Channing_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

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Channing_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

  “Looks like all the stores are closing now.” Channing said.

  “Only the restaurants and bars will be open now.” She admitted.

  “Where would you like to eat at?”

  “We have a lot of German in our blood. I rarely get good German food so the Bavarian Inn.”

  “Okay. Can you direct me to it?”

  She did and he had no trouble finding it. They walked up the stairs and in the door. A lady took them to their table and she looked at her as if she might know her. She left them with menus and the menu had only changed a little. All her favorite meals were still there.

  “What do you suggest I order?” He asked.

  “Why don’t we start out with the sauerkraut soup?”

  Channing wrinkled his nose up. “Is that supposed to be good?”

  “No, it is good. You’ll be amazed and if you don’t like it, I’ll eat it. Also get a brat. Theirs are the best.”

  When the waiter came, they ordered their appetizers and drinks. “This is all amazing.” He said after their appetizers and drinks came. They ordered their meals and she was sure he would like it too.

  Channing encouraged her to order a drink so she ordered a white Russian. Once she drank it, she felt very relaxed. The male across from her was sexy and charming which made him hard to resist. Relaxed as she was, it made the date even more enjoyable. Once they were done eating the meal, Channing convinced her to get dessert. They both had the tiramisu ala Michael. It was a family thing. One of the waiters had discovered that the already marvelous dessert was even better when doused in chocolate or coffee liquor.

  She knew she shouldn’t have more alcohol since she was a light weight where that was concerned. In the end she knew she would only do what she wanted to and had resisted. They were done and left to head home. The desire between them was white hot and she knew resistance was futile at this point.

  Instead of taking her to her car, he drove her to his home. It was the log house on the bluff she had seen the other day. Apparently he was going to live there instead of the Coalition house. Who could blame him? The house was incredible and she wished she had bought it before he had. That would have drained her finances so maybe it was best that she hadn’t. Channing pulled her to him and kissed her until she was breathless.

  “I need you now!” He asserted. Picking her up, he carried her to his room.

  Setting her down near the bed, he swiftly undressed and his muscled male perfection drew her eye and she felt hypnotized. Now he began to undress her and she gave him no resistance. In her mind she had always known someday this would happen. They were both naked now and he picked her up putting her in his bed before he joined her. Now he teased her with his hands, lips, and tongue. First a hot claiming kiss weakened her resistance. Then he kissed a path to her breasts. Once there he cupped on breast then devoured her nipple sucking hard until it was sensitive and hard. He moved to the other giving it the same treatment.

  She moaned with need and felt her channel was drenched and ready for him to fill. Channing took a deep breath and seemed to realize she was overwhelmed with desire. He grinned and began to kiss and lick a path lower until he reached her center. Now he breathed in deep with his nose pressed up against her then licked her seam for a taste. He groaned with delight.

  His tongue continued to lick until it was inside her. That’s when he began to tongue fuck her as his fingers massaged her little nubbin. Her desire built until she could hold it back no more and she exploded. His tongue went wild licking up her honey until he had it all then he slid up her body until his mouth was able to claim hers.

  Chapter 6

  His Mate

  Channing’s sizable shaft speared into her and she gasped with pleasure. He hesitated to allow her to adjust before he began rocking into her wildly with his need more than evident. His thrusts speedup until he was driving her crazy and she froze as she screamed his name and her orgasm caught them both off guard. His fangs dropped and his cat was in control as it sank its teeth into her neck tasting her wonderful blood.

  Once he was done, he licked the spot clean and felt a sting on his own neck realizing she’d bitten him back with her blunt human teeth. How cute. That’s when he began to realize exactly what he had done. His cat snickered. It was pleased with the results. She’s ours now. That’s what his cat insisted.

  If she doesn’t run away. He pointed out. His cat just pranced away, his tail high in the air leaving him to deal with the mess he’d made. Viv had fallen asleep and he held her in his arms as he went to sleep with her. When he woke, it was with a feeling of complete contentment until he remembered he had mated her without her approval. Damn, double damn! Once she woke, he would have to admit to what he had done and hope she was the forgiving kind.’

  Yes, she had forgiven her ex-husband, but she had children with him and had known him for many years. They hadn’t known each other long and until recently, she hadn’t seemed to care much for him. This mating without her agreement wouldn’t help his cause. While he couldn’t be sure how she would react, he suspected it would be bad. As he lay there holding her, he watched her as her eyes began to move.

  His mate was waking and he still had no idea what to say. Her eyes popped open and she stared at him. “Good morning, Beautiful.”

  “Oh, no. What time is it?”

  “Around eight and it’s Sunday fun day. I don’t believe you’re working today.” He guessed.

  “Maybe not with the crew, but I have many projects and things at home to do.”

  “Why don’t we get ready and go downstairs to eat breakfast?”

  “I haven’t anything to wear but what I had on last night.” She admitted.

  “Maybe my sister has something that will fit you? I’ll go ask.”

