Rodeo Song

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by Shannon Taylor Vannatter


  But when silken-voiced Garrett Steele set out for stardom, he left Jenna—and his cowboy past—far behind. A chance encounter at one of his concerts propels him back into Jenna’s life. But, once burned by love, Jenna must guard her heart against the captivating singer.

  Once upon a time, Garrett vowed he’d be a success, no matter what. But that path shattered his soul. His reunion with Jenna makes him long for things he once took for granted. Now he must show her that he’s found what he was looking for all along…right here in his hometown.

  “I don’t go to hotels with men. Even if I used to know them.”

  All the sadness she felt came out in her tone. He used to know that about her. She didn’t know the Garrett he’d become.

  “That’s not what I meant.” Garrett sighed. “You’re safe with me. You know that. Or you should. The party scene got old a year ago.”

  Her heart clenched. Had he really changed his ways? Was this Garrett closer to the one she used to know?

  “I want someone who cares about me.” Garrett squeezed her hand. “Not for my fame or money, but for me.”

  And he was looking straight at that someone.

  “A friend, that’s all I’m looking for. The road gets long and lonely. I could use somebody to touch base with, maybe call every once in a while. To keep me grounded. You were always great at that.” Loneliness echoed in his voice. “Say yes.”

  Books by Shannon Taylor Vannatter

  Love Inspired Heartsong Presents

  Rodeo Regrets

  Rodeo Queen

  Rodeo Song


  is a stay-at-home mom and pastor’s wife. Her debut novel won a 2011 Inspirational Readers’ Choice Award. When not writing, she runs circles in the care and feeding of her husband, their son and their church congregation. Home is a central Arkansas zoo with two charcoal-gray cats, a chocolate Lab and three dachshunds in weenie-dog heaven. If given the chance to clean house or write, she’d rather write. Her goal is to hire Alice from The Brady Bunch.

  Shannon Taylor Vannatter

  Rodeo Song

  I dedicate this book to my husband for not minding if I dream about cowboys all day.


  I appreciate DeeDee Barker-Wix, Director of Sales at the Cowtown Coliseum, Julia Buswold, Executive Director Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, Katherine M. Kolstad with Billy Bob’s Texas, Aubrey Librarian, Kathy Ramsey, Judy Cochran with the Ever After Chapel, and Steve and Krys Murray, owners of Moms on Main.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 1

  Screaming fans surrounded Jenna Wentworth as Garrett Steele’s rich, seductive voice and acoustic guitar drove the enraptured women into a frenzy. And despite her painful past with him, his lush baritone melted her insides.

  Thirtieth row, floor seating. Jenna peered through the chaos, but with everyone standing, she couldn’t see much onstage. Her first country-music concert. Ever. Stale beer assaulted her senses and her ears would probably ring for a week. Why had she come?

  Because her friend Tori had promised to attend church with her in return, but...that wasn’t the whole story.

  Truth be told—she couldn’t resist getting a glimpse of Garrett again. Pathetic.

  The music stopped. Applause, whistles and screams shattered her eardrums.

  “What an awesome crowd.” Garrett’s words boomed over the speakers. “We’re taking a short break but we’ll be back, so don’t go anywhere, Dallas.”

  The crowd roared and the lights brightened. She stood on her tiptoes long enough to peer around the tall man standing in front of her to get a fleeting glimpse of Garrett leaving the stage before it went dark.

  “I can’t believe I’m here,” Tori shouted over the clamor. “He’s even better looking in person.”

  Jenna’s mouth went dry as the arena lights brightened. “How can you tell what he looks like?”

  Maybe his floozy, boozy lifestyle had taken its toll, but Jenna couldn’t tell from the few glimpses she’d gotten of him.

  “He’s just the greatest.” Tori did a little bounce.

  Sure. Jenna rolled her eyes. The greatest guy to ever walk out on her.

  “Okay, Jenna, I know you don’t really like him, but can’t you humor me?”

  Time for a distraction. “I’m thirsty. Let’s get something to drink.”

  They inched slowly up the stands toward the lobby, along with half the crowd in the American Airlines Center.

  She could happily not talk about Garrett—if only she could stop thinking about him, too.

  Tori would be beside herself if she knew Jenna had grown up with him. That she’d once had feelings for him much deeper than like. Had once been the girl he’d claimed to love.

  Though the cold bite of New Year’s Day lurked outside, the lobby was toasty warm. But the line at the concession stand was endless. At this rate, they’d never get anything to drink.

  Among the crowd of adoring fans, dutiful husbands and shrewd boyfriends, Jenna blended in like a Queen Anne wingback in a farmhouse.

  Several amorous couples surrounded them. Men obviously brought their dates to Garrett Steele concerts to perform the dance of seduction for them. And it was working. All too well. Jenna closed her eyes.

  Past simply thirsty, her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.

  “Look! It’s Garrett Steele!” Excited voices echoed through the lobby.

  In the distance, security guards cleared a path. Garrett ran toward the concession stand pursued by a trail of women.

