Perfect Wives

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Perfect Wives Page 11

by Emma Hannigan

  ‘Go on,’ Jodi said.

  ‘We’d like you to agree to be a couple for a while. The press would love it and the fans would adore the thought of you two as the new A-list golden couple.’

  ‘But what does Darius think of this notion?’ Jodi asked. She’d never met him but, like most other women with a pulse, she liked what she saw on screen. He was the most divine-looking man imaginable. Of Greek descent with the body of a god, he appeared to have it all.

  ‘Darius needs this arrangement just as much as you do – if not more. I know he’ll be willing to play ball,’ Noelle vowed. ‘I’ll arrange a meeting in a discreet location. Let’s see how the two of you get on, yeah? Jodi, we need to paint a very clear picture of you as a girl-next-door homemaker type. The fans don’t need to be disillusioned and made to feel cheated. They see you as someone to look up to. A good girl. A nice girl. We’ve got to lay this on with a trowel for a while. Mac, with his history, can do more damage than you give him credit for. I don’t want that little weasel pulling the rug from under you. You’ve worked too hard to let that happen. Trust me?’

  Jodi agreed.

  Several days later she found herself in a basement apartment in LA face to face with Darius Drew.

  ‘How’s it going?’ Jodi asked, as they shook hands. ‘Sorry, my palms are sweating – hardly the most attractive quality in your potential future partner,’ she added, trying to make light of the moment.

  ‘Hey, no worries, I’m scared shitless myself … You’re very pretty up close.’ He smiled as, unabashedly, he looked her up and down. ‘You’re much tinier than you look on screen. How tall are you?’ he asked.

  ‘Five foot on the button,’ Jodi said. ‘European dress size six, shoe size four and currently I weigh just over forty-four kilos.’ She raised an eyebrow as he nodded.

  ‘Whatever about the raven tresses, please tell me those emerald eyes are enhanced by contact lenses!’ he said, stepping closer to peer into them.

  ‘You have it the wrong way around.’ Her throaty laugh filled the air. ‘I was born with hair a wonderful shade of mouse-brown-meets-muddy-puddle, which was always knotty and looked like it could’ve been styled by a stray cat, but the eyes are all mine!’ She winked.

  ‘Seriously?’ Darius clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in awe. ‘I can see why you ended up on the big screen, little lady.’ At six foot one, he towered over her.

  ‘You’re not so bad yourself!’ Sure she’d seen his publicity shots, not to mention the billboards and the movies he’d starred in, but he was astonishingly beautiful in the flesh. With his deep-set hazel eyes and smooth, bronzed skin, he might still have been in his teens. ‘How old are you?’

  ‘Twenty-nine,’ Darius said. ‘The big three-oh is looming later this year.’

  ‘Well, you look seventeen!’ Jodi shot back.

  ‘Thank you, doll. I get my youthful looks as well as my name from my late father. He was Greek, and although he was only forty when he died, he looked much younger.’ Darius sounded sad.

  ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t know your father had passed away. My mother died young too.’

  ‘So I heard. That’s a tough call. How about your dad?’

  ‘I never knew him.’

  At this point, Noelle walked into the room with a man, and interjected: ‘So, Jodi, meet Mike.’

  ‘Hi, I’m Darius’s agent.’ He smiled, revealing teeth that were a shade too white.

  The rest of the conversation that day was surreal on so many levels. Both agents had drawn up a fact file on their clients.

  ‘Here’s a copy for both of you,’ Noelle said, removing two neat folders from her briefcase and handing one each to Darius and Mike.

  ‘Thanks, Noelle, and here’s yours.’ Mike gave her two similar folders.

  ‘We figured this was the safest way of doing everything,’ Noelle explained, to a slightly stunned Jodi and Darius. ‘We’ll organise plenty more meetings before you make your first public appearance, but it’s good to have all the stuff you need to know on paper.’

  ‘This is going to be like learning a new script,’ Darius quipped.

  ‘It’s more like a TV reality show, if you ask me,’ Jodi said, leafing through the pages. She felt a hollow inside but figured she’d get used to the arrangement in time.

  ‘We all know the reasons why this needs to happen. Jodi has to avoid certain incidents in her past coming out. Or, more to the point, a certain despicable character by the name of Mac. Darius, you need to steer the path away from your present! So, give it your best shot. Yes?’ Noelle stated.

