Masters of Temptation [Temptation, Wyoming 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Masters of Temptation [Temptation, Wyoming 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Zoey Marcel

  His brown eyes narrowed and he pushed her forward so she was crammed up against the wall while his hand thundered down on her naked bottom. “Your place is beneath me when I want to fuck you and in the kitchen when I demand a sandwich.”

  Jill’s mouth dropped, but he kept her arm pinned when she tried to turn around to hit him. “Oh, you are going to get it after the wedding, hubby dearest.”

  “Neil, whistle if anyone comes,” Ben instructed.

  “Will do, bro,” Neil replied.

  She jumped and lost her breath when the bulbous head of Ben’s erection rooted around her wet pussy in search of the coveted hole.

  “And you’re the one who’s going to get it, Jill,” Ben murmured into her ear, nestling into place when he found her vaginal opening.

  Neil laughed. “I saw what you did there, Benny boy.”

  Ben snickered and gave a firm nudge, making her cry out gently when his cockhead breached her entrance and slowly invaded her hungry cunt. “Keep your dress up while I fuck you.”


  She nodded, willing her pussy to relax as his dick was slowly swallowed by her drenched sex. The advancement was somewhat painful without having climaxed first, but she craved the rough penetration and the husband determined to have his carnal way with her. They both groaned in unrestrained bliss when his penis eventually filled her to capacity.

  “You feel so good, babe,” he choked out.

  “Oh god, so do you.” Her pussy hugged his erection, aching against the fullness that wouldn’t let her contract completely. It drove her crazy with thrilling urges and primal needs.

  Neil whistled when the door opened and someone apparently walked into the bathroom.

  She panicked inside, but Ben held her still and began a shallow, steady fuck inside her body.

  “Hey, bro,” Neil greeted whoever the man was. “How are you?”

  “Hey, Neil. Nice tux. You attending Chanel and the Taylors’ wedding or something?” the man asked.

  Jill froze and her eyes bugged out. The man who’d just walked in was Judah Shaughnessy. Judging by the way Ben stopped moving inside of her and stiffened, she guessed that he recognized the cowboy’s suave voice, too.

  During her separation with Ben she’d slept with Judah. They’d always been good friends and the fact that they were in love hadn’t made temptation any easier to resist. She had mixed feelings about caving to lust with him in retrospect. She still loved Judah and would always treasure those two nights with him as much as he did with her.

  But on the other hand she felt deeply remorseful for them since Ben had gotten hurt when Judah accidentally spilled the beans to him in a drunken confession. Thankfully Ben had forgiven her and she’d sworn to him that it would never happen again. But even though she was daily grateful that Ben still wanted her and had let Neil into their marriage as well, she knew she’d always love Judah as well as their mutual best friend, Logan Weston. She wouldn’t act on those feelings, but she couldn’t help how she felt.

  Neil spoke to Judah nonchalantly, serving as an effective cover. “Yeah, we’re going to their wedding in a little bit.”

  “We?” Judah asked.

  Neil caught himself. “Um, yeah, I’m meeting Ben and Jill there.”

  Judah’s voice softened and sounded sad with longing. “How is Jill?”

  Ben started to fuck Jill again, but this time his angry thrusts were hard and deep. He drove into her with everything he had reminding her that she was his.

  “She’s good,” Neil answered cautiously. “She seems happy.”

  Judah hesitated. “That’s good. She deserves to be happy.”

  “She does.”

  There was an awkward silence.

  “So rumor has it the dick shares his wife with you,” said Judah.

  “Yeah, Ben shares with me,” Neil replied, sounding uncomfortable over having Judah there. “It was really nice of him.”

  “It’s about time,” Judah muttered. “Jill is too amazing for just one man. She needs to be sandwiched between two studs who know how to handle her.”

  Ben’s fingers gripped her hips even tighter as he pounded into her vagina. Jill suppressed the painful mewl that threatened to give away their presence.

  “Well, now she is,” Neil told him. “So what are you up to?”

  “Oh, I’m just here having lunch with Logan.” Judah paused before speaking again. “Just between us I can’t stop thinking about those nights with Jill. She’s the best I ever had.”

