The Stargate Black Hole

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The Stargate Black Hole Page 4

by V Bertolaccini

  At first he believed it had to be a black hole but he knew it was something else, and gasped and realized particle accelerators could actually create such occurrences!

  As he edged further in he saw how colossal a laboratory was further in and that hundreds of scientists were working there and his opinion changed, as they were surely not what he thought!

  He recognized some of the scientists and listened to them intensely but all they gave him was that they were carrying out a series of basic experiments.

  The shudders of objects to the sphere’s tremendous force gave him shudders and he watched the power of it, like it could destroy anything put against it, and he watched the scientists in the outer laboratory and started to notice their reactions to the dangers and that they were keeping away from it, and he was sure it was more recently discovered or altered in some way than he had realized!

  The antics of some scientists captivated him more and more – mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness and fear of something! Many repetitively studied controls of laboratory equipment, and he realized that they were intending to do something, at some point!

  None of them explained what it was or how it was formed and he believed that they would have discovered many other unknown things of interest.

  An audience formed in the outer room that baffled him when they gave loud accounts on the discovery of something, which for some reason they all avoided saying anything directly about.

  Many of the scientists were famous and the atmosphere was unbelievable, and as though the audience was waiting for something unbelievable and dangerous to occur!

  He sensed that most at least accepted him as being one of them, and he felt a shiver run through him as he sensed again something was going to occur! The thing looked entirely deadly and pulsating with energy, and looked and sounded on the brink of something!

  One outsider scientist looked the most confused and sat in a seat behind him examining everything, considering what had happened and was occurring, and perhaps why they had not told them much.

  Weaver at times spotted what looked like the shape of something inside it, and after along time of carefully examinations he was unable to see anything.

  It looked powerful and deadly! The new scientists there had surely learned new information from them and looked as if they were considering things.

  It looked like some form of freak show at angles, with strange lighting there.

  He watched some scientists and technicians bringing in equipment and arranging it around the front of the bubble, and he wondered what the hell they were doing and dealing with, and for a moment thought he saw the sphere shift.

  The scientists went to the edge of the chamber and entered a highly advanced clock near the black hole object’s field and the scientists reacted immediately when they noticed results and concluded that its precision digital numbers were being frozen, and it altered into strange forms as the clock was shifted slightly inwards, and they studied suspended partially transparent layers of it created by it, and most of the audience watched the phenomenon with amazement.

  Many scientists sat astounded and some filmed it and what might be an incredible historic occurrence and a discovery that might prove time travel existed and that might finally fully prove what it was!

  The scientists occasionally gave detailed explanations of what they were doing and believed was really occurring and one finally explained its formation and Weaver listened intensely, and he explained that particle accelerators on the Earth had for decades been confined to lower velocities until the invention of antigravity, artificial gravity, and forces that had been able to accelerate particles to incredible velocities, but their antigravity and forces had not been enough as the antigravity never fully eradicated the effect of gravity, and they used particle accelerators on the moon where it was able to work properly and eradicate the far lower gravity acting on it, and the particle accelerator had finally been made to increase particles to accelerations many times the velocity of light, and they had finally formed a time warp, with an intense magnetic field.

  Weaver learned that they had been unsuccessful in opening a gateway like a time machine and that they had only been able to send things into the near future through it and that they were still working on many projects.

  The clock edged into the confines of the warp bubble created magnificent optical effects with the clock, making it distort in twisted forms, deliberately designed for their stage performance.

  Weaver realized the implications of it though and that it was far dangerous than he had imagined, as if they managed to create a proper time machine, as they suggested, they could go about altering events throughout time, and he realized they could do anything to anyone with it and even stop or alter the modern world’s existence by eliminating key events!

  New leading scientists were allowed to investigate it and they crowded around it loudly discussing it, and they applauded it and announced it was the first discover of a form of time travel found.

  Most of the people watched on in wonder, and many watched on wondering what the hell it was, as it was far more different than he had thought!

  It looked as if it was rupturing the fabric of space and played with time, with properties of altering and suspending it, yet they fully explained that it was not a rupture in space itself and that they had made a warp in time!

  Many of leading scientists talked about working with it and carrying out numerous basic and complex experiments with all the equipment available to them, and they showed detailed information had been accumulated, but most was not currently available to them, and it left the other scientists and him wondering what else they had!

  Their abnormal antics at times were captivating, mystifying him with the depth of their fears of something else, and he had not seen scientists such as them actually react about anything such as it without there being something tremendously deadly!

