Life of Crime

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Life of Crime Page 10

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘Shake Ted’s hand then. Say hello properly,’ Peggy ordered.

  Jason did as he was told. Ted was a lanky dark-haired Irish bloke who had a dreadful taste in clothes. The cream suit he was wearing looked horrendous. He stood out like a sore thumb.

  ‘The bride’s arrived,’ somebody shouted.

  Jason took his place at the front of the aisle. This was it. Shit or bust.

  Johnny Brooks squeezed his wife’s hand as the vows were exchanged. Carol was smiling broadly, but crying at the same time.

  Jason grinned at his bride. She looked lovely in her dress and he was actually looking forward to ripping it off her later and making love to her for the first time. ‘I promise to care for you above all others, to give you my love and friendship, support and comfort, and to respect and cherish you throughout our lives together,’ he vowed.

  Tracey Thompson was secretly seething. She’d been sure Jason would get cold feet and couldn’t believe he’d gone through with it. She didn’t believe he loved Mel. He was only marrying her because her father was loaded, she thought bitterly.

  ‘So it is fucking true,’ a voice bellowed from the back.

  Johnny Brooks looked around in horror.

  ‘You no-good deceitful little cunt. What type of son gets married without telling their own mother, eh?’

  ‘Mum, can we just go?’ Babs begged, tears streaming down her face.

  Jason wanted the ground to open up and swallow him as his drunken mother marched towards him. The guests looked shell-shocked and he could fully understand why.

  ‘Are you having a party, Jase?’ Elton asked.

  ‘Get rid of her, Jase,’ Melissa hissed.

  ‘You don’t wanna be marrying him, girl. He don’t love any bastard other than himself. Only reason he’s getting hitched is because your family are cake-o,’ Debbie slurred loudly.

  ‘Do something, Johnny,’ Carol urged. She couldn’t quite believe what was happening.

  Johnny Brooks stood up. ‘How dare you turn up here uninvited and ruin my daughter’s wedding. Get out! Go on, before I physically throw you out.’

  ‘Who d’ya think you are? Rambo? Ya fucking midget,’ Debbie retorted.

  Peggy Rampling stood up, hands on her hips. She’d never met her other three grandchildren and had no wish to. ‘Look at the state of you, ya drunken trollop. No wonder the boy didn’t want you at his wedding. You’d break the fucking camera. Barging in ’ere with all your unwanted kids in tow, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself,’ she yelled.

  As the fiasco continued, Tracey Thompson grinned and said a silent thank you to God. She had been praying that something like this would happen.


  ‘Pass me the salt and pepper, love,’ Johnny Brooks said to his wife. He’d hired a professional catering company to cook and serve the hundred and thirty guests.

  Carol studied her daughter’s face. ‘Ruined Mel’s day, all that drama did. You know how I hate the C word. Never felt so embarrassed in all my life when she started yelling that out. I could swing for that bloody woman.’

  ‘Me too,’ Johnny muttered. The ceremony had finally gone ahead after the police were called to remove Jason’s poor excuse of a mother from the premises. Debbie had left before they arrived, dragging her unkempt kids with her. ‘What do you think of the décor?’

  ‘Beautiful. But nobody is going to remember that now, are they? The only talking point will be that drunken dragon turning up, spouting all sorts.’

  Johnny sighed. He had gone to a lot of expense to ensure his daughter had an unforgettable day. He’d hired an exclusive company to decorate the hall. White drapes covered the walls and ceiling, and a portable white dance floor had been laid with flashing lights that spelled out Melissa and Jason’s names. He’d ordered the finest cutlery, glassware and flower arrangements, but it all suddenly seemed like a waste of time and effort. He had seen the looks on the faces of his fellow Masons and their wives when Debbie had yelled her son was only marrying Melissa for money.

  ‘I’m relieved Mark didn’t come now,’ Carol said miserably. Their son was on holiday in Turkey.

  ‘Granddad. Wee, wee,’ Donte said.

  Carol patted her husband on the back. ‘You see to him while I check on Mel. We’ll just have to try to make the most out of the rest of the day. Nothing else can go wrong, surely?’

  Darlene Michaels studied herself in the full-length mirror. She rarely wore dresses, but was determined to look the part for her grand entrance later.