  He hurried to find Tamra who was in the dining room eating breakfast. “I need some clothes for a woman.”

  Tamra raised an eyebrow. “What did you do, rip them off her?” She giggled.

  “No, she wasn’t expecting me to bring her here and she didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

  “She’ll have to wear her clothes from last night. That’s why they call it the walk of shame.” She giggled a little more.

  “There is no shame. She’s my mate.”

  Tamra sniffed the air. “Human?” She asked in shock.


  “You’re the leader. That was a terrible mistake.”

  “It’s not your decision.”

  “Too bad, I would have made a better one.”

  “Enough! Either find something for her to wear or keep silent.”

  “Fine.” She got up and ran to her room. She brought her oldest T-shirt and a raggedy pair of jeans. He looked at them in disbelief but took them anyway.

  Now he headed to his room to bring Viv the clothes. Surely it would be better than nothing. Viv was sitting on his bed wrapped in a towel waiting for him. Handing her the items, he realized there was no underwear. When she dropped the towel he saw her wearing her own underwear. That was alright.

  “Thank you.” She said once she was dressed. “This is comfortable.”

  “Would you stay for breakfast?” She nodded so he escorted her downstairs to eat.

  Unfortunately his sister was still at the table probably waiting to see his mate. He gave her a hard look hoping she would at least try to be pleasant. His sister had a sour look on her face. Sadly, many of his kind were racists especially where humans were concerned.

  He held out a chair for Viv and she sat as he pushed it in. The cook somehow realized he was there and came out to see what he wanted. “What would you like, Viv?”

  “What’s already done or easy to do?” She asked looking at the cook.

  “I have eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes.” The cook said.

  “That sounds wonderful. Just fix me a plate with a bit of everything.”

  “Me too.” He said.

  The juice and a carafe of coffee were on the table with cups so he pour
ed her some coffee. She got herself some juice. “Thank you.” She said as he handed the coffee to her.

  His sister watched in fascination. He wished she wasn’t there. In about ten minutes, the cook brought out two plates piled high. “Thank you.” Viv said as she took her plate. She began to eat with a good appetite, almost as good as a shifter. It seemed too soon but what did he know about changes? Tamra finally got tired watching them eat and left.

  “She doesn’t like humans much, does she?” Viv asked.

  “Our kind has not always be treated well by humans. Mating them can cause problems too.”

  “Did you?”

  “Did I what?” He was confused.

  “Mate one?”

  Channing turned red. It was time to admit to what he’d done. “I did. My cat wanted you and lost control.”

  He began to eat since her plate was nearly empty. She wasn’t saying anything and that worried him. She leaned back now that her plate was empty and sighed heavily. “Any way to nullify it?”

  “No.” He said outraged that she had even asked.

  “I thought not.”

  “Why would you want to? We are fated mates, do you not feel it?” He asked.

  “I feel drawn to some extent. What that feeling is, I can’t be sure. Is it possible you’re wrong?” Viv asked.

  “No, and be glad I’m not. We will be together all our lives now.”

  “I need time. It’s too soon for us just to live together.”

  “Being away from me may be hard on you. It’s likely you’ll go into heat, soon.”

  “I’ve only heard a little about that. It doesn’t always happen.”

  “You’re right. Those who change without mating don’t always go through it. Those already expecting may not either. You have just mated and I’d expect it to come on quickly.”

  “This was not the best time for this.” Viv declared.

  “Is there ever a good time?”

  “Yes, when the need for housing lets off.”

  “I could never wait that long.”


  “Where do you need to go now that breakfast is done?”

  “To Ariel’s.”

  “You are still avoiding letting me take you home? I know where you live now anyway.”

  “It’s not that. I need to talk to Ariel about something.”

  “Very well. Let’s go.” He led the way holding the door open for her. Maybe she would adjust and accept what they were to each other. It was all he could hope for.

  He held the car door open and she got in. It was his plan to show perfect manners to lure her in. They drove toward Ariel’s and he wasn’t sure what to say. It was a relief when she spoke. “I’m not sure what we’ll do.”

  “We’ll do what other mated couples do.”

  “You have to realize we aren’t like those other couples.”

  “Our mating is much like those of your cousins. They all worked things out. I’ve heard it said that white wolves never have anything easy. Is that true?”

  “I have to admit most of us have more than our share of trouble. How did you hear about that?”

  “It’s just a story that is going around. People like to gossip. That doesn’t mean there’s not truth in it.”

  “I suppose that’s true. Especially the gossip about white wolves. They tend to tame some of those stories because they’re so wild.”

  “I’m beginning to see the truth in that.” He admitted as he turned on the road that led to Ariel’s.

  “What can Ariel tell you?”

  “She gives the best advice about just about anything.”

  “Because of her gift of foresight?”

  “She rarely gives advice about what she sees for the future. You usually get a riddle for that. No, her advice is thoughtful and based on common sense. She’s got that in spades.”

