ARINA'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 2)

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ARINA'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 2) Page 25

by Dalia Wright

  The three of them walked for a while until they started to hear the sounds of musket-fire and shouts in the distance. It appeared as though they were coming upon some type of battle.

  “I’ll check it out,” said Khan. “We can use observations about their fighting systems to learn more about warfare in this time period. I’ll leave you two to explore the nearby area together.”

  Stella flushed right away. She was going to get to spend some alone time with Isaac, who was beginning to seem more and more attractive to her. She had, for some time, forgotten that he was an alien. He just seemed like an ordinary man to her. A tall, muscular, smart, caring, emotionally-sensitive man. And he was able to carry her in his arms and press all the right buttons. She was getting damp between the legs just thinking about all this.

  “Let’s inspect the local foliage, my Lady,” said Isaac. “You can show me what some of the native plants and other life-forms are.”

  The two of them walked side-by-side towards a green, forested area. The area consisted of a well-groomed forest with tall oak trees and well-maintained bushes and flower-patches. It seemed as though this was some kind of property belonging to a liege Lord or Lady and kept up nicely. It was very romantic.

  Stella knelt down and pointed to a tulip. “This, is a tulip, your excellency.”

  “What a remarkable specimen. I seem to recall in my reading that it is a type of flow-er?”

  “Yes! We have many flowers here on Earth. They smell really good. Here, try it!” And Isaac leaned down and inhaled deeply. A smile made its way across his face as he seemed to relax into a state of blissfulness.

  Isaac, still kneeling, turned his head to face Stella’s. There was a long pause. Then Isaac leaned in and planted a tender, long kiss on Stella’s mouth. Their tongues encircled one another and their lips parted just enough to allow the kiss to take on a deep, memorable, and full quality.

  Isaac slipped a hand underneath Stella’s top. He massaged her large, full breast, paying special attention to her pink, erect nipple. He pinched at it. Then he squeezed her breast and gently leaned into her. The two of them tilted towards the ground and Isaac shifted himself on top of her. Then his hands were inside her pants. He played at her clitoris, stimulating it with a casual yet gentle rubbing motion. They remained in this position for some time, allowing the sensuality of the setting and the moment to deeply set in.

  “You are as beautiful and as soft as this tu-lip,” said Isaac.

  Stella moaned and leaned her head back. She was lost in the moment. Even if she wanted to, she had neither the inclination nor the ability to speak.

  Isaac positioned himself on top of Stella and loosened and pulled down her bottoms. Cupping her ass with both hands, while managing to spread her cheeks, he slid her down so that their pelvises were in line. His hard, erect cock, circled her womanliness. Then he pushed inside her and as she felt the fullness and expansion of her vagina with him inside it, she let out a loud cry of ecstasy.

  Their love-making lasted close to an hour. Amidst the scent and beauty of the scenery, it was the most romantic moment of her life. Up until then at least.

  Lying in each others’ arms afterwards, there seemed little to say. They both felt deep satisfaction and wished the moment could last forever. In many ways it did.

  As the evening sun approached, the lovers got dressed and walked hand-in-hand back out to the field. Khan was inspecting the nearby battle with what seemed to be some kind of alien binocular-set, yet larger and with more knobs.

  “Status report, Khan,” said Isaac.

  “Their strategy for battle is quite primitive, my lord. It seems as though they rely on a war instrument known as a musket, with manual loading properties. Their projectiles are nothing but scraps of metal designed to inflict damage to the human tissue.”

  “As I suspected. Let us enter their camp using a cloaking shield and determine what members of the female sex do during times of war,” said Isaac.

  Isaac handed Stella a small chip about the size of a half-dollar. It attached securely to a receptor port on the left shoulder of her jumper.

  The three of them attached their chips and faded from view. They walked in unison behind the lines of battle and through the encampment. On both sides of them were white tents set up to house the wounded soldiers. Some tents were meant for such medical support, and others were for replenishment, offering hot meals to the recuperating garrison.

  “I wish to see the commander’s quarters,” said Isaac.

  Khan led Isaac and Stella to a large, red, canvass tent with a pair of soldiers standing at the ready with loaded muskets to either side of the entrance. They slipped easily and quietly past the sentry and walked up to the command table. The general – a large, broad-chested man donning a red uniform decorated with metallic badges and a white cloak – was issuing orders and battle-preparations to an attentive audience of high-ranking officers.

  The commands were somewhere along the lines of how and when the troops would flank and capture the enemy’s leadership. They listened for a while. Then the trio retreated out of the tent and wandered along the busy rows of tents, soldiers, wagons, and stretchers with wounded or dead bodies. Khan led them into an armory to inspect – at close quarters – the parts and accessories the soldiers used for battle. Isaac took in the various armaments, paying special attention to the ammunition and armour. They wandered up to a dis-assembled cannon to learn about its working parts and to get a sense of how a long-range gun inflicted damage.

  Their observations of the battle camp lasted roughly an hour, until at last Isaac was satisfied that he had learned enough about English Victorian warfare.