  ‘I just spoke to Tony. They’re eating at the moment. We’ll make a move in a bit; pitch up at that pub nearby. He’s gonna ring us when the time’s right,’ Craig Thurston said.

  Adrenaline flowing through her veins, Darlene asked, ‘How do I look?’

  ‘Gorgeous. I can’t wait for our holiday. Do you good, it will. Rampling’s only a boy, you’ll soon get over him. Bit of sea and sand is just the tonic you need.’

  Darlene picked up her handbag. Jason had hurt her far more than any other man had in the past, and she was determined to return the favour, twice as fucking hard.

  Tony handed the microphone to Jason, who cleared his throat before speaking. ‘Firstly, I would like to apologize for the terrible behaviour of my mother earlier. Her language and actions were appalling and I am truly sorry if she offended anybody. I would also like to offer a personal apology to Carol and Johnny, who have been so supportive towards me and done everything possible to make this a special day for myself and Melissa.’

  Squeezing Carol’s hand, Johnny gave his son-in-law a slow nod of approval.

  Jason looked down at Melissa and smiled. ‘As most of you are probably aware, Melissa and I haven’t known one another that long. But I have to say, as she walked down the aisle towards me earlier I truly felt like the luckiest man alive.’

  ‘Pass me the sick bucket. He ain’t even shagged her yet,’ Tracey Thompson hissed in her new boyfriend’s ear. She couldn’t believe that the wedding had gone ahead after the earlier fiasco and had been drowning her sorrows ever since, getting louder by the glass.

  ‘Seems a nice enough girl, but she’s not his type,’ Peggy Rampling whispered to Irish Ted. She rubbed her thumb and fingers together. ‘All about the wonga.’ Peggy was chuffed to bits that Jason had got himself away from his mother and the Mardyke Estate. It was onwards and upwards for her grandson from now on.

  ‘What Melissa and I have is something special,’ Jason continued. ‘We both have young children whom we want the best for in life, and together we can be a proper family and raise our kids as brother and sister. As you probably guessed when my mother showed up earlier, my childhood wasn’t the greatest. But Donte’s and Shay’s will be. I intend to work like a Trojan and they will have everything I had to go without.’

  ‘Aww, bless him,’ Carol said to Johnny.

  Aware of all his fellow Masons clapping his son-in-law, Johnny allowed himself a wry grin and joined in with the applause. The lad was a sweet-talker and had thankfully managed to turn a difficult situation around.

  Craig Thurston handed Darlene a double vodka and tonic. The dress she was wearing was jade green. It clung to her curves, showed off her pert breasts and Craig could understand why a young lad like Jason would be interested in her. She had a look of pure filth about her, did Darlene, and when you got her in the sack she’d perform exactly as you’d expect. She was certainly one of the best he’d ever had. ‘All right, girl? How ya feeling?’

  ‘Revengeful,’ Darlene snapped. ‘I bet that old cow of a nan of his is there an’ all. Hates me, she does – and the feeling’s mutual. My aunt used to run catalogues years ago, Kays and Freemans. Peggy Rampling ordered tons of stuff out of ’em one Christmas, then knocked my aunt. Thieve anything that isn’t nailed down, she would.’

  ‘Does Jason’s nan know about you and him?’ Craig asked.

  ‘No. But she will do soon,’ Darlene cackled. ‘Serves him right, the lying, cheating, no-good shit
bag. After today he can rot in hell for all I care. I never want to see him again.’

  Feeling less embarrassed about earlier since Jason’s speech, Johnny Brooks took the microphone with confidence. ‘Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for coming today. I know it was short notice for some, and Carol and I truly appreciate you making the effort.’

  ‘He bribed my Jason into marrying her,’ Peggy Rampling informed Irish Ted. ‘Offered to buy him a house.’

  ‘This is so fucking corny.’ Tracey Thompson was spitting feathers now. ‘Everyone knows the wedding is a sham. He don’t love her. The geezer is a fraud.’

  ‘There are similarities about this wedding to mine and Carol’s,’ Johnny continued. ‘We hadn’t known one another for very long either when I got down on one knee and popped the question. The finest decision I ever made, that was. When you know, you just know,’ Johnny grinned at his daughter, then his wife. ‘And if Melissa and Jason turn out to be half as happy as Carol and I have been over the years, then they’ll have cracked it.’

