Kindling Flames: Stolen Fire (The Ancient Fire Series Book 4)

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Kindling Flames: Stolen Fire (The Ancient Fire Series Book 4) Page 13

by Julie Wetzel

  Darien shifted around the room to see if he could get better reception. “Elliot?” he asked. It was much too early in the day for Elliot to be up and about.

  “Where are you?”

  The line crackled with so much static that Darien could not hear his friend’s response. “Elliot?” He covered his other ear, hoping to pick up the other man’s words. “The reception here sucks. What’s up?” Static hissed across the line.

  “Rupert… wol… wn… Sue.”

  Elliot’s words were fragmented, but Darien caught the need in them. Suddenly, he could feel Elliot’s mind pressing on his, calling him home as fast as he could get there. Darien snapped the phone shut and turned to look at Vicky. He could see that she was getting the same feeling.

  Mama sat waiting for him to explain.

  “Thank you for everything.” Darien came over to hug her. “Something has happened at home, and we need to leave. Now.”

  Mama stood, hearing the urgency in his voice. “Go.” She pushed him towards the door. Turning, she ushered Vicky along at the same time.

  Vicky got up and followed him.

  “Zak!” Darien called out as soon as he hit the door. It took the hellhound a moment to scamper around the corner of the house with the little girl in tow. “Sue’s in trouble.” Darien nearly ran down the steps and yanked open the passenger’s side door of the car.

  Vicky followed, calculating the hours it would take to get back. If things were as bad as Elliot’s panic led her to believe, they would be much too late to help.

  Darien yanked out the messenger bag from the front seat and slammed the door before Vicky could get it. He tossed the keys to Delia. “Someone will be by later to get this.”

  Delia nodded.

  Settling the bag over Vicky’s head, Darien turned to Zak. “Take us home.” He grabbed Vicky’s hand and looked at Zak expectantly.

  The little fay stared at him for a moment and wiggled his end reluctantly.

  “I know you can feel Elliot through Vicky,” Darien pleaded with the fay. “We need to get back now.”

  Zak writhed on the ground, still unwilling to open the way for them.

  Darien looked at Vicky, then to Zak. “She bears your mark and my protection; nothing will harm her in-between.”

  Whining louder, the hellhound flailed around more.

  “Darien?” Vicky pulled on his hand to get his attention. From the one-sided conversation, she figured that Zak could get them home faster, but had to do something that might endanger her. “Is this dangerous?”

  “Only if you go unescorted and unprotected,” Darien reassured her.

  Turning this over for a moment, Vicky tried to figure out the problem Zak was having. “Zak’s mark protects me,” she confirmed.

  Darien nodded. He was starting to get upset with the fay's delay. Every second could count in the world of the supernatural. He pleaded with the fay again, but only got a reluctant whine.

  “What about you?”

  “What?” Darien looked at Vicky, not understanding the question.

  “What protects you?” she asked again.

  “I’m a vampire, I don’t need…” His voice trailed off as he realized the problem. Drawing in a deep breath, he let it out, trying to think of a solution. “It’s a risk I’m going to have to take.” Weaving their fingers together, he squeezed her hand. “Just don’t let go.” He prayed that with her touch and Zak as escort, they would get through unscathed.

  Vicky turned her attention to Zak and knelt down. “Zak.” She reached her free hand out to the fay and ruffled his feelers. “Can you get us there?” Zak whimpered at her, but she heard the positive note in his tone. “Please,” she begged him. The urgency beating at her from Elliot drove her to take chances she normally would not.

  Zak studied her for a moment. His tentacles stilled as he considered her request.

  “For Sue.”

  Snorting his acceptance, the hellhound wobbled around on the ground unhappily.

  “Thank you.” Vicky rubbed him and stood back up.

  Zak rolled over and nuzzled her leg where she bore his mark, testing the link to make sure it was solid.

  She pushed back against him mentally, showing it was firm.

  Zak wiggled between Darien and Vicky, touching both of them.