  Returning to their mothership, they entered and got into the control room once again. It was time, Khan explained, to get a sense of civilian life. They would head for London, and learn about how royalty lived and compare it to the day-to-day conditions of the average citizen. A few presses of certain key buttons and the ship was airborne and headed towards the capital city.

  Setting a cloaking field on the ship, Khan positioned the aircraft above Buckingham Palace. They descended using the reverse-tractor beam onto the balcony of the Queen. They slipped into her antechamber to find her having tea with what appeared to be a very well-dressed duke or knight. Their conversation was one of politics and the state of the colonies. They eavesdropped for some time before returning to the ship and setting off over the horizon.

  “That was certainly a thrill,” said Stella.

  “We did learn quite a bit, and had fun too,” agreed Isaac.

  “What’s next?” asked Stella.

  Khan answered. “Well, we still have some time before your fertility test yields results one way or another, so we’ll be taking you back to Ishmul to live amongst us.”

  Their ship sped at near-light speed back to Ishmul and descended through a murky atmosphere to land on a shagged earthen floor. They beamed down and were met with a cool gust of Ishmulian wind.

  “Let us make our way to our city’s headquarters and get settled in,” said Isaac.

  They traversed the rocky, winding path to a large, shimmering green metropolis that let out a greenish, blueish glow.

  Inside the walls of the city, a troop of about twelve Ishmulians, armed with laser-rifles, marched up to the threesome.

  “We’ll take it from here,” said the leader, a tall, broad-shouldered alien wearing a tan loin-cloth and strapped with a large energy weapon. When he spoke, sharp, jagged teeth revealed themselves exuding a rather hostile appearance.

  “Our orders were to study the girl further,” replied Isaac. “She comes with us until the fertility experiment is complete.”

  “Seize them,” commanded the leader, and the troop captured and bound the unarmed aliens.

  A medium-sized green-skinned alien with a yellow bandana tied around his forehead approached Stella and injected her with a pacifying serum. She went out like a light a few seconds after.

  Stella woke up
in a small, damp cave with one window in the far corner letting through a hazy beam of late-evening light. She felt drugged. And helpless. And cold.

  She missed Sunny, and her bed, and the embrace of Isaac.

  She heard footsteps approaching outside the cave door. Then the jingle of keys, and the door opened. Stella had to squint to make out the figure standing in the doorway.

  It looked as if the figure were preparing some documents. “Have you eaten?” he asked.

  “No,” replied Stella. “Where is Isaac?”

  “I’ll be back with bread and water. In the mean time try to make yourself comfortable.” The manner in which he said the last word sounded slightly sarcastic.

  Stella looked around for an exit. The cell was small and nondescript. There was very little light so she walked along the walls using her hands to search for some kind of opening, crack, or lever. Nothing was to be found. Her arm ached from the shot the cruel alien had given her. She had nothing to do but wait.

  The bread and water came a half-hour later, and she voraciously gobbled it up. She was surprised to hear more footsteps coming her way shortly after. This time it sounded as if it was a pair.

  Two aliens armed with weapons opened the door and ushered her to come out. They marched her through a long, poorly-lit stone hallway which opened up into a solarium with book cases, tables, and other other-worldly objects Stella did not recognize. The leader who had apprehended her was sitting on a large throne adorned with brass statuettes at the far end of the room. There were a few dozen aliens going about their business, not really paying attention to her. She had the strong suspicion that she was not the first Earthling to be taken prisoner.

  “Ah! My acquisition has arrived,” thundered the leader. “Come closer, so I can inspect you.”

  “Where is ISAAC?” insisted Stella.

  “Don’t worry about him. He is being taken care of as we speak. For the time being, it is you I wish to converse with.”

  A short, bald-headed alien wearing what looked like some kind of Roman toga jutted her in the back with the butt of his rifle. Two other aliens fell in beside her and she was half-marched half-pushed up towards the red, carpeted steps leading up to the throne. One of the aliens gave a sturdy kick to the back of her knee and she fell down onto the steps.

  “It is no wonder why he chose you. I can sense your fertility. You may be the most voluptuous prisoner I have ever taken. You must be wondering about your fate. Well, we have decided to use your body for the advancement of the Ishmulian race. We will take what we need and then you will be thrown off a cliff.”

  Fear struck the heart of the young Earthling, who believed every word her captor said. She felt powerless to stop it, and although she knew she needed the help of Isaac to escape, she was determined not to go down without a fight.

  “Well let me tell you a little bit about my race you ugly son of a bitch. Where I’m from we do not throw ourselves willingly into the hands of a dictator who has no concept of the value of life. If you plan on dissecting me, so be it, but the next blow you deal me had better kill me because I am not going to go down so easily.”

  Stella herself was surprised by her sudden demonstration of courage. It startled her just how quickly her experience with aliens had gone from a happy adventure to a dangerous dilemma. She meant what she said. There was no way she was going to let them intimidate her.

  “Amusing,” said the leader. “Your gusto impresses. But relax, I did not say we were going to kill you right away. I know how much your race values independence and life. And I also happen to know that one of your most cherished customs is that of marriage. And so, you will be made my wife.”

  Stella could feel a lump rising in her throat. She could hardly stomach the idea of marrying this fiend let alone the idea of consummation. She wished now more than ever that her Isaac would come swooping in and save her.

