Wearing a jumper, fleecy pyjama bottoms, and her usual heavy-duty socks, Sofie padded into the kitchen, and with her head in the pantry, was trying to decide what to have for breakfast when Brock walked in.
‘Hmm … love what you’ve got on,’ he drawled.
She turned to face him. ‘Morning … where’s my kiss?’
The glint in his eyes and lopsided grin should’ve been a warning, but the moment his mouth came down on Sofie’s, all thoughts vanished. One of his hands went up under her top, the other down inside the waistband slung low on her hips, feeling her skin.
Sofie pulled back and squealed, ‘Oh my God!’ Jumping about she batted at his hands. ‘You’re freezing! Get them off me!’ She wriggled, managed to free herself and ran down the hall and into the bedroom, Brock hot on her heals, laughing. Sarge, making deep warbling noises much like the cartoon character Scooby-Doo, trotted after Brock. Sofie dived on the bed and quick as a flash rolled herself in all the blankets. Then his heavy weight fell half on the mattress, half on her, his hands looking for a way in. She yanked the covers up over her head shouting, ‘Don’t you dare, go warm up, have a shower.’
Brock laughed, tickled her, the bed moved again. Was he lying in wait? Probably. Barely breathing, Sofie listened for any tell-tale noises … nothing. Feeling confident that he was gone, she started to untangle herself from the covers. He grabbed her feet, lifted them, and yanked her socks off. Then Brock rubbed his day-old stubble over the soles of her feet, nipping and kissing her there as well. She squealed, she wriggled … but the best part was, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so much.
‘Stop it—stop it!’
Brock planted a couple of kisses on the arches of her feet and put them back on the mattress. Relieved, yet not, because it was so much fun, Sofie smiled and turned to settle on her side.
A mighty thump made the bed move. Sarge had his front paws up and had Brock by a pant leg, making soft, waffly, Scooby-Doo growls of disapproval.
‘It’s all right, boy, we’re having fun.’ Brock turned to rub Sarge’s head.
‘Are you going, or do I have to sic my protector on you?’
Brock gave her a wicked look, turned away, and said, ‘Sarge, sit.’ And of course he did, his rump hit the floor. ‘Where’s Claudia?’ Sofie peered over Brock’s shoulder as Sarge cocked his head, ears perky, curious eyes on his master, carefully listening. ‘Go find her … and Gypsy.’ Sarge made happy noises, and trotted out the door.
‘Well!’ Sofie huffed, pretending annoyance.
Brock’s powerful arms enveloped her. One slid around her waist, the other under her shoulders. He kissed her neck, and murmured against her skin, ‘I’m a hungry man, but I can’t decide whether to eat or—’ he nibbled her ear, ‘—take you in the shower.’
Sofie sucked in a breath knowing full well what he was suggesting. Tingling all over, she shivered, and Brock chuckled.
‘Why the shower?’ Sofie said breathily, ‘Why not right here on the bed? I’ll get the strawberries and cream.’ She took his sensuous mouth with hers, wet, hungry, and with plenty of tongue play.
Chest heaving, Brock murmured against her lips, ‘Because I’m sweaty?’
Sofie grinned. ‘Yeah.’
‘And it might even drown out the sexy-as-hell noises you make.’
‘Oh,’ she conceded, ‘you have a point.’
His head went back, his throaty chuckle infectious.
Giggling, Sofie turned in his arms, loving the moment: watching him laugh like that without restraint was a beautiful thing to see.
‘Babe, I’m expecting Mum and Dad and Raff in about an hour. Claudia won’t sleep through all of that, so she’ll be up as well. Then, after yesterday, I expect Michelle to drop by.’
‘Really? Why?’ Sofie asked. Brock gave her a look, and she slapped a hand on his chest. ‘Oh,’ she breathed, ‘Raffie and Michelle?’
He nodded. ‘Exactly. She’s here, without a doubt.’
‘Okay, gotcha, let’s go.’
‘This new house we’re building, better have a parent’s retreat at the opposite end of the teenage retreat.’ He flung his arm out wide for emphasis, then swiftly brought it under her and lifted her up. Sofie clamped her legs around his hips, and curled her arms around his neck as Brock strode down the hall to the bathroom.
‘Can I just say, you’re incredibly hot when you get all caveman.’
