One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 10

by Julie Trettel

  I made my way down the hall and into the kitchen to find mom washing dishes at the sink. I quickly grabbed the dish from her and a towel and dried and put it away. She smiled over at me, but looked tired.

  “Are you okay, Mom?”

  “Of course, I am. Just a little tired. And I'm sorry about tonight. I ran into Vanessa picking up some last minute groceries today and she had mentioned that she hadn't really seen or talked to you in months, so I just thought…”

  I sighed. “I know, Mom, I know.”

  “No, watching you tonight and how uncomfortable you looked sitting next to her, I realized how wrong I've been to try and force a compatible mate on you. It isn't my decision to live with, it's yours. It doesn't really matter who I like, because I'm not the one that has to live with her the rest of my life. You are a grown man, proven to make good solid decisions and I promise to try and back off a little. You just promise me you won't shut out your options or waste your life pining for a true mate that you may never meet.”

  I grinned. “You found Dad, why would you think I would never find mine?”

  She eyeballed me suspiciously. “Kyle Alexander Westin, are you trying to tell me you have found your one true mate?”

  I grinned bigger. “I'm not saying a word.”

  With a peck on her head, I took her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen.

  “Come on, the dishes will wait. It's family time.”

  She stiffened next to me when she saw Kelsey laughing at something my dad had said.

  “Mom, please.” I know my eyes were begging her to understand.

  She gave me a sad look and shook her head okay.

  “You're certain?”

  I knew what she was asking and I knew I couldn't lie to her about it.

  “I've never been more sure about anything.”

  “Does your father know?”

  I nodded.

  “That's why the two of you have been protecting her?”

  I nodded again watching a tear drop down her cheek as she looked at Kelsey through new eyes.

  “Why couldn't you just tell me?”

  I ran my hand through my hair, searching for a way to explain.

  “It's just complicated, Mom.”

  “She doesn't know, does she?”

  I shrugged. “I see signs that she feels it too, but I don't think she understands what she's feeling.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  “Mom, she's been on her own most of her life. She didn't even know what she was, let alone anything about our ways.”

  “Do the girls know?”

  “They know about her, but not about, well, us. I've only ever told Dad, til now.”

  “We'll talk later. But you need to man up and talk to that girl.”

  I could feel her motherly instincts kicking in towards my mate and I knew that once she knew her story and got to know her, that my mother would stop at nothing to welcome her into our family. It's just the kind of person she was. And I suddenly knew, everything was going to be okay.


  Chapter 13

  I knew Kyle would beat me in the office. It had taken a lot to convince him I wasn't going to run last night. For a while I didn't think he was going to leave my house at all, but after much convincing, promising, and finally begging, he finally did. I felt him watching me through the night, though. I didn't really know how to explain it, but I would bet money he spent the night in wolf form guarding me. He really hadn't needed to bother. I was so emotionally and physically exhausted from the longest day of my life that I slept like a rock.

  He on the other hand, looked exhausted and miserable. I wanted badly to make him feel better like he had comforted me so many times the day before. I walked in his office and straight into his little personal bubble, laying my hands flat against his chest. Anyone else I would have been mortified, but it just seemed so right with him.

  “Good morning.” I smiled up at him.

  His appearance instantly changed. His dark, tired eyes brightened. The stress I smelled on him ceased, and I felt his body physically relax at my touch. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled our bodies flush. Before I knew what was happening he leaned down and brushed his lips lightly across mine. It was the briefest whisper of a kiss, making me long for so much more as he pulled back and placed his forehead against mine. I knew he was breathing in my scent, just as I leaned in to breathe his. I took in a good deep breath to center me before letting it out in a slow breeze against his neck that caused him to shudder in my arms.

  When he pulled back this time, he was all smiles and looked ready to take on the world.

  “Good morning,” he finally said.

  “I told you not to worry so much. I said I wasn't going to run and I'm not.” I playfully pushed him back to put some distance between us, immediately feeling the loss, but determined to get to work and have something of a normal day.

  I handed him a cup of fresh hot coffee I had picked up on my way in at the little cafe in town I knew he loved. It had been awkward and made me uneasy. I was used to the stares by now, but several people, or shifters, or whatever I was supposed to call them, actually spoke to me and Sally, the local barista, invited me out for drinks after work. I was too shocked to do anything but nod. No one except Lily and Elise had ever invited me to do anything.

  I was still lost in thought when Kyle poked his head out of his office.

  “Hey, lunch today in my office.”

  I noted it wasn't an actual question and I felt terrible for having let him down. The disappointment every time I told him no had not gone unnoticed and Lord knew I had done it a whole lot over the years we'd worked together.

  “Sorry, Mr. Westin, but I have to say no.” I could already see rejection written on his face and it hurt my heart, so I kept babbling. “I really am sorry. If I could get out of it I would, but Elise hit me up this morning on the way in and I promised her.”

  “Elise was in the office that early this morning?” He sounded skeptical and I had to laugh because it certainly didn't sound like his sister.

  “Yeah, apparently you weren't the only one betting I'd flee in the night.”

