Not Damaged

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Not Damaged Page 9

by Sam Crescent


  “Another spank, make that six. Don’t make me wait, subby,” he said.

  He stared at her waiting for Jesse to do as he ordered.

  She got to her knees. Her lovely tits swayed with each movement as she got to the floor. Cock thickening, he watched her bow her head, her tits thrust up to him, begging for him to touch.

  When she finished, staying still, he caressed her blonde locks.

  “Baby, if you’re not a practicing submissive then why are you on your knees for me?” he asked.

  “What?” She looked up. The tears had spilled onto her lovely cheeks.

  “You’re crying, baby. These should be tears of happiness, not tears of sadness. You’re a practicing submissive and with time I could train you to be everything I want.”

  “We’ve not even had sex yet. What if I can’t be what you want?”

  Getting to his knees in front of her, he wrapped her hair around his fist. Using his grip he tugged her head back. “You’ll be what I want. I’ve never had a woman suck my cock and swallow my cum without complaint. I’m a forty year old man, Jesse. I’ve lived a long time and been with many different women. In the last week I’ve felt more than I have in over twenty years of adulthood. I love you. I want to be with you. And I know in my heart our time together will be explosive. Don’t you feel it?”

  “You really think that?”

  “I know it. I’ve never backed down from a challenge, baby. Are you issuing me a challenge?” he asked.

  “No, I’m not issuing you anything.”

  Dropping a kiss to her lips, he gave a tug on her hair. She gasped and her eyes glazed over in arousal.

  “I’d hate for my sub to start topping me from the bottom.” Sliding his tongue over her lips he watched her melt against him. Her thoughts so open for him to read.

  “I’m not doing anything like that, Sir. What will we do about my family?” she asked.

  “I’ll meet them when you’re ready for me to meet them.” He’d gotten the sense she was nervous about her parents influence on his decision. Nothing they said or did would make him stop caring about her. Ryan loved her with all of his heart. Nothing would stop his feelings for her.

  “I’m not ready for you to meet them. It has nothing to do with you,” she said, nibbling her lip.

  “I know it isn’t, baby. I talked with your father and I know it has nothing to do with me.” He dropped a kiss to her lips, listening to her moan and watched her follow him as he tried to pull away.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too. Now, the St. Andrew’s Cross, the spank bench or over my knee, your choice.” She looked at each piece of equipment before settling on him.

  “Over your knee, Sir.” She looked down at the floor. He tugged on her hair getting her to look up at him.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking?” he asked.

  “I was wondering what you’d spank me with?”

  “I’ll be spanking you with my hand. Jake never touched you with his hand and I want to be different to him.” Showing her his palm, he watched her eyes widen. Her lips were moist, lovely and plump. “Do you have any problems with that?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good. I think we’re done in the playroom today.” He took her hand leading her away. On the way out, he turned off the light, closing the door behind him. Later on he’d go back down to put everything away. He didn’t mind the extra work. Ryan loved a reason to be in the one domain where his true self could be released.

  When the basement door was locked, he placed the key, lifted Jesse in his arms and carried up to his room. Setting her on her feet, he took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Strip for me, Jesse. Show me your lovely body.”

  Her hands opened and closed.

  He waited patiently. His love for her would never be in question. No one, not even her family could push him away. Jesse Robinson was his future.

  * * * *

  With her breasts exposed Jesse didn’t understand why her nerves were affecting her. Ryan saw everything. He even knew what she was thinking, which delighted her. The control he possessed left her feeling safe in her arms.

  She unhooked her bra first, feeling the tightness ease around her body. Dropping the bra to the floor she dealt with the zipper at the side of her dress. The fabric fell around her body, leaving her standing in a pair of silk panties. They were wet from her arousal. Heat filled her cheeks at the embarrassment of how aroused she actually was.

  “Come here,” he ordered.

  His hands settled on her hips as she stepped closer. In the next instant the fabric was torn from her body. With a jerk she watched him hold up her underwear.

  “This is what I love, Jesse. You’re turned on by everything I do to you. Every response that comes to you is natural.” He threw the panties toward her clothing. “Open for me.”

  Jesse opened her thighs and he slid his fingers through her slit.

  “So fucking wet. We’re perfect for each other, baby. I’m hard and we’ve not even fucked.”

  “I want to feel you, Sir. Please, fuck me today,” she begged.

  “No, we’ll do this my way and no other way.” He pulled away from her pussy. “Get over my knee and take your punishment for disobeying me.”

  She stared at his knees wondering how she would keep her dignity. Hesitating for several seconds, she saw there was no way out of her punishment. She looked forward to the sting of his palm. Jesse went over his knees, and Ryan held her still with an arm around her waist. Her breasts were over one knee with her stomach between his thighs. The whole experience left her red in the face.

  “I’m too heavy,” she complained.

  “Another spank for thinking that, you’re now up to seven.”

  She slammed her mouth shut as he caressed the cheeks of her ass. His touch turned her on even more. Grabbing the fabric of his trousers, she waited for the first hit.

  “I’m not going to do anything until you relax for me, baby.”

