Hekate's Passage: A story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, (Hekate's Passage: A story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, part 2, vol. 1)

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Hekate's Passage: A story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, (Hekate's Passage: A story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, part 2, vol. 1) Page 36

by Kot, Eleyne

  “I do believe you,” Colin breaks in, “and the guy looked real tired, so it’s better to finish dinner now. We can have something to drink at home.” And looking at me he adds. “Remember what he said: don´t use it as a medallion. It’s worth much more than that.”

  “OK,” I answer and we all get ready to return home.

  “Are you coming with us?” Tony asks Sally and Steve. We expect to hear a ‘no’ and fortunately they refuse to accompany us back home.

  “Not today. We’re going to a party in a new pub,” says Steve, “we would invite you but I see it’s not possible tonight. Well, time travelers, we hope to see you again.” He says that to us, smiling and we shake hands and kiss his cheek and Sally's, saying so long and returning to the cars.

  “Tonight the air is fresher,” says Jim. “Why don´t we walk around for a while, ladies? We need a little light exercise after so much French cuisine.”

  “Why not?” I agree. “We can walk around and take a look at the city.”

  “You can´t see much in a walk like this,” Ted comments “but it will help us to not die tonight in the middle of the battle.”

  We laugh and begin to roam in the English streets.

  “I don’t feel as full as usually after a meal at the Chapelle,” Eleyne remarks, “normally the only thing I want to do afterwards is to lie down and digest.”

  “Well, I suppose we simply didn’t eat as much as we had wished,” Babette muses. “We have received an enormous shock tonight.”

  “Yes, perhaps for you,” comments Jim, “but in my case it only sharpened my appetite, baby.”

  I change the topic.

  “I have always had a passion for Great Britain, for the ‘60s London, the Beatles and all these legendary times,” I say enthusiastically, looking around at all the buildings.

  “You missed a couple of decades,” Colin answers me and we laugh, “but I see you’re enjoying the ‘80s.”

  After a little more chatting, we walk back to the car and return home thinking of Norton and all that he knows and keeps for himself. All the way back to the house, I’m blaming myself for not having a cell phone at hand.

  Eleyne’s Story:

  After this short opportunity to see the city by night, we head for home. Ted is driving, but we can't all fit into one car, so Tony, Jim and I go by taxi. The guys are a bit subdued on the way. I think it's our imminent disappearance that's bothering them. Finally, Tony breaks the silence.

  “Jim, so you and Colin recorded the gals this afternoon.”

  “Yes, the tape is in my room.”

  “Why not repeat the session? I'd like to be a part of it too,” then he says more quietly so that the driver can't hear. “I'd like to have you recorded on a tape when you exclaim my name in passion as well.”

  “That's a good idea. I suppose Ted will be interested in joining the session too,” Jim smiles.

  They’re both looking at me, smiling seductively. I feel a hint of possessiveness in their look, too, but I don’t mind. I even welcome it, I want to be possessed. I think they already know that I can't refuse them anything. Tony must have told Jim what he heard once, that conversation I was having with Babette one day. He strokes my cheek gently, bringing me thrills of pleasure. Jim's hand on the other side caresses my thigh and I feel my breath is starting to accelerate.

  But before we get into any serious action we arrive home. It seems that the other four have also just gotten there as we see then getting of the car. When we enter we hear the telephone ringing, so we all run to answer. After a short ‘fight’ for the receiver Yasmin gets it. We’re not surprised to find out that it's Norton calling. The guys walk fast to the other telephone to listen and participate in the conversation, too. I try to get my ear close to the receiver to be able to hear something as well. And I urge her.

  “Just tell him everything.”

  I can hear guys’ voices from the other telephone agreeing with me.

  Yasmin’s Story:

  The time of our coming back seems to approach faster than we expected. The telephone rings at the Cottage just a couple of minutes after we arrive. Colin and I have a little fight to get the receiver but, of course, I get it first and hear the voice of Norton speaking quietly. He’s letting me know that there were things we didn’t even knew before. Eleyne urges me to tell him everything and after he hears it he says.

