From This Moment

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From This Moment Page 23

by Lexi Buchanan

  I wrap my arms around his waist. “In a couple of days. In fact, the night before we leave, we’re having a dinner here, just us with Jake and Elise.” I lift my face for his kiss.

  A frown still mars his forehead as he pushes some hair, which has come loose from my up do, behind my ear. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  I offer him a wry smile. “I really am fine. I’m just so glad that Nick is behind bars. Let’s forget about him for now.” I pinch Cade’s rear.

  “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart,” Cade growls.

  This is a good enough distraction.

  I look into his eyes and my heart pounds.

  “You’re sure about this ‘no sex’ thing?” Cade pulls me in closer.

  I feel his erection.

  I kiss him on the chest. “Yes, I’m sure, although, by then I’m going to be frustrated as you.”

  “Hey, we could join the mile high club,” Cade jokes. At least, I think he’s joking.

  I groan. “Please don’t put ideas in my head, Cade. I have enough already.”

  Raising his eyebrow, he lifts me onto the countertop. “What kind of ideas? Anything,” he kisses my lips, “involving a breakfast bar?” Each word is punctuated with a kiss as he makes his way down my neck.

  A moan bursts from between my lips as a coil of heat spreads from each point he kisses. He opens my legs and slides his hands up my thighs, landing on my butt before pulling me in close to his groin, and the hardness hidden by the fabric of his sweats.

  “Cade.” I moan. “We really have to stop, because all I can think about is getting you inside me.” He slams his mouth down on mine sucking my tongue, and my words, deeper into his mouth. My arms snake around his neck as my fingers run through his hair.

  Cade shivers and presses against me. He feels so good and smells delicious—of cologne and man. An aphrodisiac. His tongue is all over the inside of my mouth, tasting me. His hands are on my butt and my legs are wrapped around his waist as we grind wildly against each other.

  He works his hand up inside my top, caressing first one breast, then the other, sending shock waves straight through me. Undoing the front clasp of my bra, he removes his mouth from mine and finds my breast. Licking, then sucking and nibbling on me, he alternates from one breast to the other. Goose bumps break out all over my arms and shoulders, and my nipples pucker up even more as my breasts swell with need.

  His erection is long and hard as it rubs against me, just in the right spot. I start to whimper. “Cade . . . oh God . . . yes.”

  A powerful orgasm crashes through me. Cade growls in my ear and sends shivers of delight over my body. Tiny tremors rip through me as I feel his dick jerk against me before he holds me pressed against him, breathing heavily.

  My whole body feels like a wet noodle, and my arms drop down from around his back, but I catch my hands on the back of his sweats so I can keep him close.

  He groans before giving me a quick kiss. “I’m forty-five and should be able to control myself. Only teenagers are supposed to come in their shorts.”

  I smirk. “That’s what happens when you try to instigate sex when I said ‘no sex.’ But we didn’t really have sex as there was no penetration, although we both had an orgasm.” I smile, trying not to laugh at the look on his face. “What do you think, honey? Did we break the rule?”

  “What I think is that you need to stop talking about penetration and orgasm, because, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m ready again. I want nothing more than to carry you upstairs to make sure penetration happens.” He rubs his hidden, but aroused dick against me.

  “Oh my.” My heart starts to race.

  He bursts out laughing. “Oh my, is that all you have to say about my condition?”

  “You’re big.”

  He laughs.

  “You’re hard.” I lick my lips.

  Cade’s eyes darken, at my teasing.

  “Go and . . .” I let my voice trail away as though I’m going to say something he wants to hear before teasing, “have a shower.” I push him slightly away, laughing. “I’ll stay down here so I don’t distract you.”

  “That’s cruel,” he laughs, “Hell. I think Jake’s just pulled up outside, anyway.”

  “I’ll start dinner.” I kiss him one last time before he helps me off the counter.

  I laugh to myself as I watch him walking up the stairs with a large, damp spot on the front of his sweats.

  God, he’s hot and one hell of a sexy guy. I’m not sure how I got so lucky.


