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A Dopeman & His Shawty 3

Page 5

by Tina J

  “Kenji, I would’ve had to do that last night right after.”

  “Don’t worry. You can tonight.”

  “Oh no lover boy. My pussy is beyond sore.”

  “And you know I always got you. See you later and lock up.” I kissed her and made my way to the truck. I had the Simpson guy and Robin. The only ones left are Julius, Lizzie and Kerron. I don’t know what Jai wants to do about Gina but all he has to do is say the word.


  “Where are you?” I asked Kerron when he answered. The two of us remained in contact with each other after the first time we did a threesome. Let me rewind and explain why I am the way I am.

  First off, I don’t like Rodney because I feel like he turned my brother out. Julius has never been into men or even sampled one as far as I knew. He was strictly heterosexual and loved his wife, who at the time I busted him with Rodney, was his fiancé. She felt the same about him which is why I didn’t understand why my brother even thought to sample a man.

  The day I busted in on them was by accident. I needed the iron out his room because I was going out. Neither of us stayed there but we still had our old rooms.

  Needless to say, I caught my brother giving Rodney the business and even though I was mad, my brother was enjoying himself. Before making myself known, my brother literally fucked him as if he were a woman and came. That led me to believe he was turned out.

  Anyway, I hated Rodney ever since and fucked with him any chance I got. Shockingly, when I met Ny, I found out they were besties and assumed he told her since it happened the year before. When she never mentioned it, I figured he hadn’t and due to embarrassment, never brought it up myself. I’m positive she knows now after everything that’s happened.

  If you’re wondering why I snuck in and slept with Kenji, that’s easy. He’s rich as hell, and dumb ass Robin wanted us to have a threesome to get pregnant. I was all for it; especially since she had some good pussy too. Mix that with some bomb ass dick as she says, and you can’t beat it.

  I thought all women knew not to mention how good your man is in bed no matter who it is. Kenji definitely has a huge dick and sadly I wasn’t able to experience it the way I wanted because his crying ass girlfriend came in.

  I loved Nyana like a sister, but she had everything I wanted and more. If I met someone else who had the same amount of money Kenji had, I would’ve gone after him.

  Well I did with Adrian; however, he wanted dick too. I know Rodney is enjoying him because not only does Adrian have money, his sex game is off the chain.

  Rodney and I may be two different genders but I’m sure he’s giving Rodney the business the same. If he stayed with me, I never would’ve pursued Kenji. When I say Adrian only gives me enough money to take care of Jasir, he really does. He buys his clothes and everything. The only time he’ll give me money is if I say we need to go get milk or diapers. He checks the house to make sure I’m not lying.

  “I’m around. Why, what’s up?” Kerron said breaking me out my thoughts.

  “I need a place to crash.”

  “A’ight. Meet me at the address I’m sending you.” I sat in the Uber and gave the man the destination.

  See, I was at the hospital when Kenji and Nyana walked in. The second I heard his voice; I stood and closed the curtain the best I could. Yes, I said curtain because the emergency room was so packed, this was the only one available.

  When the doctor checked me, I asked him to speak low in case they walked by. The bitch knew I went in the ambulance and would’ve sent him straight in here.

  After hearing them tell Tashi they were leaving, the doctor had a nurse transport me upstairs. Don’t ask me why they didn’t take me right away when I mentioned being pregnant. My stomach isn’t big but it’s a little out there.

  I heard my child’s heartbeat when they placed the monitors on my belly and started to cry. I knew then, I’d never be allowed to watch my child grow if Kenji caught me. He’s the type not to care and would still murder me.

  “Hey.” I spoke to Kerron when he opened the door. He was staying at some house that barely had any furniture.

  “What’s up?” I started explaining what happened at the same time he peeled my clothes off. I knew what he wanted and had no problem giving it to him. The attraction is there and it’s only to satisfy each other’s needs. No feelings involved.

  “You still pregnant?” He asked throwing me on the bed and putting me on all fours.

  “Yes. Oh shit.” He rammed himself inside.