  They pulled into the parking lot behind her house and got out to go in. Breakfast had been late and it was now lunch time. The wonderful aroma of good food hit him as someone opened the door and they entered. Ariel was there at the table eating as she invited them to grab a plate and join her. Of course they did that quickly.

  Once seated near her, Ariel sniffed the air. “I see congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you.” He replied followed by Viv. She didn’t make it sound like she meant it though which hurt his feelings. It didn’t matter he had taken their mating upon himself, they were fated and she should accept him, right?

  They ate as they spoke and there wasn’t much to talk about. As he’d thought coming here was to escape going home. “Now that we’re done here, let’s go to your house and get your daughter and your clothes.” He suggested. It was clear Viv didn’t know what to do now or how she felt about things. “We’re together and nothing will ever separate us. It’s time you accept that.”

  “Easy for you to say. You made the decision for us both.”

  “Fate made the decision. We were meant to be together and you know it too. You’ll find it hard to be away from me. Trust me in this.” He suggested.

  He saw she was having a hard time making her choice. It hurt his feelings that she didn’t care more for him. Hopefully time would change things.

  “I explained I needed to think things through. Why should that surprise you? Just take me to my SUV and I’ll drive home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  If she couldn’t tell that hurt him, she was blind. He dropped her off at the coalition house where others worked hard making amazing progress. Her sister seemed to be in charge today and while he watched a while, he left not long after she had. Now he was home feeling lost and depressed.

  “Where’s your mate?” Tamra asked. He shot her an ugly look.

  “You mated?” Hector asked. “She’s human? They take a little longer to settle in or so I’ve heard.”

  “Why should she? She caught our leader and a rich male at that.” Tamra said with an ugly look on her face.

  “You don’t have to like her, but you will show her the respect of her position.”

  “What position? She’ll never lead at your side. I’ll do you a favor by taking her out in the first fight.”

  “Her position as my mate. That she will always be.” He explained. Right now he was glad he hadn’t been around this sister much. She was difficult and hard to like. A house would be found for her quickly if possible. It might be time to call Mairi.

  Lunch was served and though it was good, he didn’t enjoy it as much as he usually did. Once he was done with eating he was ready to go. “Come Hector. We have work to do.”

  Hector worked with real estate and he intended to hire him to deal with the properties he had. Only his would not be enough for his brother, but maybe he would work for Roger in his office. It would be good to introduce the two of them. His sister would have to find her own job. They each covered a small business for him, but that was a small part time job. Hector also worked with real estate, but what else she did as far as work went was a mystery to him. As long as she could support herself, he didn’t really care.

  Now he and Hector made the rounds looking at those houses he had bought that were already rented or ready to move in. Most of the houses farther away or in the lake area were on that list. A few others waited for the construction crew he hoped to gather and two were both being worked on by his mate.

  Once they had toured them all, he turned to his brother. “What did you think?”

  “It’s a nice selection of houses. Are you wanting my advice on whether to buy them?”

  “No, I already own all these. I’m wanting to know if you are interested in managing them and any others I might acquire.” Channing explained.

  “I would be. It could start the business I wanted to begin here.” That was exactly what Channing had hoped for.

  “I can give you a list of people that need housing. Most would be willing to pay a small finder’s fee I’m sure.” His fondest hope was to put that responsibility on Hector’s
broad shoulders.

  He’d shown him the land for the subdivision and would let him manage that too. Now he was feeling that progress was being made in the great move his people were making. Jobs were something Viv seemed to manage easily so far. Speaking of Viv, he missed her.

  Breaking down, he gave her a call. “Hello?” She asked and he could hear the sounds of work progressing in the background.

  “Hi, I just needed to hear your voice.” He admitted. There was a pause.

  “It’s nice to hear from you too.” Was someone listening and she was embarrassed to speak intimately?

  “When will you get through with work? I’d hoped we could eat supper together.”

  “Probably at seven then I’ll have to clean up and change.”

  “Do you want to meet me or have me pick you up?”

  “We can meet at the coalition house.”

  He sighed heavily. She refused to let him go to her home even though he knew where it was now. What the hell was that about? It was something he just couldn’t understand. “I’ll see you at eight.”

  They hung up and now he would moon around for hours thinking about her. Would she think of him at all? There was no way to know. He got back to work and gave Hector all the information he needed to get started. At least something seemed to be going right.

  It was finally time to get ready for their date. Showering, he dried off and dressed in nice jeans and a dress shirt. He didn’t want to be too dressy, but he wanted to look good. Now he left to meet her and he arrived only minutes early. She pulled in right on time. Getting out, he greeted her and held her door open. Once she was in his car he gave her a sweet kiss.

  After he closed her door and got back in, he took off for his house. She was his and he was ready for her to live with him. Caro was welcome too. There was no reason for her to put off this move. Breathing in deeply, he scented change in the air. It wouldn’t be long before she couldn’t resist him like he already couldn’t resist her.


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