One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 23

by Julie Trettel

  “What the hell? Kyle that would be eight challenges for you. EIGHT?!?” Lily screeched with barely controlled hysterics.

  “Lil, I can't think of that right now. I have to concentrate on just surviving the Andon challenge tonight.”

  I hugged him, trying to hold back tears. I wasn't scared for myself. Something freed in me during the Christine challenge and I no longer had any doubt in my capabilities. But back to back challenges against Kyle were causing a lot of stress on both of us.

  “Do you want me to help prepare you for your battle against Andon?” Patrick offered.

  Kyle nodded, “That would be nice. I could use a solid sparring partner this afternoon. But for the remainder of this morning I do not wish to discuss or think about challenges any further. How about pancakes?” He winked at me and I knew he was just trying to put up a good front.

  Still, I played along. “Only if you have bacon to go with them.”

  “You drive a tough bargain, mate.”

  We kept the remaining morning to a light banter, but there was a falseness to it, an evil lingered over us all. And when it was time for Kyle to begin preparations for the evening, he and I said our see ya laters. Never goodbye! And he and Patrick left in reverent silence.

  Lily wasn't about to leave me alone feeding off my fears, so I was dragged to the Alpha house with her to waste the afternoon. I almost wished it were a work day so I'd at least have something to occupy my time.

  We found Elise sitting in the living room staring at a magazine but really just looking lost in thought.

  “E, you okay?”

  “Yeah, are you feeling better?” I added.

  She looked up. “Um, yeah, I'm fine. What are you two doing here?”

  “Wasting time,” we said in unison. “Jinx.” We giggled. “Double jinx!”

  “You heard about Kyle's next challenge, right?”

  “You mean against Andon? Did they set a date?”

  I sucked in a sharp breath as Lily rubbed my shoulders in loving comfort.

  “It's tonight, E. Since he didn't actually fight last night, the Council bumped it up to tonight.”

  Elise started crying. “I'm sorry. I don't know what's come over me lately. I just feel so off and out of it. I don't know how to explain it. I should have been there with you guys last night. I didn't know he'd have to fight today.”

  I smelled something strange waft through the house, and my shoulders stiffened. I knew my hackles would be standing tall if I were in my fur. It was a foreign smell. No, a foreign wolf. Jason Westin poked his head in and I was briefly confused.

  “Ah, good, Kelsey, just the gal I was looking for. I'm afraid, you have a visitor.”

  I let out a low growl of warning when Andon appeared behind my Alpha.

  “Kelsey, you won't be alone with him, but as a challenger and therefore a potential mate to you, he has the right to request your audience. Don't worry, I'll be with you the entire time.”

  I know my eyes begged and pleaded for him not to make me do it. But there was no getting out of it as I was escorted past my enemy and into Jason's office. Andon entered and closed the door behind him. I had to fight to maintain control of my powers as I suddenly felt caged in with this man.

  He eyed me suspiciously, and my eyes never left his. I knew he was an alpha in his own right, but when he tried to power play me I simply held my ground and bit back the release of my own alpha powers.

  “There is much spirit and stubbornness in you, little one.” He said in an accent so thick I could barely discern he was speaking English. “But fear not, for I am quite powerful and need a strong she-wolf to stand by my side. You will take some breaking in, but I am confident you will do nicely.” He gave me an eerie smile of sorts that sent shivers through my body and as I was about to show him just how powerful he wasn't, Jason stepped in and intervened.

  “That is enough, Andon. You will not upset the girl any further. You have met her, now I must ask you leave my home.”

  I felt the wall of alpha power against alpha power and gave a small boost to Jason's thinking they wouldn't notice. The quirk of an eyebrow from Andon made me momentarily fear I had been wrong in that assumption.

  “You intrigue me greatly, little wolf. I shall have more of you tonight, after my victory.”

  He turned on his heels and exited as Jason physically held me back from attacking him.

