Flight Of The Old Dog pm-1

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Flight Of The Old Dog pm-1 Page 4

by Dale Brown

  "But that Korea Air Lines flight flies near "See that?You just can't trust 'em. Sometimes they get serious. "Curtis was silent for a moment.

  "But that didn't happen with our RC-135," he continued.

  No matter how bad the shit hit the fan, the guys aboard her would've stayed cool. If they were under direct attack, or even believed they might soon be under attack, they would have flushed their data."

  "Flushed it?"

  "As they collect data on Soviet radar and other electromagnetic signals.it's coded and stored in a buffer-a computer storage space.

  If there's a hint of anything going wrong airplane problems, attack, equipment problems-the buffer can be transmitted to a Defense Department satellite within seconds. They hit one button and it's gone, all of it. Most operators now have a hair trigger on that button; one engine coughs a bit and the data's gone. The buffer transmits itself periodically after a complicated error-checking routine done L between the plane and the satellite.

  "If the RC-135 crew knew they were under attack, we would I've gotten the rest of their data and an attack or distress code. Even a momentary threat signal from anywhere, especially with that plane so close to shore, would've caused them to flush their data. But they didn't. They never knew what hit them.

  "A sneak attack?" Brent suggested. "A fighter could have shot at them without their knowing it, couldn't it?"

  Curtis nodded. "At night.a passive infrared missile attack-sure.

  But it's unlikely. Those RC-135s can monitor hundreds of communications frequencies, especially Soviet Command frequencies. If the crew intercepted any air-to ground or ground-to-air radio transmissions ordering a fighter to attack, they would have flushed their data, turned tail and run. No Soviet fighter makes a move like that unless it receives an order from the Kremlin itself-unless, of course, the intruder plane actually makes an attack. The Korean Air Lines attack was preceded by two hours of communications, all of which were monitored as far away as Japan. No. Our guys never knew what killed them."

  Both men were silent for a long time-Brent searching for an explanation, Curtis simply hopping mad.

  "So what can we do about it?" Brent asked.

  "There ain't shit we can do about it," Curtis said, sighing.

  "Unless the Russians try to do something stupid, something really flagrant. If they have a new toy over there, they've had their little fun with it. But if they play with it some more, our young President may go over and kick their little butts for them.

  "Something flagrant," Brent said, thinking to himself.

  "That's what I like about our boy President," Curtis said, his voice growing suddenly exuberant. "He's a politician and a half, but you can rile him. Just like his ol' football quarterback days-he's all finesse, pretty moves, bobbing and weavin', until he's behind by a touchdown and a field goal. Then he starts throwin' the bomb, going' for the score."

  Brent looked at Curtis and shook his head. "God help us," he said, "if he goes all the way"


  "This emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council is hereby called to order," Ian McCaan, the United Nations Secretary-General and ambassador from Ireland, announced. It was almost eleven Pm.in New York. Most of the fifteen delegates and their aides and secretaries held steaming cups of coffee or tea. A few wore angry, tired faces. A few looked anxiously at, it was certain, the two principals for which this meeting was called-Gregory Adams, the ambassador from the United States, and Dmitri Karmarov, the Soviet ambassador.

  "Let the record show," McCaan continued, his Irish brogue thick despite two decades spent in the United Sates, "that this meeting was urgently requested by the government of the United States of America under Provision Nine, unprovoked and excessive use of military force against an unarmed vessel or aircraft near territorial boundaries. The charge of violation of Provision Nine is hereby submitted. The United States delegation has asked that this meeting be closed to all but Security council members, although confidential audio transcripts of this emergency meeting will be made available to all member nations. Ambassador Adams, please proceed with specifications of the charge."

