Two Bears For Christmas

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Two Bears For Christmas Page 2

by Tianna Xander

  Still, she shouldn’t be this warm. She smiled at the thought that she must be dreaming of a tropical getaway. “Okay, where are the cabana boys.”

  “There’s no cabana boys here, but there are a couple of men who are anxious for ye tae open your eyes, lass.”

  Tabatha sat up, opened her eyes and screamed. She was in a bed with two men. No wonder she was so warm!

  “How did I get here?” she asked, holding the sheet up to her chin. She wasn’t naked, but she might as well have been, wearing nothing but a huge t-shirt that must have belonged to one of the buff giants on either side of her.

  “We brought ye here, lass,” the blond said.

  Wasn’t his name Roddy?

  Tabitha frowned at him. “Is your name Roddy?” She barely got the words out as her gaze shifted from his beautiful blue eyes, to his smile and farther down to his bare chest and washboard abs.

  “Aye, his name is Roddy and I’m Ewan.”

  With a squeak, Tabitha turned to stare at Ewan. Even the bright light of the bedside lamp that Roddy turned on didn’t detract from the man’s dark good looks. His light gray eyes stood out in his tanned face framed by hair black as midnight. She couldn’t help but stare at his broad shoulders, hair covered chest that tapered down to his washboard abs and the treasure trail that disappeared beneath the blankets.

  That thin trail of hair made her want to see what he hid under the covers, but she didn’t dare ask. She didn’t know these men and she was in a bed between them.

  “What happened? Why am I here? I don’t even know you.”

  “We brought ye here because we dinnae trust anyone at that bar we found ye at tae see that ye made it home safely. Since we dinnae know where ye lived, we brought ye tae our place.”

  Roddy gave her a look that could have melted the ice on the sidewalk in front of her apartment building.

  “We didnae take advantage of ye, lass. I swear.”

  “I don’t know why, but I believe you.” Maybe it was because she wasn’t sore anywhere but her face. She reached up to touch her cheek with a grimace.

  “If it makes ye feel any better, the blighter that did that tae ye looks ten times worse by now.” Roddy grinned. “Ewan bruised him up a bit and I broke his nose.”

  “It probably shouldn’t make me feel any better.” Tabitha grinned. “But it does.” She looked around, trying to find a way out of the bed that didn’t require her to crawl over her companions. The only one that did required her to put her butt in their faces, and she wasn’t willing to do that, either. “Um…”

  “What is it, little one?”

  “Little one?” She laughed. “No one calls me little one. I’m anything but little.” At a size eighteen, she was large, possibly even extra large.

  “You’re little tae us.” Roddy smiled at her as he leaned close. “As a matter of fact, I didnae strain a bit carrying you from that loo out tae our truck. Ye felt like next tae nothing in my arms—a feather.”

  “Ha!” She covered her mouth before another bark of laughter escaped. “I’m sorry. It’s just that no one has called me little one or light as a feather since I was about ten.” That was when she’d started to get heavy.

  “Well, tae someone our size, ye are a wee little slip of a lass,” Ewan said from her other side, only confirming that she needed to get out of here as quickly as possible. These two were as crazy as loons. Both of them.

  Still, she couldn’t deny that their comments made her feel good. How often did people tell her she was small? Not very often, that was for sure. However, Tabitha knew she couldn’t let that sway her decision to leave these two as fast as possible. The fact that she was in bed with them when she didn’t know them or they her, was enough to convince her she needed to leave—no matter how much something inside her wanted to stay.

  “I really should be getting home.” She licked her lips, still holding the sheet to her chin. “Do you think one of you could let me get up?”

  “We could,” Ewan said. “But first, we want ye tae see what you’ll be missing if ye dismiss us from your life the way ye intend.” He leaned closer. “We’re going tae give ye an example. We’ll stop well before we do anything we cannae take back, but ye must know how things can be between us before ye go.”

  “Oh, God.” She swallowed around the lump in her throat. Did these two save her from Carl just so they could cart her back to their place and do the same to her in the privacy of their own home? “Please don’t.”

