Giving Off Sparks

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Giving Off Sparks Page 11

by Sami Lee

  Sami recommends … Michelle Hoppe

  “Hello readers!

  I hope you enjoyed this book. If you’re looking for more quality stories, you’ll definitely want to check out the work of the wonderful and talented Michelle Hoppe. Read on to dive right into one of her amazing stories.”

  Club Belle Tori

  Club Belle Tori, Book 1

  Michelle Hoppe

  Chapter 1

  The sleek black limousine began the steep climb down the winding road to the desert floor below. Victoria Lane relaxed deeper into the seat as her mind drifted back to the first time she had made the trip up this hill sixteen years ago. Before the trees had grown so tall, before the club became “the” place to be, before she became wealthy. Back to the first time she had seen the mansion, majestically situated on top of this hill, overlooking the glittering lights of Las Vegas. Smiling to herself she remembered the first time she explained to her best friend, Pierre DuMonte, what it was she envisioned Club Belle Tori would become.

  “We will create a place where people can live their fantasies,” she had told him. “An exclusive club with outrageous works of art, expensive drinks, and twenty of the most beautifully decorated guest rooms ever imagined.” Pierre had smiled as if he were indulging a young child, and dutifully accompanied her to the mansion, listening as she described the club.

  “The ground level will be the lobby, club, and guest rooms,” she had explained as they entered the massive foyer. “We will hang life size erotic art in black frames with gold mattes here in the lobby. A reception desk will be positioned between two of them, over there,” she pointed, on the left side of the room. Spinning around with her arms outstretched, she indicated the entire room. “Overstuffed couches and chairs will be tastefully scattered around. And in front of the grand staircase we will place a large table with a beautiful vase of fresh flowers.”

  Victoria remembered Pierre looking around the rooms, asking a few questions, and basically acting like he was interested. He had, without protest, listened as she explained how they would divide the upper level into two sections. “One will become a private residence for me and the other will be offices and storage,” she assured him. She knew he thought she was only dreaming. She knew he thought the club would take more money than they could come up with. Yet, here they were sixteen years later and their success was greater than either of them had ever expected.

  Victoria was pulled back to the present by the sound of Pierre's voice, “Tori?”

  She smiled. Her nickname sounded so sexy when he said it. Turning to face him she purred, “Yes, Pierre

  “You seem deep in thought. Want to share?”

  “Oh it's nothing. I was just thinking about the first time we saw the mansion.”

  Now it was Pierre's turn to smile. “It's been a long, successful road, Belle.”

  “That's somewhat of an understatement don't you think?”

  “Perhaps. All I know is I've enjoyed every moment, and I have you to thank for dragging me into a wonderful life.”

  The sound of her laughter filled the air. “Did I drag you, handsome? It seems to me it took very little effort to get you to go along with all my plans.”

  “Okay, drag is the wrong word. Nonetheless, I will always be grateful for the life we have.”

  “As will I my friend.”

  Their conversation ended as the limo came to a stop. Stepping from the car, Victoria and Pierre moved toward a large white tent, which had been erected for their use this evening.

  “So tell me why you brought me out here.”

  Pierre reached out and took Victoria's hand. “For several reasons,” he responded.

  “Such as?”

  “Well first to enjoy the sunset from high above the desert floor,” he stated as he pointed to a brightly colored hot air balloon sitting beside the tent.”

  “Sounds wonderful, handsome—any other reason?”

  “Yes, I believe we need a night away from the club to relax and talk.”

  “That's the one that scares me.”


  “Talking! We have been through this too many times already.”

  Pulling her close Pierre lifted her easily into the basket of the balloon. “Well first we fly,” he said. Climbing aboard, Pierre expertly handled the controls, as the balloon lifted into the air.