  After showering, I decide to pull out my suitcase to start packing for my trip with Rona.

  With Rona, I feel as though I’m alive for the first time in ages. She’s an amazing woman, and I can’t keep my hands to myself whenever she’s around. Part of me that wants to constantly touch her is doing it simply to make sure I’m not dreaming and that Rona really is mine. All I need to do is look into her eyes and her feelings for me are so clear to see. Her eyes reflect the love that is in mine.

  Not only is Rona beautiful on the outside, but she also has so much inner beauty and strength. I try hard to believe it really is me she wants. When Josh Mitchell was here, it was easy to see the attraction he felt toward my Rona, and he looked to be of a similar age. I’d felt a huge ball of jealousy building inside me when I’d noticed the look on his face, but Rona didn’t return his interest, not even once. At least not while I was watching.

  Thoughts of Rona running through my head have me packed in half an hour. Actually it only took me five minutes to pack, but about half an hour to find shorts, tee shirts and a couple pairs of swimming shorts.

  Anna had bought the sunscreen for me, along with some after care products. These also came with a lecture. I’d tried to keep my amusement hidden while Anna was going on about the heat and that we had to use protection. Her cheeks had reddened at that point causing her to make a quick exit. I knew she was talking about the elements from the sun as opposed to the other kind of protection, but it was hard not to think about the other.

  Smiling with remembrance at Anna’s unintentional blunder, I make my way downstairs. Walking through the living room, my stomach grumbles when the smell of dinner hits my senses. The herbs she’s obviously used make me think Italian, which I love as my woman knows.

  I come to a stop and watch Rona as she bends over to check on something in the oven.

  “Well, that’s a view I hope no one else ever sees, sweetheart.” I grin.

  Rona slams the oven shut, and standing straight whips around to face me. “Whatever lascivious thoughts you’re having will have to wait.” She reaches me and after nibbling on my earlobe, whispers, “Because Jake’s truck is outside, although I’m not sure where he’s disappeared to.”

  I wrap my arm around her waist to keep her beside me. “How are you really feeling?”

  “I’m good.” She caresses along my brow. “I promise, Cade. Please don’t worry about me. I’m glad Nick is now in the hands of the law so we don’t have anything to worry about.”

  I’m hearing her words, and watching her face as she speaks, but I can’t help wondering if she doesn’t want me to know just how much today has affected her.

  She takes hold of my face and pulls me down to her. “Cade, listen to me. I really am okay. You make me feel as though I can do anything. The fact that you are here for me and surround me with love helps more than I’ll ever be able to say.” She smiles. “So no need to worry about me anymore.” After a quick kiss, she slips from my arms and looks out of the window. “Shouldn’t Jake be in by now?”

  Just as the words leave Rona’s mouth, the backdoor opens and Jake stumbles into the room, his head down, looking as though he has the world on his shoulders.

  “Hi, Rona, how are you doing? Elise rang and told me what happened.” Jake shucks his jacket and boots at the door before heading to the sink to wash his hands.

  “I’m fine, Jake.”

  “Good. I’ll see you both later,
I need to see Elise.”

  “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes,” Rona shouts to Jake’s retreating back.

  Jake turns. “We’ll be there.”

  Rona turns to face me with a smile on her face. “I’m so glad that things have worked out for Jake and Elise. They’re perfect for each other.”

  I walk over to where she’s resting against the cabinet near one of the kitchen windows, and caress down the side of her face. “Just like we are,” I whisper, moving in for a taste of her luscious lips.

  One taste though isn’t enough so I dip my head for more and get rewarded when Rona wraps her arms around my neck. Her sexy little body presses into mine as I deepen the kiss, wanting and needing more, but knowing I’m going to respect her wishes to not get her naked.

  For now.

  Chapter 28


  After Elise’s call about what happened to Rona in town, all I wanted to do was get home to check on Rona and to hold my woman. Elise didn’t let on that she was upset, and told me she was fine. The thing is, I’ve known Elise a long time—since we were seven, to be precise. She can’t hide anything from me, which in the past has annoyed her to no end, but now, I hope she doesn’t mind and finds it easier to talk to me.