‘Uh-huh.’ Brock set her down, his hungry, skilful mouth on hers, working quickly to strip her while she stripped him. Naked under the gentle rain-like shower, he started slowly soaping and lathering Sofie’s body. Loving the feel of his broad hands sliding over her skin. Her back to his broad chest, her head resting on his pecs, Brock’s slick hands slowly went down from her breasts, to her belly, then down to between her thighs and into her folds. His fingers gliding deliciously over the delicate flesh that quickly sent thrills pulsing through her, making her groin, stomach and limbs heavy. He must have sensed she was close, because his hand moved away, and his big palms and fingers caressed up her belly to her breasts, cupping them, finger and thumb pulling her nipples.
‘Oh God,’ Sofie cried out.
Brock quickly turned her around and covered her mouth with his, drowning her cries. His hands moved down her back under her bottom and lifted her up. Sofie wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his neck, and held on. Brock lightly skimmed his hand, palm flat, down past her cheeks, going further sliding his fingers from her entrance to her swollen nub, spreading her silken wetness.
Her breath short and sharp, Sofie started to rock her hips over his hand.
‘Babe … so fucking hot.’ His free arm moved up her back, pushing her front into his. She rocked her shoulders, rubbing her soft breasts and pebbled nipples against his hard chest.
‘God, Brock, do it!’ she whispered against his mouth, harsh and needy.
The head of his shaft went in and Sofie pushed down. He filled her. She arched her neck and gasped with pleasure. Understanding his rhythm, she followed, watching his face for signs of heat and passion building in his eyes, which in turn would light her up even more.
He was too good, reaching the zone, turning her liquid, yet she hung on, and on every downward thrust she pushed him deeper and ground her sex into the base of his thick shaft. Bringing her so close with his amazing body, his talented mouth and hands.
He stopped and she wasn’t sure she liked that a hell of a lot. Brock, deep inside her, moved Sofie to brace against the tiles. She gripped his shoulders, hanging on, while he protected her back with his free hand, pounding her against the tiles.
Fast, hot, sex—a total turn-on.
‘Brock,’ she whimpered, on the verge of oblivion, feeling every inch of him as her muscles clutched around his cock.
‘Fuck you’re amazing. I love how your face changes, shows me how much you’re enjoying me sliding inside your tight pussy … so beautiful and all mine. Unbelievably mine.’ His thumb found her clit, slipping over it, toying with her.
‘Brock,’ Sofie warned, trying to stay quiet was difficult. ‘I’m …’ Her orgasm hit—pure, body-melting ecstasy. Her muscles clutched his shaft again and again. She tipped her head back and groaned her pleasure into his mouth as her beautiful climax took its time, lingering on. Spectacular. Wonderful.
‘Mouth,’ Brock ordered, sending delicious pulses rippling through her thighs, and her entire body. ‘Sofe,’ he whispered capturing her mouth, his tongue sweeping in. Brock grunted with every pulse, and thrust as he came, spilling his seed, throbbing inside her. He shoved his face in her neck, and on a husky voice mumbled, ‘Fuck, I love what you do to me … for me … while I’m inside you.’
Sofie giggled. ‘You’re my love potion. Not one part of me would work without your hands, your mouth, your big beautiful …’ she pushed her hand down between them and circled her fingers around the base of his shaft.
‘Yeah, glad you think so.’ He chuckled against her skin.
‘Babe, you sound like a phone sex operator.’
‘Ooh, you know about those? This could be a new career move.’
‘Not on your sweet life—on both counts.’
Sofie smiled and kissed his neck. If it hadn’t been for Brock’s forearm under her bottom, keeping her up, keeping himself inside her, her legs would’ve given way and she’d be a satisfied tangle of limbs on the floor.
‘Mum—Mum! There’s someone at the door. Mum, where the hell are you!?’
‘Shit!’ Brock cursed, pulled out and eased Sofie down, holding her to his chest. His voice rumbled in her ear. ‘Next time, before we’re in the throes of hot and heavy … I’m going to play loud music. This will be like a red flag warning, do not enter, do not call out and whatever it is, they have to use their wit, their imagination, and deal.’
Sofie covered her mouth and tried to laugh quietly.
