Life of Crime

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Life of Crime Page 42

by Kimberley Chambers

  Listening to the waves lap against the shore, Melissa smiled. She loved living in Llafranc. The pace of life was so much slower; it was a different world from Chigwell.

  ‘Would you like to order some food, madam?’ asked the waiter.

  ‘No. Not yet. I’m waiting for the others to arrive. They’ll be here soon.’

  Melissa rarely thought back to the past these days, had trained her mind not to, but today she couldn’t help herself. She had learned only yesterday that Tracey was appealing against the life sentence she’d been given, which Melissa found unsettling.

  Simon had urged her not to worry. ‘So what if she proves Jason was Toby’s real father? It’s my name on Tobe’s birth certificate, nobody can take him away from us,’ he’d insisted.

  Melissa prayed Simon was right. It was common knowledge they were a couple now and living together on the Costa Brava. Shay had been none too impressed at first, had thought it was too soon after her father’s death, but Melissa and Simon had stuck to the same story. Their relationship had started approximately a year after Jason’s death, grief having played a part in bringing them together.

  Tracey had been told she must serve a minimum of fifteen years for Jason’s murder. When sentencing her, the judge described her as: ‘A callous woman, a fantasist who had shown no remorse.’ Simon was right about one thing. Even if Tracey was to prove Toby wasn’t his, no way could she pin Jason’s murder on them. There was too much evidence against Tracey for her to walk free.

  Donte was still a thorn in Melissa’s side. He had been sentenced to seven years for manslaughter, but had then got into even more trouble in Feltham. He’d hooked up with some bad lads, a newcomer had been stabbed, and an extra three years had been added to Donte’s sentence. He was no longer at Feltham, had been carted off to Ashfield Prison in Pucklechurch near Bristol after his latest misdemeanour.

  Melissa was so disappointed in the way Donte had turned out. He was sullen, cocky, rude and showed no remorse for his actions. His real father, Joel Wright, had been a bad apple, so Melissa surmised it was in the genes. She would never give up on him though; he was still her flesh and blood, no matter what he did. Every month she and her father would travel back to the UK just to visit him.

  Melissa still kept in contact with Shay, would always class her as her step-daughter, and Shay had promised to visit her in the Costa Brava later this year. Soon after Jason’s death, Shay had ended her relationship with Luke, insisting it’s what her father would have wanted. She’d settled down now, was living with a lad called Grant in a flat that Simon owned. Melissa had yet to meet Grant, but he sounded very nice and obviously treated Shay well.

  Mel had no contact with the rest of Jason’s family but heard snippets via Shay. Peggy Rampling was still adamant Melissa had taken out a hit on Jason, but thankfully neither Shay nor the police believed her. Having got herself chucked out of the actual trial, Peggy had been waiting outside the court after the verdict. She had attacked Melissa, hit her over the head with Irish Ted’s walking stick, and the police had carted her off. Peggy often popped up in Melissa’s nightmares even now. She was too close to the truth for comfort.

  Babs was no longer with Lee. That relationship had ended badly. Lee had regularly knocked Babs about, by all accounts, and he’d ended up pushing her down the stairs in the flats they lived in. Poor Babs had wound up in intensive care with a fractured skull. She now lived with her daughter at a secret address and had taken out an injunction against Lee. He was forbidden any contact with Babs or her daughter, Britney.

  Jason’s brothers hadn’t changed, were still a waste of space. Elton had got a five-stretch for dealing in cocaine and Kyle had been sentenced to three years for robbing an Indian shopkeeper. Melissa rued the day Donte had ever got involved with those two. They’d certainly played a huge part in her son spiralling out of control.

  Melissa’s reminiscing was ended by her father and Shirley Stone’s arrival. ‘Christ, Dad. Couldn’t you have worn a louder shirt? Good job I have my sunglasses with me,’ Melissa joked.