  Ever since Daniel shot Tom, I’ve been waiting for her to break down, but so far she seems to be handling everything. Elise can be a determined little thing when she puts her mind to it, and other times damned indecisive, which drives me crazy. I’d thought she was handling everything until she called me earlier, now I’m not too sure.

  Beyond my bedroom door, the room is dim. The blinds are closed, keeping out the view of the heavy snow falling outside. My heart thuds in my chest with worry for Elise, as my eyes adjust to the darkness in the room.

  Glancing toward the bed, I find Elise curled up against a pillow.

  Is she asleep?

  I’d already removed my boots and outwear when I came through the backdoor, so as I walk closer to her, I don’t make a sound in my bare feet. Gently, lying down beside her, and her head settles against my chest.

  “Jake,” she mumbles.

  “I’m here, babe. Go back to sleep, and I’ll hold you.” I kiss the top of her head.

  “I don’t want to sleep now that you’re here.” She snuggles deeply against me. Raising her leg, she curves it over my hip, wrapping herself around me.

  I certainly don’t mind, and I have every intention of taking advantage of her in the future when she’s like this. But right now isn’t the time as I notice tear tracks on her beautiful face. Cupping her face in my hands, I use my thumbs to wipe away the new ones that are slipping out of her eyes.

  “Oh baby. Please don’t cry. I have you.” I kiss her lips, and kiss her some more before forcing myself to break away and pull her back into my arms. “Are you upset because of what happened today or everything in general?”

  She sniffles, and then mumbles into my chest, “First of all, I couldn’t get out of my head that Rona could have been hurt today, and then I started thinking back over everything that has happened and the tears wouldn’t stop. I just wanted your arms around me.”


  It’s a well-known fact that men don’t cry, but hearing Elise tell me that she wanted me to hold her, nearly has me reaching for a tissue. As it is, I can’t get any words out because they’re stuck in my throat. Instead, I just hold her close and stroke her back while placing tiny kisses on the top of her head. “I love you,” I finally whisper, but in a choked voice.

  Elise tips her head and meets my gaze. “I love you, too.” She kisses me. “I’m sorry you came home to me lying here asleep. I obviously tired myself out earlier.”

  “Don’t ever apologize to me for being upset, or needing time alone.”

  “I just . . .”

  I cover her mouth with my fingers. “I love coming home and finding you here waiting for me, and I consider it my job to hold you when you need holding. To listen when you need to talk, and to love you when you need a good . . . lovin’.” I can’t help grinning at the end. I’d nearly replaced good lovin’ with good fuckin’ but thought better of it as my words sound kinda sappy. Girls love sappy, and from the look on Elise’s face and the roll of her eyes, I’d say she knew exactly what I was thinking.

  “Don’t say anything else and ruin what you just said.”

  I chuckle. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  I roll her to her back and looming over her, I drop another kiss to her lips. Before I can change my mind, I jump from the bed, and take her hands in mine.

  Her eyes widen as I pull her up from the bed. “I know what you thought we were going to do,” I tap her on the nose, “but dinner is nearly ready, although I don’t think Rona would interrupt us.” I usher her into the bathroom. “Let’s wash up and then I want you to come to the barn with me.”

  She gives me a quizzical look and smiles before turning the faucet on to wash her face.

  I smirk, leaning against the wall as I wait for her. She thinks I’m taking her to the barn for some hanky-panky, but she couldn’t be more far off.


  Well, back on the bed I was hoping I’d be getting lucky, but something tells me that isn’t in the cards at the moment. I have to admit, that curiosity has got the better of me.

  As I dry up and fold the towel over the rack, I can’t resist Jake. I have to touch him.

  His eyes flare as I take the four steps toward him. Standing before him, I place my hands on his arms before slowly moving downward. Reaching his hands, I caress between his fingers before he captures mine in his.