  She held up her hand and Ewan leaned into it. “Dinnae fash yourself, lass. We won’t take ye against your will.”

  “That’s not what it looks like from where I’m at.” She had never been with a man who had chest hair before. The hair on his chest was both soft and coarse. About an inch or so long, it moved as her fingers combed through it while she made a fist and tried to push him away.

  “We only want tae show ye the delights ye can find in our arms. If ye still dinnae want tae be with us when we’re done, we’ll let ye go unharmed.”

  “You could let me go now, unmolested.”

  “Aye.” Ewan nodded. “We could, but we won’t. It’s time ye saw that men can bring ye more pleasure than pain.”

  Reaching up, he cupped her chin and leaned closer. “I’m going tae kiss ye now, lass, and Roddy is going tae press against ye from behind and you’ll soon see that this can be pleasurable. We’ll let ye go in less than ten minutes and then ye can decide whether ye want tae go or tae stay.”

  Ten minutes was nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it was plenty long enough for them to force her to do whatever they wanted. She stared up into Ewan’s silvery gray eyes and thought about how the two of them had come to her rescue in the bar. Would they really do that to her when they had saved her from Carl? They had seemed so angry that he would treat a woman that way. Perhaps she was making more of this than she should.

  Tabitha watched as Ewan leaned closer. His gray gaze blazed into hers. Warm breath brushed her cheek as he pressed his perfect lips against hers. She moaned as Roddy did just as Ewan said he would and pressed against her. His warm chest pressed against her back, his arms encircling her. Large hands cupped her breasts, his fingers plucking and tugging at her nipples.

  Warmth surged through her, settling in her middle before moving lower still to her womb. Cream slid sinuously through her channel, coating her thighs as Ewan continued to devour her mouth with his.

  He pulled back, then returned, pressing his lips against hers again and again until, overcome with need, Tabitha melted against him. Her body grew heavy with need as she relaxed into him, her muscles no longer stiff with worry, but soft and pliant as she yielded to his expertise.

  His hand slid away from her jaw, replacing it with his mouth as he pressed little kisses against her neck, behind her ear.

  Tabitha moaned as he moved his hand lower to cover her mons, his fingers playing in the soft curls between her legs.

  “Open for me, little one.”

  She did as he bid, her mind going into meltdown at the sensations roiling through her. Two mouths drove her closer to the edge. Four hands caressed her body, bringing her ever closer to an orgasm that she knew would be better than any other she had ever had.

  After reading romance novels that her friends told her ruined her for a real man, Tabitha had found two men to rival those she found between the covers of her books—or had they found her?

  Chapter Four

  Ewan continued to assault their mate’s senses with his lips and tongue. She squirmed between them, her head tossing back and forth. He lightly bit the crook of her neck, then quickly laved away the sting with his tongue.

  He would crawl between her thighs, throw her legs over his shoulders and eat at her fragrant cunt all day if she would allow it. Sliding his fingers through her wet slit, he circled the hardened bud with his fingers, knowing it would drive her wild. Sliding his head lower, he pulled one pert little nipple into his m
outh while Roddy tugged and twisted the other.

  A rush of cream coated his hand when he suckled harder and she moaned. Pulling back, he took a deep breath, reveling in her unique scent. He’d always heard that a mate smelled a lot like candy to her mates. He’d dismissed that as an old wives’ tale, until today.

  “Ye smell like sweet summer honey, lass. I want nothing better than tae bury my head between your thighs and lap up the cream sliding from your wet pussy. Tell me I can do it.”

  Fleeting disappointment rushed through him when she shook her head. “I don’t think I can take any more of this.” She panted as he continued to circle the tight bud of her clit with his fingers. “I want—I want…”

  “Ye want what?” Roddy asked as he pressed a kiss behind her ear. One hand cupped her breast as he reached around with the other to tug and twist the diamond-hard nipple with his thumb and forefinger. He pressed the length of his cock against her hip, rubbing it against her as though it relieved some of the pressure he felt to mount her.