  “Kelsey,” he demanded, pouring his power over me. Even though I knew I was stronger and could take him, I respected him too much to ever use my powers on him again, so I settled. “You know you can't afford to lose control like that. Especially with the likes of the Bulgarians. I don't know if he felt your additional power as I tried to make it appear I was pushing mine stronger against him, but please, do not intercede again.”

  “I am sorry, Alpha.” I said formally, baring my neck to him.

  He hesitated briefly before pulling me into his arms in the biggest fatherly hug I could ever remember in my life. I embraced him back, only withdrawing when Mary entered the room to check on us, ranting over the rudeness of the Bulgarian.

  The Westins kept me close by their sides, and I was struck by how much they had become family to me. It wasn't just me and Kyle. I had a mom, and a dad, and sisters and brothers. My life mattered to them and theirs to me. Chase and Liam took on a particularly protective role that day, even going so far as to escorting me to the pavilion above the arena where I would stand and wait and watch.

  The Council had decided not to stand with us there once again, but it wasn't just me and Jason this time. I was surrounded by my family. I was surrounded by love. It felt good and terrified me all at the same time as it signified the true importance of this challenge.

  I'm here, my mate. Be strong, and fight hard. I paused. Cause there's no way I'm waking up to that dog breath every morning.

  He laughed and then growled. Did that dog come near you today?

  Only formally and your father would not allow him alone with me. It was fine. Just, just kill him quickly. I nearly spat out the words in my head and I felt the truth of them strengthen Kyle.

  Things moved fast after that. Jason called the contenders out. The formalities were given. And they stripped and waited for the signal to shift. Unlike Matt Snyder who took forever and a day to shift during his challenge, Andon wasted no time and was stalking towards Kyle as he shifted. His wolf was big and powerful looking. Bigger even than Kyle's. But bigger didn't always mean better. I quickly noted he wasn't as quick and that he was slower on his left side than his right when he attacked. I wished I could communicate with Kyle to give him the heads up.

  Heard ya loud and clear, babe! An excited voice came through our bond.

  I gasped a little in shock, but Andon had snapped close to one of Kyle's legs at that exact instant so no one thought anything suspicious of it.

  Stay to his left. I don't think his peripheral vision is very strong on that side. He's going to try and force you to his right though. I directed him.

  Okay, okay, I got this, now let me fight already.

  I laughed wanting desperately to cheer him on for all to see and hear but knowing it wasn't allowed during the challenges for me to show favoritism. I started to cheer in my head instead, but then I didn't want to distract him so I tried to just send calming vibes through our bond or nothing at all. This was such a new development I didn't know what to make of it or what to do.

  I stood there helplessly watching as Andon jabbed at him and he jabbed back. Kyle got a few good bites in and Andon was bleeding now, his fur caked in blood down his left hind leg, but he fought on, perhaps more violently seemingly angered by the bite.

  Kyle kept pursuit. He smelled blood and I felt his wolf dominate control. His alpha powers flowed freely demanding the other wolf submit to him. But Andon was an alpha in his own right and fought back with his own powers. It was unlike either of the previous challenges I had fought or observed.

  When Kyle got the upper hand, and
began making advances on him, I squealed in my head in excitement. The energy and the rush of the victory in sight was contagious and our entire pack was on its feet cheering him on, but he faltered when I squealed. I hadn't meant to distract him. It was the last thing I ever wanted, but it was just enough for Andon to take advantage and suddenly he had Kyle pinned on his back snapping his massive jaws at him.

  Jason Westin's hand was on my arm and I knew it wasn't good. He was worried and prepared to whisk me away before my powers set free on all who attended. I was having to fight back to reign in my control as I watched in utter disbelief.

  Andon chomped down hard on Kyle's right front paw that was protecting his neck, and in that moment, I felt every ounce of pain my mate was suffering and I held my arm close to my chest, dropping to my knees, and screamed out in pain. I saw blood flowing from my right hand and the pain continued as I screamed. I was vaguely aware that all cheers had stopped and all eyes turned towards me.

  Kelsey, I heard Kyle scream through our bond.