  “Quit teasing.” His mouth drops to mine. I can’t think with his heat enveloping me, and his taste on my tongue.

  Jake pulls back and kisses me on the nose with his lips twitching in amusement. “You are by far the biggest distraction I’ve ever had in my life.” He kisses me again. “Don’t ever change, babe.” He keeps one of my hands in his and gives a slight tug. “C’mon.” he smiles. “I have something for you in the barn.”

  “For me?”

  “Of course for you.” He shakes his head.

  What could he have for me in the barn?

  “Why didn’t you say so to begin with? We’d have been there already.”

  He laughs. “You and your impatience.” He holds the door for me now that I have my boots back on. “All good things come to those who wait, babe.”

  I roll my eyes, but kiss him on his cheek. “I love you,” I whisper.

  “I know,” Jake replies, full of himself, and a laugh burst from me.

  I love being teased by him, and whenever he’s being playful, it fills my heart with so much love for him that I don’t know what to do with it.

  The aroma in the kitchen has my stomach rumbling in hunger, which reminds me that, although I ate a cake in town, I hadn’t had any lunch. At least Rona was obviously planning something tasty for dinner.

  “Lasagna,” Jake mumbles beside my ear as he fastens my scarf around my neck.

  “It’s probably ready by now. Rona told me it would be about twenty minutes, but it will keep warm and we won’t be that long.”

  “Hmm, we’ll see.”

  Jake raises an eyebrow in question. “What does ‘hmm’ mean?”

  “I might need warming up in the barn.”

  He laughs.

  “Not tonight, babe. I have something else planned tonight. It involves the bed, you completely naked, and spread out for my pleasure.”

  God, he makes me so damn hot with his words. Usually all it takes is one look from him and I’m wet, but his words are having an effect on me. If he carries on, I won’t make it to the barn.

  “Hold those thoughts, babe.” He groans adjusting his erection.

  I smirk, and rub against him. “Are you sure?”

  “Fuck . . . Yeah.” He winces. “Let’s go.”

  He drags me out of the backdoor.

  The snow is still falling, although not as heavy as it wa
s. Visibility isn’t all that bad right now. Trudging to the barn with snow nearly up to my knees is bringing out the child within me.

  There isn’t any way I’m going to get a sly snowball made so instead I suggest, “You know, with all this snow, I think we should go tubing.”

  “Tubing.” Jake looks at me from the corner of his eye. “I thought you loved skiing.”

  “I do, but I’d rather do something that we can do together. With tubing, you can sit behind me, and hold me between your legs.” I grin.

  He smirks. “I’d rather be between your legs.”

  “That can be arranged.” His eyes heat up with lust. “So what do you want to show me in here?” I ask, changing the subject as we walk into the heated barn.

  I’m still wondering whether he plans on seducing me in here, or not. I wouldn’t complain.

  “It’s over here.”

  Jake leads me over to a middle stall and as I lean my arms against the top of the gate, he wraps his arms around my stomach from behind.

  “What do you think?”

  In the enclosure is a newborn foal with its mom. The foal is a light brown with a white stripe on its forehead between its eyes.

  “He’s beautiful.”

  “She’s beautiful,” Jake corrects.

  “She’s a beautiful filly. Have you named her?” I can’t take my eyes from the newborn.

  I think her mom realizes this since she shoves her nose in my face for a rub down. “Jealous,” I laugh.

  Jake passes me some apple, which I feed to her as she’s refusing to budge from in front of me.

  “You’ve done good,” I tell her rubbing her neck. “You have a beautiful filly.”

  The horse snorts and moves back to her filly, which she nudges with her nose.

  “She doesn’t have a name yet, but she needs one.” Jake nuzzles against my neck. “As they belong to me, I want my fiancée to name the newest member of our family as she’s going to be hers.”

  I freeze, and then turn and look at Jake’s smiling face. “You’re serious?”

  “I am. She’s yours. You know me, Elise. So you know how much I love my horses. I hope I’m showing you how much I love you, and want to spend the rest of my life with you by giving you such a precious gift.”


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