She stepped out of the shower cubicle, and as calmly as possible, called out through the bathroom door. ‘Claudia, just getting out of the shower, find out who it is, and if they’re friendly, for Christ’s sake, let them in!’ Well, she started off calmly, but quickly became exasperated that her teenage daughter couldn’t think of taking the initiative and do something as simple as that.
‘All right—jeez!’ Claudia sang out then muttered, ‘It’s not my house, you know.’
She had a point; ear to the door, Sofie listened and waited.
Brock’s soft mouth caressed her other ear and then he whispered, ‘Babe, our new house, I’m also setting up an intercom security system with a front door camera.’
She nodded and his lips played over her skin. He moved away, quickly drying himself and hauling on his clothes.
Claudia made her feelings known about having to leave her bed and answer the door. She muttered and thumped her feet all the way down the hall, and then she yelled. ‘Who is it?!’
A muffled voice replied, but Sofie couldn’t make out who it was.
‘Babe, I’ll handle it. It’s either Raff or my parents. Take your time, get comfy, and come out when you’re ready.’ He picked her up, swung her around away from the door, kissed her, and left.
The sound of happy voices—Brock’s parents’, Sofie recognised—floated past and headed for the kitchen. She bundled her clothes under one arm and, wrapped in a towel, wet hair hanging around her face, Sofie opened the door and tiptoed into their bedroom. She dressed in a pair of warm stylish slate-grey cords, light grey jumper, and the socks she had on earlier. She raked a comb through her hair, fluffed the curls out, applied a touch of make-up, and headed for the kitchen.
The scene stopped her in her tracks. Sofie hung back and took a moment to get her head around what Brock had said earlier. The man in question stood and strode to her side giving her a big smile that lit his face.
‘Why are you hugging the doorway?’ he asked.
‘What you said this morning about Michelle,’ she whispered, ‘and there she is, sitting next to Raffie.’ She nudged Brock with her elbow. ‘Look, leaning into him, giggling. All we need now is Jen, Calum, and Connie, but especially Calum to see his young sister flirting and, I don’t know, but whatever she’s doing, it seems to be working.’
Brock whispered in her ear, ‘Just reminding you, but she is seventeen?’
‘True and very mature, level-headed …’ Sofie trailed off watching them, then said, ‘At least she was.’
‘Prepare yourself, Babe. Claudia—’
Sofie clamped a hand over his mouth. ‘Shush!’ she gave him big eyes, pretending to be panicked. ‘I’ve lived through one heartbreak with Claud, not in any hurry to see another.’
‘At least Tak has his heart set on someone else.’
The doorbell rang through the house and Doreen sang out, ‘Someone’s at the foot …’ Frustrated lines etched her face. Walter whispered in her ear, and smiling brightly she finished with, ‘the door.’
‘Thanks, Mum, I’ll get it.’ Brock turned to Sofie. ‘Raff brought Danish pastries and muffins, everyone’s got coffee, ’cept you.’ He grinned, and strode out to open the front door.
‘Tak, come in mate. You look like shit. What’s up?’
Takumi stepped in and closed the door behind him. ‘Been at it eighteen hours straight. Need a beer ’n’ sleep. Saw your dad’s car out front, so I’ll be quick. First, Jett’s prints taken from the cottage match the ones on the truck he used to demolish Sofie’s house.’ Then he mumbled, ‘The friggin’ dick-wad.’ He locked eyes with Brock’s questioning ones and said, ‘Well he is—totally.’ He scratched the stubble on his chin. ‘Sofie is a good person, how’d she end up with that?’ He shuddered.
‘Don’t know, but she was young and trying to escape from parents who never had anything good to say,’ Brock stated, anger beginning to rise inside that his sweet Sofie could be treated that way.
‘Yeah but that fool?’ Takumi’s whisper harsh.
‘Tak,’ Brock endeavoured to help his friend understand, ‘Sofe couldn’t tell her parents to go to hell so found the attention she needed and married it. Someone she believed was the opposite. Unfortunately, he switched sides.’
‘Says a lot that Sofie’s uncle banned them from attending his funeral. I’d want to screw with their lives as well.’
‘Yeah. Those girls worked hard to keep them away that day.’ Brock grinned. ‘And I’m a lucky bastard Sofie decided to make her home here.’
Takumi leaned in close and said with a severity Brock rarely saw, ‘You know that girl would walk through walls of fire for you.’