  Tori and a herd of females surged toward him. Men, deserted by their dates, stood as if rooted to the spot. Jenna moved closer to the counter to avoid the mob. Surreal. At least she’d get her tea faster now.

  Though the women ran to meet Garrett head-on, they ended up in the throng behind him with the security guards keeping them at bay. Hands grabbed and clawed at Garrett as he and his entourage got closer to her. She could no longer see Tori. The rush forced abandoned men to move out of the way.

  Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. The pathetic one he’d turned his back on—at his concert with the rest of his minions.

  Brilliant green eyes locked with hers. A flick of recognition followed by a familiar grin. Her heart went into overdrive. Surely she’d swoon. Mere feet away from her now, he held his hand out toward her. As if of their own volition, her fingers clasped his as he ran past, dragging her with him.

  What was she doing? Hadn’t she been sucked in by him once before? And in exchange for her brainless devotion, she’d gotten her heart broken.

  Jenna fought to keep up with Garrett’s pace. Too late to turn back now, the stampede behind them encouraged speed despite her strappy heels.

  He slowed only when they squeezed through a doorway and descended the stairs back into the sunken arena, then surged toward a smaller platform at the other end from the main stage. Security guards surrounded them as Garrett guided her up the steps. A guard tried to pull her hand from his.

  “No!” he shouted above the chaos. “I want her onstage with me.”

  Her stomach did a flip-flop. “No!”

  The pandemonium surrounding them carried her protest away and the guard helped her up the stairs.

  “It’s okay. I won’t force you to sing.” Garrett winked. “Even though you have a lovely voice.”

  Her heart pooled at his feet, but her insides twisted in knots as he led her to a tall stool. Weak-kneed, she gratefully perched on it. His band and backup singers faded to the back of the stage. A spotlight blinded her.

  The music started—the opening notes of his signature wedding song—“One Day.” She’d heard it countless times over the past month with his voice crooning to her at Walmart, restaurants and the streets of the Fort Worth Stockyards historic district as Texas proudly gave its star plenty of airtime.

  Until finally, she’d downloaded it on her iPod. A few times, she’d allowed herself the guilty pleasure of listening. Okay, more than a few times.

  Pathetic. She inwardly cringed.

  His green gaze imprisoned hers as he sang the words of adoration.

  Years of searching finally over,

  just when I’d given up on love.

  You’re my lucky four-leaf clover,

  only sent from up above.

  Desperate to tune out his serenade of undying love for her, she picked a spot on a speaker to stare at. But her gaze returned to him as if pulled by a magnet.

  His dark, wavy hair hung way past his shoulders. Nothing like the short mop-top he’d worn in school. She didn’t usually like long hair on men, but the flowing waves and olive skin were the perfect contrast for his grass-green eyes and framed his high cheekbones, chiseled bone structure and scruffy-beard-shadowed jaw—male-model material.

  His honky-tonk years hadn’t hurt his looks a bit. Only God could put something so breathtaking together.

  When the instrumental part of the song began, he knelt at her feet—as if to propose. The proposal she’d dreamed of. The proposal that had never come. Her heart took a nosedive.

  Since middle school, Garrett had had one goal in mind—stardom. And in the end, it hadn’t included her.

  Yet Jenna remembered him in the church choir. Okay, she’d joined the choir just to be close to him. Yep—pathetic.

  Despite the intense heat given off by the lights above, she shuddered. It wasn’t because of his proximity. No, she was so over him. She was just nervous. Onstage in front of thousands of people.

  The music swelled and his baritone tugged at her.

  Can’t believe I finally found you,

  I looked for you all of my life.

  I don’t know what I did without you,

  but I know one day you’ll be my wife.

  As he mesmerized the audience, making her the envy of every woman there, she resisted the urge to clamp her hands over her ears and block him out. Okay, she wasn’t over him. And probably never would be. She’d die an old maid still in love with Garrett Steele.

  The song ended. He stood and kissed her hand as the lights brightened.

  Her hand tingled and warmth swept up her arms. She could still feel the strength of his arms, the tenderness of his kiss as if it were yesterday.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Jenna Wentworth. Jenna and I grew up together, so when I saw her in the lobby, I couldn’t resist staging a little impromptu reunion. Give Jenna a big hand for being such a good sport.”

  The crowd erupted. With the glare of hot lights, she couldn’t see a thing, and sweat trickled down the hollow of her back.

  Garrett took her hand and led her to the steps. He shot her a wink and handed her over to a security guard. Dismissed.

  The security man led her off the stage. Her heel caught on the step, but he steadied her. “I’ll escort you back to your seat.”

  “Thank you, but that’s not necessary. I’m going back to the concession stand.” Her legs wobbled; her pulse hammered. Jenna climbed the stairs up to the lobby with as much nonchalance as she could muster. Thank goodness for the handrail.

  “Even more beautiful than I remember. Oh...” Regret sounded in Garrett’s voice. “I forgot to get her number. Sebastian, get her number for me.”

