Book Read Free

First Destroy All Giant Monsters (The World Wide Witches Research Association)

Page 29

by Carter, D. L.

  “Well, hell. Look at that. Sorry, Amber, I got caught up reading and lost track of time.”

  “That’s okay.” Amber covered a yawn.

  Her bi-colored hair stuck out in spikes every which way. Karl’s hands twitched. It might not be the same deep brown, but it still looked soft and his fingers itched to smooth the tangled mass.

  “Which books did you get to?” Amber’s foot bumped one of the discarded books and she picked it up, frowning as she carefully smoothed the cover.

  “I triggered another spell,” he growled. “This one gives me a searing headache if I try to read a magic book.”

  Amber’s head snapped up.

  “Really. Anything else?”

  “The pain … it felt like someone was driving a burning knife into my eyes. I thought I’d have a seizure if I tried to hold on. My hands shook like crazy. Ended up with books flying all over the room.”

  Amber tapped the book against her fingers, then crossed the room and rested her hands gently on his face. Eyes closed she concentrated. Minutes crawled past. She was swaying with fatigue by the time she reopened her eyes.

  “Well?” asked Karl, as he caught her around the waist and gently lowered her into a chair.

  “It’s interesting. I can see that spell. It’s all lit up under the other layers. I think it’s a really early spell …”

  She stopped and groaned. Her hands fell limply to her sides. Karl dropped to the floor beside her chair, one hand resting lightly on her knee. Amber moved her leg out from under his hand.


  “Touch, remember. I get weaker when you touch me,” Amber sighed. “I could do it now. With the way it shines, it’s so clear, so defined I could take it off and everything outside it as well. One clear cut. But, oh Elements, Karl, I’m sorry. I’m still too tired.”

  “Forget it. It’s too dangerous. You can barely keep your eyes open.”

  “But I’ve been asleep for hours and it’s visible now,” she wailed.

  “Listen, Amber, my girl,” said Karl. “You will do no magic when you are already weak. You know what happens when you overextend yourself. Smoke will fry both our asses.”

  When Amber began to protest Karl waved her to silence.

  “I haven’t got a circle of protection to keep you safe if you do too much. Hey, I felt something like this when Smoke asked me to draw the circle. Maybe they set me up so I couldn’t read or do magic!”

  “Yeah, they made it so you’d never be able to free yourself.”

  “And I hated magic users so I’d never be tempted to ask for help. Damn them all, they did a thorough job on me.”

  Amber tightened her shields and laid her hand carefully on his arm.

  “We’ll do it, Karl. We’ll find them and teach them better manners.”

  “Okay. We’ll forget it for tonight. Besides, all I have to do to trigger that spell is to look at the title of a magic book. We can do that anytime you’re feeling up to it.”

  Karl’s stomach cramped even as he spoke. He hungered with all of his soul to be free of the spells, but Amber’s pallor worried him. A couple of hours sleep should’ve made some difference. But she did one small spell – a few moments of magic work investigating the latest spell and he could see she was passing out on her feet. Karl picked up the room service menu and went to the phone.

  “Now we eat. Later we can talk.” He waved his hand in the direction of the Nitwits book. “I was looking through that one. I’m sure it’s not accurate. For one thing I could look at it without having any pain at all. I think Smoke just put it in as a joke, but it did give me some ideas for questions. Maybe you could go through it with me later. I’ve marked a few places. Take a look at what they wrote and then you can tell me what real witches do.”

  “What makes you think it’s not true?” Amber picked up the book, smiling and riffled the pages, “just because it isn’t covered in black leather of unknown species with incomprehensible handwriting and complex symbols? It’s not a thick ancient handbound tome with the pages stained with smelly liquids, you don’t think it’s real?”

  Karl stopped mid-dial.

  “What do you mean?”

  Amber hesitated. Every other book Karl picked up resulted in an attack. Maybe because he believed that the information contained in the other books was real, was magical, he was hurt. Maybe because he didn’t believe in the contents of the Nitwit book, he was protected.

  Amber placed the brilliant green book back on the table.

  “No. I don’t mean anything. Even this book could have something to offer. Who am I to judge? We can look at it later.”


  Karl turned away to dial room service and Amber grabbed a black felt-tip pen out of her computer bag and quickly obliterated the author’s name from the Nitwits book – Lucinda DeGoode.

  Karl mock kicked a half empty box and slouched back to the table. Amber picked through the debris on the room service table and located a piece of fruit she’d already rejected twice, popped it in her mouth, then returned her attention to the three books on her lap.

  “Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to not be able to help myself? I can’t look it up in a book. I can’t look at the damn page. I can’t do spells even to protect myself. I don’t know how. I can’t even listen to a description. And the thing that bites the hardest,” he turned to glare at Amber, “is that not even my dreams are my own! When I’m the most vulnerable, most helpless, I’m attacked. How the hell am I supposed to fight off wolves in my sleep?”

  “Karate?” Amber yawned and marked another page with a sticky note, “The gravity in the dream seems to be a bit higher than normal because the speed of movement is slowed down. Remember when I was playing with the dust? Maybe if you pretended you were doing Tai Chi exercises. That’s slowed down karate, isn’t it? I remember reading that once.”