  “Me, too,” Neil agreed. “So what are you going to eat here?”

  Jill was touched by their confessions, but her pussy pleaded for mercy at the maniacal hammering into her damp cunt. Ben was well-hung and taking her far too roughly for her comfort. If she’d had a few orgasms she could handle this, but without them she couldn’t withstand this angry sex comfortably.

  “I’m not sure yet. Maybe a burger, or we might share a pizza and some onion rings.” Judah sounded like he hit something. The sink or mirror maybe? “Shit, Neil, I envy you, getting to share your life with Jill, getting to hold her in your arms regularly and tell her how you feel about her. It’s not fair. I was there for her when she needed me. She’s mine more than his.”

  Jill cringed at his words and smothered the pained outcry that slipped out when Ben jabbed into her harder.

  He fisted her hair and commanded her in a harsh, deadly whisper. “I want you to moan my name like a whore when you come. Do it loud enough so he can hear you.”

  She shook her head, choking on a whimper when he spanked her bottom once.

  The conversation between Neil and Judah stopped.

  “Don’t tell me no,” Ben growled in a ferocious hush. He pushed her panties down her thighs so they puddled around her ankles. “Let your panties drop so he can see them underneath the door. And you’d better say my name or I’ll punish you later.”

  She made a disapproving noise at him, but he spanked her again. Her eyes stung and her bottom grew hot beneath the punishing slaps.

  “I mean it, Jill. Say my fucking name.”

  She couldn’t. It would hurt Judah to hear it. Besides, Ben had basically won since she’d chosen him over Judah anyway. Why did he need any further affirmation? She shook her head, feeling tears drip down her face when he started to spank her repeatedly. The slaps were vicious and angry, showcasing his jealousy and hurt to the hilt.

  Judah’s voice came out depressed. “Well, it was good talking with you, Neil.”

  “You, too, bro.”

  To her utter horror Ben actually spoke loud enough for them to hear. He let out a long, deep moan. “Oh, Jill, that feels so fucking good.”

  How could he? Her eyes burned and she wanted to hit him.

  “Excuse me,” Judah said quietly as he left the bathroom.

  Neil spoke. “The coast is clear.”

  “You asshole!” she yelled. “Get your cock out of me! How could you?”

  Ben pulled out without coming and tucked his dick away. “How could I? Might I remind you of the reason why I’m jealous in the first place?”

  She brushed away the tears and shook her head. “I already apologized for that.”

  “Well, it still hurts.”

  “You said you forgave me.”

  He looked miserable as he closed his pants. “I do forgive you, Jill, but it’s going to be torture having to see the son of a bitch in town so much, knowing what he did to you.”

  She wiped away the moisture between her thighs with some toilet paper and tossed it into the toilet before pulling her panties back on. “Then let’s move back to California, because I can’t live with you throwing my past mistakes back up in my face.”

  “I’m sorry, Jill. But I have a good job here.” Ben knocked on the stall door. “Neil, we’re coming out.”

  Neil stepped aside and the door opened.

  “Well, I have a really good job in Malibu, Ben,” she informed him. “And you said we’d decide the moving thing

  “I know and we will, but either way I’m screwed,” Ben complained. “It’s either I keep the job I like and have to see the Shaughnessy bastard all the time, or I never have to see his fucking face again, but then I have to live in a big city and work for the L.A.P.D.”

  “Well, what about me? Either way I gain and lose something, too,” she pointed out.

  “You mean him?” Ben retorted.

  Neil groaned in exasperation. “Not now, you two. The wedding starts in a few minutes. Let’s just go back and we can talk about this later. And nobody even bothered to mention the fact of how the decision would affect me.”

  Ben looked at them with a sigh and then shook his head and walked out.

  “I knew this was going to be a problem,” she grumbled.

  Neil stared at the door for a minute, but then he turned to her and she figured he’d heard her mumble. “Try to see this from his point of view, Jill.”

  Jill rolled her eyes and patted her face dry with a paper towel. In retrospect she was glad she’d opted for waterproof makeup today. “Yes, I know. Poor Ben, I’m such a tramp.”

