Still thicker than water

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Still thicker than water Page 7

by Takerra, Allen

  “Hey honey, you getting in or what?” The cab driver barked in a thick African accent.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Neli didn’t realize that she had just been standing there dazed out. She picked up her duffle bag and climbed into the backseat. Closing the door once she was inside.

  But yea, where was I? Oh yeah, turning over a new leaf. Baby steps… Starting over… Finding a purpose to my life. But first, there’s something I have to do…

  “Honey, please, where to? I don’t have all day. Why you keep zoning out?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, again. Um…” Where to? Where to? Are you gonna do it? Yes…I have to. “Um…Yes…Newark. Newark Airport, please.” And the cab pulled off. Baby steps.

  Chapter 8 – Illusions

  “Oh my god, this shit is so fly!” Sasha screamed, running from the last bedroom.

  “No, ya’ll gotta see the sauna, that bitch is niceeee,” Jayde contested flopping down onto the white sectional couch.

  Tatum went to the large glass windows and pulled back the heavy drapes, letting the sun in and admiring the perfect view of the ocean.

  “This whole damn suite is banging, I can fit my whole apartment in here,” Tatum added, lost in her thoughts. Those thoughts were telling her that this, beautiful place, beautiful island, could have been her home. And she blew it.

  “What you thinking about over there Pocahontas?”

  Jayde had given her the nickname on the plane ride over, telling Tatum that she had figured she was Indian instead of Trinidadian.

  Tatum turned from the window with a smirk and shrugged, and Sasha put her hands on her hips.

  “You thinking about how we gonna find Ree on this big ol’ island…don’t worry Tay, we’ll find him. If it’s fate, destiny, everything that’s meant to be-”

  “Aaah, aah, aaaahhh, shut it up with all that fate and destiny bull!” Tatum joked, laughing at Sasha while Jayde giggled as well. “I’m thinking about how I need to change out of this hot ass sweat suit, pronto.” Sasha waved her hand like whatever, and Tatum unzipped her jacket and made her way to the first bedroom, where she had placed her belongings.

  But seriously, would she find him on this island? Was it meant to be? Was it fate? Is it my destiny?

  “Where you going, boss?” The Jamaican hotel bellhop asked Ree, holding the elevator door opened for him.

  “Ah, Trinity and Elsa got swamped at the desk wit’ a fuckin’ mob of people…so I gotta do the honors of dropping these packages off to some customers… Penthouse suite, please.”

  “Right away, boss.”

  The bellhop allowed the elevator to close and pressed the top button labeled ‘P’.

  “So they got you doing the common folk duty I see…getting your hands dirty?”

  The bellhop laughed at his own joke and Ree chuckled, as the elevator continued to ascend. He had no idea just how dirty Ree’s hands had gotten over the years. Many people of Jamaica, like Rodney, knew and loved Respect's family dearly for the money, jobs, and opportunities that they had provided to the most poverty stricken sections of Jamaica. But with those opportunities came the means to the ends, the violence, the drugs, the murder. From hit man to drug lord, Ree had done so much dirt, that it was impossible for him to ever be completely clean, not in this lifetime anyway.

  “Yeah, something like that…how’s it going with you, Rodney? How’s the wife, kids?”

  Ree had hired Rodney as a bellhop when he was fresh released from a Jamaican prison. Rodney had spent over a year in the prison for a crime he did not commit, all because of some dirty officer who was after Rodney’s wife. To make matters worse, Rodney was accused of assaulting the officer, and therefore beaten and starved for weeks at a time. His wife was raped in front of his children, and Rodney was forced to hear the horror stories of the event from the officer’s very mouth. It wasn’t until Ree’s father heard of the news and decided to intervene. With Ree’s father being an incredibly powerful man in Jamaica, the problems for Rodney, let’s just say, disappeared. Rodney was released from prison, he was pardoned, the officer was never heard from again, and Rodney was given the job at the hotel. He was forever grateful to Ree and his father for it.

  “Things are good, I cannot complain at all. The wife, kids, all well.”

