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TheSoldiersScoundrel Page 2

by VictoriaVallo

  “Oh, it’s you,” Garrick said, a glum look on his face. “I was hoping for someone more attractive since I’m going to be stuck in a cell again.”

  “You were caught stealing the last time you were here,” Bran said. “You’ll stay in a cell until your brother is ready to escort you home.”

  Garrick rolled his eyes. “I don’t see the point in escorting me back to my family. Dad will only give me tips on not getting caught next time.”

  Bran took Garrick by the arm and led him down toward the small bank of holding cells in one of the buildings behind the main house. “You’ve served your sentence. All we care about is you being escorted away from here.”

  Garrick looked around as they walked along the cobbled path. “Hmmm. Which one came?”

  “Which one?”

  “Which brother?”

  “Adam. He arrived yesterday.”

  Garrick groaned. “Gods, that one never shuts up. Little scoundrel. Acts so perfect and sweet.”

  Garrick disliking Adam seemed like a point in Adam’s favor, so Bran asked, “I take it he’s a favorite in your family?”

  “Mom’s favorite. Or close to it. Talk his way out of anything.” Garrick chuckled. “Or fuck his way out. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s put a bastard in some girl by now. Never could control his cock.”

  “You always talk about your baby brother that way?”

  “Baby? He’s gotta be twenty or so by now. And what do you care?” Now, Garrick smiled. “Oh, he making the rounds already?” He rolled his eyes again after giving Bran the once over. “You are his type.”

  “Am I?” Bran said.

  “Yep. Likes ‘em tall. Never understood that, he’s such a little runt. Likes his women tall, too.”

  “Castile has plenty to offer, so I doubt he’ll take notice of me,” Bran said, glad to open the door and push Garrick into his cell. “But I think he’ll be here for a visit soon. Talk about your plans, I guess.”

  Garrick turned as the cell door was closed, and he stuck his hands through the bars for Bran to remove the shackles. Bran did so as he tried to ignore the obnoxious way Garrick stared at him.

  “Any more questions about my little brother?” Garrick asked, a smirk coming to his lips.

  Bran walked away without replying. He hung the shackles on a nail in the wall and put the keys in the small desk in the corner. The desk and an old chair were the only furniture in the large room, which had a bank of five cells against the back wall. Bran sat down and propped his legs up, facing away from Garrick.

  “He’s actually pretty nice. Most of the time,” Garrick said. “And a pretty good lay from what I hear.”

  Bran bristled at that, mostly in disgust at the way this man talked about his own little brother, no matter how old he was. Bran reached for the book sitting on the desk, not caring what kind it was.

  “The Haunted Cove,” Garrick said, reading the title from across the room. “Very original title. I’m sure that will be much more interesting than talking to me.”

  “Most things are more interesting than talking to you,” a voice said from the doorway.

  Bran looked up and saw Adam standing there, staring Garrick down.

  “You say that now. You won’t be able to shut up on the way home, I’ll bet,” Garrick said.

  Adam held his brother’s gaze for another moment before looking over at Bran. “Hello, again. Did you do something wrong to get stuck out here?”

  “No. Just normal rotation,” Bran said.

  Adam’s gaze flicked over him a moment. “Do I need to sign in or anything?”

  “No. He’s a free man, technically, as soon as you’re ready to take responsibility for him.”

  Adam nodded. “We’ll leave the day after tomorrow, I think. He’ll be fine here until then.”

  “Why can’t we leave now?” Garrick asked. “We just have to get out of the city. I don’t want to stay locked up two more days just because you’ve met someone you want to fuck.”

  Adam took a couple of steps forward. “And who told you that? You just got here.”

  “Common sense.” He nodded toward Bran. “This one was curious about you. I didn’t have to ask why.”

  A muscle in Adam’s face moved, though his expression didn’t change. “He and I met yesterday. I’m sure he was just making small talk to pass the time.”

  Bran rose and took the book with him. “I’ll give you two time to talk.”