  “That’s not what I meant, but if the roles had been reversed, you’d still be devastated, too. It hasn’t been that long since he found out,” Neil reminded her. “Just give it some time.”

  “I know.” She heaved a weighty sigh. “But if he can’t stomach being in the same town with Judah, then how the hell is he going to handle living with his daughter?”

  Neil’s blue eyes widened. “Coral is Judah’s daughter?”

  Her eyes closed and she wanted to smack herself silly for exposing this secret to him. “Crap. Yes, she is, but you can’t tell Judah or Ben. Please. It’ll just make things worse.”

  “I won’t tell them. Come on. We should get back to the wedding before it starts.” Neil held out his arm to her with a fond smile.

  She took his arm and smiled back at him. He really was an adorable hottie. He was six foot one and had a lean, muscled frame with surfer good looks. His short blond hair was cropped close to his head in the back and on the sides, while the top of his hair had a slightly jagged cut that gave the casual style some texture. His bright, lively eyes were an appealing baby blue, and his oval face was clean-shaven.

  He often wore expensive suits because of his job as a banker, though sometimes he wore them even when he wasn’t working. Despite the classy appeal of his sophisticated wardrobe, Neil was a bit of a nerd and he had a dirty mind she couldn’t resist. He loved to joke around and he never failed to make her and Ben laugh.

  Her thoughts turned back to her husband. In a few days her friend, Piper Covington, would fly into Jackson from California and bring Jill’s daughters home to her.

  Six-year-old Pasadena was Ben’s, but he’d never met her since Jill had given birth to her during their period of separation.

  But four-year-old Coral was Judah’s daughter and she was the spitting image of her father. One look at her and Ben was bound to know who her real father was.

  Chapter Two:

  Troubled Waters

  Judah Shaughnessy wanted to beat the shit out of Ben. It wasn’t enough that the motherfucker was married to the woman he’d loved for years. No, the sheriff had to be an asshole and rub it in how he got to exercise certain marital privileges with Jill.

  Judah slumped into his chair and crossed his arms with a big fat scowl on his face. It pleased him when his best friend, Logan Weston, glanced up from the menu he’d been perusing and noticed his irritable state.

  “Is something on your mind?” Logan asked.

  “That smug fucker just fucked Jill in the bathroom, and he made it a point to be loud so I’d know they were in the stall and what he was doing to her,” Judah grumbled.

  Logan’s brown eyes became briefly shadowed with jealousy before his usual mask of honor was carefully raised. “I assume you mean Ben.”

  “Yes, damn it!” Judah slammed his fist down onto the table, attracting a questioning stare or two from nearby tables.

  Logan remained guarded and unfazed by this sudden outburst as he returned to poring over his menu. “Judah, we’re in public. Calm down.”

  “No. I won’t calm down.” Judah felt the blood heating as it pulsed through his veins hot and angry. “That fucking sheriff had his filthy hands on our mate, and he had his big, ugly dick up her pussy, our pussy.”

  “You saw Ben’s dick?” Logan asked with a nonchalance that rode the borderline of feigned interest and total neutrality.

  “No, but I hate him, so I’m sure his dick is ugly. Jill likes me better in bed.”

  Logan turned the thick, laminated page of the menu. “Did she tell you this?”

  “Well…no, but she has to. I’ve got way more experience than that son of a bitch.”

  Judah just happened to look over his shoulder and saw the lawman that needed to die walking toward the door with the serene satisfaction of a man who’d just been treated well. Then again Ben also looked irritated. What was the fucker’s problem?

  “Look at that smug bastard, walking around like he owns the place.”

  Logan must have glanced up. “He’s just walking out the door, Judah. I’d hardly say he’s full of himself.”

  “Yeah well, I hate him.”

  “So I understand. I think I’ll have a pizza and onion rings. Sound good?”

  Judah turned back to face his friend. “Is that all you can think about right now? Jill’s getting fucked by some jackass and all you can think about is food?”

  Logan just gave him a look that said, “I’m waiting.”