  * * * *

  At six foot three, two hundred and ten pounds of masculine power, Jason Hunter was a wealthy, educated, world traveler. With a devilish twinkle in his piercing blue eyes and lips that seemed to be forever curved with delight, he was more than the typical tall, blonde, and handsome. Women noticed him the moment he entered their line of sight and most took a deep breath as a small knot of longing hit the pit of their womanhood. At forty-two he was still single, though never without the company of a lady if he desired one.

  Jason enjoyed the finer things in life: excellent food and wine, the best hotels, and fancy cars. His clothes were custom made to fit his body like a glove, and even when he was dressed for relaxing, there was something about the cut and style of his clothing that attracted attention. He walked with the confidence of a man in control. Considered charming and sensual by women, intelligent and sometimes arrogant by men, Jason exuded a commanding presence, and was very aware of the effect he had on those around him.

  It had been two days since he arrived in Paris to check on the overseas offices of Hunter Consulting. His business partner and best friend, Samuel Grimes, had been getting the new location up and running for the past four months. Jason was satisfied with the setup and progress, and after two days of meetings and conference calls he was ready for some personal time. After all, Paris is the city of romance and since Sam had everything in order, Jason decided it was time to do a little sightseeing.

  He and Sam had plans for dinner later in the day, so with little hesitation he dialed the office to let Sam know he would not be attending today's round of meetings. After a quick check with the front desk for messages, Jason exited the lobby of the Hotel de Paris. Turning left on Place de la Concorde, he started a leisurely stroll toward The Palais.

  The early morning sun was warm on his face. People walked down the streets, cars and buses crawled along in heavy traffic, and the sounds of a busy city surrounded him. Finding a small outdoor café, which was less crowded than most, Jason located a table and ordered espresso.

  While he waited for the coffee to be delivered, his eyes scanned the surrounding area, meeting momentarily with those of a nice looking woman on the other side of the courtyard. Her gaze rested on his lips and he smiled, tipped his head in greeting, and was pleased by the sweet look of desire lighting her eyes. Motioning to a waiter, Jason asked that his card be delivered to the table where she was sitting, having jotted a quick note on the back requesting she join him. Moments later he was rewarded with a nod of acceptance.

  Jason's eyes lingered on the curve of her legs as she stood and walked in the direction of his table. Her body was graceful and slender; her long red hair framed a lovely face, and hazel eyes shone in the morning sun. Jason stood at her approach, extending his hand to take hers. “Bonjour,” he said with a perfect French accent.

  “Bonjour,” she responded, as she placed her hand in his, allowing him a moment to lift it to his warm lips for a quick kiss.

  “I am Jason, it's a beautiful day to be in Paris and my good fortune to find such a lovely lady to share it with,” he said, motioning her to a seat at the table.

  With a sensual smile she replied. “Oui, Paris is a wonderful city. I am Erica; it's nice to meet you.”

  The city noise slowly filtered into the background as Jason gave his undivided attention to the lovely Erica.

  * * * *

  Translucent pink and purple hues streaked across the evening sky, swirling and floating on air currents high above the wind-swept desert laid out below. The lights of Las Vegas shone in the distance, their brightness fighting to keep the dark evening sky fr
om descending on their fun.

  The majestic balloon softly dropped to the desert floor, touching gently as the sound of raised voices caught on the air. Victoria and Pierre climbed from the basket and strolled back toward the tent, all the while continuing the discussion that had been spinning in circles for over two hours.

  “Pierre, I don't want to talk about it anymore.”

  “I realize that Tori, but this conversation is not going away, and until you give in or fire me, we will keep having it.”

  The look that crossed her face was one of sadistic delight, “Fire you?” she laughed. “Like you would let me, and even if I did, you wouldn't go and you know it.”

  “So true Belle, and yet…”

  “And yet, what?” She demanded her patience at an end. “You know I'm not going to fire you and I know you're not going to leave, so let's have the damn discussion and be done with it.”

  Pierre smiled. “We could have saved all this frustration, if only you had agreed I was right two hours ago.”

