He looked at his watch anxiously. It was eleven thirty-five. Only twenty-five minutes left. At a quarter to twelve, he would start digging her out and at exactly midnight, he would open the coffin. Even though he read Lord Dyson’s diary entry in a rush and he didn’t have time to finish it, he remembered that he had to be precise in his timing. He racked his mind. Yes, I think that’s what it said. From what he recalled or at least assumed after reading the archaic writing, if he got the timing right, she would be endowed with a gift and increased strength and speed. Once a minute after twelve passed, it would be too late—that he was confident.
This was of utmost importance to Radley because it would help protect Violet from corrupt vampires. He feared what Lord Dyson would do to her now that she had outsmarted him. He had a big ego and he wouldn’t take kindly to losing his little human play-thing. He wanted Violet bad and now he would never taste her fragrant human blood.
If he was to take her as a wife, he might abuse her as punishment. But maybe, just maybe he could talk some reason into him. In a few days, possibly his anger would lessen and Radley could convince him to simply adopt Violet as he had adopted the Crimson Devils and the Night Ryders. Would he really want a wife who didn’t want him? He knew Lord Dyson treated human girls horrifically, but he wasn’t sure if his cruelty included vampires.
Suddenly, he heard the roar of motorcycle engines nearing. His body tensed as he jumped up. He didn’t want anyone to interfere with his plans. Vampires would grow suspicious if they saw how anxious he was to get Violet out at a specific time. His coven knew Lord Dyson had forbid them to be together. He thought the Crimson Devils and the Night Ryders were on his side, surely they were, but what if one of them took Violet from him and gave her to Lord Dyson to find favor in his eyes?
And besides, he didn’t know if anyone other than Lord Dyson knew about this secret procedure. Maybe some other ancients knew, possibly the vampires from the Electorati, but the newbies certainly did not. She could lose her advantage, and hence her safety, if the secret got out.
With that in mind, he decided to hide. Hopefully the approaching motorcycle gang was the Night Riders and not the Dirts. He couldn’t fight them all off by himself. But whichever coven it was, he suspected they were looking for him.
If they didn’t see him, they might leave. With super speed, he ran to the edge of the cemetery wall and hid behind the bushes. He bit his knuckle as he waited.
The sounds of the engines grew louder at the closer proximity and then cut. Radley heard movement, a shuffling around. But the voices were not male, they were female. Who could they be?
Now, at once, there was running, the light swift movement of feet racing across the dark field toward the cemetery. Loud female voices called out to each other, overlapping. There was laughter.
Oh, shit. He recognized one of the voices. It was Zeta! What were the Fatals doing here?
There were five of them fast approaching: Zeta Saint Claire with her dark brown hair and racy attire, Destiny Scott with her close shaved black hair, Alexa Harris with her strawberry blonde long curly locks and freckles, Su-Jin Park with her petite body and long straight black hair, and Camila Ferrari with her voluptuous chest and her wavy dirty blond locks. All were gorgeous in their particular styles with perfect physiques.
The Fatal’s paces slowed as they scaled the stone wall of the cemetery. They were inside and approaching Violet’s headstone. “Here it is,” Su-Jin called over to her friends. “Violet Anne Paris.”
The other young women joined her. Alexa and Camila examined the gravestone while the other Fatals were looking off in varying directions checking to see if anyone was around. “Where’d her boyfriend run off to? I wonder,” Zeta growled.
“Who cares,” Camila scoffed as she tied her dirty blond hair off her shoulders.
Destiny took a shovel that was leaning against a nearby headstone. “Let’s get to work,” she said as she shoved the lower edge into the ground and started digging. “There’s another shovel by that tree.” She pointed to one of the oaks that shaded the area.
Su-Jin got the other one and joined in on the task. “This is always kind of creepy. I remember when we dug you out, Destiny.”
Zeta laughed. “Your face was as startled as a ghost’s.”
“I felt sorry for you,” Su-Jin added as she tossed some of the dirt to the side with her shovel. “You were so jumpy after that for nearly a month.”
Radley was pissed. If the Fatals opened Violet’s coffin, she would become a member of their coven and not his. The Night Ryders and the Crimson Devils, though different gangs were really of one coven under Lord and Madame Dyson’s rule. But the Fatals were of the same coven as the Dirts and they were ruled by Lord and Madame Viparado, a very different sort.
He still had a chance to try talking some sense into Lord Dyson; maybe he would adopt Violet. But if she was forced to join the Viparados, Lord Dyson would be furious. He hated Lord Viparado. In the 1700’s the Dyson’s and the Viparado’s became rival covens because Madame Viparado chose Lord Viparado over Lord Dyson. Madame Viparado, an innocent, sweet type, was in love with Dyson, but married Viparado because he was going to kill Dyson. Lord Viparado was ruthless and evil, even worse than Dyson.
The idea of Viparado stealing another woman that he planned to marry would be too much for him. The tensions between the covens might worsen. Lord Dyson could blame Radley. And worst of all, Violet would be forced to spend eternity with a horrible, sadistic group of killers.