  “Ouch!” Darien jerked his leg away from the fay, who had just sunk his teeth into the back of Darien’s calf. “Damn it, Zak!” Releasing Vicky’s hand, he limped away from the fay. “I know this doesn’t make you happy, and you can eat my pants later if you want, but leave the flesh, little horror.” He paused a few steps away and lifted up the leg of his jeans to look at the wound.

  “Zak!” Vicky snapped as she dropped down by Darien’s leg. She wiped away the blood with her sleeve to find two neat rows of teeth marks marring the skin. “Oh, Zak.” She reached up and touched one of the cuts.

  “Ow, ow, ow, ow.” Pulling away from her probing finger, Darien limped around as he tried to ignore the pain ripping up the back of his calf. “I think the little monster is poisonous or something.” He flexed his leg. “It burns.”

  Zak whined in response and rolled around.

  “It’s okay, Uncle L'aimè.” Marie came over and tugged on Darien’s sleeve. “Da puppy only wanted to help.”

  Darien clenched his teeth together hard, trying not to speak his mind in front of such an impressionable child. “Yes, help.” Sitting down hard, he squeezed the knee of the leg Zak had bitten. “Can I get some water, please?” he asked before closing his eyes on the tears forming, rocking to try to block out the burning in his calf. It was the worst pain he had ever felt. “Why don’t you just eat me and get it over with?” Darien growled at the fay behind him.

  Zak gurgled and wiggled over to where Darien clutched at his leg. Sweat had broken out on the vampire’s forehead as tremors ran through his body.

  Vicky moved to his back and touched him gently, not sure how to soothe his pain. “Stop this, Zak,” she reprimanded the hellhound.

  Zak whined and touched Darien with several tips.

  Delia approached him with a glass of water, but Darien’s attention was on the burn spreading up his leg. He could feel his heart pushing the pain from his leg into his body. The heat marked exactly where his veins ran under his skin.

  Vicky took the glass of cool water and held it to him. She could feel his temperature rising as she rubbed his back, trying to comfort him.

  Snatching the glass of water, Darien drained half of it before pouring the rest over his head. The cold water did nothing to calm the fire running through him. He dropped the glass to the ground, forgetting it in his plight. The heat climbed to his chest, making it hard to breathe. Gasping, he tried to drag air into his aching lungs.

  Vicky grabbed his hand as he started to tear at the collar of his shit. “Zak!” she begged the hellhound as she pulled Darien into her lap. His skin was flushed, and he moaned from the agony consuming him.

  Tears streamed from Darien’s eyes as he gripped onto Vicky for dear life. His breath came in short, ragged pants.

  “Please!” she begged Zak again. Holding Darien, she tried her best to help him. She could feel the warm brush of feathers on the inside of her skin, only this time, the feathers flowed out of her and into Darien. Opening herself as wide as she could, she let the power work as it willed. At the back of her mind, she could feel someone’s confusion. It came from the area she associated with Darien, but it wasn’t him. His thoughts were filled only with the pain threatening to break him. Vicky leaned forwards and soothed his hair back from his face as the magic worked to heal him. Slowly, he relaxed as the pain eased.

  Now that she had opened herself up fully, Vicky could feel the edge of Elliot’s panic rubbing on her mind. When Darien’s pain had begun, Elliot had stepped in and blocked the master’s connection with the rest of the kiss. Vicky agreed that this was not something Darien needed to share with the people he was taking care of. She sent a wave of gratitude
and reassurance to Elliot. A responding wash of relief and curiosity rolled back to her. Unable to express anything in words, she thought of patience, and Elliot backed off her mind.

  Vicky looked down to where Darien was curled on his side with his face almost buried in her stomach. His breathing was better, and his color was returning to normal. “What did you do to him, Zak?” Vicky turned narrowed eyes to the fay.

  Zak flattened himself out and whined. Only the tips of his tentacles wiggled where they touched Darien.

  Vicky could feel his confusion and regret pushing at the edge of her mind. She touched that point and gasped at the overwhelming mix that was Zak’s mind. His consciousness pulled back, leaving her with a very clear picture of what he had intended.