  The fans had jumped on board instantly. As soon as they’d made their first public appearance, every glossy magazine from the UK to the USA wanted a piece of them. Over the following days and weeks they made the front cover of every newspaper. When Irish Eyes Are Truly Smiling, one magazine headline announced, boasting an ‘exclusive at-home photo special inside’.

  Destined To Be Together, another revealed. The press adored the fact that Darius had dyed his hair to match hers and that she’d taken to wearing white jeans like his. The world agreed that Jodi and Darius were the golden couple of the moment.

  ‘So what’s your reason for this charade?’ Jodi asked Darius at one stage.

  ‘Can’t you tell? Girlfriend,’ he said, using his most camp voice.

  ‘You’re gay?’ she gasped. ‘Fuck me, I’d never have noticed.’

  ‘Well, I won’t be fucking you. But that’s the whole idea. Nobody is meant to notice.’

  ‘But why?’ Jodi asked, confused. ‘Surely it’s okay to be gay in this day and age.’

  ‘You’d think so, wouldn’t you?’ Darius said. ‘It seems it’s still not quite fitting for heartthrobs like me.’

  ‘That’s so unfair. Surely your fans won’t mind if they know the truth,’ Jodi said, aghast.

  ‘Just like your fans won’t judge you because of your estranged man, Mac-the-knife, and the dagger he holds over your head,’ he said, raising an eyebrow.

  ‘I suppose,’ she said, sighing.

  ‘If I have to marry someone I’d be proud to be your husband,’ Darius said, as he hugged her. ‘In fact, if I was ever considering any sort of lady loving you’d be first on my list.’

  ‘Ha!’ Jodi laughed. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment! Well, I’m just sorry you’re so dead set on being gay. You’re one of the nicest men I’ve ever met and you’re so damn good-looking … It’s a crying shame for womankind!’ she said. ‘Will you help me look for my wedding dress, then?’

  ‘Ooh, I’d love, love love to come shopping for it with you! The best part about this relationship is that we get to be honest with each other. I promise I’ll never hurt you. I’ll mind you and look after you.’

  ‘Right back at you,’ Jodi said, as she hugged him. ‘I’ll be here for you always. Let’s do what Noelle and Mike want in public, but nobody will know that we’re like this,’ Jodi said, and held two fingers side by side. ‘Pinkie promise we’ll take care of each other,’ she said.

  ‘Pinkie promise,’ he said, linking his little finger with hers. The arrangement fooled the world. Very soon after their first meeting, they married in a lavishly staged setting, with their nuptials making the front of every glossy magazine worldwide. As time passed, Jodi and Darius became inseparable. It was their own idea to have Saul. Both wanted children and opted for IVF to create their precious son. The decision hadn’t been taken lightly. They’d mulled over it for several months before finally deciding to go ahead. They’d also vowed to tell their son the entire story when the time was right. So far they were both still happy to keep their marriage going, and although Jodi’s move to Ireland was going to put some distance between them, they’d decided to see how it all went.

  ‘So what’s the latest on your little love rat? Have you managed to put him off the scent?’ Jodi asked, as they lay in her iron bed gazing up at the ceiling.

  ‘Yeah, he was turfed out of Glitz nightclub and frisked by the
cops the other night,’ Darius said, yawning.

  ‘Let me guess – he was in possession of something illegal?’ Jodi finished.

  ‘Got it in one,’ Darius answered. ‘Actually, I almost felt sorry for him. He’s a mess.’

  ‘He wasn’t that pathetic a few days ago when he was trying to blackmail you by selling his story,’ Jodi reminded him.

  ‘I know, but he’s just so beautiful, Jodi.’ Darius sighed. ‘Divine.’ He went all misty-eyed.

  ‘You’re such a fool when it comes to gorgeous guys,’ she said, nudging him.

  ‘Just because I’m in love with being in love – unlike you,’ Darius teased. ‘No love on the horizon for you, then?’ he asked.

  ‘Nope.’ Jodi was firm. She wanted to tell him about the phone call the other day, but he was comfortably relaxed and she didn’t want to taint the moment. She felt a sudden chill. She hoped against hope that he wouldn’t call again. They had an arrangement. Mac knew better now.