  “How about tonight? We could grab dinner after work. There's some things I really want to talk to you about. It's kind of important.”

  I knew he could see my answer on my face before I even spoke, and knowing I was letting him down was killing me.

  “How about a late dinner? I'm having drinks at The Crate after work.”

  “What? With who?” He sounded panicked and all I wanted to do was assure him.

  “Sally, the barista at the cafe. The one with the really good coffee you love. I talked to her this morning when I picked yours up on my way in.”

  “Sally? You're having drinks with Sally Merchant?” Relief was evident in his voice.

  “Yes. I don't expect we'll be that long. I can cook or meet you somewhere afterwards if it's important.”

  He shook his head, “No, I don't want you to have to rush home and cook and I don't want eyes and ears on us for this conversation. How about you just come by my place after you're done? I'll figure something out for dinner.”

  “Um, okay, sure.”

  His place? I couldn't help but feel a little nervous about being so alone with him. Then again, maybe he still lived at home like Elise and Lily. I had never really asked.

  I noticed while I was freaking out, he had already retreated into his office. I picked up the phone and dialed his extension.

  “Kyle Westin,” he answered, probably not even having looked at the phone to know it was only me.

  “Sorry, it's just me. Um, Kyle,” it felt weird saying his first name here in the office, “where exactly do you live?”

  He let out an unrestrained laugh and I noted, not for the first time, that my wolf ears could not hear him through the walls, only the receiver.

  “I'll send you the address, Kels. You may be surprised to find that you do know where I

  I could hear the smile in his voice as he hung up and I was certain now he did live at home, but a few minutes later when a new email popped into my account, I didn't recognize the address which thoroughly confused me.

  I was still plugging it into my phone when a smell hit me causing a small growl to escape.

  Vanessa Relic waltzed into my office like she owned the place heading straight for Kyle's office.

  “Excuse me,” I said, feeling irritated, “do you have an appointment?”

  She laughed her tinkling, little girl laugh that grated on my every last nerve at the dinner table the previous night. It had taken everything in my power not to pick up the knife next to my plate and hurl it at her head. But I smiled being the professional I was.

  “Vanessa, right? Mr. Westin has a very busy schedule this morning and I don't see you on the list of appointments. Sorry.”

  If looks could kill I knew I'd be dead.

  “Well call him. He'll see me anytime, anywhere.”

  She was goading me, trying to push my buttons. I could tell, but there was something in me that was not going to back down to this girl, and truth be told I didn't want to. But I picked up the phone and pushed for Kyle's extension.

  He answered with a chuckle. “Check it out and realize you know the place already? Or at least your…”

  “Mr. Westin, a Miss Vanessa Relic is here to see you. She doesn't have an appointment. I've warned her your schedule is tight this morning. Should she come back later or do you have a second?”

  I heard him blow out a frustrated breath. “Yeah, okay, send her in.”

  What?!?!? I wanted to scream at him through the phone, and I must have let my carefully guarded face drop because she was smiling in triumph.

  “Yes, sir,” I steeled my voice while cursing under my breath. “You may go in,” I told her sweetly.

  She shot me an 'I-told-you-so' look that nearly had me coming across the desk to attack her. I took a few deep breaths as she closed the door behind her. No sense in trying to listen in. I knew I'd never hear through those walls. My blood was boiling and I had never wanted to kill, or at least very much harm, someone as badly as I wanted to with Vanessa Relic.

  What kind of stupid name was that anyway? Relic? Was it even a real name?

  I knew I was being petty, but I couldn't help it any more than I could control the insane jealousy pulsing through my veins.

  I was worked up into almost a full blown anger by the time she finally opened the door and let herself out. Smirking in victory, she walked over to my desk.

  “Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey, let me give you the 4-1-1. Kyle Westin is mine and there really isn't anything you can do or say to stop that, so you might as well just give up now. It's kind of cute really, in a pathetic kind of way, the secretary falling for the boss and all, but you're up against the big dogs now and you don't stand a chance.”

  She bared her teeth and growled at me. She actually growled at me!

  I was out of my chair and on my feet in front of her before I knew what I was doing. My entire body was pulsing with energy I couldn't contain, and looking at her, all I saw was red until it was like something finally snapped within me and I smiled.

  “No, Vanessa, I think you're the one that's scared right now and your intimidation tactics won't work on me because you have no clue who you are dealing with.”

  What the heck was I saying? I didn't even know who I was. But I couldn't stop the words from tumbling out. Kyle was mine. I tried to control the shock in that thought. Yet everything about it felt true and right.

  I took another step closer to her and she went to bare her teeth at me again but was having a difficult time holding my stare. I lifted my chin a little higher, locking eyes with her and let out a small growl as something familiar surged through me and released.

  “Now, get out of here.”

  I noted the wide eyes of shock followed by fear as she turned and ran from the office, nearly plowing over Elise. I shrugged my shoulders innocently, watching my friend run after her.

  What had I done?

