The Silence Within (The Young Ancients: Tiera)

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The Silence Within (The Young Ancients: Tiera) Page 22

by P. S. Power

  She wanted to swallow, her mouth suddenly filled with saliva. She wasn't afraid of her mother, but the woman might just start fighting, she knew. It was part of her way, when she didn't get what she wanted. Except, if she'd done it right, even Laurie should see how valuable what was being offered might be.

  "She's with you?"

  "Right here, listening."

  "Oh... thank goodness! Taman, please let us know if you're going to leave on errands from now on? I was worried nearly to death. Everyone has been out searching for you all day. Worried you fallen into a stream and drowned, or were taken for ransom."

  Or, more likely, as a hostage in the war. She was small and easily portable. Or would be except that she had a shield on, and might just drive away in her little carriage. That would be hard for regular villains to beat.

  "So, I'll get her back to you shortly. Oh, just so it won't be a surprise to you later, all the kids have been conscripted into the new Space Fleet. Very low rank to start with too. Real work, so tell them to expect to stand duty at least once a month." She managed to say it with a dry tone, not showing she was kidding, but Count Lairdgren spoke up then, sounding as serious as he always did.

  "That's correct Laurie. It will be very safe, but an actual responsibility. I've been informed, more than once, that I've been neglectful as to my duties as a grandfather. To that end I'll be making an effort to be more involved in their lives, as I may. We'll be down in... Call it fifteen minutes? There should be seven of us. Is that too short of a notice?"

  There was a pause and a female voice that Tiera didn't recognize say, "no ma'am, we shall be ready." in the background.

  "That's fine, you'll all be here for dinner then? Are you spending the night?"

  "If we may? We have some other things to discuss. You, Douglas and the children as well. Tor and Timon should be there too, but I don't know if their schedules will permit that."

  "Oh? Well, as long as it isn't bad news, I'd love to have everyone together. Terlee as well? Terry can use his Fast Craft to pick her up. It will be a party. Is Count Thomson allowed, or is this just for the main group."

  There was a chuckle that sounded slightly sinister, but the Count sounded normal when he spoke next.

  "Everyone. Countess Thorgood as well, if she's around? This isn't a secret."

  Except, Tiera noted, that it was, since she didn't know what was intended. That didn't leave a lot of time, but they split up who was contacting which person and set to work. Bonita worked her device while Tiera set up to get the others down there. It was simpler this time, dark or not. Gerent sat in the front by her, but didn't speak at all. In fact, none of them did, except Bonita, who got in touch with Timon directly. She didn't have to explain a lot to get him to agree to come. Tiera however, decided to be rude and called out.

  "Tim? Tor will possibly be there. I know things have been tense..." She didn't explain why, but her brother sighed loudly.

  "If he tries anything, I'll have to stop him. You get that?"

  The only way to do that, of course, would be death, which he tactfully wasn't announcing to everyone in the Fast Craft.

  "I do. I'll handle that. Just try to get along."

  He didn't sound pleased at all. Tor was a bit better that way. He was even back at his place already, which meant he could bring his wife in.

  Terlee was Terry's responsibility, apparently. Tiera was baffled that he had a Fast Craft, and wondered what it meant, but decided just to ask him, if she got a chance. Things had, apparently, changed a lot in the last days.

  Two Bends in particular. It was glowing. Magical lights and lanterns were all over the place, making it seem like a County Capital almost, or the city of a fine Baron, rather than a humble little backwater. The trees cut down on that a bit, but her parent's house had a nicely glowing green roof, and a ring of lights showing where they should land. It was convenient. Also the way they did night landings for the delivery service, so she recognized the pattern.

  "And here we are. Taman, you should find mother directly. I'd keep my shield on if I were you. Scared parents might just decide on a spanking after all." Not their parents, but it got the kid's attention, she thought.

  Inside there was a warm enough welcome, with everyone getting hugs. Including Alice, who pounded backs and avoided most of Tiera's brothers. It took a second for her to understand it, but that would be down to her natural distrust of good looking men. The boys were children, but it seemed that years weren't as important as all that to the woman, and they were all fine looking.

  Douglas spoke to them all, his voice pleasant and his clothing made to seem like a high merchant, instead of a noble. It fit his look better. Tiera was still dressed in old looking student brown canvas, and hadn't bothered to change yet, being busy. She needed to, since important people would be showing up. Counts and Countesses. The others were all dressed more nicely than she was including the kids, she noticed and excused herself to go and get changed for whatever was coming.

  She had a dress that would work, she thought, looking nice enough, without overpowering the room. She added accents of deep green and sky blue to it, but the main portion was an off white. It was a more functional thing that seemed nearly businesslike, rather than a pretty party dress. Her shoes were white and shining leather with green stockings that hugged her legs closely. It was a bit odd, but she was fourteen, so decided that she was allowed the occasional quirk. Then she turned on her disguise amulet and looked in the mirror.

  It was still set to what Kara had set up the day before, which... Worked. She looked a lot better than she'd thought, to tell the honest truth. Older, more sure of herself, and with hair. She decided to leave it that way, since it made for an easy and quick way to get ready for the evening.