  Chapter 7

  The Moonbase Bar

  Strange space art and rocket models about him vaguely captured his attention in the moonbase bar, and Weaver enjoyed drinks and enjoyed the low gravity effect with it, and he watched Reeves at the other side of a table drinking fast and laughing with another soldier beside him, and more of the soldiers arrived at the bar.

  It was incredible he had become a major individual in the group of scientists at the underground particle accelerator and they had gone out their way to keep in with him when they had discovered that he was an intelligence agent, and why he was put there!

  Even though his cover was blown it was not entirely blown as only major scientists there knew it and he was positive they would not do anything! They had been the ones that had contacted the military and intelligence agencies, and they had been so high-ranking and connected that they had him investigated and they had given them what they wanted!

  He had realized more about what he was doing there and that they had contacted them about the missing scientists and the gunmen outside the moonbase. He had given them his word that he would not deliberately give anything away he should not, and that had been good enough! He was capable of making mistakes there though, and he could not imagine how they could keep the particle accelerator confidential! The place was immense and the amount of scientists that they had allowed there were far more and far varied than there should be there!

  Even though he had cleaned up a few mysteries he still had many left! He still could not work out what the time warp would end up like when they had finished advancing it! What could a time gateway do? It fascinated him! If they created a time machine what would happen?

  He wondered if it was the worst discovery he had encountered, and what damage it could do to him?

  Yet it had to be exaggerated, and he wondered if it was actually possible to travel back in time! What damage could they do if they only traveled into the future, and could not travel back? It would be useless as far as he was concerned! They could do something like that by finding a way of fre
ezing people and defrosting them, and keeping them in some form of suspended animation!

  There was something else he could not grasp, and he kept going over everything trying to discover. Yet he was sure that the information had not been given to him, and he ignored it!

  He then wondered if it was possible to build a particle accelerator in space! Why did they have to be so large? Especially if they built only the tunnel and main components!

  He also noticed that they had mentioned that they had a form of antigravity, but was that far more dangerous? They could build unbelievable weapons, and why could they not find a way of creating full antigravity?

  Yet it only reduced the gravity by a certain amount! Yet they could enter immense loads into space using it! And he realized that could be how they managed to move such immense loads over to the moonbase!

  He wondered if aliens were involved, and recalled the voyager at Ice Station X1! Had they detected something else from outer space and were trying to cover it up? Or perhaps the technology behind the particle accelerator was from there and it was far more highly secretive!

  Weaver watched all the people in the moonbase bar and the different ways they reacted to the lower gravity, and felt light headed from it and the drink!

  He left it again, and saw he needed more intelligence, and he realized he might be able to get in with one of the Russian scientists that were there! He had been brought up believing Russian agents were the main potential enemy and he kept considering them responsible for such occurrences as spying and taking of secret intelligence and technology!

  He kept wondering why he never had memories of having such a situation! He was actually on the moon, and even though years before he had considered them building moonbases and had wondered why they had not gone through with it with confusion, he had been greatly surprised at how far they had actually gone and that they had managed to keep it all confidential!

  There was something far more unique about this case! Everything he had been confronted with was new! They were all connected, and he did not know what to do! Surely something must exist for him to grasp the big picture? If he could get what was connecting everything? There was something missing out of the puzzle he needed to solve things and grasp what was there!

  While they sat there the soldiers drank more and it seemed to increase, and he recalled that many of them at the ice station seemed to drink more.

  A solider started questioning Weaver about where he had been, when Weaver had been down investigating the lower moonbase, and he just laughed and ignored it.

  Reeves leaned over the table, with his face bright red, and told him that they were to go out and investigate outside the moonbase, which was dangerous, and he did not know what he wanted to do!

  Could they handle the gunmen out there? Yet they had to do their job, and they had space vehicles and proper air supplies, and he was sure that they might be able to trace the gunmen’s footsteps to where they came from!

  Chapter 8

  Moonbase X2

  Terrific explosions from missiles shattered all three space vehicles into wreckage in seconds and sent Weaver flying across the floor of a space vehicle!

  The whole vehicle was instantly thrown into complete darkness and through a window Weaver saw moondust and rocks, and he heard air being sucked out the vehicle and he realized that his spacesuit helmet was not on and he fitted it on at the same time as the other soldiers. Everyone had survived but the impact had destroyed the vehicle and they were unable to move away from their position on the lunar landscape, and he was sure that people had been hurt in at least one of the vehicles, and he heard through his helmet communicator one of them was on the brink of death!

  Suddenly he felt a missile being launched nearby and hitting a distant location.

  The openness and predictability of the attack was staggering to him and that they were powerful with such weapons there surely connected them to some powerful military group.

  The shattering thud had surely bruised his body somewhere!

