Burn My Soul Part 1

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Burn My Soul Part 1 Page 6

by Holly Newhouse

  Franklin turns white as a ghost, his legs give out under him and he lands heavily in his chair, almost overturning it.

  "There's no way. Only angels can see us in our true demonic forms. I wonder...." Franklin whispers before he falls silent again. His eyes search and find the woman he's loved for centuries.

  Damien and Franklin sit in the VIP section on the second floor. It's off limits to everyone but them tonight. They are hidden just above the dance floor. Undulating flames encased in eternal darkness and smoke hide it extremely well from the human eye.

  The purpose of it is to allow patrons in the VIP section to celebrate in peace and see the patrons in the whole club without being seen themselves.

  At this exact moment, Damien and Franklin are watching the girls as closely as predators watching their prey before the attack.

  Madi orders a plain soda and I ask the bartender to make me the strongest alcoholic drink there is and double it.

  He stands there just staring at me for a second. Cocking his head to the side, he stares intensely at me for a moment. I know he's noted how terrified and shaken up I am. "You got it babe." He replies in a seductive tone.

  Bael knows just what she needs. He mixes the beautiful woman, he now knows is Franklin's mate, a sweet alcoholic drink with a large dose of liquid hellfire to help calm her down.

  Bael can see the innocence in her terrified eyes and was surprised that he didn't want her to be afraid while she's in the club. There is just something about her that brings out the protective instinct in him.

  Madi is chatting away to the male patron to her left, flirting as usual with him. I keep my eyes downcast, afraid to see the demons as they really are. I stand here, unable to stop shaking while that cold chilling voice keeps repeating in my head over and over again.

  When my drink is placed in front of me, I down it all quickly. My throat is burning and I can't help the cough that escapes. I quickly place the money on the counter and ask for another.

  I almost giggle as I see the bartender doing his upmost best not to stare at me in complete shock. It turns into a brilliant and kind smile.

  "It's on the house honey." He says sweetly with a wickedly sexy smile. I can't help but smile right back at him not afraid of seeing his demon side for the first time. I can sense that demon or not, he has a gentle soul.

  "Thank you so very much, you're very sweet and kind." I leave him a five dollar tip for his generosity and slide Madi's drink in front of her in a silent effort to shut her up so we can go and find a table.

  I feel drawn toward the dance floor and notice it's strangely covered in a swirling red mist that appears to be curing around the dancer's legs as if caressing them as it rises from the floor. The dancers sway to and fro, as if they're possessed by demons.

  I get another chill running down my back as I remember the sign just inside the entrance that said, "Welcome to the club where you can dance with the demons." I thought it was just a cute slogan and now I'm not so sure anymore.

  Much to my surprise there are only male servers are all wearing snug black leather pants with black cowboy boots. Their well defined muscular chests are naked except for the blood red vests they wear over them.

  The only light around the dance floor is a red strobe light that alternates between flashing on and off on the dance floor and staying solid as it circles the club's interior much the same as a search light would at a prison.

  Once again, I have this bad feeling especially now that the workers here are not human. The dark atmosphere almost gives the feeling of immense freedom, the kind of freedom where everything goes and nothing is mentioned outside of this club. Not exactly my kind of atmosphere.

  I'm drawn out of my wandering thoughts once again by another sexy deep gravelly voice. "My beautiful ladies, if you'll follow me, a table has been reserved for you both near the dance floor. The sexy server says, bowing deeply before Madi and I.

  "What's your name?" Madi blurts out while I simultaneously ask, "Who reserved us a table?" The only answer from the cute server is a seductive smile full of secrets and wicked intent. A deep sexy chuckle bursts from his lips, it sends pleasurable shivers up and down my naked spine.

  "Inquisitive bunch aren't ya? Ok. First, my name is Abdiel, my lady and I will be your server this evening. Secondly, your secret admirers who wish to remain anonymous for now, reserved the table for you. That's all I'm allowed to say without a direct order from the boss. Now, please follow me." Abdiel gives us another wickedly sexy demonic smile as his eyes challenge and dare us to defy him.

