Waiting for Summer

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Waiting for Summer Page 17

by Sherelle Green

  “I agree. Do you want to report it?”

  Summer glanced at the front door again and thought about how she hadn’t reported the assault back in college. At the time, she’d been too embarrassed and afraid that no one would believe what happened when she couldn’t even remember what happened herself.

  “Yes. I’m calling the cops to report what happened. It probably won’t do much good, because the door was unlocked when he walked in, but it’s better than nothing.”

  Danni followed her over to the office phone. “I’ll text Aaliyah and Nicole and tell them to bring something much stronger than coffee and tea.”

  The phone only rang once.

  “Nine-one-one. What’s your emergency?”

  This time, Summer didn’t hesitate in her response.

  * * *

  Aiden was well aware that he could get a speeding ticket, the way he was driving, but he had to get to Summer. As soon as the yacht docked, he’d raced to Bare Sophistication, only to find it closed. Then he’d raced to his home only to find all of Summer’s stuff gone.

  After his calls had gone to voicemail several times, he got hold of Danni, who told him they were at Nicole’s place.

  He quickly parked his car, hopped out and hit the buzzer. He took the stairs to Nicole’s apartment two at a time. Danni was waiting at the door when he got to Nicole’s place.

  “She’s on the balcony. We’re going to pick up some food to give you some privacy.”

  After the ladies left, he found Summer on the balcony with her back toward him. He slid open the door, unsure if she knew he was out there.

  “Didn’t we just promise each other at the lake a couple weeks ago that we’d be honest about important things from now on?”

  “Yes, we did.” He leaned on the railing beside her. “I got the voicemail you left on my phone from the main line of the boutique. I was so worried.”

  “He knocked my phone off the counter and it shattered.”

  “Why didn’t you call the police the minute he arrived?”

  “For what?” she asked glancing at him. “For my safety? Or because you’re angry that he told me things that you should have told me?”

  Her words stung, but they were true. “I was planning on telling you everything. I just couldn’t find the right words. There was so much I had to work out and I didn’t want to confuse you with my thoughts.”

  “You could have started with ‘Summer, I’ve accepted a job in London.’ That would have worked.”

  “I didn’t accept the actual position, I only accepted the offer to do a special project as part of the competition for the position.”

  “I’m well aware of Jake’s motives, and given his position at the company, I wouldn’t be surprised if he added you to the website just to rattle my nerves.”

  Aiden studied her profile wishing he could embrace her, but knew that it wasn’t the right time. “Almost a year ago, I was informed that there would be an opportunity to work in the London office after a merger between Palmer Lane and Rogan Studios. I immediately expressed my interest in the position, and this Miami showcase was key in giving me additional recognition and setting me apart from the competition. On the morning that Dax called me about the contract, my mom called me right after. Apparently, she goes way back with Seth Rogan, and if I accepted the position in London, my mom and I would get an opportunity to be a part of a documentary together.”

  Summer glanced at him. “Aiden, you know you could have told me that. I know how much you wish you were closer to your mom and I also know how much doing a documentary means to you.”

  He chanced reaching out for her hand. She didn’t pull away. “They also offered my business manager, Dax, the promotion he’d been waiting for, contingent on me taking the position.”

  “So, basically, they were trying to paint you into a corner by dangling two additional opportunities for two people you care about in your face.”

  “Pretty much, but I know that’s business. Up until now, I’ve always taken every career opportunity presented to me. Why would they think this would be any different?”

  “I guess you’re right,” she said, looking back out into the sky. “Still doesn’t seem right.”

  “I know, and it got more complicated during my meeting with Seth Rogan and Dax today. Over cigars, I found out that Jake was VP of marketing for Rogan Studios, which you already know due to his unwelcomed visit to your boutique. Apparently, he started with the company eight months ago. Seth Rogan used to be his stepdad, and even though Seth divorced his mom, they maintained a close relationship.”

  “Yeah, I sort of remembered the story when Jake made me look at the Rogan Studios website. I just hadn’t known about the Palmer Lane merger.”

  “Palmer and Seth go way back. Folks in the photography and film industries know about the merger, but the big announcement won’t happen until they complete their team.”

  As he continued to recount the events from earlier, he noticed that every time Summer glanced his way, her eyes seemed troubled.

  “Summer, do you hear what I’m saying? I didn’t take that job offer and I’d made that decision before I found out Jake worked for the company.”

  She sighed. “I heard you. But I don’t think you understand why I’m upset with you.” She removed her hand from his.

  “Then tell me, so I can fix it.”

  “I don’t know if you can fix it.” She turned to face him. “Aiden, I would never want to stop you from following your dreams, and if taking that job is a dream of yours, then I want you to take it.”

  “It’s not a dream of mine. That’s what else I wanted to tell you. I realized that a job with so many contingencies isn’t the type of company I want to work for. And I’d never work alongside Jake. It pisses me off just thinking about him walking into Bare Sophistication whenever he pleases.”

