The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts) Page 77

by Lylah James

  My cheeks heated under her words, and I bit on my lips shyly.

  Ayla Ivanshov.

  I liked the sound of that. Actually, I loved it.

  “You will be Ayla Ivanshov in no time,” Maddie said. “I’m sure of it.”

  “That’s what I just said,” Nina said, rolling her eyes.

  Maddie placed her hands on her hips. “Whatever, bitch.”

  “Yeah whatever, stupid cow,” Nina mumbled under her breath.

  “Did you just call me a stupid cow?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Nope. Not interested,” Nina snapped drily.

  I watched them bicker back and forth, my eyes wide. What universe did I just get transported in?

  Maddie paused and then busted out laughing. “I never thought I would say this. I think I like you, bitch.”

  Nina shook her head and turned back to me. Giving me a nod, she turned to walk away.

  “Wait,” I called down. A question was burning in my mind.

  “You said your name was Nina Ivanshov. How is your name Ivanshov?” I asked curiously.

  Nina faced me and crossed her arms. “Only a small set of people have the privilege to take the Ivanshov name. Only the most loyal. I am one of them. Alessio trusts me with his life. And yours. My loyalty to this family comes first…before anything else. And now my loyalty is extended to you.”

  Maddie nodded. “I forgot to tell you. My name is Maddie Ivanshov too. Same as Mum. Viktor. Nikolay and Phoenix. We all carry the Ivanshov name. It’s kind of a tradition for the most fiercely loyal people to the Boss.”

  “Although I never thought Nina would take the name,” Maddie continued, staring at Nina curiously.

  “You know nothing about me. But it’s not like I have to hide my identity any longer. You will know my truth soon enough, so it would be best that you don’t anger me. I hate annoying pests,” Nina replied lazily.

  The threat was there, but Maddie just chuckled.

  “I think we’ll be good friends.” She winked while laughing.

  Nina’s back straightened, and her expression changed to a hard look. “I’m not here to make friends.”

  That sentence did something to me. It reminded me so much of Alessio. The one who tried so hard to push me away.

  I wanted to rebuke Nina, tell her that everyone needed friends, but I stayed quiet.

  She stared at us for a second. Maddie’s arms were wrapped around me, and I was leaning into her. Nina shook her head and took out her cellphone.

  “They’re coming,” Nina simply said.

  With that, she walked out of the door. Maddie and I stared at each other.

  Alessio was back. My heart suddenly felt a hundred times lighter.

  Maddie helped me out of the bed, and we walked down the stairs together. As I reached the last landing, I saw Alessio coming through the main doors.

  He came in first, looking big and fierce. His stance exuded dominance. Behind him, to his left, Viktor and Phoenix walked closely. Nikolay was to his right.

  His most trusted men flanked his sides as they walked inside the house. They all had the same dark aura surrounding them. Their expensive suits did nothing to make them look less dangerous.

  My feet took me forward, moving me toward Alessio before I could stop myself. We met in the middle, our bodies molding together.

  Alessio held the back of my neck, pulling me closer. His fingers wrapped around my hair, pulling my head back. His breathing was ragged as he stared down at me with intense blue eyes.

  His fingers tightened around my hair, and he brought my head closer. His lips descended toward me, and my heart hitched when his mouth met mine.

  Alessio kissed me roughly, demanding access. I opened my lips, surrendering to him. His tongue swirled around mine in a fierce battle. He gripped my hair at the nape of my neck, giving it a sharp tug.

  He kissed me desperately, almost savagely. I returned his kiss with the same fervor, my hands going to his shoulders to hold on.

  His lips moved over mine, never once breaking our kiss. His kiss turned deeper, more aggressive. I was drunk on his kisses while he seemed lost in me.

  Alessio claimed me in front of everyone.

  I heard a loud roar. From the driveway, the courtyard, the whole mansion exploded. The men roared out their victory. The women clapped, joining this joyous moment.

  Alessio and I kissed as our people celebrated.

