From This Moment

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From This Moment Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Sometimes, you leave me speechless. Not that I’ve had that many, but that was most certainly the best. I can’t move.” Cade still has a spent grin on his handsome face.

  “I think I’m going to shower, then you can go next. If you come in there with me, we won’t be out anytime soon, and I promised Jake I’d go into town with him sometime this morning,” I murmur, completely satisfied.

  “I’ll go shower in my room and meet you downstairs for breakfast, because if I stay here, I’ll end up in that shower with you.” Cade starts pulling his sweats and tee shirt on.

  “Cade, wait. I need to tell you about Nick.”

  He meets my eyes. “I know, sweetheart. I rang Daniel last night after talking to you. He told me what Nick threatened you with and what he said. Daniel is holding him for now as there is apparently some interest by law enforcement from out of town, wanting to talk to him. From what I can gather he’s in big trouble so he’s going nowhere anytime soon.”

  “Oh boy! Okay. Let’s shower. I don’t want to think about him anymore.” I notice the hopeful look on Cade’s face. “Separately,” I add.

  He winks at me. “I knew that!”

  I hear Cade sigh as I climb out of bed and stand before him. Reaching out, he caresses my hips slowly before moving up toward my breasts, and as he cups them, he places kisses on each nipple. I moan. He curves his hands under my butt and seals our lips together.

  “You’re lethal, Rona. I need to get out of here before I wrestle you to the floor.”

  “Go on with you then.” I kiss him, before pulling away to head for the shower.


  After a quick shower in my room, I head downstairs to make breakfast for us. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m looking forward to the day, and all because I’m in love with a beautiful woman who loves me back. I can’t stop grinning.

  Jake is already eating when I arrive in the kitchen. Looking up, he frowns with his bagel half way to his mouth. “I thought you were in Denver?”

  “I was until Rona told me what happened yesterday morning.” Pouring a cup of coffee, I continue, “She tried not to let on, but she was really upset. I managed to get a flight and arrived home around two this morning.”

  “Has she told you what Nick said?”

  “She was about to, but I told her I already knew. I rang Daniel last night after speaking to Rona. He told me what was going on.”

  “So is Rona all right now?” Jake asks, continuing to eat his bagel.

  I can’t help smiling like an idiot. “Yes, she’s fine, although a bit tearful.”

  Jake, with a slight smirk, brings his plate and cup to the dishwasher. “I really don’t want to know why you’re grinning like that, but on another note, what about work? Don’t you have a meeting this afternoon?”

  “I have a message from John saying they’re going to set up a conference call at one to deal with the client. It could take most of the afternoon, though.”

  “Morning.” Rona has joined us. “What will take most of the afternoon?” she asks.

  As she walks over to me, I put my arm around her. “I have a conference call with work. Perhaps it would be a good idea if you still go into town with Jake, but this afternoon instead of this morning, although I will make sure Nick is still behind bars first, okay?”

  “If it’s still okay with Jake, then that’s fine,” she says, while trying to slip her hand into the back of my jeans.

  “Fine by me. I’ll pick you up at about one,” Jake says, leaving the kitchen.

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Moving in close to Rona, I take her face between my hands and smooth my thumbs along her cheekbones. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “I was good from the moment you climbed into bed with me,” she murmurs against my lips before she seals them in a kiss.


  After a breakfast of bagels and coffee, spending most of the morning lying on the sofa and listening to music with Cade’s arms wrapped around me is amazing. Well, what more could I ask? Dublin, the wedding, my life before I came to Jackson Hole seems like a distant memory or a story that happened to someone else. This feels like home to me and my resolve not to return to Dublin is stronger than ever.

  “Cade, I need to tell you something.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “After the fiasco in Dublin, I resigned from my job and gave my apartment up. Anything that wouldn’t fit into my suitcase, I gave to charity. So at least for now, I don’t have any intention of returning to Ireland unless it’s for a vacation. I’m basically homeless.”

  After a brief pause, he says, “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. You can stay here.” He looks so happy.

  “Cade, you do know I can afford my own home? I don’t mean I want to buy my own home. I’m just pointing out that I can. I love you and never want to leave. I just don’t want you thinking I’m using you for free accommodation.”

  He laughs. “I love you too, and if I have my way you’ll never leave here.” He kisses me.

  “We really need to tell Anna and Beth. I don’t like hiding from them.”

  “I don’t either,” he assures. “Give it a couple of days and I’ll talk to them.”

  “Okay, but we will talk to them.”

  Chapter 13


  Heading into town with Jake is fun, especially since I can’t stop grinning. He keeps passing sly glances toward me, which has me turning away to the window to hide my grin. He knows his dad and I have spent the night together, so I’m not sure what he wants me to say.

  I turn back to him and decide to ask, “What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing!”

  He sighs. “It’s not you and my dad. I’m really pleased for you both.” He quickly glances at me, and then turns his attention to the road ahead. “Elise was supposed to call the whole engagement thing off with Tom, but so far she hasn’t. I don’t know what the hell to make of it.”

  “Can’t you give her a bit of time? She only mentioned this to me yesterday.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes. And I think you need to give her a couple of days, instead of hours. It can’t be easy for her.”