  Ree stood with his hands behind his back, slightly behind Rodney, and watched the numbers climb. He looked at Rodney out of the corner of his eye.

  “How’s money?”

  Rodney paused and then spoke.

  “Money is fine Mr. Knights, I am much honored to work for you.”

  Ree nodded but knew that Rodney was too hard a worker and too modest to admit when he needed something. Elsa had already let on that he was waiting on the next paycheck to buy his son some shoes and some groceries.

  “Rodney, be honest. If there is something you need, the kids, anything. Let me know… A closed mouth don’t get fed.”

  Rodney swallowed hard, scared to take the moment. His boss was a kind man, but Rodney was old school and unlike the other workers who did not know, Ree’s reputation had preceded him with the old school island natives as being a very deadly man. His family was hungry though, he had to take his chances.

  “I guess, if it is possible,” he stuttered. “An advance, just a few dollars, from my check...I will pay back-”

  The doors opened as they reached the penthouse floor.

  “No advance Rodney.” Rodney was immediately ashamed and embarrassed. “You come to my office, after your shift. I will have some money for you… You’re a good man Rodney, a better man than me,” Ree added.

  Rodney could not contain his joy.

  “Oh mah gudness, thank you Mr. Knights! You are a good man, de’ best man, eva!” Rodney’s native tongue progressed the more excited he became. “God bless you! Ah yes, thank de’ lawd!”

  Ree chuckled and walked off the elevator as Rodney continued to rave until the elevator closed again.

  Ree thought of what it must be like to love so strong, that you would humble yourself to another man to ask for help to provide for the ones that you love. He was always taught that one who did such was not a man at all, but he now knew that a man like Rodney, was exactly what a man was. The best of men in fact, and that is why he felt Rodney to be a better man than him.

  He made his way down the hall and as he approached the suite door, a tall and strikingly beautiful woman emerged from the room carrying an ice bucket.

  Damn, Ree thought, but the thoughts did not show on his face.

  “Mrs. Bernstein?” He asked smoothly. He was not familiar with Sasha’s new last name.

  “I wish I were, but she’s right inside…shall I get her for you?”

  Shit! This muthafucka is fine!

  Jayde’s primal animal instincts were on full gear and she wanted to ravage Respect. Everything about this man screamed power, and power made her horny. She squeezed her thighs together, unbeknownst to her, and bit her bottom lip to fight the urge to cum on herself.

  “Nah, that’s not necessary…just take these. For the inconvenience earlier.” He looked down from her green eyes, briefly taking in her almost impossibly perfect physique as he handed her the envelope of spa packages. She was sexy, but something about her screamed poison.

  Jayde looked down at the envelope and then up at the god who stood before her.

  “Thank you…and who are you, are you the owner or something?” Ree could see the hope in her eyes and he caught her checking out his diamond bezel watch, scanning him for wealth. He chuckled and was instantly amused, but completely turned off.

  “Nah sweetheart, I’m just the bellhop.” He turned to walk away and then added, “Enjoy.”

  Jayde shook her head from side to side and watched him leave. Damn, he was fine. But broke she did not do. She made her way in the opposite direction of the elevator towards the ice machine.

  Oh well.

  “Where were you?” Sasha asked, as Jayde made her way back into the room.

bsp; “I went to get ice,” she answered matter of factly.

  “Ice for what… And isn’t there ice in the fridge?”

  “No mommie dearest, the ice trays in the fridge are empty…and ice… for this.”

  Jayde pulled out a bottle of Nuvo from her bag with a grin, and made her way to the small kitchen.

  Tatum then emerged from the bedroom with an aqua sundress on and her wavy hair, long and loose. Now she fit in.

  “Damn, well pour one for me,” she added, taking a seat on the tall stool.

  “Ya’ll are drinking this early, we are about to go to dinner in an hour, we can drink then.”

  Sasha had the whole trip mapped out but Jayde and Tatum combined would be able to shake her plans up a bit. She needed to let loose as well, she just didn’t know it yet.

  “Relax bitch, didn’t you tell me this was a vacation,” Tatum teased.