  Johnny Brooks looked down at his latest Hawaiian number. ‘Sod-all wrong with it. Shirley said the same as you. Got no bleedin’ taste, you women, that’s your problem.’

  Shirley hugged Melissa. They were good friends now, often went shopping at the local market and visited the beauty salon together. ‘I did try to tell him, Mel, but you know what an obstinate man he can be,’ Shirley chuckled.

  ‘You told him yet then?’ Johnny asked.

  Melissa pointed to the box on the table. ‘No. I thought I’d wait until we were all together. I’ve given him all his other presents though.’

  ‘Has he got an inkling, do you reckon?’ Shirley asked.

  Melissa grinned. ‘None whatsoever.’

  ‘Excuse me a tick. I’m desperate to use the ladies’ room,’ said Shirley Stone.

  As soon as Shirley walked away, Melissa leaned closer to her father. ‘What do you think about Tracey’s appeal? Did you speak to Simon earlier? I’m worried, Dad. Very worried.’

  ‘Stop worrying. Everything will be fine. Tracey hasn’t got a leg to stand on, trust me.’ Johnny Brooks put his arms around his daughter’s shoulders.

  ‘I so hope you’re right. It’s always there in the back of my mind, you know. I had the most horrendous nightmare early hours of this morning.’

  ‘You got to look to the future now, Mel. That’s what your mum would want you to do. The past is the past. Sod-all we can do to change it.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re right. Did Duncan ever say if it was quick, Dad? You know, Jason’s death.’

  ‘It was an in-and-out job. These hitmen don’t mess about,’ Johnny lied, squeezing his daughter’s hand. ‘You have a wonderful man now and a brilliant future ahead of you. I don’t want to hear any more talk about the past, OK?’


  ‘Mummy, Mummy.’ Melissa’s thoughts returned to the present as Toby ran towards her, arms outstretched.

  ‘Sorry we’re late. But, because it’s my birthday, Tobes decided it must be Dolly’s birthday too and I’ve been dragged around the pet shop, looking for a present for her,’ Simon explained, jovially rolling his eyes.

  Melissa chuckled. Dolly was the stray dog who had turned up at their apartment as a puppy. Toby had fallen in love with her cute foxy appearance and had insisted she was his. She was now, had cost Simon a fortune in vet bills, toys and accessories. Spoilt rotten, the bloody mutt was.

  ‘Look what I made for Daddy.’

  Melissa gushed as she studied the front of the homemade card. It had been she who had sat Toby down and told him, ‘Mummy did a bad thing and the police have sent her away for a very long time. But you’re not to worry as Daddy and Auntie Mel will take good care of you, we promise.’

  Having not seen Tracey for months anyway, Toby had been totally unfazed. ‘If my mummy has gone away, can I call you Mummy now?’ he’d asked. Melissa had agreed of course. He was like a son to her anyway.

  Shirley Stone walked back over to the table. ‘Happy birthday, Simon. Your present’s in the car. We’ll give it to you later.’

  ‘Cheers, Shirl. You all ready to order? I’m bloody starving,’ Simon grinned.

  Melissa pushed a square box towards him. ‘Open this first.’

  ‘Not more presents. How lucky am I?’ Simon chuckled.

  Inside the box was a white envelope with a bow tied around it. Simon undid the bow, ripped open the envelope, then gasped as he clocked the content. ‘Oh my God! Really? You’re kidding me!’

  Melissa beamed from ear to ear as Simon studied the scan of the baby that would be arriving in five months’ time. It had been so hard keeping the news a secret from him, but not only had she wanted to get past the three-month stage, she’d also wanted it to be the best birthday present ever.

  Simon grabbed hold of Melissa and hugged her. ‘I can’t believe it. I thought you’d put on weight.’

  ‘Cheeky!’ Melissa chuckled.

sp; ‘What is it?’ Toby asked, jumping up and down. He could sense it was something exciting.

