In the Shadow of the Shield (Secret Lives Series Book 2)

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In the Shadow of the Shield (Secret Lives Series Book 2) Page 12

by Carolyn LaRoche

  “Why, sugar, I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about,” she replied in her Misty Dawn southern drawl.

  “Oh, but you do. You think your husband’s death was more than an accident. Let it drop. Now.”

  “Who is this?” she demanded, dropping character completely.

  “A concerned citizen. Let’s just say I don’t want to see you or your boy get hurt. He looks an awful lot like his daddy.”

  “You leave him alone! He has nothing to do with any of this!”

  “Sure he does. His momma’s a snoop. She stops sticking her nose in where it don’t belong, and little boy Massey won’t ever even know I exist.”

  Her blood was pounding in her ears so loudly she almost couldn’t hear the caller. She wanted to hang up the phone, but she wanted to keep him talking too. All of the calls to the line were recorded as a safety precaution. The more he said, the more that got recorded.

  “Tell me what you want to leave him alone.”

  “It’s simple. Massey’s death was an accident. Leave it at that, and there won’t be any more accidents. You’re stubborn. I thought the car wreck would be enough, but no.”

  “You tried to kill me!”

  “Not me, babe.”

  “Then who?”

  “Just wise up and stay out of it.” The line went dead.

  She immediately dialed her boss, and he picked up on the first ring. “Rick, it’s Misty.”

  “Hey, girly, what’s happenin’?”

  “Can you check my last call and give me the number?”

  “Now, you know I can’t do that. Privacy and all that jazz.”

  “Rick, it wasn’t work related. Someone called and threatened me and my son. I need to tell the police.”

  “If you call the cops and they ask for it, I will give them the recording of the call, but I can’t give it to you, babe. You know that.”

  “Damn it, Rick!”

  “Look, I can tell you one thing.”


  “The number was blocked. It’s not showing any information.”

  She groaned. Of course it was blocked. Whoever contacted her was smart—smart enough to cover his tracks. “Okay, thanks, Rick. Hold on to that recording please. I’m definitely going to call the cops on this.”

  “You got it, Misty Dawn. Sorry I couldn’t help more.”

  “‘Bye, Rick.” She hung up the phone and dug her cell phone out of her pants pocket. She wasn’t exactly going to call the cops, like she said. It could very well be the cops who called her. There was only one person she could trust. Carter had been pretty pissed when he left though. Hopefully he would still read a message from her.

  Diana: I just got a call on my work line. They threatened Jackson.

  She set the phone down on her desk and waited. Ten minutes later, a message came in.

  Carter: On my way over. Don’t shoot me when I knock.

  Was he joking? Maybe he was over being mad? Hopefully. They definitely had some things to discuss at a later date, but at least he was willing to put things aside when she needed him. She got up and left the office to wait in the living room. For safety’s sake, she grabbed the gun out of the jar on her way by, and sat with it in her lap while she waited for Carter.

  Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the front door. She tiptoed to the door, gun in hand. “Carter?”

  “Yes. Let me in, it’s really cold out here.”

  He didn’t sound angry anymore, but he didn’t exactly sound all warm and fuzzy either. Diana disconnected the alarm and pulled the door open with her free hand.

  “I told you not to shoot me,” Carter said as he stepped inside. She secured the door and reset the alarm.

  “It’s not you I intended to shoot.” She led the way into the living room and sat back down in the corner of the sofa, where she had been waiting for him. Carter took his jacket off and slung it over the back of an easy chair. Donnie’s favorite place to watch a game was in that chair. Carter perched on the armrest. Diana wished he would sit by her instead, but kept those thoughts to herself.

  “So? Tell me what happened.” Direct and to the point. Icy cold. She didn’t care for the cop side of Carter Ryan so much.

  “It was the end of my shift. I was about to sign off for the night, when the phone rang. I answered it. Some guy was whispering on the other end that I needed to stop snooping around, or it would be bad for Jackson.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I asked who it was. He refused to answer—just told me again to back off and that I’d be better off accepting Donnie’s death as an accident.”

  “Well, that sure reinforces what we already suspected—it was not an accident.”

  “The call was blocked, so we can’t get the name or number, but Rick has a recording if you want it. He wouldn’t give it to me because of privacy laws and stuff.”

  “Hmpf! He thinks privacy laws apply to porn phone lines? Please. If you’re gonna talk the talk, then you better be able to walk the walk.”

  “I think you have that backwards.”

  “I don’t.” His hard expression and arms folded across his chest told her not to press the issue.

  “Why are you so angry?”

  “Who says I’m angry?”

  “Look at you.” She motioned at him with her arms. “Hiding your emotions is not a talent of yours.”

  “I’m not hiding anything. I’m an open freakin’ book.”

  “Seriously? You went stomping out of here earlier today, over something that really has absolutely nothing to do with you, and then you come running over here with a huge chip on your shoulder. I don’t get it.”

  “You’re the one who called me.”

  “I can see that was a mistake. I thought you would want to know about the call. Maybe I should have just dialed 9-1-1. Get a cop over here that gives a damn.”