  Gregory Adams adjusted his microphone and looked around the table at the other fourteen delegates. This was not a receptive audience. The Russian ambassador looked completely bored. The other delegates looked equally uninterested, and now Adams began to question the wisdom of calling an emergency meeting under these circumstances. Adjusting the dark horn-rimmed glasses that he wore to make himself look older, he cleared his throat and began: "Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General. On the night of November thirteenth, two nights ago, an unarmed American RC- 1 35 reconnaissance aircraft was making a routine patrol of the eastern shore of the Kamchatka peninsula of the Soviet Union. The aircraft had been on a peaceful training mission "I'm sorry, Mr. Adams," Dmitri Kartnarov interrupted, holding his translator earpiece closer to his left ear. He smiled and said in English, "The interpreter has told me that the RC135 was on a training mission. I wish to be clear on this point-is that the same as a spy mission, sir?"

  "American aircraft of all types fly near shores all over the world for a variety of reasons, Ambassador," Adams replied.

  "This particular RC-135 was on a training and routine survey mission, collecting signal coverage data for satellite navigation units for civil and military use."

  "Navigation information!" Karmarov's sixty-one-year-old face fairly cracked with suppressed laughter. He made an exaggerated point of hiding his face and choking down a chuckle. "Navigation information very well, Mr. Adams. I apologize for the interruption. "Another stifled laugh. The rest of the delegates, although not suppressing any laughter, clearly did not believe for one moment Adams' excuse for the RC-135's mission. Its capabilities were well known.

  "That aircraft," Adams said, much louder this time," was destroyed.

  Suddenly, without warning and without provocation. "Adams looked at the faces of the other delegates, but found nothing in their blank expressions. "This poses a threat to air traffic for all of us, gentlemen. It was not over Soviet airspace-" "Incorrect, Ambassador Adams," Karmarov asked. "I have a report from our air defense radar tracking station at Kommandorskiy Island and Ossora Airbase on Ust-Kamchatka. They i; report the RC- 135 aircraft came within thirty-three miles of our shore "Thirty-three miles," Adams retorted, "is hardly over Soviet airspace.

  "Not according to the International Civil Aeronautics Organization," Karmarov asked. "Article Seventeen, Chapter one-thirty-one, establishes a one-hundred-and-twenty-mile-wide Air Defense Identification Zone around countries that have borders on open ocean. Flight is prohibited in the Zone without permission from the country controlling that Zone.

  I believe I can safely assume that your RC- 135 did not have permission to enter that area "Flight is not prohibited in an Air Defense Zone," Adams said. He referred to a folder his aide passed to him.

  "According to paragraph one-thirty-seven of the ICAO regulations, Ambassador, aircraft entering an ADIZ without permission or proper identification risk engagement of a country's sea or air defense forces for the express purpose of positive aircraft identification and precise position, altitude, airspeed, and heading verification only. They can proceed through the area as long as they do not pose a threat to air traffic or national security. They are certainly not to be fired on."

  "An American military jet the size of the one that intruded into our airspace is most definitely a threat to our security, sir, Karmarov asked. "The Article specifies that, if the intruding aircraft is military and has the capability of carrying long-range air-to-air or air-to-ground weapons, it may be turned away from land, challenged, forced to land, or fired on. "Karmarov pointed a finger directly at Adams. "It was you who risked disaster, not us."

  "The RC-135 has no capability of carrying weapons."

  "Positive identification of the aircraft was never made until your government contacted us, sir," Karmarov asked. "It followed an unusual flight
path for a spy plane-not the usual course. Considering the sensitive nature of our activities in that area, I believe the Soviet government acted with considerable restraint."

  "Restraint!" Adams said. He contorted his face to display the maximum in indignation.

  "You destroyed that aircraft. You fired on it without warning, without any consideration of any of the lives on board. You murdered twelve innocent men and women. An unarmed aircraft carrying out a peaceful mission!"

  "I caution you to keep your wild accusations in check, Mr. Adams," Karmarov said, louder this time. "We deny any involvement with the missing aircraft except to warn that aircraft out of Soviet airspace.

  We did not know the exact identity of the aircraft until your Department of Defense notified us of the disaster. We immediately initiated an air and sea search for the aircraft. We do not know what happened to your spy plane. Do not put the blame for your unfortunate disaster on the hands of the innocent Soviet people."