  ‘Aren’t there any irresistible Irish men knocking around here? It’s the back end of nowhere. Surely they’d all be delighted to have a famous girlfriend.’

  ‘I have my two men,’ Jodi said. ‘Now, do me a favour, shut up and go to sleep or the two of us will look like we’ve been boxed in this photo shoot tomorrow.’

  Jodi fell into a deep sleep. The clear Wicklow air mixed with the comfort of having her husband beside her had knocked her out cold.

  Darius wasn’t quite so lucky. He stared at Jodi. She was like a little doll. All the gutsy determination that kept her in the limelight faded away when she slept. He knew he was one of the only people in the world who knew the real Jodi Ludlum. He adored her, and their son was the light of his life. Being a father was something he’d never thought could happen. He’d almost had to pinch himself when Jodi had divulged that she was longing to be a mother. ‘I know what I’m suggesting might seem crazy, but all children need is love. We have that on offer in bucket loads,’ she’d said. ‘Besides, we are married after all.’

  ‘It sounds so right when you put it that way,’ Darius had agreed, ‘and I’d love nothing more than to be a father. But are we honestly thinking of the potential child here? Our marriage isn’t what one would call conventional, is it?’

  ‘Maybe not, but when do we ever argue? We adore and respect one another. We have each other’s backs 24/7 … And as for the baby, I’d never stop thinking about our child, Darius. He or she would be cherished. What’s irresponsible about that?’

  ‘Nothing, honey. Nothing.’

  Not for the first time, Darius had felt a lurch deep inside. It would be so simple if he weren’t gay. But that was a concept he’d struggled with since his early teens.

  As his star had risen, his parents had been so proud of his success. For years he had managed to fob them off about girlfriends. ‘I live for the moment. I’ve a different girl in every port; this is Hollywood, Dad!’

  His father had chuckled and banged him on the back. He’d raised Darius to be a man’s man, but neither of his parents ever stopped asking him when he was going to settle down with a nice girl.

  Jodi more than fitted the bill. Their wedding had got his parents off his back and had the knock-on effect of securing a massive deal for a blockbuster movie. He and Jodi were cast as an on-screen husband and wife in a big-budget, award-winning production. Darius played his usual role as the sexy criminal rogue who only showed a softer side when his gutsy petit love interest appeared. Although the Quentin Tarantinoesque hard man was a given for Darius, the role of gangster wife catapulted Jodi into the hearts of many more fans. The world celebrated with them as they both scooped an Oscar for their respective performances. Jodi’s second and Darius’s first. Darius had sailed through his thirtieth birthday bash with his stunning co-star wife by his side.

  Now they’d been together for six happy years. Jodi was the best friend and companion he’d ever had. Although she was four years his junior, she was wise beyond her years. She was the mother of his son. She was a huge part of his world and always would be. But inside he was desperately lonely. Jodi had told him adamantly that she never wanted to fall in love again after what she’d been through with Mac.

  Mac had been around when Jodi’s career had first hit the big time. She had been just eighteen and had landed the role in Runaways, her second movie which had gone on to smash all previous box-office records. It had also catapulted her into a whole new world. Jodi’s performance had won her her first Oscar, for best supporting actress, along with two Golden Globes and a BAFTA. She had gone overnight from being vaguely known for a couple of childhood parts to a major player and superstar. Darius still felt angry when he remembered how Mac had taken advantage of her at that time. He’d been a runner on the set of Runaways and struck up a relationship with Jodi. She’d sat and talked to Darius for hours when they’d first met. She’d shared her fears and hopes. But most of all she’d poured her heart out to him. He and Jodi were a winning team, but Darius was pretty sure that, underneath her tough exterior, Jodi must have that same gaping void in her heart that he had today.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to force himself to drift off. He loved Jodi more than he’d ever loved another person. But he knew deep down that their arranged marriage would have to end at some point. The love they shared was protective and mutual, of that he had no doubt. But he also knew they both deserved to find partners that would provide the whole package. The thought scared him. He’d become comfortable with Jodi. But sooner or later it would be time to move on. He wondered if he’d ever find inner peace. As sleep finally crept over him, his dreams were troubled.

  Chapter 10

  When Jodi stirred, she found the bed empty. The sound of laughter drew her to the kitchen, where the smell of toast and bacon made her mouth water.