  She yawned again.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Karl muttered, “It’s a dream. How can you fight in a dream? Besides, as fast as those wolves move, it’d be a waste of effort.”

  Amber picked another book out of the pile and turned to the contents page.

  “I thought speed wasn’t the point in martial arts. Isn’t it turning your enemy’s strength against him?”

  She flipped through the book, found her page, and started reading.

  “It’s more than that.” Karl paced around the room again, carefully keeping his eyes averted from the titles of the books scattered over every flat surface. Not being able to fight back was frustrating, but not being able to read books that might contain a clue to setting him free clawed at his gut. He’d read the damn Nitwit’s book three times and it was more interesting each time he went through. But he wanted desperately to get into the real books. The real magic. The information that would free him. Every time he thought about what he was being denied the churning in his gut increased.

  Amber didn’t even turn her head when her phone rang. Karl shuffled through piles of discarded books and scribbled notes to unearth the small phone and hit the speaker button.

  “Hello?” he said.

  “Please identify yourself.”

  Karl took the phone away from his ear and stared at it blankly for a moment before remembering Amber’s odd contact.

  “Amber, I think this is Davie.”

  “Oh, great.” Amber dove across the room. “Davie, this is me. What have you got for us?”

  “Hey, there,” rasped Davie’s artificial voice. “How’s everything with you guys?”

  “Fine. We tried to phone you earlier, but there was no reply.”

  “Chemo day,” replied Davie after a pause, “I just got home. I called to check in and give you an update on the people you asked about.”

  Amber sighed and stared at the floor for a few moments, before forcing a cheerful expression onto her face.

  “Sure, Davie. That would help. But – just humor me on this – could you refer to the person who lives in Albany as … ah
… as ‘Albany’? It may not make any sense, but it is really important.”

  “What the heck?” asked Karl.

  “Just you re-read your notes,” said Amber impatiently. “Remember, we’re trying to avoid triggering one of your … ah …”

  She glanced uncomfortably toward the phone and Karl nodded.

  “Okay. I understand.”

  “You talking to me?” asked Davie.

  “Davie, I am now,” said Amber, climbing from under a pile of books. “What’s the latest?”

  “Well. ‘Albany’ has gone to Washington,” Davie laughed for a few seconds then broke off to catch his breath. “She left yesterday evening, late, on a private plane.”

  “Blast it,” said Amber.

  “I have an interesting website address to give you about her. Took a bit of finding,” Davie’s voice was a little slower, but even the artificial tones sounded excited. “Our friend Albany, as I told you before, is working on a team to get Senator Thomas elected President. They have an official website, are collecting support, putting out propaganda and such. But there’s a section of the site that is insufficiently password protected.”

  “Insufficiently protected,” laughed Karl, “Are you admitting to a crime here, Davie?”

  “Me? Hell, no! If the encryption is so pathetic that it only takes me two minutes to break it, then it’s morally open to the world. Besides,” Davie broke into ragged coughing.

  Amber and Karl waited patiently for him to recover, glancing uneasily at each other.

  “Besides,” Davie repeated when he’d gotten his breath back. “If you really want to keep something a secret, you don’t tell anyone, let alone put it out on the web.”

  “Good point,” said Amber, booting up her computer. “So where’s the site?”

  “I sent you an email with the passwords and I also sent you a set of instructions so you can follow an encrypted path in and out. I don’t want you setting off any alarms and getting traced back. To me.”

  “Thank you. I have no desire to commit a crime, either,” Amber searched through her crowded mailbox and found Davie’s email. “Is there anything else?”

  “Call me tomorrow. I’m too tired from the chemo to talk tonight. Let me know what you’re planning.”

  “‘Kay,” mumbled Amber, her attention already on the complicated instructions for foiling internet security. She made a mental note to ask Davie to check her site’s security then remembered. Davie was one of the people she didn’t want to know about her involvement in magic.

  Karl came to stand beside her chair.

  “Why didn’t you do something for him?” he demanded. “He’s a friend of yours. Why are you letting him suffer?”

  Amber hit three keys together and jumped.

  “You mean Davie?”

  “Yeah. You keep going on about being a moral and ethical witch. Why haven’t you helped a friend with your magic? What sort of cancer does he have anyway?”

  “Spinal. Bone cancer.” Amber sighed and stared at her fingers resting motionless on the keyboard. “There are lots of reasons why I can’t do anything for Davie’s cancer. The rules state I can’t do anything for him or to him without his permission.”

  “Yeah. I suppose.” Karl brought his hands up and started massaging her shoulders. Amber’s muscles tightened instead of relaxing.

  “The most important reason is that I don’t know what would happen.”

  She turned to face Karl, gently brushing his hands off her shoulders.

  “Remember, no touch.” She shifted round to face him. “The hard part about magic is framing the spell properly. You have to construct the magic like – like a building. Have to make it so that everything works well together and with the intention of the universe. You can’t do anything that goes directly contrary to the universe’s purpose for itself. We’re so tiny, so unimportant, that most of the time spells make no difference to the greater purpose of the universe. So one person gets a little more money, one person gets the promotion. What the heck? That means little to the Really Big Picture. But suppose I ask the universe to make Davie pain free? What if the universe decides that being dead is the most effective way of making Davie’s pain go away?”