  Victoria turned and playfully slapped Pierre on the ass as she ran the last few yards to the tent. She could hear his footsteps close behind, gaining on her. Suddenly, she was swept from her feet and lifted high in the air, her legs arching up as he pulled her to the ground, his body acting as a soft landing pad beneath her. He had her pinned against him, his lips nibbling on the soft flesh of her neck. “Stop squirming,” he said between tender nips.

  “Hell no,” she laughed as her body wiggled more in an effort to escape.

  His grip tightened and his lips attached to her ear lobe. Sucking hard he heard her moan. “Stop squirming Tori,” he stated again, his voice becoming firm.

  “Okay,” she hissed between clenched teeth as her body relaxed.

  Pierre released her and allowed her to roll away from him. Pulling herself into a sitting position, she smiled and in the most seductive voice turned to him and said, “I thought you wanted to talk handsome, not fuck.”

  “I do want to talk Belle and you're not going to distract me from this conversation with any of your tricks. So stop looking at me like a cat with a mouse, turn off the sex appeal, and plant your ass in a comfortable position, because talking is what we are going to do.”

  Victoria moved over to a pile of pillows and made herself comfortable. Glancing quickly out the corner of her eye she saw Pierre adjusting his shorts and chuckled. With very little effort on her part this conversation could be delayed once again. It was a fleeting thought though, because she was tired of it all and just wanted it over, done, finished. Since they came out here this evening with the express plan to get it out in the open once and for all, she decided to stop playing games and get down to business.

  “Okay handsome, you have me in the middle of nowhere. No phones, no clients, no staff, and no distractions, so hit me with your best shot.”

  Pierre rolled his eyes. “You don't need to be so dramatic Tori—I just want to talk”

  * * * *

  Eight hours later Jason returned to his suite. Opening the sliding doors to the balcony he stepped out into the evening air. Lights and noise filtered up from the city below as he thought about the hours of empty pleasure just spent with Erica. “What is wrong with me?” he asked aloud. It had nothing to do with Erica, or any of the other women he'd been with, it was something in him. The passion and fire he knew existed deep within was not there. The desire to give completely to a woman was not there. Love or anything closely resembling love was not there.

  He couldn't put his finger on the problem but knew his life was in need of a change. Months ago he had come to the conclusion it was time to find a woman he could spend the rest of his life with. A woman to share his hopes and dreams, who liked to travel, enjoyed romance, and was not opposed to indulging his sexual fantasies. For months now he had been searching, and for months he had been disappointed.

  Shaking his head and glancing at his watch, Jason realized he needed to get ready for dinner with Sam. He headed to the bathroom stripping out of his clothing as he walked through the bedroom. Letting his pants drop to the floor, he stood naked, the hard muscles of his body flexing as he stretched his arms over his head. Moving his shoulders from side to side, he continued to stretch. Pulling the muscles of his back and legs tight, he held the position for several minutes while allowing his mind to relax. Releasing slowly he moved into the bathroom and stepped into the shower allowing hot water to pour down his frame.

  Once again his mind toyed with the idea of the perfect woman. She must be sexy, intelligent, confident, and of course beautiful. Does such a woman exist? And if she does, how was he supposed to find her? Thoughts of women from his past came to mind, beautiful brainless ladies, not one of whom he wanted to spend eternity with. Stepping out of the shower he dried his body with a soft towel, still running down the list of ladies he had dated, concluding not one had all the qualities he was seeking.

  Another look at the time and he shook off the distracting thoughts of his personal life, dressed for dinner, locked the door to his suite, and took the elevator downstairs to the restaurant.

  * * * *

  Le' Embassadeurs was dining at its most refined elegance with excellent cuisine and service beyond reproach. Jason was shown to a table located near the windows, where Sam was already seated.

  “So, how was the sightseeing?” Sam inquired, as Jason joined him at the table.

  Smiling, Jason replied, “It's a beautiful city, full of beautiful women. All in all it was a great day.”

  “What's her name?” Sam asked with amusement.


  “And, did you…” Sam started.

  “Don't ask,” Jason interrupted, “I had a nice day, but nothing really special. Let's discuss something else.”