  Ewan knew better. It did nothing but frustrate him more. Nothing would do for them now but the feel of their mate’s tight cunt or ass wrapped tightly around them as they fucked into her until they came.

  “I can’t.” Tabitha shook her head and tried to pull away. “I’m not like this. Really, I’m not. What have you done to me? I never have one-night-stands with men I’ve just met and I certainly don’t do it with two men I’ve just met.”

  “Of course ye dinnae, lass. This is different,” Ewan said, his voice low, soothing. How did one explain to a human that the reason they felt such overwhelming attraction to their mates was because they were, in fact, drawn together by some strange animal magnetism that even a shifter didn’t fully understand?

  “Of course it’s different. I’ve really become the slut that Carl said I was.” She shook her head, tears running down her cheeks. “Maybe that’s why he did what he did. Maybe I did deserve it. Maybe I have been teasing him these last several months.”

  “Dinnae mention that ass again, lass. He isn’t here. It’s just us and we dinnae think such a thing about ye,” Roddy said from behind her. “We would never think such a thing about ye.”

  Ewan’s inner clock told him their ten minutes were almost up. He had to do something to convince her to stay. Since she didn’t give him a definitive, No, he moved down and settled between her thighs. Throwing her legs over his shoulders, he took a deep breath and groaned. “She does smell as sweet as summer honey, Roddy.” Pulling her nether lips apart with his thumbs, he lapped at her quivering flesh. “She tastes as sweet, as well.”

  With one quick stab, he snaked his tongue inside her tight channel. Nothing could have prepared him for the taste that burst over his tongue. Sweet cream coated his lips and chin. Pulling his tongue from inside her, he circled her clit with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth as she screamed through her first orgasm. He was determined it would be her first of many as he repeatedly suckled her throbbing clit.

  Her body stiffened, her heels dug into his back and another scream rent the air as he continued his ruthless assault on her wet woman’s flesh. Ewan loved the way she responded as he thrust first one, then two fingers into her tight sheath.

  Body bowing, she arched up off the bed, her breaths coming in harsh gasps as she labored to pull air into her lungs between her screams. Pressing up against the inside of her channel, he found the tight ball of nerves he knew would drive her over the edge once again. Massaging it with his fingers, he brought her over the edge once more.

  “Will ye stay with us, lass?” Roddy voiced the question in Ewan’s own mind.

  “Yes, will ye stay with us? Will ye let us show ye how a man should treat a woman?”

  “Are you saying…” She paused, her breath coming in short pants. “That you haven’t shown me that, yet?”

  “No, lass,” he and Roddy said at the same time. “We’ve only just begun.”

  “If that’s the case, I think this just might kill me.” She smiled. “But, what a way to go.”

  Chapter Five

  “Are ye saying that you’ll stay?” Ewan asked as he looked up at her from between her legs.

  “Somehow, I know I’m going to regret this, but yes.” How could she say no? These two men had brought her to orgasm more times in the last several minutes than anyone ever had—including herself!

  If they wanted to delude themselves into thinking she was some pretty little thing, who was she to argue with them? At first, she’d been convinced it was the alcohol talking, but if she was sober, they had to be as well, didn’t they?

  Tilting her head back, she stared up into Roddy’s clear blue eyes. “Tell me you’re not drunk and I’m not dreaming.”

  Ye aren’t dreaming, lass and we aren’t drunk, unless ye count drunk on the fact that we’ve finally found our mate.

  Unshed tears burned Tabitha’s eyes when she heard Roddy’s voice in her head. She was dreaming, and that was too bad. She sighed. At least she could let loose her inhibitions and enjoy every minute with these two hotties. Now that she knew this was nothing more than a fantasy, she didn’t have to worry about repercussions or regrets.

  Smiling through her tears, she pulled the t-shirt over her head from where they had pushed it up around her neck and threw it across the room.