  Marking Darien had been the only way Zak felt he could ensure the man’s safety through the between place. The hellhound had chosen to do so through a bite because it was the fastest way to set a secure mark. The type of fay mark Vicky carried would have taken days to settle on Darien and would not have given the protection needed to move through the between places immediately. Zak also didn’t think Darien would have agreed to the claiming.

  “Well, you didn’t give him a choice,” Vicky huffed at the fay, rubbing Darien’s back. The man was completely relaxed now. His consciousness had fled when the fire burning his insides had ceased.

  Zak wiggled and whined at her again.

  Letting out a deep breath, Vicky held her hand out to the fay. Now that she understood why he had bitten Darien, she really couldn’t stay mad at the little horror. The mark was for the man’s own good. “Next time, ask.”

  Zak wiggled over and rubbed up against her side. His tentacles tangled through Darien’s hair, petting him.

  “Is Uncle L'aimè dead?”

  The little voice startled Vicky back to her surroundings. In her attempts to help Darien, she had totally forgotten about the people around her. Vicky smiled up at the child watching them. Shifting her gaze, she took in Delia and Mama waiting anxiously behind her. “No,” Vicky reassured the child. “He’ll be alright. He’s just tired.”

  Marie nodded as the two older women let out relieved sighs.

  “It’s not da puppy’s fault,” the girl pointed out adamantly. “Hims was try’n to help.”

  Vicky smiled soothingly at the girl. “I know.” And she did, because Zak had shown her.

  Zak was truly confused by Darien’s reaction. He had expected the magic of his mark to spread throughout the man’s body, carried by his blood, but it shouldn’t have hurt the way it had. The only time Zak had ever seen a reaction this bad was when another fay had tried to claim something of light that had fallen to earth. The creature had writhed in agony for days before dying a most horrendous death. Afterwards, Lady Aine had forbidden the marking of such things. Their magics didn’t mix, and the consequences were much too high.

  Vicky looked down at Darien asleep in her arms. His pain was gone and the bite mark was healed, but the magic had used most of his energy. He needed to rest, but Elliot’s call still pressed on her mind. Darien’s recovery would have to wait—they needed to leave soon. Rubbing the wet hair back from his face, Vicky leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Darien,” she breathed his name.

  His brow furrowed as he rubbed his face harder into her middle.

  Vicky patted him on the back. “You have to get up now.”

  He groaned in response.

  “Come on.” She shifted him into a less comfortable position on her lap.

  Darien groaned again but opened his eyes. Rolling to his back, exhausted by the experience, he studied the swath of blue shimmering between boards of green. It had been a long time since he had lain back and stared at a sky the same shade as Vicky’s eyes. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated on his body. The pain was gone, but the memory of it lingered just under his skin. The feather light whisper of power rubbed against the inside of his skin. He knew this feeling, had used it to heal many times, but this was the first time he had no control over it. It was… odd.

  “Thank you,” he breathed softly to Vicky. “You can stop now.” Reaching over, he touched her on the leg.

  She cocked her head in confusion before realizing his meaning.

  Darien felt her pull the power back and close up. The sensation left him slightly empty, but it made room for something else he had not felt. Worry pressed against the edge of his awareness. He touched it and let out a manic laugh when he felt Zak’s mind.

  “All that for a mark.” Darien pushed up from the ground and rolled to look at the hellhound. Holding the fay’s unwavering gaze, he let out a deep sigh. How could he reprimand the fay for doing what needed to be done? He would have done the same thing if their roles had been reversed, but that didn’t mean that he was going to be happy about it. Darien sat up and pulled his pant leg up to look at the form Zak’s mark took. “At least it’s not flowers.” He shifted to show his new mark to Vicky.

  Vicky studied the back of Darien’s calf. She had expected to see two rows of teeth marks but was surprised to find what looked to be a tattoo filling the space between the lines. A mass of black and green was swirled over his skin. A few flecks of silver floated along the twisting lines. It was very abstract but amazingly beautiful. Vicky blinked a few times and reached out to touch the image. It was solid and still, but it felt as if it were swirling too slowly for her eyes to catch. “Amazing,” Vicky breathed.