  The proud screaming continued, and I knew it wouldn’t end soon.

  After all, the war just ended.

  The Italians had lost.

  And the Russians had won.

  Chapter 26

  My heart drummed in my chest as the realization settled around my shoulders.

  Alessio’s kisses didn’t slow down. No, he continued to claim my lips in a possessive kiss, making my heart flutter with so much love.

  I returned his kisses with the same fervor, as if we were starving for each other. Maybe it was the adrenaline of winning.

  His fingers tightened in my hair as he bit on my lower lip. “I’m home,” he muttered roughly.

  I pulled away, my fingers still holding the back of his neck. Smiling up at Alessio, I leaned up for another kiss.

  “Welcome home, my love,” I whispered against his lips.

  He groaned, his arm growing tighter around my waist. If it wasn’t for my rounded belly, our bodies would have been molded together.

  “Say that again,” he demanded.

  “Welcome home, my love.”

  “The last part. Say it again,” he ordered, kissing my lips.

  I let out a small laugh, feeling my cheeks heating up. I was blushing. How was that even possible after everything we had done together?

  My fingers caressed the back of his neck as I gazed into his bluish steel-colored eyes lovingly. “My love,” I whispered again, just loud enough for only his ears.

  Alessio smirked and pulled his head back, roaring with happiness. “We have won!”

  I laughed, holding him to me.

  Yes. We have won.

  I swallowed past the lump around my throat. My father was gone. Alberto was gone. The Italians were under the Ivanshov family.

  I didn’t think this day would come, but here I was, seeing it with my own eyes. Experiencing it.

  I should have been shattered that my family, the Abandonatos, had lost.

  But I wasn’t. Simply because the Abandonatos weren’t my family. They never were.

  My real family had won, and I was going to celebrate with them.

  The guys came and clapped Alessio on the back. Then they hugged me. There were many hugs and kisses. Laughter and huge smiles.

  They treated me and pulled me in as their own.

  When the roars of victory finally settled down, Alessio bent his head to my ear. “I have to take care of some things. I’ll see you tonight.”

  My eyes found his, and I pouted. “Do you have to go? You only just came back.”

  Alessio’s intense blue eyes glowed fiercely at my words. Almost possessively. “I have to, Angel. It’s important. Now that he is gone, I have to clean up his fucking mess. Get everything straightened out under new rules.”

  The way he sneered the words out, I almost shuddered.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask Alessio how he killed Alberto. How he ended it. But I refrained myself in the last second.

  Maybe it was better I didn’t have the details.

  Alessio placed another quick kiss on my lips before pulling away. I couldn’t help myself. My lips pursed in another pout.

  He sighed before kissing my pout. Hard. A bruising kiss that had his dominance all over it.

  “No pouting. You’re making it harder to leave,” he growled low.

  That was the plan. Not that I was going to say it out loud.

  Alessio sent me a wink before walking upstairs, the guys following behind him.

  A sigh escaped past my lips when Mad
die came to stand beside me.

  “A little less PDA next time, babe. It would be highly appreciated. Thank you very much,” she teased with a raised eyebrow.

  I closed my eyes tightly, feeling my cheeks burn under her gaze. “Oh. Now you’re blushing! Look at you all red. What about when Alessio was practically mauling you in front of twenty other people?”

  I heard a smack, and my eyes opened to see Lena glaring at Maddie. “Behave.”

  Maddie laughed and winked at me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the kitchen. “Let’s go, babe.”

  I took my seat at the stool, watching Maddie get us some lunch. “Do you need any help?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Just sit down. You shouldn’t even be out of bed. Remember what Ivy said? She wants you on bed rest most of the time. I’m surprised Alessio didn’t haul your ass back to bed.”

  Maddie paused, shaking her head. “Never mind. He was busy doing something else.”

  Her teasing tone just made her words funnier. My shoulders shook with silent laughter.

  Maddie brought two plates to the counter. Before she could take a seat, my hands lashed out, my fingers gripping her wrist.