  "The RC-135 aircraft reported unusual radar emissions tracking it, just before it was attacked," Adams asked. "The crew believed it was target-tracking radar signals from a ffound radar installation preparing to attack."

  "Show us the data, then," Karmarov asked. "You say it was a hostile radar. We say we had nothing but surveillance radars on the aircraft.

  Show us the data that you say exist, Ambassador Adams. Confront the accused with the evidence-if you can."

  "Mr. Adams?" McCaan said, peering over his podium to the American delegate's seat. "Can you at this time provide the Council with this information?"

  "The crucial information is being collected for presentation, Mr. Secretary-General."

  "You mean decoded, deciphered, edited, and altered," Heinrich Braunmueller, the East German ambassador, said wryly. "Intelligence data takes time to be made presentable."

  I "We'll bring the data in, you can be sure of it," Adams said.

  "It clearly shows a tracking radar, one strong enough to steer dozens of nuclear — tipped surface-to-air missiles to it."

  "That is a wild, baseless accusation, sir," Karmarov said once again, shaking his head in exasperation. "You'll not get the Soviet Union to admit any culpability in this unfortunate accident.

  "Tell the Council, Ambassador Karmarov," Adams said, folding his hands in front of him. "What sort of activities do you pursue at Kavaznya?

  Why is it so important? Why is it so vital that you'd shoot down an unarmed survey aircraft in international airspace?"

  "You are beginning to become tiresome, Ambassador Adams," Karmarov asked. "I will repeat myself for the last time-we do not know what happened to your aircraft. Kavaznya is the site of an important research facility that I am not permitted, and this council is not entitled, to discuss. Further, your aircraft, by your own admission, was not in international airspace. It was intruding into a Soviet controlled defense zone. It, or, more precisely, the military leaders in your Pentagon that ordered those men and women into violating the airspace of another nation, were the guilty party, not the Soviet Jnion. The aircraft made no attempt to identify itself, ask for help, state its intentions, or file a flight plan. It was an unidentified aircraft-"

  "That you shot down!"

  Adams said, pointing his finger at Karmarov. He was ready to play one last card. "We know you are conducting research into particle-beam weapons, lasers, and other such devices, Ambassador. You may as well admit it.

  You decided to test your new toy on an unarmed American aircraft.

  "And you are on a fishing expedition, Adams," Karmarov said. He turned to Ian McCaan. "Mr. Secretary-General, the Soviet Union pleads innocent to the trumped-up charges levied against us by the United States. We demand that the United States shows its evidence against us immediately. If there is no evidence, as I suspect will be the case, or if the evidence is not found to be accurate, reliable, or in clear support of the charges against us, I demand all charges be dropped and a formal apology be delivered by both Ambassador Adams and the President of the United States."

  "Ambassador Adams," Ian McCaan said, "are you prepared to present your evidence supporting your charge"' Adams glared at Karmarov, then studied the faces of those around him. He saw only tiredness, confusion "The United States will present its evidence to the Council by the end of the week, in a regular session of-" "Then the delegation from the United States has wasted our time," Karmarov declared.

  "Ambassador Adams, I feel the need to remind you that an emergency meeting of this Council is not the proper forum for a political diatribe against the Soviet Union. Further, be prepared to confront the accused with evidence if you make such damaging charges. I will ask the Steering Committee of the United Nations to investigate this rash and irresponsible abuse of your privilege and see if charges of impropriety are not warranted against Gore. Mr. Secretary-General, I move for adjournment.

  "Seconded," Braunmueller said quickly.

  Even McCaan, a long-time supporter of the United States and a friend of Gregory Adams, looked irritated. The rest of the Security Council members were already departing.leaving trails of angry comments behind, when McCaan's gavel tapped the stone.