  Darien snorted and pulled his damaged jeans back down. He looked up to the ladies watching him. “Just remember, the help of the fay always comes with a price.” He caught Zak’s shining eyes. “Sometimes that price is more then we bargained for.”

  Zak wobbled over and rubbed up against Darien.

  Darien stood up. “I’m fine now,” he reassured everyone. Exhaustion clung heavy on him and he would rather have laid back down for more rest; but something was wrong at home and he needed to get back as soon as possible. “Let’s get this over with.” Darien held his hand down to help Vicky up. He made sure she had the messenger bag before turning to Delia and Mama. “I will see you again soon.”

  “Travel safely.” Mama waved to them.

  “Bye, Uncle L'aimè.” Marie waved to them from where she stood by her mother.

  Darien bid her farewell and turned to where Zak was now waiting for them. “Let’s go.” He took Vicky’s hand and laced their fingers together. “Whatever happens, don’t let go.” Patting her hand, he turned to Zak.

  The fay looked over them for a moment before reaching out and grabbing each by an ankle. Grabbing at reality, he split the air in front of them.

  Vicky didn’t have time for her mind to respond to the impossibility of this before Darien and Zak took off at a run pulling her along. Memories of danger and pain burst forth as the darkness of the between places closed around her. Terror bubbled up, paralyzing her as her mind shut down. Darien caught her as she stumbled, unable to move.

  “Victoria.” He pulled her against him.

  She clung to him, terrified. The feel of Zak urging them on pressed at her, but she just couldn’t get past the fear of the darkness. Even though the ifrit had healed the damage to her mind, the near-death experience still showed from time to time.

  “I’ve got you.” Darien pressed her face into his shoulder and swept her legs from under her. He settled her in his arms and took off after Zak as quickly as he could.

  Vicky could feel how his pace has slowed, but she could not face the blackness clutching at them. Even now, with her eyes shut, clinging to Darien, the dark was cold against her skin. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed into Darien’s shoulder.

  He shushed her as he ran. “It’s okay.” Carefully, he squeezed her, offering what comfort he could. “We all have our moments.”

  A reassuring gurgle sounded from Zak somewhere below and in front of them.

  This brought a smile to her face and a tear to her eye. Even when time is of the essence, her boys cared enough to comfort her. Vicky rubbed the tear t
hat slipped from her closed eyes on Darien’s shirt and kissed him where her head rested. “Put me down.” She shifted in his arms as he ran. His breath had started coming in more labored pants as he fought against his fatigue. His pace slowed as she wiggled to get loose.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as he released her legs, swinging her down.

  “Yes.” Vicky found her feet without opening her eyes. If she didn’t think about the darkness, she could do this. “Just don’t let me go.” She gripped at Darien’s hand for dear life.

  “Never.” He spared a moment to kiss the side of her head before following the pull of Zak’s tentacles.

  With her feet on the ground, Vicky matched Darien’s pace as they pounded through the unfathomable distance.

  Vicky’s chest and sides were burning by the time Zak tore another hole in reality and they spilled out onto the streets of Brenton.

  Darien placed his hand against the wall of the alley and huffed, trying to catch his breath. Turning around, he leaned on the wall, about ready to pass out.

  “Keep moving,” Vicky warned and dragged him up from where he was sliding down the bricks. “If you stop now, you will cramp up.” She pulled him to her side and forced him to walk slowly into the gathering twilight.

  Darien nodded his head and followed her lead, huffing.

  Zak whined as he slipped into his Shih Tzu form and circled them.

  “I forgot what it’s like to have to worry about things like muscle fatigue.” Darien stretched his legs as they moved. “Whee!” he said giddily as the endorphins running through his system hit him hard, making him stagger.

  Giggling, Vicky clutched at him to keep him from falling over. “Welcome to oxygen deprivation and a runner’s high.” She led him down the alley to the cross street. It took her a moment to recognize where they were and turn in the direction of home.

  Darien tilted his head back and stared up at the sky, enjoying the head rush. “This is fantastic.”

  “Give it a minute.” Vicky laughed. “You’ll change your mind.” It was only a few minutes before she could feel Darien come down from his high.


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