  Jayde watched Sasha and Tatum interact and smiled lightly, wondering what it was like. They were the kind of rare friends that had a rare closeness, you could see it. And as she looked at Tatum, she realized that she had a rare beauty.

  With all of Jayde’s nipping and tucking and her gorgeous eyes and height and with Sasha’s full lips, and almond eyes, and flawless, well put together look, Tatum seemed to effortlessly have that natural, I just wake up in the morning and look like this, Ivory soap, don’t take much at all, kind of beauty. Jayde poured the drinks.

  “Anyway, enough about the drinks, and by the way, you’re having one too,” Jayde said as she poured Sasha’s as well. “But oh my god, I just saw the sexiest, finest, Jamaican brotha I have ever seen in my life! I mean, damn, I wanted to fuck him right there on the hallway floor, that’s how fine he was.” Jayde fanned herself just thinking about Respect.

  “For real?” Sasha asked.

  “Wow,” Tatum added.

  “For real,” Jayde reiterated. “The boy had swag for days, but guess what?”

  They both looked at her waiting, knowing that she would answer the rhetorical question herself. And she did.

  “He was a fucking bellhop, a doorman.”

  Jayde took a big gulp of her drink and shook her head in disappointment, still in disbelief. She thought her shit was on point and she wondered how he could have afforded the 2010 Millenary Collection Audemars Piguet watch on his salary. Shit must’ve been a replica.

  “Oh well I know he’s out, for you,” Sasha cracked.

  “Aw, well maybe not, it’s just for fun right? Aint like you marrying him or anything.” Tatum was less materialistic, not realizing that Jayde was standing here creaming over her man.

  Jayde tittered.

  “Honey, we don’t have fun with the help.”

  “At least Jayde doesn’t,” Sasha concurred, getting up from her stool. “I gotta call my baby.”

  She went to her phone and left Jayde and Tatum in their discussion.

  After a few rings, her mother picked up.

  “Ma, let me speak to Bri-Bri.”

  “Hello to you too Sasha, how are you? Me, your only mother, I’m fine…hold on.” Sasha rolled her eyes as she heard her mother call for Aubrey. And they wondered why she was so dramatic.

  “Mommy,” Aubrey murmured.

  “Hey pretty girl, what cha doing?” Sasha cooed in a sweet voice. Aubrey giggled at her mother’s voice and they small talked for a minute or so before Aubrey returned the phone to Terri, Sasha’s mother.

  “Did you speak to Chauncey?” Was the first thing that Terri asked when she was back on the phone.

  “No, why?” Sasha asked.

  “Because, he called here wondering why he couldn’t reach you, and I had to tell him that you went off to Jamaica. How could you not even let him know, Sasha?”

  Sasha breathed deep.

  “Ma, let him know how? And I don’t have to let him know anything, Chauncey is not my husband!”

  “Well he should be,” Terri snapped back. “Do you know that husband of yours dropped Aubrey off, and didn’t even say goodbye to her? I’m telling you Sasha, when you’re not around he is totally different. I don’t trust him.”

  Sasha sucked her teeth.

  “Ma, you don’t trust me, that don’t mean anything.”

  “I do trust you. I love you, you’re my child.”

  Sasha was shocked that her mother said that she loved her but she still wasn’t letting her off.

  “Yeah, well trust and love are two different things.... I love Chauncey, but I don’t trust him. And you love me, but you don’t trust me…you love me, but you don’t like me,” Sasha quipped to her mother. All Terri could respond with was a simple “Sasha, hush.”

  The ladies chit-chatted for a few more minutes before Sasha ended the call and returned to the kitchen.

  “How’s Aubrey?” Tatum asked, who had just hung up from checking on her nieces.

  “She’s fine…where’s Jayde?”

  “Oh, she said she had to make a call.”

  “Oh okay, I’m gonna ask her if she’s ready to head out…I’m hungry, what about you?” Sasha asked Tatum.


  Sasha laughed and went toward the room on the other side of the suite that Jayde had taken. As she got close to the cracked door, she could hear Jayde talking hushed and harshly.