  Jason Rampling smirked. He’d done a bit of digging and knew all about Johnny’s long-term affair with his secretary. He planned to use it to his advantage too. No way was he working on that building site any more. He hated the bastard job.

  ‘You know everything you gotta say and do, don’t you, Dar? You wanna be on the ball. Go out with a bang, so to speak,’ Craig Thurston urged.

  ‘I won’t drop Tony in it, don’t worry. And I’ve memorized how to use the equipment. He must’ve showed me at least fifty times last night,’ Darlene exaggerated.

  ‘Good. I’ll be waiting outside for you – and I want to know all the gory details,’ Craig laughed. He would probably hear the aftermath from where he’d planned to wait, but unless the back door of the hall was open and he could poke his head around, he wouldn’t see the look of shock on people’s faces. There was no way he could strut in there. Johnny Brooks would spot him immediately and it wasn’t worth starting a war over. The bloke had just given him thirty grand, so Darlene had to deal with this alone.

  ‘Answer it then,’ Darlene ordered as Craig’s phone rang.

  Craig took the call. ‘’Sup up. It’s time to leave.’

  Tony Trot wasn’t too comfortable with what was about to happen. Not only was he a half-decent cameraman and DJ, he’d also built up a good reputation recording messages from loved ones, and playing them back at special occasions. He would edit them with tender care as a rule, adding music that suited the moment.

  The Brooks’s son Mark was the first to pop up on the huge projector screen. ‘So sorry I couldn’t be there with you today, Melissa. But by the time you watch this I will be sunning myself on a beach in Turkey. It was late notice, so I couldn’t cancel the holiday, but I want you to know I’m there with you in spirit and I hope you and Jason have a brilliant day and a long and happy future together.’

  Tony Trot sighed as he popped his phone inside his pocket and went outside for a cigarette. He wouldn’t usually get involved in stunts such as this, but he was wary of getting on the wrong side of Craig Thurston and five grand was a hell of a lot of money to knock back.

  Tony punched in Craig’s number. ‘The speeches have started. I’m outside now.’

  The Windmill Hall in Upminster had two entrances and it was the rear car park entrance where Darlene was waiting. She knew what order the speeches went in, had the list memorized.

  ‘You all right?’ Craig asked her. Tony had left the door ajar so they could hear everything. Auntie Mary who lived in Australia was currently boring the arse off everybody.

  ‘Two more to go,’ Darlene hissed.

  Craig could see Darlene was nervous. She was jittery, her hands clearly shaking.

  ‘Do I look OK? Has my lipstick smudged?’ she gabbled.

  ‘No. You look great, honest. Just say what you gotta say and leave, OK?’

  Feeling her heart pounding like never before, Darlene nodded anxiously.

  ‘How boring is this? Can’t keep the fixed smile on me face for much longer,’ Peggy Rampling complained to Irish Ted. She had never attended a wedding where tons of well-wishes were played on a big screen and it was ever so dull when you didn’t know any of the people.

  ‘Most of the messages are from people who are actually here today,’ Irish Ted whispered in Peggy’s ear.

  ‘I know! What a load of old crap. Why can’t they just say it to the bride and groom in person? I want the music to start.’

  Winking at his grandmother, Jason took a gulp of champagne. He knew none of these people wishing him well and he too was bored out of his brain.

  ‘Hi, Jason. So sorry I couldn’t be at your wedding, but …’

  Jason stared at the screen in absolute horror. Darlene was sat on the edge of her bed, done up to the nines. The very same bed he’d shagged her senseless on, on hundreds of occasions. ‘Shit!’ he mumbled.

  ‘Why’s that old rotter sending him messages?’ Peggy asked Irish Ted, who promptly shrugged.

  ‘Turn this off,’ Jason shrieked, looking for Tony, who was nowhere in sight.

  ‘Who is she?’ Melissa enquired, totally bemused.

  The hall fell so silent you could’ve heard a pin drop as Darlene added, ‘I thought it only right your wife found out what you are really like, Jason, so she can get the marriage annulled.’

  ‘Oh my God! It’s a penis! Do something, Johnny,’ Carol yelled, putting her hands over Donte’s eyes. The camera had now turned away from Darlene and was focused on a large erect member and a woman sucking it.