  Whoever fired the missile and smashed the vehicle would surely be ready for them and would give another attack and they had to get outside and get into cover before they were killed!

  They quickly agreed what to do and rushed out the door to a position where the others were gathering, behind a hill of large boulders nearby.

  Once there he immediately followed their eyes through their spacesuits to a distant position behind two small hills where there was part of a vehicle visible.

  Who the hell could be there? None of them could get onto the moon without having a major country behind them! Unless they were part of some secret group at the moonbase! Yet what the hell were they doing? Did they intend to kill them all? Yet they had not been able solve what their identity was when they had first attacked them when they had arrived there!

  Whoever was there had to be crazy beyond anyone he had met or crazy to do something no matter what the outcome was?

  He was sure of it! Someone was determined to stop them doing something no matter what!

  Yet their mission was to have a look around outside and to trace where their footsteps led to from where they had attacked them, and he realized someone did have something there! He could also recall one of the scientists telling him that the scientist called Lucas had been there when he had vanished!

  What a stupid place for a battle or war! They could barely move properly and made numerous mistakes!

  He was confused at who could do it and he kept going through his mind, over and over, as if he was missing some vital clue! It never even looked like the moon at that position and looked like a large asteroid in orbit, with the sun blasting out at their side.

  Someone had just destroyed expensive American space vehicles at a confidential hidden American military moonbase!

  The lifeless sky showed him what the stars were really like and how insignificant the suns and worlds were They were nothing in the depths of space and the strange darkness was peculiar and so empty that he was sure that matter was the peculiarity and that nothingness was what should only exist, and he imagined himself at the outer edge of the universe viewing the suns and what really existed in the depths of space!

  A battle soon broke out between the two groups and they blasted missiles towards each other, and he started to see the advantages that they had over them, as they insisted in staying in their vehicles and he was sure that they had blind spots!

  He stared out into a strange dark region of the landscape at the lifelessness and saw the light from the planet Earth going across it like moonlight on the Earth, and was amazed that it was actually there, as though there as a reminder that he should be there instead of being on the moon!

  He felt objects about him and how weightless they felt and like light Earth rock, and he examined a dead soldier nearby at an overturned vehicle! Then he started feeling his body at the places where he had hit things! The spacesuit had not been damaged, and there were repair kits aboard the space vehicles, anyway!

  It was strange they had the whole moon to themselves, and they were the only ones outside on the surface and he started to like its peculiarities!

  He imagined thousands of years passing by and the Earth shifting through time and people starting to colonize the moon and massive structures being created, and he wondered what reasons they would stay there for.

  Was it one vast leap for mankind into space or for technology?

  Suddenly he saw the amount of air left in his spacesuit and gasped, and realized that they had put their foot in it again and that they would have to take drastic action!

  He heard one of the soldiers mention through his communicator of them contacting the moonbase and he realized that far more soldiers and vehicles were on their way! Yet he was sure that their enemy would escape at some point and he desperately wanted to get something on their identities or where they were staying!

  After a swift conversation with Commander Cavern they made an agreement for Weaver
to go over and check out the enemy without being seen, on his own, and he used a route that was over to the side that was covered over by small hills, and he shifted there fast, and far faster than he thought he could move there.

  He spotted one of the vehicles almost identical to theirs and wondered why it so closely resembled it. Was it people at the moonbase?

  He realized the advantages of them having the same vehicles as he knew their technology and capabilities and he knew where to sneak up on it without being seen!

  He could have brought a missile and destroyed it and was surprised that they had not even some proper defense! And he kept looking everywhere for anything.

  They could have at least put some hidden vehicle hidden in the background that was capable of seeing anything and destroying it!

  Yet they had technology to detect vehicles and things everywhere! And he considered the dangers of modern warfare!

  Surely they would need it at the moonbase, and he recalled trying to something, as they might have had recordings of the gunmen attacking them when they had landed on the moon, and he could have used it to trace them to where they went.

  If there was anything there he was not being allowed to know about it, and he considered having someone force them to give them the vital information!

  Once next to the vehicle he knew they could not kill him with its missiles and would have to climb out with guns!

  Yet though he was there he could not do anything, and did not want to do anything anyway, as he wanted to follow them to where they went! Yet the problem was that he only had so much air and he would have to return if they stayed there too long!

  A high-powered rifle blast on a nearby rock astonished him by making no sound, and being so close, and being from his group of soldiers, and he examined the impact on a rock in front of him, and realized how dangerous it was, as it smashed it to pieces, and he saw someone over at his vehicle with a rifle. The surprise was that it made no noise and had so much velocity and impact at that distance, and he wondered how far it could actually travel.


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