  “I’ll try. I’ve waited a long time to get her back so I suppose a couple more days can’t harm anyone. At least she knows I’m not planning on leaving her this time around.” Jake still sounds upset. “I mean, I’ve told her everything about my injury and how I feel about her so you don’t think she’s pretending to get back at me for what I did to her when I chose the Marines, do you?”

  “Elise doesn’t come across as though she’d do that. But if in doubt, I suggest you kidnap her. Whisk her away somewhere romantic and show her just how serious you are.” Jake looks shocked. “You need to take her somewhere secluded so that it’s just the two of you,” I stress.

  “Are you mad?”

  I laugh. “I probably am.” Then more seriously, I add, “Don’t let her go without a fight, Jake. You’ll regret it if you do.”

  The rest of the drive passes in silence. I really need to think of a way to help Jake. I wonder if something has changed since Elise spoke to me yesterday. There’s no way I mistook her feelings for Jake. Not with the way she reacted to me kissing him goodbye.

  Jake and his problems will have to wait though, because we’re approaching town and I could do with Jake pulling over soon.

  “Would you mind if I do a bit of shopping first? I wouldn’t mind some more clothes. I don’t have that many. I think I need something sexy to surprise your dad.”

  “Did I really need to know that?”

  I laugh. “I couldn’t resist.”

  “Let me find a spot to pull over. There’s a boutique thing on the other side of the road that Beth loves.”

  “Thanks, Jake.”

  He pulls over for me and I quickly jump out of the truck while the guy in the car behind us honks with impatience.


  After pu
rchasing a selection of clothes and boots, I’m struggling outside with my bags, when I bump into Elise.

  “Elise, hi.” She turns to look at me—in tears—and I gasp in surprise. “Are you okay?” I ask, though I can see she isn’t.

  I take hold of her arm. “What’s wrong? Come sit with me a minute.”

  She seems reluctant to talk as she sniffles into a tissue. I’m so surprised to bump into her while she’s in such a state. I’d even go as far as to suggest that she has no idea that she’s actually crying.

  “I can’t go on like this, Rona. I’m so in love with Jake that I fear I’m going to lose him if I make him wait any longer.”

  “Oh, Elise. Jake is impatient, but he can wait. I mean he’s made you wait for years so what’s a few days?”

  I’m not that good with relationships since my previous one seemed to be as fake as the eyelashes on a drag queen, and I have no idea where that thought came from.

  “The truth is I’m frightened of telling Tom.” Elise dabs at her eyes and looks to me with a pleading expression on her face. “He’s changed so much, Rona. He wasn’t like he is now when we first met. Now I’m afraid he’ll do something to me if I tell him I can’t marry him.”

  So not good.

  “Then maybe you should say all this to Jake. I know it could get awkward, but he needs to be there with you. At least then you’ll feel more secure.”

  “I don’t want Jake there because if he gets wind that I’m frightened of Tom, I just know he’ll do something.”

  “Well, what about me?” I suggest.

  “What about you?” Elise suddenly realizes what I’m referring to. “No way. Look, I’m probably just imagining this. I need to build up the strength to tell him. To get it out of the way once and for all.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Elise pulls herself together. “I’m sure.”

  Then I have a sudden thought. “Tom isn’t living with you, is he?”

  “Oh God, no. He stays with his sister, Grace, when he’s in town. She’s really nice, but kind of shy. Total opposite of her brother.”

  Moving closer to her, I gently grip her arm in an effort to comfort her and as a way to stop the tears flowing freely from her eyes.

  “You know what you have to do. Jake loves you, and I know you love him. Don’t you?”

  She nods her head. “Yes.”

  Mopping up her tears, she looks at me. “I need to go, thanks for talking with me.” She glances back at me. “It’s Cade who has your attention, isn’t it?”

  “I . . . it’s . . . wow, yes. I’m in love with him. He’s everything to me. How did you know?”

  “Sorry, but I’m afraid I overheard you talking on the phone to him at Anna’s. You were so involved with your conversation you didn’t see me walk through to the kitchen.”

  My heart sinks. “Please don’t say anything to anyone. We want to be the ones to tell Anna and Beth.”

  “I won’t, but I really need to go.” Then she hesitates a moment. “Take care, Rona. I promise not to say anything.”

  I sigh in relief. “Elise. Please don’t break Jake’s heart. He needs you.”

  Hell, I hope she listens to me. I also hope she’s mistaken about Tom’s reaction because that has me worried.

  “Was that Elise?” Jake asks, surprising me. I’m in a world of my own.


  He sits down next to me. Leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees, he asks, “What did you say?”

  I offer a wry smile. “I asked her to not break your heart. She really loves you, Jake. Just give her a few days, okay?”

  He sighs. “I hear you. C’mon, we better head back. Dad called to let me know the snowstorm is moving in, and you left your cell at home.”

  “Could you give me a hand first? Please.” I ask Jake, as he starts to walk toward his truck.

  He turns back. “Shit! Those all yours? Did you leave anything in the store?”

  I grin at him. “Ha ha, very funny.”