  Adam shook his head. “No need. Nothing to say, though I would like to talk to you a moment, if that’s all right.”

  Garrick chuckled and mumbled, “Knew it.”

  Adam glared at his brother but then returned his focus to Bran.

  “Yes, I can step outside a moment,” Bran said, gesturing for Adam to exit first. He pulled the door closed behind them and looked down at Adam.

  “I wanted to apologize,” Adam said. “I was too forward.”

  “You were. Apology accepted.”

  Adam smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes. There was no harm done.”

  “You aren’t angry?”

  “No. I was a bit annoyed, I guess, but it’s fine, really.”

  Adam licked his lips. “Then, could I see you tonight?”

  “See me?”

  “Yes. Spend some time together.”

  “You’re leaving soon.”

  “That matter?”

  Bran hesitated. “I guess it depends on what you have in mind.”

  “Show me around Castile. I’ve never been here before. Isn’t there some kind of festival going on?”

  “Yes, a food festival. They always have one here when it starts to warm back up.”

  “Just come walk around with me. Eat some food, have a drink. You’re too big for me to take advantage of, and you’ve proven you can resist me.”

  “Don’t you want to spend time with your other brother?”

  “I’m spending plenty of time with Viktor during the day. I want to show you I can be serious.”

  Serious? What’s he talking about? “All right. Not sure what you mean exactly.”

  “Just want to show you I’m not always flippant. Or looking to get laid, no matter what Garrick may have said.”

  “Don’t worry about what he said. He’s not exactly reliable.”

  Adam laughed. “No, he’s definitely not.”

  “I’ll come find you around sunset.”

  Adam’s face lit up as he smiled. “Great. See you then.” He turned and trotted away, throwing one last smile over his shoulder.

  He doesn’t seem so bad. Kind of sweet. Bran thought about what Garrick had said but dismissed the thought. Adam was still so young that sweetness was probably genuine. He sighed and hesitated before going in, casting his gaze after Adam again. Viktor’s nice enough, nothing like Garrick. Not fair to blame Adam for some of his family.

  Bran opened the door and walked back over to the desk.

  “That was quick,” Garrick said.

  “We were just talking.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure.”

  Bran sat down and turned away from Garrick again, his mind having its own little debate as he read about a group of children trying to banish a pirate ghost from their town.

  * * * *

  Adam smiled and waved when he spotted Bran. Just a few short hours and he won’t be able to get to my bed fast enough. Delighted as he’d been at Bran’s readiness to forgive him, Adam hadn’t truly been surprised. He’d felt the same draw the second time they’d met, and an entire evening together would give Adam plenty of chances to work his magic.

  “Hi,” Adam said.

  “Hi,” Bran said. “How was your day?”

  I was distracted thinking of you the entire time. “Good. I helped Viktor fix a door. Then I went on patrol with him. The most exciting thing was a report of stolen fruit.”

  “Ah, probably children.”

  “That’s what he thought.” Adam smiled up at Bran. “I’m glad you came.”

  “You thought I’d change my mind?”


  “I always keep my word.”

  “You seem like the type.”

  “Do I?”

  Adam nodded slowly.

  “Then let me assure you of one thing.”

  Adam took a step closer. “What?”

  Bran leaned down and whispered, “You’re not getting me in bed. I’m not denying my interest. Just saying I’m not going to act on it with someone I’ll never see again.”

  Oh, I do love making men eat their words. Adam tried to sober his expression, nodding in a way he hoped seemed sincere. “Fair enough. Is my interest still that obvious?”

  “Yes. Your eyes give you away.” He paused. “Very expressive.”

  Don’t say you aren’t coming to my bed and then tell me I have expressive eyes. That’s just not fair. But Adam stepped back, deciding not to voice that thought and potentially ruin their evening. “Take it as a compliment? Show me around even though I’m a vile seducer?”

  Bran seemed to relax a little. “Your brother called you a scoundrel.”