  Jesse stayed quiet even though she wished to argue with him about relaxing.

  Ryan caressed up and down her thighs going inside then out before resting on her ass. He took his time, driving her crazy with every caress.

  Slowly, she calmed and relaxed under his touch. His fingers slid between her anus, pressing on the puckered hole but not penetrating her with his touch. Ryan moved away caressing each cheek of her ass in time. His hands started to sooth her, calming her down.


  The first spank took her by surprise making her yelp.




  The first four had her screaming. Her ass felt hot and bruised from his touch.

  “You’re almost done, baby.” Ryan stroked her ass.

  Tears fell down her cheek, surprising her. She didn’t feel emotional at all.

  “The next three I don’t want to hear a sound from your mouth, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Resting her cheek against his leg she took the next three spanks of his hand without making a sound. She gritted her teeth, holding onto her breath.

  “Well done, subby. I’m so proud of you.” Ryan held her close, rubbing a hand over her ass. “Your ass is lovely and red.” He lifted her up in his arms, then turned her to look at a mirror. Glancing over her shoulder she saw the print of his hand across her ass. “Look how perfect you look,” he said.

  She watched his palm run across the cheeks of her ass.


  Something primitive gripped her at his scorching touch. Her heart raced and she wanted him to keep spanking her with his palm.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked.

  “I love it, Sir.” She turned to look at him, dropping her gaze to his lips. “Kiss me, please.”

  “Kiss me, subby.”

  Biting onto her bottom lip she closed the distance between them, pressing their lips together. Wrapping he
r arms around his neck, she deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue into his mouth.

  Ryan opened up, taking over the kiss. His fingers sank into her hair, gripping her hard against him. Their teeth clashed together but she didn’t care about the pain.

  “I love you,” she said, gasping for breath.

  “Good, I love you so much.”

  She melted against him, loving his touch all over her body. “Please, fuck me, Ryan, Sir.” She begged and pleaded but he shook his head.

  “No, we’re not going to be fucking each other for some time.” He fingered her pussy, sliding his digits up and down her slit.

  When he bumped her clit, she fell apart in his arms.

  “Please,” she begged him. Jesse stared into his eyes, wishing he’d cave.

  “Do you want another seven?” His eyebrow was raised. Shaking her head, she stared at the floor.

  Why wouldn’t he be with her? She didn’t understand it. Ryan was the first man to refuse her.

  “Hey, I’m not like other men, Jesse. We’re going to take this one day at a time. When I’m ready to make love to you and to fuck you I will.” Ryan took over, kissing her.

  Moaning, she thrust onto his fingers, feeling them stretch her pussy.

  He turned her to the bed, dropping her at the edge. She watched him fall to his knees before her. “Lie back. I’m going to eat out my pussy and then we’re going to watch a movie together.”

  Ryan was still dressed and she couldn’t argue with him when he started to lick up and down her pussy. He circled her nub then down to fuck her cunt.

  Jesse cried out and within seconds she exploded onto his plundering tongue. He always had the power to keep her at the edge of pleasure. Closing her eyes, she fell back against the bed, panting for breath.

  “That should keep you for a few hours.”

  After she got cleaned up, he wouldn’t let her change and he carried her downstairs to the living room. He closed the curtains giving them an extra layer of privacy. They were still in play with her the submissive and he the Dominant.

  He picked the movie and sat back drawing her against him. Half way through the movie, he guided her toward his cock and now it was her turn to pleasure him.

  Sucking his cock into her mouth, Jesse couldn’t recall a Sunday that had been quite so perfect.

  Chapter Seven

  The following week on a Monday Ryan worked at his club, Extreme, in between spending time with Jesse and meeting with the main CEOs of his other businesses. He didn’t like to stay in an office all day and he preferred his club to any other company. His father didn’t agree. But as long as Ryan sent his parents on expensive vacations and cruises, he didn’t argue. Ryan made sure his parents were well provided for, seeing as his father built the companies up into what they currently were.

  Around the club most of his employees were checking through the supplies for alcohol or cleaning up the surfaces in the dungeon. After every night, the staff made sure to clean and restock the shelves. An inspection was due at the end of the summer and Ryan took great pride in passing everything to the highest standard. No one would be shutting down his dream as long as he was in charge.

  Lifting his head from the latest applications he looked at the picture of Jesse he’d taken the other day. The moment he took the picture, he printed it off and got it framed. He found himself calmed down as he stared at her beautiful face. It had been over a week since they’d started to delve into their Dom/sub lifestyle. Jesse was so perfect in the role as his sub. She took his breath away.

  They still hadn’t slept together, and she phoned her parents again on Sunday to cancel dinner. She loved spending time with him at his country home. During the week they divided their time between his penthouse apartment and her home.

  In the last week, she’d flourished. He no longer saw sadness in her eyes but pure happiness, which he loved. During the week he'd met Denise and gotten to know her. Ryan had liked Denise instantly. The older woman knew how to bring Jesse out of her shell and get her talking.

  Also, David took the time to talk with him about his woman at work. Clients were voicing their thoughts about the change inside Jesse. From one Dom to another, David believed whatever he was doing worked for her. Ryan knew they were getting closer to having sex. That morning he’d woken up to find her wrapped around him, sleeping peacefully.