Through the leaves, he watched the Fatals. Even though female vampires were less powerful than males, Radley couldn’t overpower a gang of five. They were already lifting the coffin out of the ground. He had to act fast.
He rushed over to them. It was still two minutes before midnight. If they opened the coffin now, Violet wouldn’t receive the extra strength, speed, or power. If she was to join Lord and Madame Viparado, she would need it even more.
“Hello, Radley,” Zeta said just as she was about to lift the coffin lid.
“Wait!” He jumped on top of the coffin and lay his body down.
“Get the hell off,” Destiny giggled. “You think you can overpower all of us?” she asked, her voice laced with sarcasm.
He glanced at his watch. One minute to twelve. “Let me open it and I’ll give you some of this,” he said as he grabbed his privates over his jeans.
The girls laughed.
“Not a chance,” Zeta scoffed. “We want her. The Crimson Devils have six and we only have five. It’s only fair.”
Thirty seconds. He had to hold them off just a little longer. “But I love her.”
Zeta’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, do you?” she said bitterly.
“When I’m not lovin’ you.” He grinned crookedly as he rolled over on his side with his hand under his head like he was relaxing comfortably on a bed. He glanced at his watch. It was time now. He knew they wouldn’t back off, but he jumped off in a rush and tried to open the lid. It was stuck.
Before he could shake it loose, Zeta, Destiny, and Alexa jumped him, pushing him away and to the ground. And Su-Jin and Camila shook the coffin open.
Radley wiggled out from under the girls. His watch said 12:01 and fifteen seconds. He wasn’t sure if Violet received the powers. “Just let me spend the rest of the night with her before you bring her home.”
“Go ahead,” Zeta said bitterly. “We got what we wanted.” She dusted herself off. “Come on girls.” She motioned her friends away. “Let’s get dinner.”
“L.A. nightclubs!” Camila licked her lips. “I’m game.”
The coven laughed and took off running through the field.
Radley looked into the coffin. “Oh, Violet,” he sighed, clutching the side of the box.
Violet’s eyes were dreamy as she gazed up at him. “I knew you would save me,” she murmured. Her body looked relaxed and peaceful.
“Are you okay?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. “I was worried sick.”
She smiled lightly. “Yes, I’m fine.” Her voice was soft. “It wasn’t as bad as I expected.” She sat up, searching his eyes. “I knew you would come for me at the right time.” With a nod, she stretched her arms, trying to seem less affected than she was. “I had the most mysterious dream.”
His eyebrows knitted together. “You slept?” He seemed surprised though his eyes looked troubled.
“At first, it was terrifying being so confined, hearing the dirt dropping overhead on the coffin. But then I gave into my fears. I accepted the circumstances and focused on what lay ahead.”
“What’s that?” he asked, a cold chill in his musical voice. As he helped her out and onto the ground, he noticed the tears in the satin that lined the coffin where her fingernails had dug into. He closed the lid.
“I’m not going to say.” Her lips quivered because she was imagining forever with him. It seemed like Radley was into her, but she didn’t know if his feelings for her ran as deep. Did he love her? For her that wasn’t even a question. But even if he did care for her, he might not once he found out that she made out with another guy.
“Who was that who opened my coffin? Maybe I was dreaming still.”
He scowled as he gritted his teeth. “I have some bad news.” His head tilted down as he dug his fingers into his temples.
She wasn’t sure, but it looked like his eyes welled up. “What is it?” she asked with concern. The pit of her stomach started to ache. She sensed something bad was coming their way.
He started to pace. “Zeta, Destiny, and Alexa overpowered me and Su-Jin and Camila opened your coffin.” His hands balled into fists as he squeezed them before his face. In a rage, he socked his fist right through the lid of Violet’s coffin.
Her face flushed as her eye lids flew up. “Are you okay?” She was shocked at his strength. “Are you hurt?”
Throwing his head back, he sneered as he continued to pace. “I’m fine. Can’t you tell?” His tone was mocking as he looked down at his bleeding hand. With that, he stopped and faced her. “Do you feel any different? Stronger, faster, anything?” His eyes pierced into her.
“No.” She shook her head. “I feel the same. Maybe it takes time.” She walked toward him. “Let me see your hand.”
He looked up at the dark sky and shook his head, his eyes wide with rage.
“What’s wrong with you, Radley?” Her voice sounded concerned.
With his nostrils still flared, his shoulders fell. He looked coldly at her. “Whoever opens a vampire’s coffin for the first time claims the incumbent to their coven.”
Her face paled further as nausea swept over her. “Are you saying that I am a Fatal now?”
His face grew expressionless as he nodded. “Yes.” He shook his head lightly as he closed his eyes and whispered, falling forward onto one knee. In a wave of emotion, he put his hands on her thighs. “I am so sorry, Violet. My dear, dear Violet.” His head shook again as he looked up at her through his dark lashes.