  ‘A bottle of your finest champagne over here please, Roberto,’ Johnny Brooks bellowed. He stood up and shook Simon’s hand. ‘Shirley and me already knew, but Mel was determined to surprise you on your birthday. So chuffed for you both. Brilliant news.’

  ‘Cheers, Johnny.’

  Simon picked Toby up and spun him around in the air. ‘How do you fancy having a little brother or sister?’

  Toby turned his nose up. ‘Don’t like girls.’

  Watching the joyous scene, Melissa finally knew she’d done the right thing. Taking a hit out on Jason had been her idea, and it wasn’t an easy decision. It was the right decision though. Fuck Jason and Tracey. She wasn’t the weak, simple woman they’d taken her for.

  As the old saying goes, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’


  The moment he lifts the shield on the helmet, I know I’m in big trouble. ‘Long time no see. What the hell you doing here?’ I stammer.

  When he points the gun at me, urging me to guess, I know my minutes left on this earth are numbered. I think of Shay, my nan, Babs and Donte. The four people who rely on me the most. Then I think of my wife. ‘Does Melissa know you’re here?’ I ask him.

  ‘No. But she certainly knows your life is about to come to an end. It was Melissa who ordered the hit on you.’

  I am gobsmacked at that point. ‘You what! But why?’ I stupidly ask.

  Johnny Brooks laughs out loud. ‘Did you honestly think she hadn’t cottoned on that Toby was your son? You thick piece of shit. I reckon what swung it though was when I told her it was you who took a pop at me that time outside my home. You and that dickhead mate of yours, Craig Thurston.’

  I know there is no point in lying. ‘I’m so sorry, Johnny. It wasn’t me who pulled the trigger. I couldn’t go through with it and begged Craig not to either,’ I admit.

  ‘I know. I heard you. Story of your life, eh? Unlike myself, you were never truly cut out for a life of crime, Rampling. I thought you were at the beginning – it was one of the reasons I encouraged my Melissa to marry you. But I soon realized I’d judged you wrong. You were never going to be an asset to me in the heists my gang pulled off. It was all a front, my builders’ merchants, you know. I’ve taken part in some of the biggest robberies this country has ever witnessed.’

  ‘Why are you telling me this?’

  ‘Because I want you to know everything before you die. I’ll tell you something that will really shock you now, shall I? Bet you didn’t know Melissa and your mucker Simon were in love. They’ve been planning a new life together with your money from that painting. Gotta give you credit for that one, lad,’ Johnny chuckles.

  My legs buckle. I fall backwards against the wall and slide down it. ‘How long?’ I ask, putting my stupid head in my hands.

  ‘How long is what? A piece of string?’ Johnny taunts.

  ‘Simon. How long! How long has it been going on?’ It’s all beginning to make sense now.

  ‘Their affair started while you were in prison. Nobody knows apart from me and Shirley. Oh, and Greg Richardson. That’s not his real name though. I hired him to set up Tracey Thompson. She’s the one who’ll be going down for your murder,’ Johnny laughs. ‘What goes around comes around, son.’

  I am stunned. What type of woman did I marry? I’d always thought Melissa was a good person, and Simon. But all along the pair of no-good bastards have been plotting behind my back.

  I am not going to beg, I’m far too proud for that. But I make one desperate attempt to save my life. ‘Think of the kids, Johnny. Shay and Donte both adore me. I’ll get out of the way, go abroad, you’ll never see me again, I swear.’

  ‘Too late, sunshine. Taking a pop-shot at me – that I could deal with. But not upsetting my girl. I warned you when you married her that I would kill you if you ever hurt her. Unlike yourself, I’m a man of my word.’

  As I see Johnny’s hand go to squeeze the trigger, I decide I have nothing to lose by making a lunge at him.

  I fail miserably and the bullet enters my head. I try to fight death, but then I see her. She looks radiant, not like when she had the cancer, and she is holding her hand out, urging me to follow her.

  I take my final breath, then fall into the arms of Darlene Michaels. My one and only true love.