  I couldn't respond, too shocked by the pain and blood, but I heard a large growl and felt my powers being pulled from me as Kyle channeled everything we both had in a full on attack of Andon. Jason dropped to his knees gasping at the same instant. Kyle's power, my power, and the pack's power combined crippling Andon in the flash of eye as Kyle sank his teeth into his neck. I tasted his blood and fur in my mouth, spitting and gagging on the invisible taste of it, and felt the snap of his neck despite being nowhere near him.

  The second the wolf's life extinguished, Kyle changed and ran straight for me, screaming my name both through the bond and aloud. The others parted ways and watched in solemn shock as he reached my side. My entire body was shaking uncontrollably.

  “Move back,” I heard a voice demand. “Give her some space. Kelsey, breathe, come on honey, just breathe for me.” A familiar voice I couldn't quite place encouraged me.

  “Dude, I thought you said things hadn't escalated this far.” I finally recognized Micah's voice as he scolded Kyle.

  “It hadn't. I mean, seriously, we were telling you the truth. This is entirely new. I swear.” He rambled. “Just promise me she's going to be okay.”

  Micah started to lift me, but Kyle growled aggressively.

  “Okay, okay,” he said backing up with his hands raised in retreat. “Jesus, Kyle, you're fueling the full Westin Pack power now, you gotta calm down, man. You carry her. She's mostly just in shock. Her hand is already healing at the same pace as yours and since you were in wolf form, that's accelerated. Your adrenaline is so hyped, I doubt you're feeling a thing right now.”

  Kyle reached down and carefully picked me up. “I got you, baby. You're safe now. Nothing's going to happen to you.” Kyle crooned reassuringly in a soft lulling voice and I fought the darkness threatening to overtake me. Just before my eyes closed, I saw three faces sternly watching the scene from a distance. Who were they? I wondered.

  When I came to, I was tucked snuggly into bed. My bed. Mine and Kyle's. I was home. I deeply inhaled the familiarity of our combined scents. The air was tainted with that of other wolves. Opening myself to my wolf hearing I heard low mumbled voices from down the hall.

  Kyle? I tried to reach out through our bond and immediately heard footsteps running down the hall.

  “She's awake,” I heard him tell someone just before opening the door to our bedroom. “Hey sleepyhead. You had me really worried. How do you feel?”

  I began to sit up, expecting my head to throb and my hand to ache, but nothing. Hmm. Okay, so I sat up all the way and shrugged. “I feel fine.” I examined my hand. Not even a scratch. “Look, all healed too.”

  Kyle smiled and held his out to show me, “Mine too.”

  I yawned and stretched. My head was a little foggy.

  “Doc gave you a sedative to help you sleep, but you took to it a little too well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Kels, you've been out for two days.”

  “What?” I exclaimed sitting up quickly. “Two days?”

  “Yeah, babe, you had me terrified. The whole family's been here off and on keeping me from panicking. Are you sure you feel okay?”

  I did a quick self-assessment. “Yeah, I feel fine, perfectly normal.” And then tears started flooding my eyes and I jumped out of bed and threw myself into his arms. “I thought I'd lost you. I was so scared.”

  A soothing but strong hand rubbed my back reassuringly, easing the tension and fears as I cried in his arms.

  “It's okay, I'm here.”

  “This is real, right? If not, I don't even care, as long as I can feel your arms around me.”

  He chuckled. “It's real and I'm here.”

  A throat cleared behind us before I even had a chance to kiss him.

  “Hello, Kelsey,” Micah said. “Can I run a few tests on you, just precautionary.”

  I looked up at Kyle and he nodded and smiled reassuringly.

  “Okay,” I said, taking his hand and dragging him to the bed with me. I sat down but didn't let go. No way was Kyle getting away from me anytime soon. I didn't give a damn what the Council had to say about it either.

  Micah was quick with his questions and basic checkup, or so that's what they told me it was. Since my stay in the hospital at age twelve I had successfully avoided doctors for fear they'd be able to tell I was different. This was an odd and slightly embarrassing process I only had vague memories of from my past. Kyle stayed by my side the entire time.