  Lazy? Probably, but something was going to have to give in her schedule, and it wasn't going to be eating.

  She'd gone into the restroom on the first floor, which was a nice thing, done in what looked like black stone and green marble. It wasn't a huge space, but still larger than anything like she'd seen before leaving Two Bends the first time. That was a lot of the world though, wasn't it? A thing bigger and more impressive than what she'd grown up with. Even she was, if she looked at it in a certain light.

  There was a bit of socialization and hungry kids or not, the meal was pushed back, so that they could all be there. No one complained, though she was nearly certain that some of the kids were sneaking off to grab cookies from the kitchen to tide them over. It was tempting to try it herself, but she held off, since, like it or not, she had to look like a proper adult now.

  Terlee came with her husband, who each got hugs, since they were family. There was no bowing even, which made so much more sense here, than in the rest of Noram. It was restful, since she was always afraid that she'd get it wrong and bow too low, or not low enough, and look bad. Or, well, not afraid, really, but the idea was still stressful, which she'd always counted that way.

  It was cute, but Taman came and sat by her when she moved to the room the adults were in, all sitting in large oversized chairs that looked to be made of cream material and wood, or on matching sofas. The talk was the small kind, which was very polite, except when Tess asked about any business coming up that she could act as a pilot for.

  "I have a Fast Craft too, but Tim hasn't given me any work yet. Do you have anything?" It was a bit of a desperation move, but the eight year old seemed ready to try anything for a chance to try it out.

  Tiera shrugged.

  "Can you be on tap for me at need? I might need some things moved around soon, and while it won't pay a lot, it would be more than your allowance. We'll schedule that, so it won't interfere with other things." She wasn't just putting the girl off either. She knew for a fact that things were going to come up.

  Tess grinned and wisely sat back, clearly thinking that it would be best not to speak anymore on the topic. Generally that was a wise plan. Talking almost always got you into more trouble than it saved, in he
r experience. Though that could have been down to the content of what she'd been saying. "Die, stupid head, die" might not be a winning conversation after all.

  Count Thomson looked at the girl and nodded gently a couple of times, clearly thinking about something.

  "That would be good for me as well. I've been wondering if the new Timon model transports could be used to haul lumber? If so it would make long distance shipping much easier." He held out his right hand, palm down and looked at Douglas directly. "Just as a test. If it works, I'll get with Tim and see if we can deal on the cost of the thing."

  That got a nod, and a suggestion that they have some hard cider, out at the table. Tiera realized that she wasn't exactly invited, but that was fine. Terlee didn't go either, so it was probably a man thing. They'd talk about the war and what to do about it or something. That or hunting.

  As soon as they left, Terlee leaned in, toward their mother, and smiled prettily.

  "It's so nice of you to have us down. You should all come and visit us soon, if you get a chance. I love Thompsonville, but it's a bit hard for a Countess to make close friends with the grocer, for some reason." Her voice was smooth and very cultured now, which was yet another thing Tiera was going to have to practice.

  Laurie nodded, and didn't say much, but Carol Coltress positively beamed at her.

  "I for one have always found the same thing. Then again, that could have been the fact that I've been a bit... disrupted for the last decade or so. I do plan to change, so if you wish to come and visit with me, either at the Coltress estate, or in the Capital, please do. If nothing else we should get together for tea sometime?"

  This went on for a bit, but she actually got it after a while. The woman was being nice, because she was social climbing. It was a good place for it that night, so she didn't call her on it at all.

  Timon and Trice came in about five minutes after that, both dressed very nicely. Timon was in his normal black velvet pilots uniform, but so was Trice. He was using a disguise amulet to look older too, she realized. When he saw her he had to ruin things by mockingly bowing, but then did include her when passing out hugs, so it just seemed like a joke to everyone else.

  Except Count Lairdgren, though he got a bow too, and so did Tovey when he came back in. Tim didn't speak and moved to the side of the room, seeming a bit moody, to tell the truth. Trice sat on the other side of Taman, and started speaking to everyone as if she'd been there for the rest of the conversation. It was a real skill. One Tiera didn't understand at all. Thankfully Tor and Ali came, along with Todd and Ursula. That was the last of them, and the kitchen had a full meal ready to go. It was at least as good as what the King and Queen would be having, if with slightly fewer courses and only four servants for the whole table.

  That was new, having servants there. Everyone else acted like it was totally normal. The kids didn't even blink at it, just waiting to be given their portions carefully, as small carts were taken around to each person. It wasn't until the meal was over that they started talking about new plans. Tovey mentioning his desire to try shipping lumber by air, and Countess Thorgood trying to solicit aid from the new building concern that Tiera was starting.

  Her voice was warm and seemed pleasant enough about the whole thing.

  "I'd like to use focus stone to make permanent air facilities in different locations. I hear that you're going to be working with Ali and Sam Builder's orphans?" She waited, looking at her directly.

  "Yes. They have to move of course, and I'll need to check the land allotments, to make sure I'm not stealing someone else's property, but that sounds like an excellent first project. We can discuss rates later? I might be open to trade, as long as it can be useful to the ones doing the work too."