  “Take her away and prepare her for the wedding,” commanded the leader.

  “Yes, Chief Zul,” replied two henchmen simultaneously. Another blow in the small of her back by the butt of one of their rifles and the henchmen marched her through a nearby passageway and into an elaborately decorated bridal room.

  The bridal room was a large museum of exotic gowns, dresses, headdresses, sachets, pins, brooches, and many other forms of jewellery and clothing to be used to ceremoniously decorate a bride. Stella was on the verge of tears. This was definitely not how she pictured her wedding day. She thought about ways to end her life so that she could avoid her fate with Chief Zul. She wondered how he and his army of Ishmulians could be so different from the gentle and civilized Khan and Isaac. She clung to the hope that Isaac would swoop in and save her. Maybe he would come in five minutes? She waited. Maybe he would come in twenty? She waited some more. No one was there to save her.

  “Get dressed,” barked one of the aliens.

  Stella walked up to one of the gowns and took it from its hook. It had a certain exotic beauty to it. She removed her green jumper and got into the gown. She was aware of being watched all-the-while by the henchmen who were unflinchingly fixed on her. She decided she was going to play it cool.

  “How do I look?” asked Stella.

  “Like a trashy whore, Earthling.” And the two henchmen chuckled to themselves.

  “Well I think I look pretty damn becoming,” said Stella. “I hope Chief Zul finds me to his liking during the wedding ceremony.”

  “The ceremony is just for show, Earthling. Afterwards, you will be dashed to pieces and thrown off a cliff.”

  “Yes, yes, I know about the cliff.” Stella rolled her eyes in exasperation.

  She spent the next fifteen minutes accessorizing her look to the best ability. When she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she actually thought that she looked like a respectable bride.

  “Time to go,” barked one of the aliens and they exited the room and walked back into the main hall. Chief Zul was conversing with a few of his top lieutenants. Stella walked up to the steps leading up to his thrown and knelt. “I am at your disposal, my Chief.”

  A moment’s pause hung in silence and Zul motioned away his staff. “Come closer. I wish to inspect you.”

  Stella approached Zul while keeping her gaze low in submission. She didn’t want to risk angering him but she knew she had to bide as much time as possible in the hopes that Isaac would come save her.

  Zul arose from his seat and stood directly in front of Stella. He was several heads taller than her. He seemed to smile at her, but beneath it, she could sense, was pure hatred. She was terrified.

  Zul placed a hand on her head, and let her thick hair flow through his fingers. His hand descended towards the small of her back and then down to her butt. He gave her ass a squeeze and before long his fingers were probing between her cheeks, finding every nook and cranny. The moment seemed to last forever.

  Having Zul’s fingers searching around her ass should have repelled her. But her submissive side and the fact that she was a young, fertile woman betrayed her courage and quite absent of any logic she found herself lost in the moment. He spread her legs further and then reached his other hand down into her crotch. He continued to massage her vagina until she became wet with excitement. She was suddenly aware that the whole room was watching them. Zul seemed satisfied.

  “You are a beautiful woman, Stella,” said Zul coldly. “I will enjoy having my fun with you before your execution. I will have to thank Isaac. He has good taste in abductees. That is, of course, if I can catch him before his execution.”

  The room sprung into action. Everyone started clearing the area and setting up tables for the feast. A giant ox-like creature was brought in and sacrificed. Its blue blood drained away into a large silvery container, which was then brought back into the kitchen for further preparing.

  Zul motioned two of his henchmen over to where Stella was now seated. He said something in the alien tongue and then the two of them grabbed a hold of Stella and tore at her gown. They
ripped off the top portion and cut it away with a sharp knife, exposing her large, milky white breasts. She covered her chest with her hands but the henchmen removed them. Stella was on the verge of tears. Being topless throughout the meal would just add to her humiliation and embarrassment. But she summoned strength from within her and reminded herself that she was a beautiful woman. In that moment, she was a queen.

  The feast last a few hours, and Stella ate only small portions. She did not find the food appalling, but she was also not very hungry. She did not want to cause a scene by refusing to eat at her own wedding banquet.

  Finally, when the aliens had finished their feast, the tables, chairs and uneaten food were sent away. Stella had no idea what would come next. She was trembling. Zul put his long, muscular arm around her and gave her left breast a squeeze. His hand lingered there, massaging her tit in a circular motion. She was not certain whether or not this act was meant to calm her or if Zul was simply trying to illicit a sexual response from her. Or perhaps this was some sort of weird foreplay. She wondered what would come next, or if he would have his way with her before killing her.

  Two aliens in patchwork cloth cloaks entered the room. Their hoods were so deep it was impossible to see their faces. Stella’s heart sank. What more could happen to her?

  The cloaked aliens took their seat in a corner of a room. Zul didn’t seem to notice them. He rose up from his thrown and issued some orders to the aliens. Everyone scurried out of the way and a troop of alien acrobats made their way to the centre of the room. They put on a show of gymnastics with swirling aerial flips and twists. They tumbled this way and that, now standing on each other shoulders, now launching each other high into the air. Isaac. I want Isaac.


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