  “It’s obvious the nigga ain’t gonna claim it. I want you to get rid of it, ASAP.” His hands squeezed my ass as he continued giving me the business.

  Ok so my baby doesn’t belong to Kenji, but he doesn’t know. Robin and I were fucking this guy without protection and I ended up pregnant.

  Off the bat, Kerron said he wasn’t ready to be a father and to get rid of it. It took some persuading to get him to agree for us to blame it on someone else, which is why I had to hurry up and sleep with Kenji. I know I ain’t shit but a bitch is about to be paid, if he doesn’t kill me first.


  “We have to find somewhere to stay now.” I told my brother Julius. We were staying at his friend’s house.

  Yea, I been shacking up with Kerron when I’m not here, but it won’t last forever; especially when he’s overly obsessed with his ex Sade. I mean the bitch bounced and had a whole baby on his ass; yet, he still checking for her.

  “For what? No one knows where we stay and...”

  “And I have to get away from Kenji. He doesn’t care about this baby and I’m sure is gonna kill me.” Julius waved me off.

  “I’m serious Julius. We have to go.”

  “You know I’m not leaving my kids and where is your son?” I plopped down on the couch.

  “He’s with Nancy. I dropped him off a few days ago.” My brother started laughing.

  “You’re a stupid bitch.”

  “What did mommy tell you about calling me names?” He called me names our whole life and my mother would always dig in his ass over it.

  “It doesn’t matter now does it, since you got her, nana and pop pop killed.” I rolled my eyes.

  When we heard they were murdered, I knew Kenji did it. I was also smart enough to know he wanted us to attend the funeral. As much as my brother and I were hurting, we knew the best thing to do is stay away. I had no way of saying goodbye or anything.

  I heard my moms face was burning on the stove when the cops arrived, and my grandparents were already dead. Kenji didn’t give a fuck about anything, which is how I know he won’t give a shit about my child.

  “Anyway, Kenji dropped Jasir off to Rodney and...” I glanced up a him because he had to be kidding.

  “Say what? How the hell did he know where he was? Oh my God. Is he hurt?”

  “Bitch like you care.” He gave me a dirty look.

  “I do care about my son.”

  “You only kept him thinking Adrian was gonna stick around and fund your lifestyle. Now you’re knocked up by some wanted cop, who just shot his girl car up.”

  “Kerron did what?”

  “Where you been? That shit’s all over the news. He stalked his girlfriend, shot her security at a stop light and chased her down. He ran into her car and smashed it into a pole.”

  “He’s crazy.”

  “Nah. The crazy part is he walked up on the car and shot inside. People recorded that shit too.” He showed me something on YouTube and I was flabbergasted. Kerron really shot the woman and walked off like nothing happened. He didn’t even mention the shit when I saw him.

  “We can leave after I get my kids.”

  “Where are they?” I asked and started to pack my stuff up.

  “At their other grandparents.”

  “Where is your wife?” He got quiet all of a sudden.

  “No Julius.”

  “He killed her with the kids in the other room. The only way we found out
is because her mom stopped by to see her and heard the kids crying. Why did you have to get mixed up with him?” He was about to blame me.

  “This isn’t just about me anymore oh brother. I’m sure he knows you’re the one who set up Rodney getting attacked.”

  “Ugh no. I wanted to kidnap him but the other guys did the violation.”

  “And you watched so you’re as guilty as them.”

  “Whatever.” When he waved me off, I think it was the first time I noticed he may actually be gay or bisexual. I don’t know if it’s the way he said it or what, but something showed it.

  “Are you in love with Rodney?” He didn’t say anything at first.

  “I was when you walked in and I never stopped loving him.” I was surprised at his revelation.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I assumed he turned you out.”

  “Lizzie no one can turn another out when it comes to being with the same sex. If you do it, it’s because you’re curious or something you wanna do.” I was still in complete shock to hear my brother was into men.

  He’s a thug and very manly. I guess you never know but then again, I’m bisexual myself. Maybe it runs in the family; who knows?