  When asked she said she really expected that to be operational in a few weeks.

  "I need to make certain I have food for them all first. Facilities too. Perhaps a few could come down and build those?" This got asked of Ali, but Tor answered. His voice was friendly about it at least.

  "I can lend some houses for that, so they don't have to sleep outside in the winter. You have a river already, so if you do it all right, they should have what they need that way. Not heating and cooling, but..."

  That got Count Lairdgren going about underground dwellings, which were his favorite kind, and that got Tor to promise some amulets that he already had, in order to make them.

  Finally it was her father than cleared his throat, looking amused for some reason.

  "Tiera? Did you come into some land recently?"

  At least the others seemed surprised that her family didn't know yet. Well, Timon did, but that was just the way he was, all the time. He knew what was happening so easily it was like magic, except that she didn't think it really was.

  "I did." She made her voice bright and tried to seem happy about it, but a sad shadow moved over her soul anyway. She would have given it all to have Reggie back. Even if the girl was just a crush that would have broken up with her in a few months, which was what normally happened in situations like that from what she'd heard, it would be worth it. Taking a moment to look around, she let herself feel it, and then closed that down as tightly as she could. "I took over County Morris and have been put in as the sitting Countess. That means of course that Timon is Countier first, because it always rolls down hill, so if anything happens to me..." She paused and smiled at him, not really caring at the moment. "Give him what help you can to see to my people?"

  Tovey bowed and Timon shook his head a bit, but Laurie seemed upset by the news. Not livid, but like she just couldn't wrap her head around it at all.

  "Is this a joke?"

  Count Lairdgren shrugged and looked at his daughter blankly.

  "No. Countess Baker, of County Baker. The main city being Bakersville now, following the tradition. Not a bloodless transition of power, but I believe that the King and Military Counselor rather pressured Tiera to clean up her own mess? She's still attending school however, and hasn't spoken about leaving her responsibilities there at all."

  Tor nodded, as if that was all known to him already.

  "She also worked all day in my bakery today, so she isn't letting it go to her head too much. She is wearing hair now I notice, which is all kinds of pretentious, don't you think?" It was light teasing, but this was the place for it, if it had to happen. No one here would even be truly mean about it after all.

  She nodded anyway.

  "That's just a fact. Why just the other day Sir Kolbrin and Sir Karen along with Instructor Havar gave me a special beating too. Speaking of special, Tor... Where's your Royal Guard?" If she was left back at the house, Tiera was going to have to mock him for it.

  He shrugged and winced a little.

  "Outside. I asked her to join us, or at least come inside, but she said that the lines of sight would be better out there. We should save her something, if anything is left?" He sounded worried at least, which was a lot better than Tiera had thought would happen.

  It wasn't that Tor wasn't kind. In many ways he was the most generous person she'd ever heard of. Her whole family was better than average that way even, with a tie between Timon and her in last place. That wasn't so bad either, since they both tried to do their share. It was just that Tor was clueless about some things. Or had been, before. He seemed different now. Like he was another person. Not just when Cordes was popping out to visit either.

  For the rest of the evening Tiera tried to play at being not just an adult, but an actual noble, one with power. It wasn't hard really, but she had to be careful not to make any agreements that she couldn't back up, it was clear. Also, without meaning to, Ursula and Tovey both pushed at her to do exactly that.

  Thankfully, about fifteen minutes later Laurie changed the conversation to the kids' tutors. That got a reaction at least, from the others, including the kids. Terry seemed confused by the idea.

  "What's wrong with the school here?" There was a bit of defensiveness buried in there, under a slight bit
of skepticism.

  Tiera didn't try to explain it herself and while the others made polite words about opportunity and access to information, Timon just laid it all out, bare to the sun.

  "It's so you can learn more. You're all smarter than the others at school. We don't tell you that normally, because it's important not to let anyone know that. It makes them feel like they aren't as good as you are, even though they clearly are. The thing is, if you have the intelligence, you can learn more, and do it faster than the school here can handle. It might not be as fun all the time, but it sounds like Count Lairdgren has been lining up some real adventures too, so maybe I'm wrong there. This is a good thing, and a special treat. Now, that doesn't mean you earned it. Not yet. You have to prove that you're worth doing all this for still. I think you can. We all do, or no one would bother with you. They'd just get someone in for Taman and let the rest of you rot. They aren't doing that for a real reason."

  Tiera saw more than a couple of shocked looks, but nodded along. So did Alice, though her face had a wicked grin on it too.

  "Plus, this way I'll be on hand to beat you, if you don't behave." She sounded gentle enough that the kids smiled shyly about it and didn't seem afraid. After all, no one really ever hurt anyone else, did they? Not in their worlds.

  Which reminded her of something.

  "Ah! I got side tracked. Carol, did you apologize to Bonita well enough yet? Or, really, Nita, how do you feel about all that?"

  The woman sighed and looked at the far wall, which was actually decorated with some real art. Paintings of all things. They were of either imagined scenes or far off places, but looked well done. She let herself shake a bit and then nodded.


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