  The closer to home we get, the heavier the snow has become. It’s amazing to look at, especially as we start up the drive to the house. Wow! When the house comes into view, it’s beautiful. I’m so excited. I love snow.


  I’m just about to pour a cup of coffee when I hear Jake’s truck stop outside. It always has a distinct shuddering noise, which is how Anna’s dogs know Jake’s at their house.

  Opening the front door though, I’m surprised to find so much snow already. Out here in the mountains snow can creep up on a person, but no matter how long I’ve lived here, it always surprises me. The next thing I see is Rona jumping out of the truck, laughing and running to me as she becomes covered in snow. The conditions are nearly a white-out from falling so heavily.

  God, how I love this woman.

  Reaching me, she throws herself into my arms and plants a very wet, hot kiss on my lips. “I missed you and thought about you the whole time I was buying lingerie.” She gives me a wicked grin.

  “Do I get a fashion show?” I ask, heading toward the truck with her to get her bags.

  “Maybe,” she smirks.

  As I pull her bags from the truck, Jake climbs back behind the wheel. “Where are you going?” I ask him. “This snow is getting bad.”

  “I just got a call from Mack, he needs help with something. I’m heading over there.” Then he says with a grin directed at the both of us, “I’ll probably be out for dinner as well.”

  “Drive safely.”

  No doubt as soon as he pulls away he’ll be rolling his eyes at my comment. I always worry about him—par for the course of being a father.

  Returning to the house, I can’t believe how many bags of shopping Rona has.

  “Did you leave anything for anyone else?” I laugh.

  “Of course, silly!” She takes her coat and boots off and leaves them on the stand by the door.

  Walking over to me, she wraps herself around my waist. I bring my arms up around her shoulders, dropping my chin to the top of her head. “Are you doing okay, sweetheart?”

  “Mmm, I really enjoyed coming home to you.”

  I press her against me. “I enjoyed being here when you came home, and most of all I love that you feel so comfortable here with me to call it home. It will be as long as you want it to be.”

  “Thank you.” She looks up at me, and I kiss her before pulling away.

  “Why don’t you go and get a coffee? It’s freshly brewed. I’ll take these upstairs.”

  “Great, thanks.”


  Heading over to pour a cup of coffee, I look out of the kitchen window to see how beautiful everything looks covered in snow. I’m really looking forward to taking some pictures and building a snowman. Maybe I’ll get the chance tomorrow.

  Cade comes back downstairs. Walking over to me, he caresses my hair, free falling down my back. “Since we’re better off staying indoors, is there anything you want to do?”

  With a grin, I reply, “For now, I would love to curl up on that sofa with you and watch the snow fall.”

  Cade takes my hand and pulls me over to the sofa, settling down with me in his arms.

  After thirty minutes of lying peacefully watching the snow, I find myself rubbing my hand over his stomach as I enjoy the heat of him. I love the way we can be together without sex, but right now, my libido is asking for more than a cuddle. I climb off Cade. “I’m just going upstairs for a few minutes.” I kiss him quickly on the lips. “Back in five.”

  Entering my room, I realize how much I’ve bought. After rifling through the bags, I finally come across the backless red dress with the aim of seducing Cade. I pin my hair up and have a quick shower.

  Heading back into the bedroom, I step into the halter-style dress, completely backless right to the top of my bottom. The smallest movement will cause the dress to swish slightly, enough to give Cade a view of the crease between. It’s short in length, finishing a few inches below the tops of my th
ighs. Paired with killer red heels, I’m going to leave Cade speechless. Not to mention what it will do to him when he realizes I have no panties on.

  Taking a deep breath, I head down the stairs, holding onto the banister for support.

  I reach the lounge, only to find Cade asleep on the sofa. Not for long, though!

  Remembering Cade’s fantasy about the table, I walk over to the dining table and strike a pose in front of it.

  Seductively, I call, “Cade, it’s time to wake up.”


  Hearing Rona’s voice I come quickly to my senses, opening my eyes to a vision in red.

  Struck dumb, I admire her very long legs sporting ‘dangerous shoes’ and the shortest dress I’ve ever seen. She’s obviously not wearing a bra as her nipples are outlined in red silk.

  I move toward her with a growing erection going on in my sweats.

  She’s smiling. “Do you like?”

  “Oh, yes! Can’t you tell?” I smooth my hand over my swollen body part.

  Licking her lips, she watches my hand. I just hope I don’t lose it before I get my sweats off. She looks sexy as hell and her mind is obviously set on seduction.

  Rona turns slowly, showing me her naked back, and her very shapely bottom through the clingy silk. Holy hell! She keeps moving, flashing the top of her bottom. God, I didn’t think it was possible to get any harder!

  She faces me again with a sexy smile on her face. “I think you should know—that is, if you don’t already—I’m wearing nothing under this little scrap of fabric.” She touches the silk and slides her hands down to emphasize her point.

  It takes a minute for my befuddled brain to register the fact—she’s not wearing any underwear.

  At this point, I just lose it. Taking the remaining steps to Rona, I caress her neck with fingers desperate to touch her naked skin, and fuse our lips together. “You look amazing.” I laugh. “Hell, you nearly have me coming in my pants, without even touching you!”


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