  ‘Hey, sleepy Mummy!’ Saul said, waving. ‘Dad and I’ve made toasties and they’re yum. This is my third one.’

  ‘Wowzers! You’re going to pop if you don’t stop!’ Jodi said, kissing the top of her son’s head.

  ‘Want one?’ Darius asked.

  ‘No, thanks. I’ll stick to porridge and my herbal infusion.’ Jodi yawned.

  ‘I never eat this kind of thing but I figured I’m on holiday. Well, until tomorrow anyway. I’ll beat it off in the gym.’

  ‘What time are the camera crew arriving?’ Jodi asked, perching cross-legged on the Aga.

  ‘Soon.’ Darius looked at his watch. ‘You okay about the publicity? You hate it at the best of times but this is on your home turf. Does it freak you out?’

  ‘Nah. You know me. I can separate the real stuff from what the public sees. It’s definitely weird having a crew come and take shots in Ireland, though.’

  ‘This gorgeous place isn’t anything like Dayfield Estate, as you described it to me,’ Darius pointed out.

  ‘No, it’s a million miles away from all of that,’ Jodi agreed. ‘Thank God.’ Hopping down, she hugged him briefly. ‘I’ve to drop Saul to school and make a quick appearance at a coffee morning thing. It’s for all the new mums and it’d be really bad form if I don’t show up. I don’t want the others to think I have a God complex.’

  ‘Good for you,’ Darius said. ‘I’m glad you’re making friends.’

  ‘I’m making millions of friends,’ Saul said, climbing into his dad’s lap.

  ‘I’d say everyone in the class wants to be your friend,’ Darius said. ‘Tell them they can audition!’

  Before they could leave for school, the first car pulled up outside the cottage and two people knocked at the door. ‘Hi, we’re part of the crew for the shoot.’

  ‘I’m Jodi,’ she said, smiling. ‘Come on in.’ Of course they already knew who she was, but Jodi always introduced herself. She felt it cut out any awkwardness and let people know how they should address her.

  ‘Hair and Makeup will be here in just over an hour. We’re going to do the background styling. If it’s okay with you, we’ll have a quick look around and start making no

  ‘Go ahead,’ Jodi said.

  ‘You get ready and I’ll make Saul’s mid-morning snack,’ Darius called out.

  ‘Thanks, lovie,’ she said.

  Jodi ran into her bedroom and grabbed the first thing she found, which happened to be a pair of Abercrombie track pants. They were pale blue and she’d owned them for ever. She put them on, then added a frilly white vest top and a cropped denim jacket. She pulled her long hair into a high ponytail. Cream knitted Ugg boots completed her ensemble. Knowing she’d be scrubbed, backcombed and sprayed to within an inch of her life over the next few hours, she saw little point in dressing up.

  When she wasn’t on set, Jodi used hardly any makeup. The stuff she wore when she was working was like a mask and her skin always felt so much better bare. She picked up a pale pink tube of lip balm, rubbed a smidgen on to her lips, spritzed herself with eau-de-Cologne and rushed out to the car.

  ‘Ready, dude?’ she called to Saul.

  ‘Coming!’ He kissed Darius and bounded out of the door after her.

  ‘We’ll drive this morning ’cause I’ll have to rush back,’ Jodi explained.

  Moments later, as they passed through the school gate, Jodi had a sudden panic attack. Francine’s friends, Sarah and Jane, were walking towards the classroom. Both were dressed like mannequins from Bloomingdales. Before she could turn around to drive back home and change, they spotted her and began to wave furiously.

  ‘Shoot.’ Jodi stopped the car and forced herself to get out.

  ‘Hello, Jodi!’ Jane called across to her, smiling brightly.

  Feeling desperately self-conscious, Jodi waved to the women. There was nothing she could do about her clothes and, besides, she was only popping in to the coffee morning to be polite. By the time the bulk of the yummy mummies arrived she’d be out of there.

  ‘Good morning,’ she said, smiling. ‘I’ll just drop Saul into Mr Matthews and I’ll be right there.’

  As Jodi set off with Saul to the classroom, he tore ahead of her, running confidently to hang his coat and put away his school bag. ‘See you later, Mum!’ he called.


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