  At every opportunity Jesse begged him to fuck her.

  A knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts.

  “Come in,” he called. Ryan looked up to see an older man he didn’t recognize. “Can I help you?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m Liam Robinson, I’m Jesse’s father.”

  Staring at the man, Ryan stood and offered his hand. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Jesse is waiting until she’s ready to introduce us.”

  Liam took his hand, shaking roughly.

  “Well, Jesse will make sure we never meet if you let her,” Liam said, taking a seat.

  He didn’t like the attitude coming off the older man.

  “How did you know where to find me?” Ryan said, taking a seat.

  “Jake. He’s concerned for Jesse. I finally got him to tell me. He wouldn’t have given it away otherwise.” Liam looked around the office.

  Ryan couldn’t see any signs of Jesse in the older man at all. Her character appeared stronger, if that was even possible.

  Ryan would not be promoting Jake. He would remain on the floor as a security guard and his privileges within the playroom would be revoked. There was already another man who would take Jake’s place as the main Dom. No man who caved would be considered a reliable person to have working for him. It was a shame as he thought Jake was the best man for the club.

  “Why are you here?” Ryan asked.

  “I’m worried about my little girl. I love her and it has been over two weeks since I last saw her,” Liam said.

  “Then why are you here talking to me instead of talking with Jesse?” Ryan found his anger increasing.

  “She’s not that strong. Her past, it changed her. Since the rape—”

  “I want you to leave.” He jerked up from his chair and moved around his desk. “Get out of my club now.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I love your daughter. Jesse has not left anything out but you know what, she’s never been given time to forget or heal. All of you leave her feeling damaged and broken” Picking up the picture, he showed Liam the true image of his daughter. The photo had been taken when she’d been caught laughing and smiling up at him. “Do you see that?”

  Liam stared at the picture clearly shocked.

  “She’s happy and living her life. For the last two weeks she’s not been brought down by remembering what happened. I’ve made sure she doesn’t get a chance to remember it. Jesse is a strong woman. She’s not a weak girl.” He put the photo back on his desk and faced the man. “I want you out of my club before I do something I might regret. I hold a lot of respect for my elders but when it comes to the woman I love I will not be held responsible for my actions.”

  “You love my daughter?”

  “Yes, and she’ll introduce us when she’s downright good and ready.”

  Ryan waited until Liam finally turned to leave. “I’m so sorry. She’s moved on, hasn’t she?”

  “The only people who are suffering by what happened are you and your family. You’re dragging her down instead of letting her bloom. It happened, and you need to let her move on.”

  Her father looked down at the floor. “I…I have nothing to say.”

  “Then I suggest you leave and wait for Jesse to deal with you and her family in her own way. I love her, and I’m not going away because you’re not used to her living life to the fullest. She’s twenty-five years old and when we first met she was afraid to fall in love.”

  “Is she in love with you?”

  “Yes, she’s in love with me and in time I’ve got every intention of proposing to her. I can offer her the world, Lia
m. Don’t ruin that for her.”

  Liam didn’t say anything as he left the room.

  With his anger in control, Ryan called Jake into his office. For the next half an hour he ranted, raved and by the end of it Jake was on suspension without pay. After he consulted with the other Doms, he would make a decision as to what to do with the other man. By the end of the night, all he wanted to do was go to his woman.

  Tonight, Jesse agreed to stay in his penthouse apartment. He hated leaving her alone in her home and at least his apartment had plenty of security.

  Driving through the city, his cock hardened at the thought of meeting her. The summer heat meant she wore little to bed and he got the chance to play with her body. Her curves drove him crazy with need. Once he parked the car, he took the elevator to the penthouse suite. Typing in his code and using the key card, he let himself inside. He found Jesse on the floor several feet from the front door on her knees with her head bowed.

  His heart stopped at the beautiful sight she possessed.

  “Good evening, Sir,” she said, staring at the floor.

  Any chance of thought left him. She wore the sheer white negligee he purchased for her on Friday. Their weekend had been busy and she didn’t get chance to wear it.

  “Evening, little sub,” he said, putting his case and jacket down by the door. Turning off the light, he walked to her, stroking her head going down to cup her chin. He made her look at him. “You please me so much.”

  Her smile was bright. Teasing a lock of blonde hair between his fingers, Ryan knew the best way to treat her. “Stand up.” He tugged on the lock of hair between his fingers.

  She stood gracefully. “How was work, Sir?”

  “Okay.” He would talk about her father’s interruption later. “Go into the bedroom and wait for me.”

  Watching her ass sway did nothing to ease his aching arousal.

  Ryan went into his kitchen and poured himself a shot of coffee into a small espresso cup. He needed something to pace himself but drinking alcohol would do no good. When he felt himself once again, he left the kitchen, opening the top few buttons of his shirt. He found her on her knees with her head bowed. The negligee didn’t hide the view of her lush tits. Unbuttoning his shirt, he ordered her to stand. Tonight, he’d know what it would feel like to be inside her tight cunt.


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