  “We’re not eating until you talk to me, Maddie.”

  My voice was firm yet gentle. She needed to talk to me. Maddie was holding everything inside. I knew it was slowly eating her alive.

  Her haunted eyes found mine, and she shook her head. “Ayla.”

  I ignored her warning tone and pressed on. “What are you hiding? Why don’t you want to tell me? I know that Artur hurt you, and I know that it’s hard to imagine. I couldn’t believe it at first either. He betrayed Alessio. But he betrayed you too. I know it hurts, but you’re hiding something else.”

  Maddie snatched her wrist from my hand. “Stop it, Ayla!”

  I stood up so I could hug her. My arms wrapped around her shoulders. “You know you can tell me anything, Maddie. I’ll be there for you. I can’t see you like this. You remind me of myself. How I used to be before. It’s not easy to see you like this.”

  She struggled out of my arms, her glare intense. I had seen her angry before but never angry at me. This time her glare was directed at me.

  “You don’t know anything!” she screamed.

  “Because you won’t tell me,” I replied softly.

  Her chest was heaving with each breath she took. I saw tears filling her eyes, and she sniffled, taking another step away from me.

  It broke my heart, seeing her like this.

  “I lost him!” she hissed.

  My shoulders sagged. “I know. I’m sorry, Maddie. I’m so sorry he turned out to be the traitor,” I replied, my voice broken too.

  Maddie shook her head, her tears freely running down her cheeks. “No. I lost him. I lost…my baby.”

  Her words were choked out, but they rung so clear. Her words seemed loud even though they were whispered.

  Maddie’s knees gave out, and she sunk to the floor soundlessly. She hunched over as she held her stomach in a fetal position. Her sobs were loud and heart wrenching.

  I lost…my baby.

  I stared at Maddie, speechless. My heart stuttered, and I felt suddenly weak in my knees. My hand instinctively went to my stomach, holding my baby bump.

  Maddie was pregnant?

  Tears blinded my vision as her sobs made their way straight to my heart. Her words kept ringing through my ears.

  I looked at Maddie so heartbroken, and my heart ached for her. I couldn’t imagine losing my little princess. It would break me beyond repair.

  Just then, she gave a little kick, and my hand rubbed over the bump.

  “He shot me…he freaking shot me…and killed my baby. How could he do that, Ayla? Why?” Maddie wailed.

  I stepped closer, trying to kneel down beside Maddie. It was hard, but I eventually settled down beside her. My arms went around her shoulders, pulling her shaking body to mine.

  Maddie buried her face in my neck, her tears an endless flow. “He killed…my…baby.”

  I knew what Artur had done, but I didn’t know the extent of the damage. He killed his own baby. Their baby.

  My arms tightened around Maddie as we cried. She cried for her loss while I held her. Her pain seeped into my pores as if I was feeling it for myself.

  “I’m sorry, Maddie. I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

  They were the only words I had for her. What could I say? Her loss wasn’t something that could be fixed with mere words.

  “I didn’t know,” I continued. Princess continued to kick, rolling around in my stomach, and suddenly I felt sick.

  Maddie had to watch me every day. She had to look at my baby bump and be reminded of her loss. How did she survive?

  How did she not hate me?

  I was the living reminder of what she could have had.

  Maddie’s hand moved to my stomach, her touch feather-light.

  “Right now, he would have still been too small for me to feel him move.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “I’m sorry.”

  There was another small kick from Princess as Maddie caressed the bump. “Now, I will never feel my baby kick,” she whispered through her tears. “I will never get a chance to hold him.” Maddie continued to cry. She kept cradling the baby bump, almost protectively.

  I always wondered why Maddie loved holding my stomach so much. Sometimes she laid down beside me and left her hand over my baby bump for hours until I fell asleep.

  She always found a chance to touch my stomach and feel the baby move.

  Now I understood why she did it.

  I laid my hand over hers, both of us holding Princess. “They would have grown up together,” I whispered.