Eyes narrow, Brock jerked back. ‘I get that feeling, mate. She loves me more than breath, I see it, I feel it. Sofie’s getting the same from me. We’re spending the rest of our lives together and nothing’s going to change that.’ Without warning, fear crashed through him. He breathed deeply, looked down at his shaking hands, and muttered, ‘It can’t happen here, it can’t.’
‘Mate.’ Takumi grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to stop and face him. ‘Talk!’ he ordered.
‘It’s fear, Tak. Fear of losing Sofe.’ His heart thumped, his mind brought up images he needed to control, and put back into their proper perspective.
‘Yeah, mate. I get you. But that woman down there,’ Takumi waggled a finger pointing down the hall, ‘isn’t goin’ anywhere. There’s nothin’ to worry about.’
‘No, she isn’t, but fate, karma, destiny, whatever label you want to stick to it …’ Brock focused on calm even breaths.
‘Are you gunna fuckin’ faint?’ Takumi snapped, quietly. ‘Cos I don’t like the colour of your skin, and I sure as hell am not gunna give you mouth to mouth.’ Slowly, a huge grin eased into his face. ‘You fall down, I’m callin’ Sofe.’
‘I’m fine,’ Brock growled. ‘Mouth to mouth isn’t as important as chest compressions. And doing that causes the air in and out of the—’
‘Shut the fuck up!’ Takumi whispered, his grin widening. ‘Listen to yourself.’
He grabbed Brock’s hand and pulled him in for a super-human man-hug, slapping him on the back was extra, and then he backed off just as quickly as he’d started. ‘You okay now?’
‘Yeah, I think you just fixed it,’ Brock said fighting a grin.
‘Cool, I can work miracles.’ Takumi grinned with false pride.
‘You know egos are banned in this town,’ Brock warned.
‘Yeah, I wouldn’t dare have one o’ those.’ Takumi cracked up laughing at himself.
‘We done with this?’ Brock asked, getting himself back together and receiving a nod. Brows arched he said, ‘Good. Got anything else?’
‘Yeah, there’s an arrest warrant out on Jett Olsen. Sydney police went to his address—he’s legged it. They talked to his ex, Mercedes Fitzgibbon, and she was very obliging with information. He sold his car for cash. They hunted all his known haunts, and so far nothing, no sighting, and no one knows where he is. They know about him pressuring Sofie into his car for a so-called talk. If anythi
ng comes up they’ll let us know.’
‘I knew it,’ Brock grumbled.
‘Yeah. Also, Ms Fitzgibbon.’ Brock fought an eye-roll. ‘I know, she’s from a wealthy family, but apparently she’s a nice person. The message is, Jett lied about his wife and daughter. She didn’t know until the twins were on their way. She was angry, but tried to make a go of it. She wants to make contact, would like the twins to know their half-sister, and hopefully Sofie.’
‘Yep, we need a much bigger house.’ Brock chuckled, glancing down the hall. He turned back and found Takumi, face intense, rubbing his jaw. ‘What else you got?’
‘Got news at the station, the fraud squad arrested three men and charged them with bank theft. Millions of dollars siphoned off accounts.’
Brock frowned and asked, ‘How?’
‘Easy, small and medium accounts after interest might come to one hundred dollars and ten point three three cents. The computer rounds it out to ten cents. The point three three three automatically pops into their account. Millions of accounts, patience and a couple of years later, you’re sitting on a pile of money. A millions-of-dollars pile.’
‘Fuck!’ Brock barked out, and sent a quick glance down the hall to see if anyone had come out to investigate. All good, he turned back to face Takumi. ‘You’re not finished?’
‘No, it’s the same head office Britt worked at. My guess is, she did an internal audit, made the discovery, but one, or maybe all three, happened to see what she was up to. Before she could pass on the info to authorities, they threatened her with harming her family or close friends, or both. She wouldn’t have worried about her own safety, I know that for a fact.’
‘That’s fucked up. I’m guessing the harder we look for Britt the harder she’s going to hide.’ Brock studied his partner’s reaction. Takumi’s dark eyes and face set in hard, grim lines. Brock handed him a lifeline. ‘Wherever she is, this is big news and she’ll find out … come back home.’
Tumble Creek Page 25