  Karl pulled back, his indrawn breath hissing.

  “Yes,” she continued, “that might not be what Davie thinks is the best outcome. And if I ask the universe to send him strength? What if that makes his cancer stronger? Do you understand? The hardest part of magic is deciding if you should do it. What’s the cost? What are the unintended consequences?”

  Karl nodded slowly.

  “This is the responsibility that makes anyone with sense hesitate to get involved in magic,” said Amber. “If I could do something for Davie, I would. Way back when we were working together I asked him what he wanted.”

  Karl looked deep into Amber’s dark eyes.

  “What did he want?” he whispered.

  “Chocolate ice cream, sweet Italian sausage, and a DVD player,” Amber replied with a sad smile. Unshed tears glittered. “He has to get help with grocery shopping. So the last time I visited him I got him the stuff he asked for. What else can you do for someone?” She paused, and turned away, resting her hands on the keyboard. “I should visit him again, soon.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Amber didn’t reply. When she’d visited the Ethereal Planes she’d seen pain and sorrow pulsing like bruises. There was a limit to her abilities. She could empty her soul out completely and still the pain of the world would continue. She could make a difference, but only when asked. If she survived this she would try to make the corner of the universe she occupied a better place. The questions of “how better” she would leave to the universe and the individual to sort out between them. She depended on the guidance of the Elementals. Her bracelet glowed and grew warmer and for a moment she wasn’t exhausted or in pain.

  Typing rapidly Amber dug through layers of security following Davie’s guidance. Karl sat beside her lost in his own thoughts. Finally she opened the Senator Thomas for President website and followed Davie’s instructions to find the hidden pages.

  “Oh, joy,” muttered Amber after she scrolled down a few pages.

  “What?” Karl reached for the computer, but Amber flipped the laptop closed. Humming in complaint the computer shut down. Karl’s eyes narrowed.

  “What is it?”

  “Uh … The Albany witch. Her name is all over the screen. I don’t want to trigger your forget spell.”

  “I only have your word for it that I have a forget spell,” Karl said suspiciously.

  “Pu-leeze,” Amber closed her eyes and swore under her breath. “The note is in your own damn handwriting. Listen, Karl, I haven’t the time or patience to argue with you about this again. You either trust me or you don’t. Decide. In the meantime let me summarize. That website shows someone that you don’t like and distrust has been working for years to get Senator Thomas elected President.”

  “So? I don’t think much of his chances. Thomas is an old guy with no ideas. He’s bald, he stutters and has absolutely no …” Karl waved his hands vaguely in the air. “He has no style. No presence. He talks slowly and doesn’t give good sound bites. The only reason he was elected to the Senate is that no one ran against him.”

  Amber raised an eyebrow.

  “Don’t you think that’s interesting? The person who was supposed to run against him dropped dead. It’s really funny how reporters who interview him write all these good things about him when there isn’t anything really to say. The media loves him. He’s bald, stutters. He doesn’t do anything, yet he’s a front runner. People fall all over themselves trying to give him money for his campaign. What does that sound like to you?”

  Karl’s eyes opened wide and he swore comprehensively.


  “Magic,” Amber agreed. “And that person you don’t like and don’t trust, who might be responsible for putting all those spells on you, who might
be responsible for the web that is draining the life out of so many people, including you and me … she’s listed on that website as his intended Chief of Staff.”

  “Shit,” said Karl, snarling as he guessed the identity of the witch. “Gloria! Senator Thomas is her puppet.”

  “Damn. You said her name. Now the forget spell is going to kick in,” Amber opened up her computer again and thrust a pen at Karl. “Quick. This is the internet page. Write the highlights down in your notebook. Remember not to write down Gloria’s name. Try to stay calm. You have half an hour. Go.”

  Karl sat staring at the screen for a few moments, then faced Amber, his face implacable.

  “We go to Washington in the morning,” he declared. “We have to stop her. I’m not going to have her running the government with magic.”

  Amber nodded. His face, his manner chilled her through to her bones. She had no idea what Karl would do when and if he confronted Gloria. She had even less idea what she could do herself against all the energy Gloria had misappropriated over the years. So much experience. Gloria had every advantage. But Amber was equally determined that magic wouldn’t be used to control the next President. If Gloria was the center of this her behavior was undeniably pathological. Amber could still feel the suffering of the other people caught in the web. Their pain and fatigue were tearing at her spirit. They were dying. It was taking years to do it, but just as surely as if they had used a gun or knife, those responsible for the drain were murderers. It couldn’t continue. Given her lack of ethics, Gloria had to be prevented from achieving political power to match her magical.

  “It may take us two days to get there by car,” said Amber slowly. “I don’t think I can drive the whole distance in one go. Not even with you giving me breaks.”

  “We’ll see.” Karl quickly read a few paragraphs of tight web text and started making notes.

  Amber read over his shoulder for a while then gave up and crawled into bed. She could barely keep her eyes open. She had the password. The information would still be there in the morning.


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