I growled.

  “Newsflash – everyone on this motorway hates London. Now, come on. We’re going to see your brother. That’s exciting, isn’t it?” She turned down the off-ramp toward Heathrow and immediately slammed on her brakes as she joined a long line of traffic.

  “We should’ve made him rent a car and come up to us.”

  “Now, now. Wolves who behave get a treat at the end of the day,” Rosa cooed, her hand snaking up my knee, between my legs, stroking me through the thick fabric.

  Oh, fuck. Just the feel of her hand made me hard. “Shouldn’t you concentrate on driving?”

  “We’re not going anywhere.” With one hand, Rosa undid the zipper and took out my cock. She wrapped her hand around it, swirling her finger around the tip, collecting the pre-cum that had already leaked out. She used that to lubricate her hand as she stroked me slowly, taking her time as she inched the car forward a few feet.

  This is so fucking hot. All those fools sitting in their cars around us, no idea that the hottest fucking lass in the world was giving me a handjob right beside them.

  “The light’s green,” I moaned, as the car behind us honked loudly.

  “Fuck!” Rosa let go of me and drove through the lights, rounding another corner and then we were back to idling behind another long line of traffic turning into the Heathrow carpark. “Where was I?”

  “Your hand was on my cock and you were—” Words failed me as she wrapped those long fingers around my shaft and continued her slow, steady rhythm, watching the road carefully as we crept up to the lot. Her grip never faltered, and the steady rhythm sent heat rushing all through my body.

  Rosa pulled into a park and turned the car off. “Now you can have my full attention.” She grinned, bending down. Her lips wrapped around my head, sliding down my shaft as she took all of me into her mouth. She felt hot and wet and so, so good.

  I gripped the car seat as she worked me like an expert, applying just the right amount of pressure, her hand working my shaft while her tongue circled my head. She changed her grip, drawing me right back into her throat. Her hair bounced up and down as she sucked me right back, and I could feel the warmth of her mouth all around me.

  Her wild hair bobbed up and down in my lap, obscuring my view of her. I kept my eyes straight ahead, trying to keep up the pretence I was just one of them, not the luckiest guy in the world, getting a blowjob in the middle of the Heathrow carpark. People wheeled their luggage and chased after their children in front of our car, completely oblivious.

  This was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

  The heat in my body rushed towards my cock. My muscles tensed, my stomach sank.

  “Rosa … Rosa, I’m about to—” She increased the pressure in her hand, and let out a little mewling sound in the back of her throat. It was too much. I groaned as I came in her mouth, shuddering as a wave of pleasure coursed through my veins.

  “Rosa,” I moaned, my hand falling against her hair. That was the best head I’d ever had. Hands down, no contest.

  She sat up, wiping the edge of her mouth with a tissue from the dispenser on the dashboard. She’d swallowed everything.

  “Hopefully now you’ll have at least one good memory of London traffic,” she said, grinning.

  “Get in the back,” I growled.

  “But why—”

  “I want you. Right now.”

  “What about your cousin?”

  “He can wait. Get in the back.” My cock was already getting hard again, just thinking about her naked and writhing beneath me on the backseat.

  “Don’t be silly.” She opened her door and swung her luscious legs out of the car. “We don’t want to keep Luke waiting.”

  “Rosa—” The word came out more whiny than I’d intended.

  “Chop chop!” She was already trotting across the parking lot, smoothing down her maxi dress over her gorgeous ass.

  “You—” I frantically zipped up my pants and scrambled out of the car after her. Rosa laughed as she darted away from me. “You devil woman!”

  “Keep up, wolf-boy!” Rosa yelled from over by the pay machines. I heard her deep, thundering laugh, and it made me break out into an enormous smile. I raced after her, not wanting to let her out of my sight for a second.

  Now that I’ve found a girl more awesome than I ever dreamed of, I’m not about to let her get away, even if she doesn’t realise it herself yet.

  Even though the airport was insanely crowded, and foreign elbows kept finding their way into my ribcage, and a family was walking at a snail’s pace in front of us with not one but three bawling children, I didn’t even care. It was as though I was walking through a fluffy cloud. That’s what being with Rosa did to me.

  We only had to wait twenty minutes at the arrivals gate before I saw Luke running toward us, a small rucksack slung over his shoulder. He was wearing a Yale University sweatshirt, and his dark hair was pulled up beneath a Yale baseball cap.

  “You getting a cut of the Yale merchandise, bro?” I asked as we did that macho-half-hug-back-pat thing.

  He grinned. “Anna, of course. She’s pretty excited about being at an Ivy League university. Try to tell her there is anything outside of Yale, and you’ll wish you’d never opened your mouth. I think our baby is going to come out singing the Bulldogs’ fight song.”

  “How far along is she?”

  “Five months, thirteen days, seventeen cases of extra spicy chorizo, which she eats with peanut butter.” Luke wrinkled his nose.

  “I’ve heard that if a pregnant woman craves spicy food, you’re more likely to have a boy,” Rosa piped up. That was just the right thing to say to Luke. He beamed, and stretched out his hand to greet her.

  “This is Rosa Parker,” I said. “We’re …” I wanted to tell my brother what she was, but I couldn’t, not in
front of Rosa, not when she wasn’t even comfortable with the title of “girlfriend.” “ … my friend. She’s the one I need your help to guard.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Luke shook her hand. “Let’s get back to Crookshollow. I’m dying to see the old haunt again. You can tell me more about your wolf problem in the car. How are the caves?”

  “They’re still there, but unfortunately, so are the archaeologists.” Luke had left me responsible for keeping watch over our ancestral home. So far, I’d marked several of our territorial boundaries around the forest, but I hadn’t been able to get near the caves again. The archaeologists who’d found the cave paintings that caused me to come to Crookshollow in the first place were convinced that more important Neolithic treasures lay buried inside. I patrolled the area as best I could. So far, no other wolves had come to challenge our rights to the area.

  “They’ll leave at the end of the summer, when the season finishes,” Luke said. “Then we’ll have the place to ourselves. Anna and I are going to come back when the baby’s born, and have a naming ceremony on the site. I’m hoping Clara will perform it for us.”

  “I’m sure she’d love to.” Clara was an old witch who ran a crystal and witchcraft shop on the Crookshollow high street. She made all sorts of potions and pills to help werewolves manage their shifts, and she’d helped Luke identify the mysterious black wolf that was terrorising his Anna. I’d been visiting her regularly since I came to Crookshollow, and was even friendly with her two fox-shifter sons, Ryan and Marcus.

  During the ride back to Crookshollow, Luke sat in front. I wanted to tell him what Rosa and I had done on that seat, but it seemed a rude thing to do to a jet-lagged man who’d just travelled halfway around the world to help us out. In between arguing about which radio station to listen to (Luke liked drum ’n bass, I wanted heavy metal), I filled him in on the situation with the Maclean pack and Angus and Robbie’s attack. Rosa kept her eyes on the road. Her hands gripped the wheel a little tighter when I mentioned my stepbrothers’ plan.


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