  Oh shit, not again... I think as Madi's back instantly stiffens at the challenge.

  "We're waiting.... servant." Madi responds in her haughtiest queenly voice, her eyes are filled with mischievousness.

  Abdiel bows deeply once again, a wicked grin lights up his handsome face. He can see what has Prince Damian so hot over this young mortal. She is a true spitfire and is definitely a handful.

  The coming days are going to be quite entertaining, as I watch how this all plays out between Damien and Madi. Jinny, on the other hand, is quite beautiful, alluring, and so very innocent. I can smell it all over her. She's a true treat for any demon to have. I desperately want just one little taste of her sweet innocent essence, I know it will be like tasting heaven. Abdiel thinks to himself.

  He desperately wants to mark Jinny's beautiful porcelain flawless skin, and make his claim on her. But, even he knows better than to mess with Franklin, the most terrifying demon in Hell. His reputation definitely precedes him.

  I'm immediately appalled and embarrassed by Madi's rude, queen bee attitude. I knew the Madi from earlier today was too good to be true. Madi has always believed the world revolves around her and her alone.

  Madi and I follow Abdiel to our reserved table. I notice how every man and male server in the club turns and gives looks with desire in his eyes. They all want Madi as they stare in her direction. I can't help but chuckle as I know some things will never change. Just as I don't need to see her face to know she's eating up all the attention.

  Typical men! Doesn't matter what their age is, their brains are clearly in their pants along with their hormones. Give me a break! Just once, it would be nice to meet a real man who knows how to treat a woman with respect and manners. I sigh wistfully to myself knowing Senefru is that real man. I pray he's here tonight, somewhere. I need him to be here to make me feel safe in this evil torture chamber straight from Hell.

  I'm so ready to just head home and curl up with Shadow and a good book. Why the hell did I allow myself to be made up and paraded like a piece of meat? Oh yes, all for a man who is most likely a figment of my imagination. At least the alcohol is good and numbing and Abdiel....he is quite hot for a one night stand, demon or not.

  My face immediately heats up when I see Abdiel glance over his shoulder not at Madi but, narrowly focuses on me as if he heard me thinking about him.

  It's so funny how well Madi and I get along when we are so vastly different from each other. She loves the limelight and I hate it. She is a spoiled bitch from Hell who has never experienced a hardship in her life. I on the other hand, lost both my parents in one night as a young girl to a horrifying car accident and don't take anything a single thing in life for granted.

  I have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life thanks to my parents but money is not everything to me like it is for Madi. Money just provides me with the freedom to pursue my dreams.

  "Here's your table ladies." Abdiel smiles and bows deeply.

  "I'll be back to check on you in a little bit, please enjoy your night here at Club Demonic and be sure to make time.... to dance with the demons." He laughs wickedly.

  Madi waives her hand at him, as if he's nothing more than an annoying fly buzzing around her as she appears outwardly bored.

  I can't believe she just did that! My face is flaming hot and I've never been so embarrassed in my life when I see our friends Avery, Meg and her girlfriend Ariel, al
ong with the bitch Liz sitting at the next table over looking at Madi like she's insane.

  Abdiel, bless his heart, just smirks and bows again before he slowly walks away.

  He may not feel the need to defend himself but, I sure as hell do. I can't hold my tongue a second longer. I glare at Madi giving her the evil eye she hates so much. She just shrugs her shoulders saying, who the hell cares!

  Emotions of embarrassment and anger are fighting for dominance within me as I down my second drink quickly and leave Madi all alone at the table, just as she deserves.

  I rush after Abdiel through the crowded club and gently place my hand upon his naked muscular shoulder, effectively stopping him in his tracks.

  "Miss Jinny, I was just heading to get you another drink. Do you need something else sweetheart?"

  "Abdiel, please forgive my heartless bitch of a friend. She can be.... rather cruel at times and you did not deserve it. I also want to personally and sincerely thank you for being so kind to us. It's deeply appreciated." I just don't want him to think he's underappreciated as I can't imagine in a place like this, that he gets much acknowledgement.

