Snowed In

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Snowed In Page 18

by Shawn, Melanie

  The combination of these sensations was almost too much to bear, and she knew that she could not hold out much longer.

  "I'm about to come,” she gasped raggedly.

  She saw amusement spark in his eyes as a slow and mischievous grin spread across his face.

  "Do you think I don't know that?"

  Those words were all it took to send her rocketing over the edge. She felt the power of the orgasm slamming through her, and for long moments she was aware of nothing else – not the room, not the world, not even Mike – nothing but the swirl of physical sensations that raced through her from head to toe, filling every cell of her body with pleasure of a flavor and intensity that she had previously not known existed in the world.

  As reality slowly began to return, she realized that Mike was still moving inside of her with the same steady and incredibly erotic rhythm that he had been throughout her entire orgasm. Although she had never been someone who was multi-orgasmic—although certainly, she had wished many times that she was!—she sensed within herself that if she merely surrendered to this experience without trying to over think it, she could certainly rise to the heights of climax again with Mike.

  She did not know how she knew this. Perhaps it was instinct, or perhaps it was merely a deep subconscious knowing of herself and her body. Whatever it was, she was as certain of it as she had ever been of anything in her life.

  Mike leaned down and began to kiss her, and in that kiss she sensed the totality of their feelings for one another. If emotions could be directly translated into movement and gesture, the connection and the bonds that they felt for each other would've absolutely been personified in that single, soulful kiss.

  She clung to him like a drowning woman clinging to a life raft. She realized that the metaphor was not far off. Although he had only been in her life a short time, she realized that she did, now, need him for survival. It was a frightening revelation, especially for someone like her who was so used to surviving with reliance only on her own devices. However, the reality that she was frightened by this did not make it any less of a fact. And, she was surprised to realize, that the recognition of her reliance on him did not strike her only with a sense of fear for her loss of control, but also a deep well of satisfaction that sprang from their interdependence on one another.

  They were a unit now. They were symbiotic. Perhaps it would have been scarier if she had been in it alone, but she instinctively sensed that Mike was going through the same range of emotions as she was. He was becoming just as intrinsically connected to her as she was to him. The bonds that bound them were growing closer and stronger at a steady pace for the two of them.

  Suddenly, Mike drew away for a quick moment and spun her around so that she was facing the wall. Her feet were planted firmly on the floor and her hands reached up to brace herself against the wall as she felt him enter her again. His strong hands encircled her hips as he drove himself inside of her over and over, frenetically, and the passion that she felt rose with every movement.

  Nikki relished the sensation of Mike's strong hands encircling her waist and hips as he thrust into her. His powerful fingers dug into her tender flesh, and she loved every second of it.

  Never before in her life had Nikki felt tiny and delicate. She'd always felt tall. Strong. Amazonian, even. Only with Mike did she feel this intoxicating sensation of soft femininity in contrast to his hard masculinity. She felt safe, protected. She felt that she could truly relax, because he was on guard and would never let anything happen to her. She loved it.

  As Mike continued his steady movements, she felt his hands leave the spot where they had been anchored on her hips and begin to roam over her entire body. She felt his fingers trailing up and down her belly, teasing her breasts, and dipping down between her legs. She moaned in contentment. Everywhere he touched her, anywhere he touched her, the result was spectacular. Her body responded as if it were bursting into flame. She simply could not get enough of his touch.

  She sensed the change in his intensity and rhythm before she could put a finger on exactly what it was that she felt. It wasn't that there was any one thing she could point to. It was the overall intensifying way that he was touching her, the way that he was moving. She knew, without him telling her, that he was about to come.

  "Oh, yes, baby,” she whispered, “Come for me.”

  A cry tore from his throat at her words and his entire body tensed against her. God, Nikki loved the way that the smallest word or gesture from her could cause such a seismic reaction in his body. The sense of power that this gave her was utterly intoxicating and she knew that, as long as she lived, she would never tire of it. However, she did vow to herself that she would only ever use her power for good, never evil. She would only use it to bring Mike pleasure, never to manipulate or use. She lived, in fact, to bring Mike pleasure – she was just glad that she seemed to have such a natural facility for it.

  Nikki leaned back into Mike's body as she felt her own orgasm rise up within her, matching his. She savored every sensation, every breath, every touch, every powerful sense of connection.

  When the storm had passed and their breathing had slowed, Nikki turned in Mike's arms so that she was facing him and slipped her arms around his neck, pressing her body tightly against his in an affectionate and loving embrace, feeling his arms encircle her as well.

  She sighed. As crazy as it sounded, this was almost as pleasurable to her as the sex had been.

  Finally, Mike broke the silence. “Hey. Nikki?” he asked softly.

  “Yes, Mike?” she whispered, reluctant to break the spell that was woven around them.

  “As surprising as it may seem after that little demonstration, the truth is that I actually do have a bed,” he teased. “What do you say we go and make good use of it?”

  Nikki nodded enthusiastically. Nothing in the world sounded better.

  Chapter Twenty

  Mike stepped into his kitchen and opened the fridge. He squinted as the light from inside the refrigerator filled the room. Reaching in, he grabbed a bottled water and twisted off the cap. Leaning back he rested against the counter as he brought the plastic bottle to his mouth and drank the entire thing in one long swig.