  “What are you waiting for, boys? I plan to make the most of this. Let’s get busy.”

  She turned when Ewan moved from between her legs. Wrapping her arm around Roddy’s neck, she pulled him down for a kiss. Pulling her into his arms, he skimmed his hands down her back to the curve of her hip. Cupping her buttocks, he pulled her closer, pressing her against his hardened length.

  Ewan moved up, thrusting the heat of his erection against her thigh. Reaching out, she grasped it, caressing the tip with her thumb. A drop of pre-cum wet her fingers and he groaned when she used the tip of her thumb to spread it over the head of his cock.

  Lowering his head, Ewan took the tip of her left breast into the heat of his mouth. Tabitha arched her back, pressing her rear against Roddy’s erection and her breast deeper into the scalding heat of Ewan’s mouth.

  She could do this one time. She could grab the brass ring and hold tight, just this once. Tomorrow, when she woke, she could remind herself that this was nothing more than a dream, but now…now this was real and these men truly wanted her, imperfections and all.

  The two men practically devoured her. They made her feel petite, pretty, sexy. Everything she had never felt before in her life. Every time a man took her to bed, he did so for his own gratification. These men gave her pleasure because they wanted to give her pleasure more than they sought it out for themselves.

  If this was a dream, so be it. If, by some miracle, this turned out to be real and these men really were here worshiping her body as though she were some goddess, all the better.

  Tabitha had to admit to herself that being wanted was sexy. It was possibly the most powerful aphrodisiac of all. Heat seared through her. Her blood thickened, moving slowly through her body as her world narrowed down to this one tiny space in time.

  Sensations roiled through her as their hands skimmed over her flesh. Small touches, meant to drive her wild, did just that. Her body quivered with need as the two men played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

  Ewan licked her nipple and lifted his head. “Are ye ready, lass?” Leaning down, he blew on the turgid tip, the cool air causing it to tighten even more as she stared up into his lovely gray eyes.

  “Aye,” she said with a smile as he moved between her thighs. Gathering her legs up, he rested her knees over his elbows.

  “You’re so small. I fear I’ll hurt ye.” He met her gaze, his eyes filled with concern. “You’ll let me know if it hurts?”

  Tabitha reached up and pushed an inky lock of hair off his brow with a smile. I’ll let you know. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  Giving her a sharp nod,
Ewan leaned forward, pressing the head of his cock against her entrance. He moved against her, the thick head of his cock pressing into her, so tight, hot—like velvet covered steel.

  Roddy, next to her, leaned over, taking her right nipple into the blazing heat of his mouth. Tabitha closed her eyes and threw her head back with a hiss.

  “You’re so tight, lass.” Ewan groaned as he slowly thrust inside her. He moved slowly, too slowly, his thrusts growing deeper inch by slow inch as she fought the urge to lift herself up and take every delicious bit of him in one quick thrust.

  Ewan reached between them, his fingers circling her clit, bringing forth a rush of liquid heat that coated his cock and helped him sink deeper into her tight channel. Once his pelvis rested against hers, he lowered himself a bit and kissed her.

  “I hope you’re ready for this, lass, because I’m not certain I can hold back.”

  Tabitha wasn’t sure she wanted him to hold back. She needed to feel him moving inside her before she went mad. “Just do it, Ewan. Fuck me so hard and deep that I can’t see straight.” She turned to Roddy. “And when he’s done, I want you to do the same.”

  “As ye wish, lass,” Roddy said with a smile. “I live tae do your bidding.”

  If only that were true. Nothing could have pleased her more than to wake up the next day and find out this wasn’t a dream, that these two men really did want her as much as they claimed.

  “Hold on tight, lass. This ride is about tae get rough,” Ewan said as he slowly withdrew, his cock dragging over nerve endings she never knew she had before now.

  Shock had her eyes opening wide when he rammed his cock into her the first time. Sensations she never knew existed pulsed through her. Her channel gripped him tight, her muscles flexing over his cock as he pistoned in and out of her.


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