Her throat tightened as the realization sank in. She didn’t want to let on how distressed she was. Now she would be separated from both Radley and her sister. “Do I have to live with them?” Even in her devastation, her body responded to his touch.
He nodded as his eyes cast down. And the intensity seemed to rise as he knocked his knuckles together over and over again until he separated them and hit them against his forehead, leaving a smudge of blood behind.
She blinked, incredulous. “And with the Dirts?” She tried to keep her voice as steady as possible. “It’s unfathomable.”
He stood up and took her hands into his. Now that they were together, there was a warming effect. “We can still find ways to see each other covertly just as Angie and Spider do,” his voice was soft like cashmere, yet there still seemed to be an underlying rage hidden beneath. “But we are rival covens. You will be under Lord and Madame Viparado’s rule. They are enemies with Lord and Madame Dyson. You must never let the Viparados know that we are together.”
She blushed, examining his wounded hand. “Are we?” Her eyes lifted up to meet his.
“Are we what?” His eyebrows pulled together as the pupils of his eyes dilated. And when she didn’t answer, a naughty, disturbing grin mixed up the expression on his face.
Her chin drew back as she swallowed. “Nothing.”
He chuckled darkly as his emerald eyes smoldered at her. “I’ll make sure you see your sister; don’t worry.”
With the situation at hand, he had settled on trying to make less of it now, so that she wouldn’t be afraid. With all his might, he suppressed the boiling anger deep within his gut. If only he had been able to do so initially, but he wasn’t able to control himself. It was as if once the coffin was opened, a rush of strength and intensity overwhelmed him. He almost wondered if the power had somehow gone to him instead of Violet. “You must be brave and make the best of our fate.”
Irritation danced on her lips as she glared at him before speaking. Was he messing with her? He must have known she wasn’t thinking about Ariel though now that she thought of it, probably she should have been. “Okay, thanks,” she said with feigned sweetness. Two can play at that game. She smiled inwardly as her mind reeled. Her gaze turned to him, unnerved.
But they were interrupted. “You hear that?” Radley’s head jerked up like he was listening for something. “A car is coming.” His body tensed. It sounded to Violet like he mumbled something like a curse word before he grew as still as a statue.
She looked at him, her eyes questioning. “Who could it be?” Her sense of hearing was exceptional now. As well as the sounds of the engine, she could hear the tires rolling on the road.
He careened his head to the side as he held his hand up. “It sounds like Lord Dyson’s Lamborghini. Can you hear the loud grumble of the engine? I could recognize that sound anywhere.” His voice was in an edgy whisper and his eyes seemed angry.
“Other people have sports cars in Roseville Mountains,” she said hopeful, though she knew it was him. She bit her nails as she glanced around the cemetery for weapons. Maybe she could claw him in the face with that rake that she saw across the yard leaning against a tree.
Though Radley knew Lord Dyson would try to kill them if he found them together, he tried to hide his fear and in turn, cracked a smile when he looked at Violet.
Even in the danger of the moment, heat rushed to her cheeks. God, even his grin was sexy.
“And not many people come to this graveyard made for blood suckers. The guards have to let you pass.” His tone was smug.
Goose bumps rose all over her body as she listened to the engine realizing that they hadn’t discussed a plan of attack. “Shouldn’t we get out of here?” She grabbed his hand.
A wry grin lifted on his face as the engine shut. They heard the Lamborghini door open. Violet’s breath caught in her throat as she tried to speak.
“He probably will torture us before he kills us,” Radley said ironically as he pulled her into his arms at once.
Surprised, her face as pale as the clouds, she looked at him in shock as great black bat wings spread from his back. Would her wings look like that? She wondered. His were amazing, black and velvety. He whisked her up, away from the trees and into the air.
Chapter Three
“Whoa,” Violet whispered trying to stop herself from shrieking. It wouldn’t be wise to draw the attention of the vampire they were trying to ditch.
Radley held her tightly in his arms as he flapped his wings, moving higher and higher in the dark sky closer to the full moon. He looked determined and magnificent against the backdrop of the night. No boy could ever compare to Radley Aston, Violet thought.
“Do you think Lord Dyson will fly up after us?” she asked, her face close to his. Her eyes were wide with fear. The adrenaline rush was intense.
He held a fierce expression as conveyed through the sharp focus of his green eyes and the way his facial skin stretched over his jaw bone. “If he knows we are up he
re, he will come after us.” His voice was tense. Once they were high enough in the sky where they wouldn’t be spotted from below, he flew wayward.
With their chests pressed against each other, she held onto his strong shoulders and wrapped her legs around his torso to get a better grip, but all that did was make her body first chill to his cold skin and then heat up and tingle all over.
They didn’t speak for some time. It seemed that Lord Dyson hadn’t followed them up into the sky, but Violet had an ominous feeling like he might just fly out from behind a cloud and slay them. Almost as if Radley had read her mind, he said just above a whisper in that gravelly voice that made goose bumps rise on her arms, “Don’t be scared, Violet. We are safe for now.”
Heavenly Blood (Roseville Vampires, #2) Page 3