  The illuminated numbers on the microwave read 3:36. He had to be up in two and a half hours. He knew he needed to go back to bed and get some sleep. The only problem with that plan was that he was sure the second he closed his eyes he’d only be able to think of one of two things; the shit going on with his mom and Phil, or Nikki. Neither of which facilitated him catching some z’s.

  Mike still hadn’t confronted Clara or Phil about what he’d overheard. He wanted to sort through everything he was feeling before he did. The two of them having an affair didn’t really bother him on a personal level. If anything, the two of them deserved one another. And it’s not like he was worried about it upsetting his dad. James certainly wasn’t a saint. He always had a new girl at his side. Mike thought of them as the flavor of the month.

  Out of everything he’d overheard what bothered him the most was the fact that Mr. Gordon had been the primary contributor to his campaign. Not that it really mattered to him that he’d been the one to finance it, it didn’t, and he and Lizzie’s dad had always gotten along. No, it was the fact that Mike hadn’t known about it.

  Plus, it felt wrong to Mike that his being elected was basically because Lizzie was a daddy’s girl and she decided she wanted a husband in politics. Evidently, Mike had been the most suitable ‘candidate’ for the job. Well, at least Mike had been right about one thing; nothing about his and Lizzie’s relationship was personal. She didn’t love him, she didn’t even know him.

  The whole thing with Lizzie, his mother, and Phil,—it all left a bad taste in his mouth. He just wasn’t sure what he was going to do about it.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about it though, unless he was thinking about Nikki. At least when he was thinking about Nikki he was happy. Well sort of. He missed her more than he e
ver thought was humanly possible. Every day he wasn’t with her, he was finding himself becoming increasingly restless. He wasn’t sure how he’d become so attached to her in such a short amount of time, and not just emotionally. She was like a drug to him physically and when they weren’t together, his body felt like it was going into withdrawals. He ached to touch her, kiss her, even just see her.

  It had only been four days since he’d dropped her off at the airport on Monday but it felt like a month. On Sunday, the day after the benefit, they’d spent the entire day in bed. And it wasn’t all sex either, although there was a lot of that. They’d talked for hours, watched movies and had Chinese take-out for dinner. It had honestly been one of the best days of his life.

  Staring at the blinking clock on his microwave, he tried to figure out the time difference to where she was but after getting practically zero sleep for the last week he gave up and figured he would just take a chance. He wanted to talk to her.

  The phone rang twice before she picked up. “Is everything okay?” she asked, her voice laced with concern.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “No. Is everything okay?” she repeated. “It’s like three-thirty in the morning there.”

  Nikki always knew what time it was in all the different time zones. She said that it had taken her a year or two, but now she didn’t even have to think about it, her brain did the math automatically.

  “Everything’s fine. I just can’t sleep.” Mike paused for a moment before he said, “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too,” she spoke and he could practically hear the smile spreading across her face.

  “When can I see you next?” he asked. He’d been trying not to rush things with her but he wanted, no needed to see her.

  “I fly back on Saturday morning.”

  “Stay the weekend with me. I’ll drive you back to Hope Falls on Monday.”

  “Don’t you have to work Monday?”

  “I have meetings in Sacramento Monday evening and then I’m catching the red eye to Washington from there on Monday night. I can take you back in the morning.”

  She didn’t answer right away and Mike’s chest tightened. He hadn’t known how badly he needed her to say yes until this moment.

  “Okay,” she finally agreed, before adding teasingly, “but only because I want another massage.”

  Last Sunday, when they’d been in bed, he’d given her a full body massage using some of the techniques he’d learned about pressure points as a teen. If the moaning and sighs of ecstasy were any indication, she’d enjoyed herself.

  “Well, I definitely think that can be arranged.” Mike’s shorts were growing tighter by the second just thinking about it.

  “Good,” Nikki said with her trademark sassy attitude. “Now go to bed. You need your sleep.”

  “Okay, bossy.” He smiled. She was always worried that he wasn’t sleeping enough or eating enough. That he skipped too many meals because he was busy. He thought it was sweet.

  “I am not bossy. My mother is bossy and I am nothing like her,” Nikki immediately shot back.

  “Sorry, my bad.” Mike hadn’t met Nikki’s mom but he was willing to bet the two women were more alike than Nikki wanted to admit. Mike smiled even wider at the thought of meeting Mrs. Maguire. He would love to meet her family.

  “Is that how you plan on apologizing during the press conference in your inevitable political scandal?” Nikki loved messing with him about being in politics. “Are you going to stand behind the podium and say ‘sorry, my bad’?”

  “Yep. That’s the plan.” He’d only been on the phone with Nikki for a few minutes but he already felt like the weight of the world had been taken off of his shoulders. She just made everything in his life…better.

  “Good plan,” she teased. “I have to go they are about to board the plane.”

  He hated saying goodbye to her. “Bye, I’ll see you soon.”

  “See you soon.”