  “So what is everything? I called you half an hour ago, but there was nobody here. I didn’t want to leave a message, I don’t like answering machines. And, anyway, what I have to say to you isn’t suitable for recording. It’s for your ears only.”

  “We just arrived and were waiting for your call,” I reply, then Norton adds.

  “When I saw you today, I saw that there was something confusing around you and your girlfriends, you know there is one thing called aura… well, my dog noticed, too…your aura did not match ours, as if you were cut off from another planet or time…and now I’m sure you came from another time, and you need to return back as soon as you can.”

  I gasp, as do the guys around me, too.

  “I can tell you more, Norton, if you really want to help us.”

  “Yes, of course,” he says, “I read the tarot and see that your energies are different from ours. Please, if you tell me, I can help you.”

  I tell him the whole story about how we got here, then Tony adds his question about emotions triggering out travel. Jim, Colin and Ted also ask questions, mainly concerned about our safety. Tony also tells him everything (well almost everything) about the dreams we had that night, and says that it seems that we continue the research appearing in their lives over the years. On the other side of the phone there’s silence for a moment and finally Norton says.

  “It seems I have to tell you more if these things are standing this way. You have to know them for your own safety.”

  “Please, tell me.”

  I expect his words in silence.

  “You know that magic sometimes is uncontrollable and it seems to have a will of its own, and indeed, there are things we cannot know around us, especially around these old places and old amulets.”

  “Yes,” I mutter.

  Then he continues.

  “That piece is not a copy, it’s the original,” he pauses, “but it would be very dangerous for me to keep it in my hands. Not only good hands are willing to keep it under their protection, there are other hands who are greedy for it. Evil people, of the Left Hand Path are looking for that amulet, too.”

  We all keep mute.

  “The amulet has been lost for centuries, and now you have found it. To tell the truth, it allowed you to find it. You visited the place on the right night…”

  “On the right night?” I echo.

  “Yes, on the right night,” Norton’s voice lowers down and becomes almost a whisper, “that night had been waited on for long years during the past few centuries. A unique astral conjunction occurred, it will happen again in 220 years.”

  “Gods!” I exclaim.

  “It was speculated that it would open a dimensional channel to other parts of the spiritual universe but you clung to the earthly dimensions, your thoughts were earthly,” he continues, “and of course, that amulet was there, waiting to be seen, and your friend spotted and got it, then it tuned with your wishes. But there is something more.”

  “Please, let me know,” I ask him softly.

  “The mound has a secret relation with some places all over Europe,” his words are very low now, “and in ancient times all these places were temples and sacred lands, they are spiritually and energetically connected and now you are in one of these old places.”

  “Where?” I ask anxiously.

  “The Cottage,” he answers, surprising me. “The Cottage is a place over an old church foundation, and the church was built over an old pagan temple, a Druid shrine that took its name after the goddess. So you’re in a holy place, the energies seemed to want you there, they sent your friend to pick you up
and bring you to the place. They want the amulet back with them.”

  “And now?” I ask.

  “We don´t know. The conjunction is passing, you’re going to be back in any moment,” he comments talking louder than before, “so it’s better to be ready to say goodbye. Please, visit my shop in 2011 and we will talk about the matter, if I’m still alive.”

  I hear him chuckle a little and he continues.

  “Well, don´t show that amulet to anyone else. Keep it in a safe place, out of the eyes of any stranger. We shouldn’t be seen together any more, do you understand it?”

  “Yes, I do,” I murmur.

  “Return to me in the 2011 and I will explain the rest.”

  “What?” I ask him and he says.

  “Anything may happen in the meantime. The evil ones don´t know you yet and you shouldn’t let them see or know anything of this. Don´t report the amulet to your superiors.”

  “OK,” I answer and ask him, “you mean my bosses at the Institute?”

  “Oh!” he exclaims. “It’s better that you don’t know but trust no one. I know some of them, but they are many who keep their secrecy, so it’s wise to be discreet with people you don´t know.”

  “Alright,” I murmur and my mind recalls all unknown faces that I found during those days in the city, the pub, the French guys.