  “Don’t you get it, Diana? I do give a damn. Maybe too much of one. Hearing you say you talk dirty to other men for money cut me straight through the heart. Apparently I’ve gone and gotten myself hung up on you. You know about my mother. I can’t go through that again.”

  “For crying out loud, I’m not working on the streets. I only make some easy money saying a few choice things that lonely men want to hear.”

  “Whatever.” He dismissed her with a wave of his hand as he headed toward the door. “Thanks for calling me about the phone call.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. Have a good night, Diana.”

  “I wish you would stay for a while.”

  “Are you going to quit that job?”

  “No. I like it.”

  “Then there is no reason for me to stay.” He stopped, his hand on the doorknob, and he turned to look at her. She detected the tiniest hint of sadness mixed with deep desire in Carter’s eyes—almost enough to make her call Rick right then and give her final notice. Instead, she reached up with both hands and pulled Carter’s face toward hers, planting a hard kiss on his lips.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said when she pulled away. With a low, throaty growl, Carter lifted her up against his chest and crushed his lips to hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck. He turned and pressed her back against the wall as his tongue sought deeper access. Diana experienced a frenzy of desire as she gave him what he wanted. Her shaking hands worked the buttons open on his soft flannel shirt, only to find another layer of clothing keeping her from feeling his skin against hers.

  “Why do you wear so many layers of clothes?” She groaned against his lips. Instead of answering, he carried her back to the living room they had just left and placed her gently on the sofa, never once breaking their kiss.

  “I should go home,” he murmured as Diana loosened the last button on his shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders. “Every cell in my brain is telling me this is a very bad idea. I’m supposed to be mad at you.”

  “Why? Why is this a bad idea? There’s nothing
to be mad about,” she whispered, her own voice husky with desire as her hands found their way under his t-shirt. She sucked in a breath as the hardness of his chest became hers to explore freely.

  “There are so many reasons, and none of them seem very important right about now.” He nipped at her ear as his hands roamed across her sweater, settling on top of her breasts.

  “Then stop worrying about it. I’m not,” she whispered against his ear as she tugged at the hem of his shirt. “Take this off.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He sat up and grinned as he yanked the t-shirt over his head. Her own sweater was off in a heartbeat. Carter sucked in a breath as his fingers trailed over her hot skin to the black lace that made up the cups of her bra. “Even better than I imagined.”

  “You have been imagining my underwear?”

  “Not the underwear.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her right breast. His tongue trailed lightly over to the same place on the other one, where he planted a series of little, burning kisses atop the lace. “What I might find inside it.” His fingers followed the line his kisses had made, slipping inside the flimsy material. “So much better.”

  She arched into his touch with a moan. “Carter, please. Don’t start anything you don’t intend to finish.”

  “Oh, I intend to finish. It might take me a good long while, but I’ll finish.” His hands slipped behind her back and unhooked her bra with one quick, expert motion, pulling it from her body and tossing it across the room. Diana pushed herself up against the arm of the sofa into a slight sitting position.

  “I’m not sure I like how easily you were able to do that.”

  Carter chuckled against her throat. The vibration spread over her entire body, setting fires in its wake. “I was married once, you know.”

  “I forget the little details.” The feel of his hard body against her soft one was almost more than she could stand. Pushing her hands against his chest, she made just enough space to work the button on his jeans. Carter pushed her hand away.

  “Not yet. If you do that, we will be done before I’ve really gotten started.”

  “We wouldn’t want that,” she managed to squeak out as Carter ran his tongue over the already overly sensitive and supercharged nerve endings at the base of her throat.

  “No, we wouldn’t.” He kissed another burning trail up the side of her neck, along her jaw, and ended at her lips. Without waiting for permission, his tongue found hers, as his hands did a little exploration of their own. She grew a fast appreciation for Carter’s experienced fingers.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been frisked so thoroughly, Officer,” she murmured against his neck when Carter moved to her ear. His breath was hot, his touch amazing.

  “I’m sure I have a thing or two to learn, but I’m good at being a rookie.”

  Diana giggled as she trailed her fingers down his back, finding the firmness of his backside. “I think you’re doing okay, but if feel you need a little practice, I’m here to help.”


  “It’s time to lock me up and take me in, Officer.”

  “Not yet. I just have to search you a little more—for your safety and mine. Are you hiding any drugs?” He slid a finger along the waist of her jeans.

  “No, sir.”

  “How about knives or needles?” His palms ran over her hips. “Anything sharp that might poke me?”

  “Nope. But you are welcome to check.” She giggled as his fingers trailed toward the button on her pants.

  “For your safety and mine,” he repeated, his voice so thick with desire all she could do was moan in response.

  Light suddenly flooded the living room as a car pulled into the drive. Headlights shone through the sheer curtains. “Jackson! I forgot about him!”

  “I thought he was gone for the night.” Carter groaned as he rolled off of her and onto the floor. Diana pulled her sweater over her head and bolted off the sofa as the front door swung open. She uselessly tried to smooth her hair and straighten her clothes as her son entered the room.