  “Like what?”

  “Anything, I don't care as long as it's not about women.”

  “Sure Jase, whatever you want.”

  Both men stopped talking to study the menu and place their orders with the waiter. Throughout the meal, Jason and Sam enjoyed light conversation on a multitude of topics, from business to travel. Once the meal was complete and the last of the dishes had been cleared from the table, the Masterpiece Port Finish was served. Both gentlemen lit Ornelas' as they relaxed into their chairs.

  “So, what do you think of Las Vegas?” Sam asked out of the blue.

  “I haven't been there in several years. Gambling is not something I enjoy, so except for the shows and great food, I don't find much of interest there,” Jason replied. “Why?”

  “Umm, just thinking about your little problem with women.”

  “I never said I had a problem with women and you know it.”

  “Not exactly,” Sam laughed, “you know what I'm talking about Jase.”

  “Yes Sam I know what you are talking about and while I don't remember asking for any help, I take it you have a solution,” Jason replied, his tone of voice a little sarcastic,

  “Not a solution Jase, I have a woman for you, a woman who will light a fire deep within your soul. She's everything you've ever wanted and then some … beautiful, sexy, intelligent, wealthy.”

  “I'm listening.”

  “Her name is Victoria, and she owns a club called Belle Tori. This club is very private, members only, and extremely elegant. It's a house of sexual pleasures and is like nothing you've ever experienced before.”

  “She's a prostitute?” Jason demanded in a harsh tone.

  “Fuck no, that's not what I said.”

  “Hell it isn't,” Jason hissed. “Dammit Sam all I need in my life at this point is a whore.”

  “I told you she's not a prostitute,” Sam yelled, causing several heads to turn in their direction. Lowering his voice and leaning closer to Jason, Sam continued, “Listen Jase, I'm sorry for bringing it up. It's just that Victoria Lane is like no woman I've ever met before. If ever the gods put a lady on this earth for the sole purpose of being with you, this is the one.”

  “Just drop it
Sam, I'm not going to Vegas and that's the end of it.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Sam sat quietly. It had never been easy getting Jason to do something if his mind was against it. All he could do was plant the seed and hope it grew. He waited silently for five minutes, while pretending to be engrossed in the artwork hanging on the wall above their table. Jason sat there stony silent, his eyes focused on some mystery spot beyond Sam's head.

  Finally growing uncomfortable with the silence, Sam spoke, “Time to call it a night Jase, I've got a busy day at the office again tomorrow.”

  Suddenly pulled back into the moment, his voice sounding far away, Jason replied. “Sure Sam and I'm sorry for getting so worked up about your suggestion. I'm just not interested at the moment, you understand?”

  “Don't give it another thought Jase, it was just a crazy idea anyway. I'll see you tomorrow.”

  “I'll be in around noon,” Jason replied, as he stood to shake Sam's hand.

  Sam turned to leave the restaurant as Jason picked up his port and walked back inside to the Piano Bar. Finding an empty table close to the windows, he ordered another drink, gazed out at the city of lights, and was soon lost in thought…

  He had started Hunter Consulting at age thirty-one, after spending ten years working for his father's electronics development firm. During that time, he had learned everything he could from anyone who would take the time to teach him. One day he walked into his father's office, thanked him for the opportunities he had been given and announced it was time to strike out on his own. His father wished him the best of luck and allowed him to make his own path from that moment on. It took two years of hard work and more than a little money to get the consulting firm up and running, and five more to make it the vastly profitable corporation it was today.

  Those first seven years Jason spent sixteen-hour days at the office, put every penny he made back into the company, and lived for work. A personal life was not something he could indulge in during those years. Then the day came when everything was working perfectly, he didn't need to be in the office day and night. Actually, he could leave for three months and things still worked like a well-oiled machine. All he needed was his laptop, cell phone, and the occasional quiet corner, to run his office from anywhere in the world. And that was just what he had been doing for three years now.


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