  Abdiel takes a moment to just stare at me, cocking his head to the side inquisitively and then gives me a beautiful bright smile.

  "You are most welcome my beautiful lady with the kind heart. Please Jinny, never change the way you are love. Your beautiful soul only serves to magnify your beauty. Maybe, you would like to dance later?" Abdiel asks softly as he bows over my hand and kisses it. I can't help it, I feel my face heating up even more.

  Now this is a true gentleman! He is a definite maybe.

  "I would love to dance with you Abdiel, if you can take a moment for yourself when you're clearly busy. Maybe I could speak to your boss and ask him?" I sigh wistfully.

  "I will ask him myself sweetheart and I can't wait."

  "Actually, would you mind if I walk with you to the bar to get my drink. I would rather not see Madi at the moment and need a few seconds to calm down."

  "Of course, I'm honored." He gives me his elbow just like an old world gentleman and so I happily wrap my arm around his and allow him to escort me to the bar. I feel a bit safer now.

  "I'm gonna kill the little bugger, hitting on my mate like that!"

  "Calm down Franklin. She's frightened in this place, she can sense it and our workers are more than what they seem. She's just looking for a friend in the lion's den. He's not going to harm her in any way. You know Abdiel, he's completely loyal to you."

  "I saw and heard everything the same as you did and that was not him trying to be just a friend. He was flirting with her! He likes her!"

  "I told you to make your move, Franklin. It really is your own fault you know. Now, unless you're willing to reveal yourself, let her have a little fun with Abdiel. She couldn't be in safer hands and you know it. If he crosses the line, I will let you boil him in the vat of liquid hellfire. Ok?"

  Franklin sighs as he sits back down, knowing full well Damien is right and he isn't prepared to reveal himself yet.

  Madi is sitting alone and defiant when she sees Jinny returning to the table on Abdiel's arm. Then, instead of talking to her, she just leaves her drink on the table and walks away to the dance floor with him, a mere servant. Jinny really needs to get her priorities straight!

  Slow dancing in Abdiel's arms, makes my heart flutter in my chest. He's such a great dancer as well as being a gentleman. I'm so glad I have a wonderful newfound friend here I feel safe with. I think as I laugh at another of Abdiel's jokes and his antics while we're dancing.

  As we both fall silent, I pray he's going to kiss me. His lips are only just millimeters from mine. Instead he sighs and gently whispers, "It's not the right time, please forgive me. Your knight in shining armor is the one who should give you the kiss you're hoping for and I bet, he's around here somewhere, sweetheart."

  Tears well up in my eyes, as I feel rejected and yet cherished at the same time. Abdiel respects me enough to not take advantage of me in my already tipsy state and it warms my heart and soul. I lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck.

  "I can't say your words don't sting a bit, but, I can't thank you enough for respecting me enough to be honest with me and for being a true friend, at least I hope we can be."

  "Oh sweetheart, nothing would make me happier. I will always be right here should you ever need a friend or anything else."

  Tears of pure happiness escape my eyes. I try to brush it away before he notices but, he's quicker than me. Abdiel gently wipes my tears away with his thumb and brings them to his mouth and sucks them in.

  "Shhh sweetheart, everything is going turn out perfectly for you, just have faith." He whispers as the song ends. Smiling so sweetly at me, he wraps his arm around my waist and escorts me back to the table. He bows a final time over my hand, kissing y palm and then my cheek.

  "You taste delicious sweet Jinny." He says in a smoky voice that has my heart tripping over itself just before he walks silently away with a smirk. I can't help the sigh that escapes from my lips and smile still feeling his arms around my waist holding me tightly to him, holding me safe.

  "Wow Jinny! I'm completely shocked, you go from innocent virgin to vapid whore in a second's notice with the first hot and available guy. You impress me." Madi's voice is cruelly sarcastic. The jealous bitch has just completely ruined the fun moment for me!