  Mike wished it was now, but soon would have to do.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nikki turned down the music pumping out of her car’s speakers as she pulled into the underground parking garage in Mike’s building and parked her car in one of the visitor’s spots. Since leaving SFO an hour ago, Nikki had been having one hell of a concert in her car. This sing-along was not born out of nervous necessity. Nope. This one was a spontaneous reaction to happiness. Pure. Unfiltered. Joy.

  True, she’d been happy every other weekend that she’d spent with Mike but she’d also been a basket-case of nerves. There was the luncheon and then the benefit last weekend. But this weekend, the only thing on the agenda was spending time together. She couldn’t think of anything better.

  She hadn’t felt this level of excitement since she was six and her parents surprised her and her siblings by waking them up before dawn and driving them to Disneyland. That drive and day had been one of the most exciting, exhilarating times in her life. Until today.

  After Mike had invited Nikki to spend the weekend with him, she’d had a layover in Boston and had managed to fit in time to run to a boutique lingerie store that she’d found online. If she could have afforded it she would have bought everything in the charming little place. As it was, she’d narrowed it down to two silk teddies; they were in her carry on and she couldn’t wait to do a little fashion show for Mike.

  She knew that Mike wasn’t home. He’d left her a voicemail apologizing that he’d been called into work for unexpected meetings and he was running late so he wouldn’t be there when she arrived but he told her to make herself at home. When she’d gotten the message she’d sent him a text teasing him to take his time because that would give her more time to snoop. He’d immediately texted back:

  Go right ahead, Snoop Doggy Dog.

  She cracked up. His reactions to things always surprised her. He had an inherent air of control and authority about him but was laid-back and easy going at the same time. She guessed maybe that was because unlike some of the guys she’d dated in the past—that had tried to act the roll of being all alpha and in charge—Mike’s demeanor was genuine and theirs was born out of insecurity. Mike didn’t have to try and be the dominant alpha male, he just was.

  At that thought, a chill of anticipation raced down Nikki’s spine as she made her way inside the luxurious lobby.

  “Hello, Ms. Maguire. So nice to see you again.” Mike’s doorman smiled broadly as he took Nikki’s bags from her arms. “Senator Gowan instructed me to take you upstairs.”

  “Thanks, Sanders.” Nikki wasn’t sure if that was the distinguished man’s first or last name but that is how she’d been introduced to him so that’s what she called him.

  “Would you prefer to take the stairs?” the doorman asked politely. Mike had obviously told him about her aversion to elevators.

  “No, the elevator’s fine.” Nikki appreciated that Mike had tried to look out for her but her fear of elevators was something that she faced and conquered on a daily basis. With all the traveling she did, if she let that particular phobia win it would make her life extremely difficult.

  After Sanders showed her inside she tried to tip him for helping with her things but he just smiled and said that it wasn’t necessary. Nikki had a feeling that Mike treated and paid the people around him very well. It was just one more thing that fell into his pro category in the mental list she’d been tallying since she’d met him. The more she got to know him the bigger that side of the list grew. His con really only had a couple of things on it. And nothing on that list had anything to do with Mike as a person. It was just that he was in politics and everything that came with that and that they came from such different social backgrounds.

  Nikki really didn’t understand why they seemed to click as much as they did. It didn’t make sense on paper or on her mental list.

  Mike came from money, and old money at that. He’d had a privileged childhood but from what he’d said, his parents were fairly detached and growing up his house wa
s very cold and impersonal. He certainly did not seem particularly close to his family now. Mike was polished and educated. He had a law degree from Stanford. He always seemed to do and say the right thing in any given circumstance.

  Whereas Nikki had had a middle class, blue collar, upbringing. Growing up her home was loud, rowdy and always filled with people and food. Her family was tight-knit to this day. She’d dropped out of UCLA. And Nikki rarely ever said or did the right thing in any given circumstance.

  Of course she knew the old saying that opposites attract, but the really odd thing was that wasn’t even the case with her and Mike. Strangely enough, they really weren’t opposites at all. They might be on the outside but on the inside it felt like her soul had found it’s other half.

  She didn’t know how long Mike was going to be, but she decided that she would take a bath and slip into one of her new sexy purchases. She didn’t think Mike would mind. There were definitely worse things than coming home to find either a naked woman in your bathtub or one in sexy lingerie. She figured it would be a win-win situation either way.

  --- ~ ---

  Mike sat trying to stay focused on what the Justin Bieber look alike in front of him was talking about. The kid seemed nice enough but it was hard to take him seriously when he used the words ‘dude’ and ‘hella’ in every single sentence. Sometimes twice.

  Pushing down his irritation he had to continually remind himself that his current state of frustration had nothing to do with the three kids seated in front of him. They hadn’t intentionally ruined his plans. Which had been to take all of Saturday off and be home when Nikki got there. That hadn’t happened.

  Jane had called at seven a.m. and said that two people from Holly’s Home, which was one of the charities that the Fire and Ice Ball donated to, were at the office waiting to see him. He and his family had had a long-standing relationship with all of the people at the woman’s shelter and he didn’t want to flake on an appointment with them, even if he hadn’t scheduled one, so he’d grabbed his keys and headed out the door.


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