  It was another two hours before Elise returned, ready for lunch. I needed to talk to her, needed to understand why I was feeling that way. Instead of heading for the cafeteria, I followed her down the hall and into her office. She had just recently been promoted to Vice President of Human Resources. It felt official, and for a moment, I feared maybe I was in trouble, but when we entered, I saw lunch was already awaiting us.

  “The offices are sound proof, even from wolf ears, so we can talk freely from here.”

  I giggled nervously. “I'd always suspected as much.”

  She smiled back and I relaxed. “Lil's coming by later. She's just running late. We have a few things we just wanted to add in to yesterday's conversation, but probably best not said around the brother.” She snorted like what she had said was funny. “First, I need to ask you something before Lily gets here.”

  I nodded, “Sure, anything.”

  “What happened with you and Vanessa earlier today?”

  I sighed and sat down in a chair, feeling deflated.

  “What did she tell you happened?”

  “I need to hear your side first.”

  “I don't even know, E. She just kept pushing at me, telling me I wasn't good enough, I was wasting my time, she could see right through me, on and on until I just sorta snapped. I didn't touch her, if that's what you're thinking. And she growled at me first!”

  “What exactly were you arguing about? That part was never clear talking to her.”

  I know my face was ten shades of red because she raised one eyebrow at me, becoming more curious.

  “Kyle.” I finally spit out.

  To say she was shocked was an understatement. Then she laughed.

  “Thanks, yeah, sure, go ahead, laugh it up. She thinks she has some kind of monopoly of him and was trying to threaten me away. Me! What have I ever done to her?”

  Elise was still laughing and trying to get control of herself when she wheezed out, “Kyle? My brother? You were threatening her over my brother? I didn't even think you really liked him. I mean, yesterday I guess I might have wondered, but it seemed more one sided on his part than yours.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Never mind. Look, you haven't, uh, how do I put this? You've never been intimate with Kyle, have you?”

  I think I may have found several newly defined shades of red across my face.

  “Define intimate. Like a kiss? I mean he held me yesterday. I fell asleep in his arms, that's kind of intimate, I guess.”

  “No, no, Kelsey, I'll just come out and ask. Have you had sex with Kyle?”

  “WHAT?!?!? Of course not. Why would you even ask such a thing?”

  Elise shrugged, grinning. “Honestly, Kels, it wouldn't be that shocking. He's crazy about you.”

  “You're insane, Elise, he's my boss, I couldn't possibly.”

  But oh yeah, I thought to myself, I wanted to very possibly. I brushed the thought aside as fast as it surfaced. This was insane.

  “Okay, well, I was just asking because Vanessa is convinced you used alpha powers on her.”

  I laughed, “How would that even be possible? She-wolves don't have alpha powers. You know that.”

  She nodded, “That's why I asked about Kyle. It would be a really tiny possibility, but if you two had mated... which is more than just sex, but we'll get into that when Lily arrives … then you could, in theory, pull power from his alpha line. It's rare and usually only fully bonded mates can do it, but that would almost be better than the alternative.”

  She seemed to chew on that thought, but I didn't know what she was getting at.

  “What alternative? What are you talking about?”

  “I'm talking about the possibility that you could be an alpha she-wolf.”

  “I can't be. Kyle said they are very rare and killed as very young pups the moment their powers show.”

That's true, but there are some cases where people have tried to smuggle them away or hide their powers from the Grand Council.”


  “Yes. The most recent count I know was a set of triplets, identical she-wolves. They lived to be four and were supposedly the most adorable, most manipulative and powerful little she-wolves ever documented. Too much of a threat, so the Grand Council had them sentenced to death. The family tried to escape. The first was caught and killed immediately. The second was injured trying to rescue her sister, but the parents escaped with the third. It was several years before they were tracked down and killed too. But the point is, it's possible. What if that's why you had no pack? Why your parents told you to be scared of the wolves? And why you never knew what you truly were?”

  “Elise, that's insane. I'm a nobody. There's nothing special or powerful about me. You know me.”

  “Maybe. Regardless, you can't mention this to anyone. I've already got Vanessa convinced she's headed to the looney bin, so just steer clear of her. I don't think she'll bother you again. You really freaked her out.” I was about to address it, when the door flew open and Lily walked in. “We'll figure out the rest later. Not even Lily.” She whispered to me, her eyes conveying the importance of it.


  Chapter 14

  The Crate was the only bar in town. I couldn't stop her from going even if it unsettled my wolf. Sally Merchant was good people, and she was happily mated for nearly twenty years. She was a good friend to have and I couldn't dissuade Kelsey from that.

  I hadn't seen her since the morning. I knew she was agitated and not happy about Vanessa's surprise visit. I only hoped that I was able to put a stop to her advances once and for all. My wolf had growled in warning when she tried to physically attack me right there on the couch in my office. How many times had I dreamed of claiming Kelsey there? I shuddered. That dream was officially ruined now.

  I hadn't heard from Kelsey since I left the office. She assured me she was still coming but I found myself pacing back and forth wearing a path in my carpet as I impatiently waited. I was excited to have my mate in my territory for the first time. My home. Hopefully someday soon it would be our home, but I didn't want to rush things and scare her off.


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