  “Why are you always here when I get home?” Jackson snapped as soon as he saw Carter.

  “Jackson!” she snapped. “Mind your manners already.”

  She glanced around the room. My bra! Oh crap, where did Carter toss it?

  “Sorry,” Jackson mumbled. “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning, Mom.”

  “Good night, son.”

  Jackson disappeared up the stairs.

  “I totally forgot he was coming home tonight,” she said when Carter started laughing.

  “It’s okay. It’s sort of like being in high school again. Instead of waiting for your dad to catch us, I have to worry about your son. Keeps things kind of hot, you know?” He wrapped his arms around her, and planted a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  “I don’t know, I think we were doing okay keeping the heat up on our own.”

  “Not too shabby for a couple of old folks.”

  “Who’re you calling old?” Diana slugged him lightly on the arm. “Speak for yourself, old man!” Still trying to find her lost bra, she glanced around the room.

  “Lose something?” Carter asked.

  “Um, you have any idea where you tossed my bra?”

  “No worries. It’s right here.” He pulled black lace from his pocket and dangled it in front of her, grinning. “It was hanging off the television. I didn’t think you would want your boy to see that.” She reached for it, but Carter was too quick, stuffing it down the front of his shirt. “Sorry, lady, I’m holding this thing here for ransom. I know how you women like your bras and panties to coordinate. I figure it’ll drive you crazy not having a matched set.”

  “That’s plain cruel, Officer Ryan. There must be some kind of code against holding satin and lace for ransom.” Diana tried to slide her hands up under his shirt, as much to feel the hardness of his chest once more as to retrieve her undergarment.

  He sidestepped her. “Sorry, ma’am. I’m off duty right now. I’ll have to check back with you tomorrow, say about two in the afternoon.”

  “Carter! Come on, you can’t leave me like this.”

  “Oh, I can, and I will.” He pulled on his flannel shirt and buttoned it, leaving her bra under his clothes. “I will return tomorrow to finish investigating.”


  “My theory that you are hiding more than one of these sexy little numbers somewhere in your possession.”

  “Will there be a body search?”

  “Only way to be thorough, ma’am.” He tipped an imaginary hat and strolled to the front door.

  “Any chance of you finishing the job tonight if I tell you I’m hiding marijuana on my person?”

  He laughed and pulled her in for a kiss so hot her clothes practically melted to her skin. “I promise to investigate thoroughly tomorrow. Maybe Jackson will feel like catching a movie or something.” Carter winked at her and pressed a quick kiss to the tip of her nose.

  “You know, I think he mentioned something like that.”

  “Good. Get some rest. You’ll need it.” Before she could reply, he was gone. Carter Ryan was developing quite a habit of leaving her hanging.

  Chapter Twelve

  Diana: Hello ladies, anyone still awake?

  Cyndi: Hey, Di, you know I’m up.

  Diana: Hi, Cyndi.

  Cyndi: Are you still mad at me?

  Diana: No. I guess I was just frustrated. You are my friend—I expected you to be supportive.

  Cyndi: Don’t you get it? That’s why I wanted you to know what the guys were saying.

  Diana: I know your intentions were good, but I really don’t need to know what they are talking about, okay? Like I said, Donnie’s been gone a year, and no one, aside from you girls, and now Carter, has reached out to me. The whole ‘we take care of our own’ and ‘thin blue line family’ is a sham as far as I can tell.

  Cyndi: I’m sorry, Di. I really am. I don’t know why things happen the way they d
o. I wish I could change things.

  Diana: It’s okay. But, I really need you to understand that I am ready to move forward in my life.

  Cyndi: Does Carter know about your Saturday nights?

  Diana: I told him today.

  Cyndi: How did he take it?

  Diana: About as well as Jason took it when he found out about your dancing at the club.

  Cyndi: Ugh! That well, huh?

  Diana: I think he has forgiven me though. *cheeky grin*

  Cyndi: Really?

  Diana: Yeah. He just left but only because Jackson came home a little too soon.

  Cyndi: Well, well, well…

  Diana: I know, right?

  Cyndi: You really like this guy?

  Diana: Yes, I do. It is kind of crazy since Donnie is the only man I have ever been with. My high school sweetheart and only love. I don’t really know how to do it again.

  Cyndi: Like riding a bike. Things fall into place when you are with the right person.

  Diana: I enjoy spending time with him.

  Cyndi: I bet you do! *winks*

  Diana: Aside from being seriously hot, he is also smart, cute, and super sweet.

  Cyndi: You sound happy. I am glad. I know you have had a tough year, and I only want what’s best for you.

  Diana: Right now, rediscovering who I am as a woman is what’s best for me. You and Jason have the best intimate relationship of anyone I know. He is totally hot for you all the time. Imagine if he was suddenly just gone? Donnie and I weren’t as amorous as the two of you, but I felt his loss deeply on all levels.

  Cyndi: I get it. I don’t know how I would get through the day if Jason wasn’t constantly trying to get a little. LOL. Seriously though, I really do understand. I’m sorry I came on so strong yesterday.


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