  “Scoundrel? Hardly. I’m one of the most honest men in my family.”

  “Are you?”

  “Yes. I believe in honesty. It’s not wrong to tell you I planned on seducing you. Or to let you know that I’m disappointed.”

  “Do you still want to spend the evening with me?”

  “Of course.” Adam crossed his arms, pretending to be offended. “I do have friends, you know.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Bran began walking toward the gates. “Come on. I’ll show you the best stalls. I’ve been here just long enough to know who the best cooks are.”

  “How long have you been here?” Adam asked.

  “Almost four months.”

  “You been a soldier long?”

  “Since I was sixteen.”

  “Did you fight in the Battle of Jalal, when they tried to overthrow the old king?”

  Bran laughed loudly. “How old do you think I am?”

  Adam tried to remember how long ago that battle was, but he found he couldn’t. “I don’t know. It wasn’t that long ago.”

  “It was fifteen years ago. I was eleven. And it was called the Battle of Jalal’s Mount. The king had retreated to his hideaway in the mountains with his mistress, and his cousin thought he could sneak up there and kill him. It was a needless battle. Lots of men died for nothing.”

  “In Wrekin, we’re less interested in dates and more interested in good stories.”

  “I’ve never seen intense combat and hope I never will,” Bran said, his face somber and his eyes fixed ahead.

  “That’s odd. For a soldier. Most of the ones I’ve known long for battle,” Adam said, starting to see what Viktor meant about Bran.

  “I know. There are other things I love about the life. Traveling. Meeting people. Helping them. We often come in after fires and storms to help people rebuild. There’s always good to be done.”

  “Never heard anyone talk about soldiering that way.”

  “Well, you are from Wrekin.”

  “And proud of it. Where are you from?”

  Bran finally looked at him again. “I was born in the royal city. Lived there until I was about five. Then my family moved north into Mera.”

  “Was your father a soldier?”

  “Carpenter. My mother’s father was in the royal army.”

  “My family’s a bit less respectable.”

  “That’s fine. You aren’t defined by them.”

  “Thank you,” Adam said without thinking. “I…” He trailed off, not sure what he’d meant to say.

  They’d just reached the edge of the festival, and the streets had become more crowded. Bran stopped, putting his hand on Adam’s arm. “Why don’t we focus on having a good time and forget about your siblings and all their flaws? You deserve to have a good time before you’re stuck on the road with Garrick.”

  Adam blinked, his brain a bit addled by the warmth of Bran’s hand on his arm. Feeling they were getting a bit too serious, he asked, “Was he that annoying today?”

  “Annoying enough that I don’t envy you being stuck with him.”

  “Then show me a good time. Everything smells great.”

  Bran smiled. “Then let’s start with some blue beer.”

  “Blue beer?” Adam asked as they began weaving their way through the crowd.

  “Yes. That stall up ahead with the blue flag. A very light ale with blueberries. But don’t worry, it’s not sweet like holiday beer. It’s just the way to start an evening.”

  Then let’s get started because I can’t wait to see how it ends. “Lead the way then,” Adam said, glad he hadn’t given up too easily on this intriguing man.

  Chapter Two

  Bran rolled over in his bed, which felt very big because he lay in it alone. He sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. This is what I wanted. I helped him to his own bed and then I came to mine. Alone. Like I wanted. Like I planned.

  But he couldn’t stop thinking about the way the light had dimmed in Adam’s eyes as he’d backed away and said good night. The moment hadn’t been at all seductive, yet Bran had felt the pull to stay. Adam had been sitting on the edge of his bed, where Bran had carefully deposited him, and the younger man had simply nodded and said good night graciously. Bran had wanted to join him there, but not to fuck him. Just to stay close to him, to be near him and keep talking. More would’ve happened, of course, but Bran hadn’t been thinking with his cock in that moment. They’d had a wonderful time once he’d been able to shake Adam out of his self-consciousness regarding his family. And break past his flirtatious and overly confident façade.