  “What are we gonna do?”

  “Get my kids and leave. It’s all we can do.”

  “What about my son?” I asked.

  “Lizzie you could care less about Jasir.” He said and put his bag by the door.

  “How can you say that?

  “Well for one, you weren’t taking care of yourself during the pregnancy so he’s underweight. You’re barely with him because if he’s not with the babysitter, you stalk Adrian and his family to watch him. And...”

  “Alright Julius. I get it.”

  “We need to make a stop by Rodney’s on the way.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “I have to see him one more time.”

  “You go right ahead. I’ll be here when you’re done.” He can go on that crazy mission alone. Kenji could be lurking anywhere, and I wish I would get caught.


  Staring down at this baby Sade had makes me wanna ring her got damn neck. How could she allow another man to impregnate her knowing the two of us are supposed to be together? I swear if two big dudes weren’t sitting in the nursery, I’d shoot this glass out and snatch his ass up just to make Mr. Foster mad. He’d come after me and I could kill him too.

  People may call me crazy but just know, God makes a special person for everyone and for me it’s Sade. Too bad I had to kill her in order for everyone to see my threats weren’t a joke. Now her child is gonna be raised motherless.

  “Oh my God, he has a gun.” Some woman shouted as I walked up on Sade’s car. I looked inside and noticed the other woman was hurt.

  “What is he about to do? Maybe he’s gonna shoot the glass to get them out.” I smirked and looked in the car to witness the terror on Sade’s face. The woman tried to shield her but it was too late.

  BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! I shot multiple times in the car. Three went into her chest and I couldn’t tell you where the others went because glass was everywhere, and people were shouting. I walked to the side she was on and the window was broken out.

  “I loved you Sade Simpson and you gave your love away. You’ll never be with anyone else.” I glanced down at her stomach.

  “That nigga won’t have you or any memory because you’re dying. Too bad for the baby because its gonna die with you.” Her breaths were becoming slower by the second. I saw tears falling down her face.

  “If by some chance you make it, which I highly doubt, I will stop at nothing to make sure you die.” I kissed her forehead and punched her in the face before walking off.

  “That man is crazy. Somebody stop him.” I heard someone yell out.

  “Where are the cops?”

  “I am a cop motherfucker.” I smiled and waved as I rushed to my car. The sirens were getting louder and I knew it was time to bounce. I took one last look at the car.

  “Yea, the bitch is dead.”

  “Can I help you sir?” A nurse asked from the other side of the window. As bad as I wanted to request seeing Sade’s son closer, the words wouldn’t leave my lips. I’m sure those men are in there for him due to who the father is and let’s not forget Kenji being the uncle.

  “Nah. I’m just looking.”

  “Ok.” She smiled and walked away

  “Visiting hours are now ending. Please make your way to the exits and have a good night.” The woman spoke on the intercom at the same time the nurse closed the shade inside. I turned around with my tail tucked behind and walked out.

  I pressed the elevator and waited. As I stood there, I heard his voice and froze. Mr. Foster spoke about bringing his son home the next day but what shocked me the most is him stating Sade was doing fine. But how? I shot so many times in the vehicle it’s no way she survived unless... And then it hit me. She must’ve been wearing a bulletproof vest. Why didn’t I think of that? A bullet to the head would’ve done the job.

  BING! BING! The elevator doors popped open. I pulled the cap down further and stepped on. I thought about fighting him but after he beat my ass in the emergency room that night, I figured it’s best to shoot him. I’ve had my share of fighting niggas off the street but his hands were deadly and I didn’t stand a chance against him. I breathed in a sigh of relief when the doors closed.

  As I walked out the hospital, I thought about ways to get Sade. He’s gonna have her protected even more, which will make it harder. His mother was even protected and she’s the first person I would’ve used against him. I can use his ex but he can give two fucks about her. I took my ass to the hotel to devise a plan.


  “We’re live at the precinct waiting on a press conference held by the chief of police regarding his ex-captain Kerron Oxford. Some of you remember last week when we reported he was involved in a car accident and then proceeded to murder his ex-girlfriend who is a detective.