  “One last word and maybe one of the most important: in the basement there is a library. There are a lot of shelves with antique books. I was visiting that house one day to buy a collection of books from the former owner, who died two years ago. He knew something. He showed me the collection and I noticed one book in particular, but he wasn’t aware of its value… the book is still there. It contains exactly the description and the uses of the amulet. Obviously, you can’t hold a magic ceremony, but read it. It will help you some time. I took notice of that book and stored it carefully. If nobody moved it, it should still be on the bottom shelf in the left corner.”

  I feel so excited and confused that I almost cannot stammer ‘thanks’ to Norton, who wishes us good night and hangs up.

  Eleyne’s Story:

  We’re all stunned after the conversation. The news that Norton has just announced to us has us completely shocked.

  “Evil people want it too,” I mutter, “this fucking sounds like some crazy sword and magical fantasy story. Well, I do like reading them but I don’t particularly feel up to going on a quest of whatever kind.”

  “Unless our quest is visiting you guys during all those years to come,” Babette thinks aloud.

  “Well, you get that part right, that’s a quest I would go willingly on anytime,” I smile at her. I then wink at the guys who seem to want to say something, but Yasmin breaks in.

  “Colin, let’s go down to that library. Help me find this book before we get busy with other things.” And they both leave the room.

  “Gals, you really need to be careful. Even if Norton said that this magic somehow favours you, you can’t play with it so lightheartedly,” Tony says, concerned. Jim and Ted back him up in this matter.

  “We will be,” we both promise smiling angelically at them, but we both know we would willingly face any danger to live again the kind of moments we have had here with them. Silence remains for a minute or two before Jim asks another question.

  “Do you think Norton really meant Yasmin’s bosses from the Paranormal Institute when he said ‘superiors?’”

  “I have no clue, but she’ll have to report to them anyway after coming back. She gets financed by them. She has to tell them something,” Babette answers. At this moment Yasmin and Colin enter the living room with an old volume in their hands, and she hears the last exchange.

  “Anything is possible, guys,” she answers. “And yes, I do have to report, but I simply won’t mention the amulet.”

  “Yeah, we can play complete idiots,” I sigh, “it shouldn’t be too difficult. What about this book?” I ask her.

  “I have it here,” she lifts it up. “Well, I’m going to read it later. Now I’ll just keep it in your bedroom,” she addresses Colin, “Norton said it’s time to say our goodbyes, so why don’t you choose the outfits for us and then we can say our goodbye to you?” She looks at the guys.

  “That’s a good idea. Let’s use the remaining time in such a way that you won’t forget.” I support her. “Don’t worry about us guys, we’ll be careful. And remember we’ll meet again.”

  They’re still concerned, but it seems that our words soothe them.

  “We want to repeat the recording session. Ted, want to join with Babette?” Tony offers.

  “Yeah, why not?” he answers.

  “I think we’ll join too,” says Colin smiling at Yasmin.

  The guys follow us upstairs to their respective bedrooms. Jim follows us and then they both select an outfit for me. This time they choose a red, cupless teddy made of lace. Of course it has to be accompanied by stockings and high-heeled shoes. And also... Tony picks it from the night table - my collar.

  “I could only wish it could made you stay,” he sighs, “but I guess you don’t contest the divinities.”

  I rub my face on his cheek and ask.

  “Do you want me to wear it now or after I finish putting the teddy on?”

  ‘Now, Eleyne. Just lift up your hair.” I do, Jim helps me from behind, I have a lot of hair and some forgotten locks keep on escaping. Tony fastens the collar, the soft leather touches my skin again. This time I know what I feel. Their dominant emotions and possessiveness mix with some of my willingness to submit to anything they might come up with. And so far I know all their ideas were sexually brilliant. However, there’s one more facet of this complicated mix, and it feels like a wild beast waking up in me, a wild beast that they will have to tame and make their domesticated obedient pet. My pussy stirs, I know they are capable of doing this. And I know the process of taming will be very pleasurable.

  “Change, Eleyne,” Tony caresses my cheek, ‘we’ll wait for you here.”