  Maddie nodded. “They would have. In a perfect world, I can see them playing together. Fighting. Laughing. But always loving each other. Maybe even a wedding later on.”

  My chin wobbled with the effort to hold my tears in. I had to be strong…for Maddie.

  “They would have been inseparable,” she continued.

  “Maddie,” I soothed.

  We stayed silent for a few minutes, both of us lost in the perfect world we imagined.

  “I can’t have kids anymore.”

  My eyes snapped open at her words. My heart may have stopped beating for a second, and then it drummed against my ribcage harder than before.

  “What?” I sputtered.

  “From my cancer, it was almost impossible for me have kids. I gave up hope a long time ago. But then it happened. I was pregnant, and I was so happy, Ayla. So damn happy. It was a miracle. I was going to have a baby,” she broke off at the end.

  A loud sob wracked her body. “Then he was taken away from me. Ripped away from me. And then I found out I can’t have kids anymore. The bullet damaged my womb. I can’t ever…carry…a baby again.”

  “No,” I said, completely horrified.

  Maddie nodded. “My ability to have a baby was taken away from me before. I was given one chance, and that too was ripped away from me.”

  Her tears soaked my neck and dress. My own tears left a wet trail down my cheeks.

  How did Maddie hold all of that in for so long?

  My heart was hurting for her.

  “You know, Ayla, since I lost him, I’ve wondered…why me? Why did I have to lose my baby?”

  I stayed silent, but my hands never stopped caressing her back, soothing her with my touch when my words failed me.

  Maddie pulled her face away from my neck and stared at me. I swiped her tears away and she squeezed her eyes shut. “It was meant to be. I see it as a sacrifice. It’s the only way I can get over this. It sounds weird when I say it out loud.” She chuckled drily. “In losing my baby, we gained you back.”

  The words slammed right into me, and I stared at her with wide eyes. “So it was meant to be. I want to believe that I had a hand in saving you. If I didn’t catch Artur that day, then maybe we would have never found you. If it all hadn’t taken place, maybe you wouldn
’t be here with us right now. That’s how I see it,” she continued when I stayed silent. “It was a sacrifice to get you back, and I will never regret it.”

  I shook my head, refusing to believe what I was hearing. “Maddie, you can’t mean that.”

  She gave me a small broken smile. “Yes, I lost my baby. I will never get that chance again, but I got you back. I gave Alessio his Angel. It’s not something I will ever regret.”

  Her fingers caressed my rounded belly. “And I saved Princess too. I couldn’t save my baby, but I saved her. We lost one but we gained another.”


  “You wanted the truth. This is the truth, Ayla.”

  My shoulders sagged in defeat, and I stared at her hand, the one that was resting on my stomach. “I’m sorry.”

  Maddie shook her head and wrapped her arms around me for a hug. “It’s not your fault, and I don’t want you to be sorry for me. It’s hard. It hurts so much sometimes, Ayla. Sometimes, I can’t sleep. All I do is cry. It’s hard to close my eyes. It’s hard to continue moving on, but I have to do it. My heart will always hurt with my loss, but I know…eventually the pain will be less.”

  She pulled away and sent me a wink. “I have a princess too. She will make the pain less.” Maddie paused and then smiled. “What am I saying? She already makes my heart overflow with love.”

  Maddie bent down and placed a sweet kiss over my belly. “I will never regret this.”

  I was in awe with this woman. How she managed to be this strong…I didn’t know.

  “Maddie,” I started saying, but she shushed me.

  “Promise me we won’t ever speak of this again. You wanted to know so I told you, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I want to bury it behind me and move on. Please, Ayla. Promise me.”

  I couldn’t do anything but nod. We hugged, our hold tight on each other.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “Love you too, babe. We got this.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Just promise me though. Don’t hurt yourself by keeping it inside. When it gets too much, talk to me. I will be there for you. Sometimes just talking makes everything easier.”

  “I promise,” she said, pulling away.


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