  Judah sighed and tossed his menu toward the edge of the table. “Yeah, it sounds good.”

  He noticed the way Logan’s head jerked suddenly, and about half a second later Judah’s nose picked up on Jill’s scent, too. He turned in his seat and watched her walking out of the restaurant with Neil Banks. Her soft, brown hair was slightly curled and it fell in unrestrained waves over her partially exposed shoulders.

  The cleavage that escaped the plunging neckline of her light-pink dress was deep and enticing. Judah wanted to push the fleshy orbs together and cover them with kisses while she panted and writhed beneath him. He’d bite and suck those nipples vigorously until they hardened and reddened to little rubies for him.

  “She’s wet,” Logan noted, sounding as aroused as he was depressed by the knowledge.

  “Yeah, she is.” Judah closed his eyes and breathed deeply of her feminine musk, using his advanced senses as a leopard shifter.

  When he opened his eyes again, he caught the back of her just as she walked out the door with Neil. It was always like that with her. For a few sweet, fleeting moments in time he had her, and then harsh reality came knocking and she always walked away with another man. First with her husband and now apparently with Neil as well.

  Judah decided he just might need to pound on the punching bag later to blow off some steam. It was either that or keep slamming his fist down onto the table and draw unwanted attention to himself. Well, Logan wouldn’t appreciate the unnecessary stares and whispers, but Judah could care less. His reputation was hardly pristine. He was no angel and he really had no desire to be.

  That was Logan’s forte. His best friend was an angel with a dark side he hid extremely well. Jill probably thought he was a gentleman. In the street, yes, but Judah had shared women with him. Logan could definitely be tender in bed when feelings were involved, but often the man was an animal with some taboo appetites that meshed well with Judah’s kinks.

  Judah was just a flat-out devil and he made no apologies for this.

  “She’s wet for the wrong motherfucker.” He brought his pissed-off fist down onto the table again.

  “He’s her husband, Judah,” Logan calmly reminded him. He looked like a classy gentleman without a care in the world as he took a casual swig of his iced water. “He has a right to her body.”

  “So do we,” Judah growled, nearly moaning at the memory of Jill’s
gorgeous body and the rush of knowing her beneath the sheets. “She’s our mate, goddamn it.”

  “That may be, but she’s married. I don’t like the situation any more than you do—”

  “Then fucking do something about it,” Judah lashed out. “I fucked her and you claimed her. She’s as much ours as his, if not more so.”

  “I claimed Jill to save her life when that criminal had beaten her nearly to death. I didn’t do it for selfish reasons.”

  “That’s bullshit, Logan.” Judah leaned in closer. “You can’t tell me that the thought didn’t go through your mind that she’d never age now that you claimed her. Ben’s still human and someday he’s gonna die.”

  Logan met his accusing stare with unmoved resolve. “That’s a shitty thing to say.”

  “Do you deny that you thought that?”

  “The thought crossed my mind, yes.” Logan nodded. “The waitress is coming. But admitting that aloud is cruel. Jill deserves to be happy, no matter who that’s with.”

  Judah sighed, knowing his friend was right, though he desperately wanted to smack him for being right. “I know, but it still sucks for us. She’s got two kids by someone else. I always wanted to make a life with her. By the time…we get to be with her she probably won’t want any more kids, and I don’t really blame her. I probably won’t want any either, but I’d love to raise her two girls as my own.”

  “I know what you mean,” Logan agreed as he set his menu on the edge of the table.

  Judah had a weird sense of déjà vu. “Have we had this conversation before?”

  “Judah, we’ve talked about Jill hundreds of times.”

  The waitress stood before them.

  “No. I mean this. Here and now.” He glanced up at the waitress. “Sorry. We’re ready to order now.”

  * * * *

  The wedding was beautiful. Jill was happy for her sister and brothers-in-law as they said their vows. Dawson Taylor look like he might tear up, but he held it together well.

  His younger brother, Cory, got choked up when he said his vows to Chanel.

  Jill generally found crying men weak unless they had a good reason to open the floodgates, but with this perfect, sacred moment in time where the four of them promised to stay together forever, she could understand his emotional state.


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