  He’s sweet. And honest. And mystified I walked away from him without even a kiss or touch. Bran sighed as he reminded himself that Adam would be leaving soon. He had his own life to get back to, one that seemed to be full of friends and good times. Even if Adam stayed in Castile, Bran had no idea how long he’d be staying there. His troop might be called elsewhere before too long, and he’d never considered staying behind for a lover.

  Was that wrong? Was that the problem?

  Martin came to mind again, and Bran closed his eyes as he thought about their days and nights together. Bran had loved so many things about him, but in the end, he’d gotten over the other man without much pain. Their infatuation could’ve turned to love, but Bran’s refusal to compromise had cooled their passion. And changed their dynamic in other ways, too. They hadn’t really argued, but Martin hadn’t had any trouble leaving in the middle of the night. And Bran hadn’t even tried to go after him. Bran opened his eyes and sat up in bed, shaking his head.

  Why do I keep thinking about Martin? I was doing it even before meeting Adam. Bran didn’t feel particularly lonely, and yet…

  A knock came at the door.

  Bran pulled his pants on and walked over to the door. Viktor stood there, looking solemn.

  “What’s going on?” Bran asked, rubbing one eye.

  “I need Adam. Our brother escaped, and I need to know what he wants to do,” Viktor said.

  Bran hesitated, not sure how he felt about Viktor assuming he and Adam had spent the night together. They had seen Viktor and Thomas the night before, but Bran didn’t think they’d looked that amorous as they’d stuffed their faces with apple fritters and waved to the other two men. “Adam isn’t here.”

  “It’s barely sunrise. Where else could he be?” Viktor asking, a puzzled expression coming to his face.

  “His own room. I took him there just after midnight. We both ate and drank way too much, and I walked him to his room so he wouldn’t get turned around and lost in the house.”

  Viktor actually leaned to the left to look into Bran’s room. When he straightened, he said, “But he’s not in his room. And he doesn’t get up this early. Ever.”

  Bran weighed his words carefully. “Is it at all possible … he’s with Garrick?” He doubted it, but in the end, he didn�
��t know Adam that well.

  “Not willingly,” Viktor said sharply. “They don’t care for each other. Adam wouldn’t help him.”

  “Not even for money?”

  Viktor stiffened, narrowing his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve only known him for two days. I meant no offense.”

  “No, not even for money.”

  “What’s going on?” a voice asked.

  Bran turned and saw Adam approaching, a look of confusion and worry on his face.

  “What are you doing here?” Bran asked before Viktor could say anything.

  Adam actually turned pink as he flicked his gaze to his brother. “You said you rise early to take a walk. I thought I’d come with you.”

  “No time. Garrick escaped,” Viktor said.

  “What?” Adam yelped, panic in his eyes.

  Bran’s focus stayed with Adam as the younger man’s entire demeanor changed, his body tensing and his expression showing a riot of dismay and worry.

  Viktor said, “Yes. I went to your room, but you weren’t there. I came here next.”

  Adam pressed his lips together, his eyes darting back and forth as his gaze went to the ground. “I needed some air to wake myself up. I strolled through the market outside the gate for a bit, talking to the farmers setting their wares up.” He looked between the two men, his gaze moving over Bran’s bare chest for a moment. “No alarm was raised.”

  “And there won’t be one,” Viktor said. “Not for a thief who’s already served his time. And the guard fell asleep, so there’s no injury or anything to seek retribution for. But I thought you’d want to know. The vane only wants the area swept for him. Going after him is up to you. I came to see what you wished to do.”

  Adam looked so pained, and Bran wondered what was going on. “I can help you look, if it’s important to you,” Bran said.

  Adam looked into his eyes, many emotions swirling there. “I promised our mother I’d bring him home. She’s tired of his aimless ways. She wants him to go with our father on his next quest. I gave her my word I’d see him safely home.”


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