  “How long?” she asked. “How long did you know that you didn’t want to take the job in London?”

  He looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “While I was thinking we were taking our relationship to another level. A level that involved a future together. You were unsure about us.”

  “I was never unsure about us.”

  “How long did you know you didn’t want the job in London?” she asked again. “Honestly think about it.”

  He observed the determination in her eyes and really thought about his answer before he responded. When he did, he understood why she’d asked. “I knew for sure this afternoon during my meeting.”

  “Exactly.” She averted her eyes before looking back at him. “You may have decided before you knew Jake worked there, but the reason I’m hurt is because after all we’ve been through...after all the obstacles we’ve overcome...you still questioned whether you should stay here in Miami with me or take the job in London. And for a few days, you’d chosen London.”

  He opened his mouth to defend himself but quickly closed it.

  “You know I’m right, don’t you?” She studied his eyes. “You didn’t trust me enough to talk to me so we could work it out together. Then I realized that it’s exactly what I did to you all those years ago. I didn’t trust you enough to help me work through what I was feeling.”

  She was the one who reached for his hand, then. “Aiden, there is no doubt in my mind that I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life. We know each other so well. Almost too well. I know when you’re unsure about something, and when I thought back to these past couple of days, I realized all the signs of your uncertainty were there. I had no idea what you were anxious about at first, but now I do. I’m not just angry at you. I’m angry with myself, too.”

  The way she was looking at him made him feel defeated. He had a sense this conversation wasn’t going to go the way he’d planned. “As
kids, we used to enjoy the fact that we had running in common. It was something we could bond over. Yet now I realize that we’ve both been running for so long, sometimes we fall into old habits. Well, I’m done running and I know what I want. I want to ensure that my shop is a success. I want to be more honest with the people in my life about what I’m truly feeling. And, more than anything, I want to be with you. But this time, you’re the one who needs some time to work things out.”

  “No, I don’t. I already know that I want to be with you, too.”

  “In the way that I want to be with you?”

  “Yes,” he said confidently. “I’ve always wanted this. I’ve always wanted us.”

  She studied his eyes. “Since you’re not taking that position in London, what are you going to do?”

  “Stay at Palmer Lane here in the US and continue to be a fashion photographer.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  He grew quiet. He really hadn’t thought about it. “I’m not sure.”

  Summer’s eyes softened as she moved closer to him. “Aiden, I hope one day you’ll understand why I’m saying this, but I think we need some time apart.”

  “Wasn’t eight years enough?”

  “We’ve moved on from that. The reason I say we need some time apart is because you just gave up on a dream you’ve had for a long time, and I really need you to think about what you want. If you’d told me about London or even asked me how I felt, I would have told you that even if I needed to live with you in London for a while, we would figure it out. I have my store and I’m excited about that, but being with you means I’m willing to make sacrifices, like seeking a partner for the store. I know you love me and would do anything for me, but right now, I want you to focus on you and only you. And I promise that just like you waited eight years for me, I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  Aiden didn’t know what to say, but he knew she was right. She knew him better than he knew himself, and even though he didn’t want to listen to the words she was saying, he had to acknowledge them whether he liked it or not.

  Chapter 18

  As much as he reminded himself not to be nervous, he was. It was a beautiful December Miami day, and Aiden had a feeling that luck was on his side. With the exception of the Santa Claus he’d seen running down Ocean Drive in a tight red unitard, white beard and red hat, he hadn’t laughed all morning.

  There were several scenarios that could come into play today. Scenario 1: Summer could ask him to leave during the opening ceremony. Scenario 2: Summer could let him stay at the grand opening, but avoid him during the after-party. Scenario 3: Since it had been over fourteen days since she had decided that they should take a break, even though they’d still maintained contact, she would be happy to see him and everything would work out as it should.

  Lord, please let it be scenario number three. He’d taken her advice because he’d known she was right. But he thought she’d be surprised to know that the decisions regarding his career were the easiest to face.

  He’d done a lot of soul-searching these past couple of weeks, realizing for the first time just how much he’d actually been running. In some ways, reflecting on his actions had reminded him of his mother and the fact that she’d been running most of his life. During those thoughts, he’d felt the most vulnerable. He’d spent so many years chasing a relationship with his mother before he realized that the relationship between a mother and her child was one of the most sacred relationships a person could have. He shouldn’t have to chase her. It shouldn’t be forced. She should want to have a relationship with him.

  Much to his disappointment, he hadn’t spoken to her since she expressed her disappointment in him for turning down the creative director position. Even Dax had voiced his understanding when Aiden had explained the situation, so Aiden finally realized what he’d failed to acknowledge for so long. His mother wasn’t worth his time. If she ever genuinely expressed interest in repairing their relationship, he would meet her halfway. Until then, he wouldn’t hold his breath.