  At first, Peggy thought it was a porn film, but recognizing her grandson, she leapt off her chair. ‘If I get my hands on that old slapper, I’ll bastard-well kill her.’

  Tracey Thompson clapped her hands with glee as a voice from the back of the hall bellowed, ‘I’m here, Peggy, you thieving old cow.’ She turned around to look at Darlene in the flesh, while most of the guests were still fixated on her giving the groom a blowjob.

  ‘You bastard! Get your hands off me,’ Melissa screamed at Jason. She tried to run out of the hall but unfortunately tripped over her dress and fell flat on her face.

  Absolutely mortified, Johnny ran over to the mains and ripped the plugs out of the wall.

  ‘Better than EastEnders this is,’ Tracey Thompson chuckled, nudging her boyfriend. She couldn’t believe her eyes, was elated by this latest turn of events. Jason was most certainly well hung.

  Tony reappeared via the back entrance. ‘What’s going on?’ he asked, hoping he sounded shocked.

  Johnny Brooks lunged at Tony. At the same time, Peggy Rampling flew at Darlene, grabbing her hair and wrestling her to the floor. ‘You disgusting old whore. Satisfied now, are ya?’ Peggy shrieked.

  Jason was utterly dumbstruck, but managed to somehow stagger outside to look for Melissa.

  Carol Brooks stood up, tears streaming down her face. ‘Stop it! All of you. Stop bloody fighting. Now!’

  Jason sat on the grass at the back of the Windmill Hall, head in his hands. He couldn’t believe what Darlene had done to him. Those videos were private and there was no denying that clear shot of his face that had popped up while she was sucking him off.

  Lots of guests had now left, but some were still lingering. ‘The wedding is over. Go home everyone,’ Johnny had bellowed, his face etched with fury.

  ‘I just wanted to apologize again. I swear she must’ve got in here and put that on herself. I’ve never seen the woman before in my life,’ Tony Trot said to Peggy Rampling. Johnny had understandably refused to pay him and his microphone had been broken in the scuffle. Other than that, he’d got away rather lightly. Carol most certainly believed him and Darlene hadn’t even looked at him as she’d run from the hall. Craig hadn’t been mentioned at all, so nobody could link the two of them together, thank God. His reputation was important to him and he didn’t want future bookings cancelled.

  ‘So sorry. I really am,’ Johnny Brooks apologized, shaking a Masonic pal’
s hand. He had never felt so humiliated in the whole of his life and would make sure Jason Rampling got his comeuppance. Witnessing his wife in tears was truly heartbreaking, especially as he’d arranged this day solely because he’d wanted to grant her dearest wish.

  ‘Where’s Jason?’ Carol asked her husband.

  ‘Gone, for good, hopefully. I am chucking all his and Shay’s belongings out as soon as we get home,’ Johnny snapped. ‘Where’s Melissa – and the kids?’

  ‘Auntie Clara took Donte and Shay home with her and Mel is in the toilet being comforted by friends. She wants to talk to Jason, so just you butt out of it,’ Carol snapped back. After all the build-up to the wedding, she now felt totally deflated. It had been a truly horrendous day, from start to bloody finish.

  Spotting Jason outside with his nan, Carol marched over to him. ‘What have you got to say for yourself, eh?’

  ‘Don’t you be having a go at him. It’s that old slapper’s fault,’ Peggy said, putting a protective arm around her grandson’s shoulders. ‘He’s not been round that Darlene’s flat for ages, have you, boy?’ She hoped she could salvage something out of this mess. She didn’t want him moving back on the Mardyke with his mother, that was for sure.

  Jason looked at Carol, his eyes welling up. ‘I knocked the affair on the head with Darlene as soon as I met Melissa. I swear I did, you got to believe me.’

  ‘I’m not sure I believe anything you say any more. What the hell was you doing with a woman that age in the first place? She’s old enough to be your mother, Jason. It’s not normal,’ Carol scolded.

  ‘Not everybody is as fortunate as your kids, Carol. Some don’t have a loving mother. He spent a lot of his childhood round at Darlene’s and the rotten whore took advantage of him. I wish I’d have known earlier, as I’d have put a stop to it. The woman is a paedophile,’ Peggy spat.


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