  I remain silent for a moment and grab my drink as I look around the table to see all our friends have moved to our table. I ignore Madi completely raising my glass to our friends and then down the whole drink before I say something I might regret.

  "Why in the hell would you apologize for me, to him, a servant of all people?" Madi sneers with such hatred in her eyes that for a second, I'm taken aback. My temper which disappeared in Abdiel's presence spikes hotter than any inferno. To hell with it, I let it go and boil over. For once, I don't give a shit who hears me.

  "Why in the hell are you always such a nasty bitch to everyone, and especially to kind ones at that? You make me damn sick with your I'm better than everyone attitude and whorish ways!" I take a deep breath trying to still the shaking in my hands to no avail. "No male in his right mind will ever see you as anything other than a quick fuck since you have no redeeming qualities!" I yell, my temper boils over and right out of my mouth with evil malevolence. "

  I don't give a hot damn, that everyone nearby is staring at me in complete shock. I feel great! The burden is finally off my chest.

  Of course Madi can't just let me walk away and cool off. Oh no, she always has to have the last word.

  "Get over it Jinny! It's just an act on their part. Besides, he issued a clear challenge and I merely answered it." Her voice sounds cruel and cold, as she glares with hatred. Wow. Big surprise there. I turn to walk away, deafening my ears to her but she'd not done trying to destroy me yet.

  "Jinny you're such a damn goody two shoes all the damn time! That makes me want to puke!"

  I hear Ariel and Meg both gasp loudly at Madi's cruelty then look at me in sympathy.

  They don't know her well enough to know she has no boundaries she won't cross. Now they're seeing the real Madi. The one I know all too well.

  And there goes the great feeling of standing up for myself. To hell with it, Madi wants to go there, we'll go there! This has been coming for a long time.

  "You are so fucking spoiled Madi! You're not entitled to intentionally hurt another's feelings just to make yourself feel all important! I really hope for your sake, the time never comes when someone destroys you. Although, to be honest, I would even pay to see that happen! You're a jealous drunk asshole Madi!"

  Even I can hear the unusual artic iciness of my own voice as it hammers right through the shell of Madi's ego.

  "Ok ladies, that's enough! You're supposed to be sisters...."

  Madi and I simultaneously yell, "Adopted!"

  "Nevertheless. Madi, you're clearly in the wrong, and you know it." Ariel sc
olds, her voice chilling, with a look upon her face, that would scare even the most notorious serial killer in Hell.

  Liz, on the other hand, is smiling like a raging sociopath, fully enjoying the show.

  Meg, seeing Liz's reaction, reaches over and shoves her completely off of the stool to land on her ass on the floor with her legs in the air.

  "You're all stupid bitches!" Liz yells like a psychotic mental patient before she finally leaves the table.

  I blatantly ignore all of them as I smirk like the Devil himself walking away. I have to get away! Tears of anger, humiliation, and pain are threatening to fall, blurring my vision. I hear Madi back at the table loudly making fun of me.

  My face heats up one again. I imagine everyone's eyes burning a hole in my back. I force myself to keep my tears at bay walking with my head held high with my dignity intact.

  The closer I get to the ladies bathroom, I half shove and half push my way through the tight crowd silently enduring their various stares. I need to get to the bathroom before the flood works begin. Dammit! Why can't these people just get the hell out of my way for once? I feel frantic and more out of control by the moment as a panic attack begins to get a foothold on me.

  I want to scream at everyone to make a path! I start literally shoving people out of my way until I slam blindly into a massively well defined chest and muscular arms.

  Before I can apologize, I feel the sensation of finally coming home deep within.

  The massive yet gentle arms move me into a private and hidden alcove behind the dance floor.

  Before I can utter a word of protest, I'm pulled into a man's warm and caring embrace and a soft handkerchief is placed in my hands.

  I inhale deeply between loud sobs and freeze. I know that scent of sandalwood mixed with leather and earthy woods....Oh...My...God! It's him, it's Senefru, my knight in shining armor. I think as his large body blocks anyone looking from seeing me.


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