  Heat crept up her neck.

  Whistles, catcalls and laughter rippled through the crowd.

  “Not like that.” Garrett’s sigh huffed in the microphone. “Just to keep in touch.”

  Just walk. Ignore him. He’s only putting on a good show. Toying with her. Get through the rest of the concert. Go home and back to normal. Leave him behind just as he’d left her eight years ago.

  Finally up the endless stairs, she walked to the lineless concession stand and ordered her long-awaited large tea. The cool liquid bathed her parched throat as she trudged back to the arena. At least she’d gotten her exercise for the day. If only she could talk Tori into leaving—now.

  She’d had enough of memory lane. She’d wanted a glimpse of Garrett. Not a close-up. Great! Now his eyes would haunt her dreams. Again.

  As Garrett sang another love song back on the main stage, Jenna climbed over feet and purses to her seat.

  Tori grabbed her arm and jumped up and down. Her mouth moved, but Jenna couldn’t hear a word. Surely the concert couldn’t last much longer.

  The rest of the love songs blurred in Jenna’s mind. Garrett finally closed the last song and left the stage. But, as the cheers resonated through the building, he reentered and stepped onto center stage.

  “What a great crowd. Thanks, Dallas. It’s great to be home, and thanks, Jenna, for—” his voice caught “—letting me bask in your beauty.”

  Heat seared her cheeks.

  The drummer counted a beat and the band struck up again for Garrett’s encore.

  As the final notes faded away, the stage went black to thunderous applause. The arena lights came on, the crowd began to quiet and the two friends inched into the slow-moving throng toward the lobby.

  “I can’t believe you know Garrett Steele.” Tori whacked her on the arm. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Would you have believed me?”

  “You know him and got to go onstage with him. You don’t even like him. That’s so unfair!” Tori wailed.

  Jenna shrugged. “He wasn’t Garrett the country star when we had chemistry together.” In more ways than one.

  “Garrett Steele.” Tori grabbed Jenna by both shoulders and shook her lightly. “The Garrett Steele just sang a love song to you! He kissed your hand! You can never wash that hand again. How can you stay so calm?”

  Calm. She could still feel the touch of his lips on her hand. Her quivering insides were anything but calm. A long time ago, he’d kissed her lips—on more than one occasion.

  Several other women in the crowd recognized her and gathered around her as if she were an exhibit. A few even asked for her autograph. She made it to the lobby, without signing anything, and headed for the refuge of the bathroom.

  A large muscular man stepped into her path with the word Security emblazoned in gold letters across the front of his black T-shirt.

  “I’m Sebastian. Mr. Steele would like to see you backstage, Miss Wentworth. Follow me, please.”

  How dare Garrett summon her. Did he really expect her to do his bidding? To show up all moony-eyed over him?

  Why wouldn’t he? She’d practically drooled onstage. Oh, why couldn’t she get over him?

  “Jenna?” Tori’s finger dug into her ribs.

  “Umm.” Jenna swallowed hard. “I think he was just kidding.”

  Sebastian’s eyes widened.

  Probably no other woman on the premises would question the request. Several concertgoers shot her curious glances on their way to the exit.

  “Mr. Steele n
ever jokes about such things. He told me to find you and bring you back.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. Just how many women did Sebastian retrieve each year for Garrett? She knew all about Garrett’s reputation and exploits. How could he have turned his back on Jesus? On her?

  Her heart tensed. So she wasn’t over him, but maybe she could remind him of where he came from. And how far he’d strayed. But at the risk of losing her heart to him again?

  “I really need to head home.” She pulled off an indifferent shrug. “It’ll take forever just to get out of the parking lot, and we’ve got an hour drive ahead of us.”

  “Mr. Steele simply needs a few minutes of your time to thank you for your cooperation. In the meantime, the parking lot will clear. And if it’s still congested when you’re ready to leave, I can get you out.”

  “Are you crazy?” Tori tugged at her arm. “He wants you backstage. Garrett Steele wants to see you backstage. Don’t blow it. Go!”

  Despite everything, she did want to see him. And if Jenna got Tori an introduction to Garrett, maybe she’d come to church more than just once.

  “Can my friend come, too?”

  “Sure.” Sebastian nodded. “Follow me.”

  Tori let out a whoop.

  Maybe God did have a plan in all of this.

  “You know I wouldn’t do this for just anyone,” Jenna whispered as they followed the guard. “You owe me big, and we can’t stay long, just a couple of minutes.”

  “I can’t believe this!” Tori giggled almost hysterically. “I’ll never forget this night as long as I live!”

  Jenna rolled her eyes.

  They followed Sebastian down a long hallway lined by expectant-looking fans. Were these people waiting for the band to walk through? Sebastian opened a door and ushered them inside a large, sparsely furnished room.

  Garrett stood in the middle of a small crowd, but when he saw her, he rushed toward her with a hug.

  Why did his arms have to feel just as good as they had eight years ago? She pulled away before she could get too used to his embrace.


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