  Many thanks to Tim Bates, Kimberley Young, Sue Cox, Pat Fletcher, Felicity Denham, Laura Meyer, Charlie Redmayne, Rosie de Courcy and the whole of the amazing HarperCollins team.

  Thanks also to Mauricio Pochettino for making Spurs a joy to watch again. And I can’t not mention Harry Kane. Not just one of our own – simply the best!

  And last but not least, thanks to all my lovely readers.

  The Butler Series

  Meet the Butlers: Kings of the East End

  Vinny and Roy Butler are the apple of their mum’s eye and although Queenie knows they can play dirty, when it comes to family they look after business and make her proud. Nothing and no one can bring the Butler’s down.

  But Vinny seems to have crossed the wrong person and his cards are marked. And with the brothers joined at the hip, Roy may just be in the firing line too …

  One bloody night sets Vinny on the path of desperate vengeance, but will the Butlers emerge stronger than ever, or is the East End code of honour as good as dead?

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  Family. They’re supposed to watch your back. Not stab you in it

  When the enemy is one of your own, the payback is twice as hard.

  The Butler brothers are the Kings of the East End, and their motto is ‘what goes around, comes around’.

  In their world, family counts; so when the truth about Vinny’s cousin’s death comes to light, it rocks the Butlers to the core. One by one, Vinny’s friends and family are turning against him …

  Then, the unimaginable happens – Vinny’s little daughter Molly goes missing. She’s the one chink of light in all their lives, and the one they’d commit murders to bring back.

  But is it already too late for that?

  Is this PAYBACK?

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  Vinny Butler has used his time in prison well: to plan the downfall of all who’ve wronged him.

  As always with the Butlers, family comes first: Vinny’s brother Michael may think he’s the top dog running the family business, but it won’t last when Vinny finds out how good his brother’s got it.

  Meanwhile, Vinny is incensed when he finds out that Joanna had a baby in secret while he was in prison – but that’s nothing compared to his anger when he finds out who the father is.

  In the background, Little Vinny thinks he’s one step ahead of his dad as always, and playing a dangerous game: he’s still keeping a secret he’ll take to his grave – even if that means that he sends more people to theirs first …

  The Butlers are at war, and they’re taking everyone down with them – it’s all going to end in flames …

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  It’s the 1980s and although the east End’s heyday is over, one family still rules the manor.

  Michael and Vinny Butler have always provided for their own and made sure business stopped at the front door. But the old ways are changing – women and children are fair game and nothing can protect them. Though blood is thicker than water, it’s now brother vs brother. The question is, who will come out on top?

  And there’s a new generation determined to make their mark. Little Vinny has just married the sweet Sammi-Lou and is battling not to follow in his father’s footsteps. But it’s only a matter of time before his dark secret comes out and destroys them all.

  Is this the final nail in this East End family’s coffin?

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  If you don’t face your enemies – they’ll stab you in the back …

  There are many people Vinny Butler and Eddie
Mitchell have crossed in their time. Yet when two heavyweights of the criminal underworld go into business together they become untouchable, as do their families. But someone is out for revenge. The death count is rising and it’s getting closer to home. This isn’t business any longer, it’s about flesh and blood.

  Who is the backstabber?

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  Don’t miss these other gripping East End showdowns from Kimberley Chambers

  All available to buy now

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-822859-0

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-822861-3

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-822863-7

  The Michells and O’Haras Trilogy

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-822866-8

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-822868-2

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-822871-2

  Another page-turning East End crime drama from Kimberley Chambers

  Click here to buy now 978-0-00-743502-9

  About the Author

  Kimberley Chambers lives in Essex and has been, at various times, a disc jockey, cab driver and a street trader. She is now a No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author of thirteen novels.

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  Also by Kimberley Chambers

  Billie Jo

  Born Evil

  The Betrayer

  The Feud

  The Traitor

  The Victim


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