  “Nigga, did I ask you for your fucking life story? I don’t give a fuck what happened, I want my money… every last fucking penny, you hear me?” There was a silence as Sasha stood frozen, listening. She had never heard Jayde so demanding, so angry, so…scary.

  “I’m out of town for a few days, but when I get back, shit better be straight, or else…”

  Or else what? Sasha wondered. Jayde disconnected the call and Sasha stood still for a couple of seconds and then walked in the room as if she hadn’t been there all along.

  “Hey girl, you ready to eat?” She noticed Jayde had an angry grimace on her face and was rigid. “You okay?”

  Jayde turned to Sasha and then snapped out of her anger.

  “Oh, yeah girl I’m okay. Just…business. Yeah, let’s go eat.”

  Jayde walked past Sasha and out of the room, and Sasha slowly followed. She was still a little skeptical but figured she wouldn’t be too concerned. This was her vacation, shit, and she had her own problems that she would try to party away this weekend. Jayde was a grown ass woman, and whatever she was involved in, that was her business. To each her own, and to me, mines... Let’s Eat!

  Chapter 9 - Destiny

  “First of all, when you’re on vacation, you’re supposed to try new things,” Sasha defended.

  “Tripe, yuck! It just looks nasty.” Tatum turned up her nose as she decided on the roasted fish.

  “The lady said it’s a Jamaican delicacy,” Sasha reminded them. Jayde shook her head.

  “No, that, is a Jamaican delicacy,” she said pointing at a Taye Diggs look a like. “Come here Langston, come give Stella her groove back, baby.”

  The girls cracked up laughing.

  “Please Jayde, you are not even old enough to be Stella,” Tatum chuckled. “Stella was what, 40?”

  Jayde grinned and sipped her wine.

  “No, I’m not 40, but I’m not 23 and 24 like you two,” she admitted. Tatum was shocked and Jayde continued.

  “I used to babysit Sasha when she was about 4 or 5 years old, Pocahontas.”

  Sasha smirked, knowing that Tatum was surprised by Jayde’s revelation.

  “Well, how old are you?” Tatum asked, growing tired of the mystery.

  “Thirty-four,” Jayde answered proudly.

  “Wow,” Tatum responded, mouth open. “You look good, girl! I mean that’s not old, but you don’t look a day over 21.”

  “Thank you mama, I owe it all to Dr. Perricone, and Dr. Martinez… shit, and Dr. 90210, Dr. Spock, Dr. Giggles… man, I got so many doctors, it don’t make any sense,” Jayde joked.

  Sasha choked on her wine, giggling, and Tatum laughed loud feeling tipsy from the champagne, Nuvo, wine trai
n they had been on.

  Ree turned around from the bar instinctively, but made no recognition as he scanned the restaurant. Damn, don’t tell me I’m hearing things.

  He figured it was just a coincidence, or maybe it was in his mind. The smile, the laugh, maybe they weren’t like hers at all. Maybe he just wanted them to be.

  But that laugh, that was so much like the sweet laugh that Tatum had when she thought something was really funny, and she couldn’t hold back. She’d laugh loud like that and her eyes would squint up, and her mouth would be open wide, showing all of her pretty teeth, and it would make everyone else around her laugh too. Like the time at the pool in Disneyworld. Ree chuckled at the memory.

  “Hey, you okay? Are you here?” Trinity playfully asked Ree. He focused back on her.

  “Of course,” he lied.

  “You wanna order some food?” She asked. She wished that she could cook for him but it was a skill that she did not possess, no matter how hard she tried.

  “Nah, I gotta get back to work.” He downed the rest of his drink and stood up.

  Trinity leaned into him, hoping for a kiss and when he puckered his lips, she smiled. And he planted a soft one, right on her forehead. He turned to walk away.

  “Hey!” She shouted to him. He turned and faced her, waiting for what she had to say.

  “Why don’t you kiss me next time on the lips, Mr. Knights?”

  She said it in a joking manner, but was really serious. He tilted his head to the side and looked at her.

  “You talking crazy,” was all he replied with a sexy smile, and with that, he headed out of the restaurant. He thought back to a night he and Tatum had lay in bed, kissing until their lips were sore.


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