  When the exam was done, Micah asked if he could run some bond tests and after consulting with Kyle, we agreed.

  Okay, we'll start off with some basics. He took out a pen and wrote something on his notepad and showed it to Kyle, though I couldn't see it.

  “Kelsey, what number did I just show Kyle?”

  One thousand and twenty-one. Kyle told me through our bond.

  “One thousand and twenty-one.” I repeated aloud.

  “Good, now Kelsey,” he said, flashing the notepad my way.

  I'm sexy and I know it. I snorted ,relaying the message Micah had written

  “Yeah you are!” Kyle exclaimed and Micah knew his message had been received without further confirmation.

  “Great, now Kyle, shift for me.”

  He did without further prompting. Then he flashed the notepad to his wolf.

  Micah's a dick and I'm not repeating that one. He said sullenly.

  “Um, apparently, he wasn't happy with what you wrote. He said you're a dick and he's not repeating it.”

  Micah laughed so hard a tear escaped his eye. “Okay, switch.”

  I didn't want to strip in front of Micah, but looking down at my favorite pajamas, I didn't want to ruin them either. So, I scooted behind the bed and stripped and changed in record time. Kyle had changed back to his skin and sat gloriously naked, without a care. Part of me envied that about him. I knew I'd always be self-conscious.

  Micah flashed another card to Kyle.

  Now he's just being an ass. I heard him say loud and clear. It was so surreal, the first time I'd ever heard Kyle clearly when we both weren't either in human or wolf form. He wants you to howl once then turn three times in a circle.

  I did as instructed, and suddenly Kyle was by my side nudging his muzzle into my neck. This time Micah pushed the big wolf aside, earning himself a small growl, before showing me the message.

  He wants us to run into the living room and jump on Lily. This is so dumb. I know I rolled my eyes, and it probably looked ridiculously human, despite my animal shape, but we did as we were told, and after hearing Lil scream in surprise, we were called back and told we could return to human form

  “Okay, now that the fun is over, let's get down to the important test.” He had us both sit side by side on the bed and he took out something that looked like a tiny tomahawk, only plastic, and he hit it against Kyle's knee. Without warning my leg shot up in the air in synch with his. He repeated a few other similar tests before pricking my fing
er with a needle and causing it to bleed. Kyle held his hand up and stared in wonder as his same finger bled too.

  “Not exactly anything we didn't suspect, but man, this is insane, you guys. And I'm overriding anything the Council says and quarantining you both till the full challenge period has ended. This pack is not risking the loss of you both. Your bond is sealed. Challenges are over. I've already discussed security with your dad. You'll have round the clock guards surrounding the house on all sides. The Bulgarians are already causing a bit of stink saying your dramatics were faked to give Kyle the upper hand to defeat Andon. The Grand Council has been called in to assess. It's not pretty, guys, but it'll all blow over soon.”


  Chapter 30

  I couldn't stop pacing the room and every few minutes I had to touch Kelsey just to keep myself grounded. Calling on Micah's medical assessment, my father shutdown the mating challenges and ordered all foreign wolves from our territory. I still couldn't believe it. It was too much.

  Currently he was in his office arguing with the Grand Council over it. People still didn't know the full truth of Kelsey's powers, not even Micah, and everyone was so distracted by her screams and collapse during my last challenge with Andon from Bulgaria, that they didn't seem to suspect anything either despite the fact that I was a hundred times more powerful in his defeat than I should have been. Still the strength in our bond was enough to spread gossip quickly.

  I cringed, haunted by her screams of pain and fear when Andon had attacked me at the challenge. My power, combined with hers, and even pulled through the pack line I'm told, had given me the force and willpower needed to defeat him. I could never imagine the fierce protectiveness that had overpowered me knowing my mate was in pain. And the two days I watched her lay there, still and unmoving, afterwards made my stomach roll just thinking of it. I thought I had lost her. It was the scariest moment of my life. I walked over and brushed a hand across her shoulders as I passed her in my pacing. It calmed me and I needed to touch her for affirmation that she was truly okay.


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