  I go to the bathroom, I also decide to correct my make-up a bit and apply some perfume here and there. All of these things don’t really take me much time, but when I’m already to go out I hear an impatient knock on the door. I open it.

  “Easy, guys. I’m ready,” but they just stare at me mesmerised. I can see their breath accelerating, after a moment they just grab me, fasten the leash to the collar, stunning me a bit with their ferocity. Tony starts kissing me while Jim kneads my boobs, after a moment they swap. The kisses and caresses light me up, the fire starts to burn in my pussy. I reach out to them and begin to undress them. But before I unbutton their shirts they pull me out of the bedroom.

  “Let’s go down to the studio,” Tony growls into my ear, biting it, making me moan while a heat wave flows over me, “I want you on the tape.”

  We stumble down, kissing crazily on the stairs. I still try to undress them but when we reach the studio all I have managed is to unbutton their shirts. Ted and Babette are already down there, he’s turning on the recording equipment. Babette is bringing cushions to the floor in the studio. I help her as soon as the guys let me out of their hands to adjust the mics. It doesn’t take them much time and soon I have them on me again. I can feel their heat and greed for my body when their lips and hands start to caress me again. I try to remove their clothes now, to get them naked for me but somehow I can’t. They are dodging me and still stay partially dressed. I whimper, I want to feel their skin, to touch it, to lick and kiss but Jim grabs my arms and pulls them up and behind my head.

  “Please, Tony, please, Jim.” I beg them. I want. I want them to distraction.

  ”Kneel down, Eleyne. Be a nice pet and asks us. Ask us nicely for what you want.” I hear Tony’s voice purring loud enough for the mic to record it.

  “Tony…” I moan while my legs buckle and I land on the cushions anyway, Jim’s holding my hands up, so my fall hasn’t been violent for my knees. Tony’s in front of me now, his crotch is directly in front
of my face. I can see his pants are tenting up, his dick is hard and erect under the fabric and I can’t touch it. “Tony, please, let me. I want you.” I can feel Jim’s hips behind my head and I know he’s got a hard on as well. “Jim, please. Let me touch your cocks. I want to suck them. Let me do it.”

  I try to fawn my face against Tony’s crotch. Oh, yes he’s hard indeed. “Let me suck your cock, Tony. I want it. Please.” I repeat trying to catch the zipper into my teeth. I’m desperate, I want it now.

  “So eager?” I hear from my behind. Jim’s rubbing his hips against the back of my head.

  “Jim, please.” But at the same time I feel Tony’s hand on my jaw.

  “You want it, baby? Say it again. Say it loud. I want it on the tape. And say my name.”

  “Tony, please let me suck your cock.” I beg him now, I still can’t touch him, Jim’s adamantly holding my hands. They must have arranged it beforehand. “Please, Tony, let me suck your dick. I want it in my mouth, please.” I repeat just to make sure Tony gets what he wants and my words got recorded. And I finally get my reward. He unzips his pants and his dick springs out proud and hard. I whimper. I want it. I get my tongue out and start to lick it up and down the shaft, then engulf the head and suck it eagerly. Soon I try to take as much as I can, Tony thrusts from the hip into my mouth while I whimper in frenzy.

  After a while they swap and tease me again, now I have to plead to Jim. However he’s so horny that he doesn’t hold long and after my first plea I get his cock. For what I think is a few minutes I just suck him while Tony restrains me, then I get them together. My hands get free and I just swap from one to another, sucking them in turns. I manage to remove their shirts now and run my hands over their bare chests. I lick and bite their nipples too, while my hands go and remove their pants completely. I finally have them both naked, just for me. I feel the desire burning in me, making me want to touch them, caress them and to let them do whatever they may want with me. Again I get Jim’s dick to lick and I do it avidly while Tony is licking and biting my nipples, making me moan loudly. His hands go down for my pussy, begin to caress it, sliding over my clit, now completely wet and slippery then sliding into my slit. I squirm crazily feeling his fingers inside me, in my pussy, then going for my arsehole, making me tremble in pleasure and moan his name.


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