  Lieutenant-General Bradley Elliott.the honorary master of ceremonies, glanced at the typewritten winner's name at the bottom of the five-by-seven card. His shock deepened. In his three years as honorary awards officer for the annual Strategic Air Command Bombing and Navigation Competition.he had never seen anything like it. One organization-A)nc crew.in fact-had blown the doors off the competition as no other crew in history had. The oddsmakers and the crystal-ball gazers were not just wrong about this one-they weren't even in the ballpark.

  General Elliott waited until the two stagehands were ready and the audience escorts had moved into position. He straightened his shoulders and smiled. These poor crewdogs.he said to himself. They wait months for the results of the SAC Bombing and Navigation competition.and whoever presents the awards teases them with sly innuendos and hints as to who won. And then, to increase their agony.

  the escorts walk through the aisles in the audience, stopping in front of a unit's row just long enough for the victory cries to begin, then move on.

  A few years ago, Elliott recalled with pride.he stood on stage accepting the trophies for his unit.feeling the applause ripple through the massive hangar. His old unit, the sleek, supersonic FB-111s at Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire, had been top dog for years. It was different now.though.

  It wasn't that the modern, super-sophisticated new bombers were taking all the trophies. Rather, crew quality had become the crucial factor.

  "The Curtis E. LeMay Bombing Trophy," General Elliott continued, immediately hushing the crowd, "is awarded to the #1 bomber crew-whether from B-52s, FB-111 s, or B-1Bs-who compiles the most points competing in both high- and low level bombing. To give you a little background, this trophy was known simply as the Bombing Trophy from 1948 until 1980, then renamed in honor of General Curtis E. LeMay for his contributions to the Strategic Air Command and his support of strategic air power.

  "For eight of the ten past competition years, the crews from Pease and Plattsburgh have walked away with the LeMay trophy. It was thought by some that the upgraded Offensive Avionics System and the B-1B Excalibur would finally bump the FBs out of the running. "The General paused, waiting for a reaction from the crews in the audience. Then, he smiled a sly, secretive smile, and glanced at the Eighth Air Force commander and the fB-111 crews beside him.

  "With a score of ninety-five point nine percent damage expectancy in low-level bombing and an unbelievable ninety percent effectiveness in high altitude bombing, the 715th Bombardment Squadron "Eagles' of Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire set a record in all-purpose bombing-" At that, a huge roar went up from the audience.and the FB-111 crews from Portsmouth, New Hampshire.began to go berserk. The " fastburner" FB-111 crews had gone through the entire competition in fear and loathing of the "heavies,
" the B-52s with their spanking-new digital computers and the sleek, deadly B-1s with an even more sophisticated version of the solid-state bombing equipment. A B-52 crew had won the previous year, and the FB crews had felt their superiority in this annual international competition slip.

  The FB-111 guys had not done too well in the awards ranking until then, although their performance had been up to their usual near-perfect levels. This, an all-time Bomb Comp record, was their turning point.

  Elliott let the celebration continue for a few seconds. "Sorry, boys, I hate to do this to you He had to raise his voice to make himself heard over the shouts of the FB-111 crews. More effectively than a gunshot or a cannon blast, a single word from Elliott quieted the audience and broke more hearts, including his own: "But…

  The winner of the 1987 Curtis E. LeMay Bombing Trophy, with an unprecedented ninety-eight point seven-seven percent damage effectiveness score and an unbelievable one hundred percent score in low-level bombing, is… crew E-05, from the 470th Bombardment Squadron."

  A massive scream went up from the members and guests of the winning bomb squadron and, as the winning B-52 crew stood and made their way to the stage, an equally noticeable groan went up from the rest of the crews in the huge converted aircraft hangar-now Competition Center at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. The restlessness was not unlike the reaction of a crowded football stadium when the visiting team had just scored another touchdown and gone ahead by twenty points with only a few minutes remaining in the game. The outcome of the contest, although far from over, was already obvious.

  The 470th Bombardment Squadron, and Crew E-05 in particular, had just walked off with five trophies, losing only one trophy to another B-52 unit and three other trophies that could only be awarded to either an FB-111 or B-1B unit. In addition, the 325th Bomb Wing, of'which the 470th was a part.


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