  Sources tell us she left him due to domestic abuse and attempting to kill her previously in which she changed departments. Now, it’s come to light Mr. Oxford has been charge with his secretary’s murder as well. Sadly, she was pregnant too and it makes this case that more difficult.

  The police are asking for anyone to report seeing this man. If you run across him, do not and the chief emphasized DO NOT APPROACH HIM! He is considered armed and dangerous. We’ll have more on this story later on in the day and we will go live at the press conference that’s set to start in forty-five minutes.” I slammed the beer bottle down on the nightstand of this sleezy motel after hearing the news anchor categorize me as this dangerous monster.

  Thankfully, I used my father’s information to rent this room, otherwise; they’d probably find me. The bitch in the front was a ho and never checked me for ID. Maybe its because we fucked the same night.

  Sure, I may have caused some fear within the community after they found Monique’s body, but who cares? People can rest assured that none of them are affected if they stay away. I’m only interested in Mr. Foster and Mr. Kenji himself who’s gonna be hard to get. I have faith in myself though so I’m not worried.

  I thought about how he sent those men to my house and had them murder my parents. I know they’re no longer here because the news reported two dead bodies in the house were found. He didn’t have to kill them looking for me. I wish I could get closer to his parents because I’d damn sure return the favor.

  “When are you leaving?” I asked Lizzie who was lying next to me.

  She was pregnant with my child and tryna blame it on Kenji. Her and Robin were dead set on having a kid by him for the money. Don’t ask me why they believe it’ll work; especially, after the way they went about getting his sperm in general. You gotta be desperate as fuck to sneak in someone’s room to get his sperm.

  I knew the kid was mine or somebody else’s because she wasn’t pregnant when Robin first brought her around. We never slept
together with condoms after I fucked Robin the first time. No idea why, we just didn’t. Both of them had good pussy and I wanted to feel it without pulling out.

  I should’ve questioned if they were on birth control but who cares? I told the bitch if she doesn’t get rid of it, I’ll do it for her. Shit, I don’t even deal with the child I do have. Thinking about my ex and son makes me think I should’ve been a better man to them.

  Unfortunately, once I became a cop and felt the power, nothing could stop me. It felt good being in control and I wouldn’t change a thing. If my mother was able to handle the things my father did to her, why couldn’t the bitches I dealt with? So what, they had bruises and a few broken bones. The shit would heal and they’d be back to normal. Got damn babies.


  “Bitchhhhhh, Adrian left me and is refusing to answer my calls and...” Rodney busted in the house crying. I was supposed to hit him up last week, but I’ve been in my own funk and didn’t wanna bring anyone else into it. Kenji has been very patient and understanding with everything and I love him even more for it.

  “Tell me what happened because listening to what your hateful ass mother told Kenji, I’d say you deserve for him to leave.”

  “Ugh agh heffa. Just because you strung my brother out doesn’t mean you can come for me.” His dramatic ass walked over to the couch and plopped down on it. I locked the door and went to where he was.

  “Then tell me your side.” He explained how Adrian stopped by at the exact same time as Julius. He found out about the baby and Adrian wanted to kill Julius for setting up the attack. When he tried, Rodney jumped in front of him and shit got chaotic.

  “Ok. Real talk Rodney. You were dead ass wrong.” He sucked his teeth.

  “I don’t care about your funky attitude. You heard why Julius did it, which in my opinion is still a dumb ass reason but whatever.”

  “Ny, I literally had three dead bodies all over my floor and he wanted to add another one.” I pursed my lips up like yea right.

  “Whatever your reason is, I’d feel the same as Adrian. For instance, we all know Robin and Lizzie hate my guts but if I ran into them and could kill them, I would. However; leaving the so-called baby out of it, if Kenji jumped in front of either of them after knowing what they’ve done to me, I’d feel some kinda way. Like, why are you tryna save the bitch?” I shrugged my shoulders.


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