  His mind had also ventured to his dad, who had spent almost all of Aiden’s time in college and a few years after that in and out of rehab. The most disappointing thing about his relationship with his father was that he couldn’t ease the pain his dad had felt upon the death of his own father, followed by his wife leaving him without looking back. He’d visited his dad in New Jersey and they’d had a pretty serious conversation that was over twelve years past due. His dad was even dating a very sweet woman whom Aiden couldn’t wait to meet. Reconnecting with his dad had been another important piece of his past that he’d had to address.

  By far, though, the most difficult part of his journey was when he’d flown to Alabama to visit his grandpa Charley’s grave site. Grandpa Charley had always been a weak spot for Aiden because he’d loved him so much and he’d never allowed himself to think about a time he wouldn’t be around. Being the only grandchild of an only son meant that Aiden’s family was extremely small, which also meant that death often made him feel alone in the world. When Grandpa Charley had passed, Aiden had lost a piece of himself. The only person that Grandpa had loved almost as much as he’d loved Aiden was Summer. Now Aiden knew exactly what he wanted, and he had to talk to Summer right after her grand opening.

  He walked up to the crowd of people gathering in front of the boutique and momentarily lost his train of thought upon seeing Summer. She’s wearing my favorite color. She looked so beautiful in her formfitting fuchsia dress with her curls free-flowing around her shoulders. He was mesmerized by the way she expertly moved through the crowd with confidence and grace.

  Without knowing that he was doing so, he held his breath as she made her way to the part of the audience where he was standing. It seemed like time stood still as her eyes found his in the crowd. There had to be at least fifty people standing around his section on the street, but he only saw her. When she smiled, he felt his lips curl in return, and in true Summer fashion, she made a funny face before waving him over to her.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, reaching up to hug him.

  “Me, too,” he said, lifting her into his arms. Aiden had no idea how he’d gone eight years without feeling her embrace when he’d barely been able to go fourteen days.

  “Man, I’ve missed you.” He buried his head in the curve of her neck. “There’s no better days than Summer days.”

  “Well, those are the best days.” She giggled just as her name was being called. “Come on up to the front and stand with the family and friends. I have to cut the ribbon soon.”

  As he followed her to the storefront, he smiled as he looked up to the clouds and kissed two fingers to the air. No doubt you’re guiding me through this, Grandpa Charley. He had his own angel fighting for his love. Now all he had to do was get through the day so that he could talk to her.

  * * *

  “Guys, you’re going to make me cry,” Danni said waving a hand in front of her face. “Are you serious?”

  Summer glanced at Winter and Autumn before turning back to Danni. “We couldn’t be more serious. You’ve been such an integral part of the success of the Bare Sophistication platform. It only seems fitting that you be a partner.”

  The opening of Bare Sophistication lingerie boutique and boudoir studio had been a huge success, and Aaliyah and Nicole had just informed her that they’d received boudoir bookings through the summer of the following year. Their women’s empowerment message seemed to really resonate with the women of Miami, and Summer couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for the shop.

  Everything had gone off without a hitch, and now only her friends and family remained in the store enjoying the grand opening after-party.

  “You’re more than deserving of this,” Winter said, giving Danni a hug as tears began to fall. She was already going on five months pregnant and
her hormones were at an all-time high. Summer had lost count of how many times Winter had cried today.

  Last week, Danni had informed Summer that she wanted to ask Winter and Autumn if it would be okay for her to keep her full-time role in Miami. When she’d initially mentioned it, Summer realized that she’d forgotten that Danni was only temporarily in Miami. She’d grown so close to Danni, and after telling her how much she’d love it if Danni stayed, Summer had spoken to Winter and Autumn. She mentioned the idea of possibly making Danni a partner, and her sisters had wholeheartedly agreed that they couldn’t imagine Bare Sophistication without Danni.

  “I hate to break up the lovefest,” Autumn said, glancing over her shoulder. “But there’s a man who’s been waiting patiently all day to talk to a very special someone.”

  Summer followed the direction her sister was looking in and her eyes instantly landed on Aiden, who was talking to her brother-in-law. He looked so good in his sea green jeans, white T-shirt, and cream blazer. She’d always loved how he looked in blue or green. Actually, she loved how he looked in almost any color. As usual, only Aiden could take a simple outfit and make it look so flawless.

  “You should go talk to him,” Danni said, nodding in Aiden’s direction. “He really has been waiting all day.”

  They were right. He’d pitched in to help throughout, and even though he hadn’t tried to pull her aside—unless it was to make sure she wasn’t overwhelmed—she knew he wanted to talk to her.

  “I’ll be back,” she said, giving her sisters and Danni a smile.

  “I doubt it,” Danni said, smiling back.

  Aiden held her gaze the entire time she walked toward him. She wasn’t even sure when her brother-in-law had walked away, because her eyes had been fixed on Aiden.

  “Today went extremely well,” he said when she stopped in front of him. “I’m so proud of you and I hope you’re just as proud of yourself.”


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