Forever & Always (Always & Forever Book 2)

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Forever & Always (Always & Forever Book 2) Page 1

by Crossley, Lauren

  Forever & Always

  By Lauren Crossley

  Forever & Always

  Copyright © 2015 Lauren Crossley

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be

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  Or electronic format without consent from the author.

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  Copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  All characters and storylines are the property of the author

  And your support and request is appreciated.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental

  And not intended by the author.

  Cover photo ©

  This book is long overdue and I can only thank you all for your patience when it comes to this sequel. ‘Always & Forever’ was my first book. It was my first attempt at becoming an author and in many ways, it is my first draft. A lot of its content is unpolished and I have now come to see that it was far too long. I have since decided to make my books much shorter and have taken on board all of the constructive criticism and feedback I have received when it comes to my first novel. I can’t believe it was three years ago when I first came up with the idea to write a book. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but still believed I could succeed in writing a story which only existed in my mind. ‘Forever & Always’ is the conclusion to that story, a story which I knew from the very start. I am so pleased I can finally share with you.

  I hope you enjoy it.


  It’s been a year.

  A year since Jake came crashing into my life and a year since he turned my world upside down, shattering the walls I had once built around myself to keep safe.

  Jake changed everything for me. He changed the way I saw the world and he altered the expectations I now have from it. He tore me apart and then put me back together again, determined to fix what had always been broken before I even met him.

  So much has happened, I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t know where to start or how I should end this and that’s why I’m not going to plan it. I’m just going to tell you and let you come to your own conclusions about everything which took place.

  I’m going to be completely honest because that’s the only way the truth will be heard. It might even set me free…

  If you’re prepared to listen and willing to be patient with me then I need you to keep on reading. No matter how difficult this gets or how much heartache is involved, I need to tell someone about it. I need someone else to know about what happened and if I’m being completely truthful, I just need someone to talk to.

  Please don’t say I didn’t warn you… you’re the one who is choosing to read this. You’re the only one I’m prepared to trust with this.

  This is my story…

  Chapter One

  Six months earlier…

  He’s gone.

  He’s disappeared again and I have no idea where he is.

  I turn over so I can take a look at the alarm clock beside my bed. It’s half past twelve which means that Jake has been gone for about half an hour.

  There’s a regular pattern which I’ve come to notice and it involves him leaving the apartment after midnight without saying a word. I can’t keep myself from falling asleep sometimes and that’s why it’s taken me a while to figure out what time he sneaks back home. It’s usually around four and that’s why I know he won’t be back for another three and a half of hours.

  He thinks I don’t know. He thinks I’m fast asleep when he creeps out at night and he’s convinced that I don’t hear him when he sneaks back home. I still have no clue as to what he is doing and a huge part of me is terrified when it comes to finding out.

  Except tonight, I’ve finally had enough.

  I throw the quilt off me and race towards the wardrobe, grabbing a pair of jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt in a hurry. I know I don’t have much time and Carla will be expecting my call.

  Jake’s sister has been so supportive these past couple of months. She’s been my rock and I owe her so much already, that’s why it took her a while to persuade me to go through with this. I didn’t want to be a burden to her and I also didn’t want to come between her relationship with Jake. I realise how important it is to value the family members that we have because I no longer have any.

  Not anymore…

  Reaching for my phone, I grab a pair of shoes and comb my fingers through my hair in an attempt to make it look more presentable. I dial Carla’s number, waiting for her to answer as my heartrate increases, accelerating with each second that goes by.


  “Carla, it’s me. Are you ready?” I ask her, struggling to remain calm.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She replies lightly. “I just phoned a taxi and they said it will be here in a few minutes.”

  “That’s good because Jake left thirty minutes ago.” I inform her, raking my fingers through my hair as I continue to pace back and forth.

  “We’ll find out where he’s going soon, Bethany. I promise you.” She assures me.

  “Thanks so much for this. I’m really grateful, Carla.”

  “I already told you that it’s not a problem. I just want you two to be happy.”

  “I know you do.” I respond sadly, struggling to remember the last time I felt anything other than sadness. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I’m left pacing back and forth in the apartment, troubled by own thoughts and haunted with the images of what I might find out about Jake. Carla and I have had this planned for several days but now that it’s actually happening, I’m consumed by my fear.

  I tell myself to get a grip and glance at the photo which was taken a few days after I first moved in with Jake several months ago. The two of us are smiling happily, gazing into the camera with the sunshine on our faces. We look so peaceful, content and at ease with one another despite everything.

  After tonight, all of that might change. My life as I have come to know it might be smashed to smithereens and that’s why I can’t stop shaking. I know I have to do this. I know I need to find out the truth but that doesn’t mean I’m not terrified.

  The truth will set you free… my subconscious whispers, reminding me about all of the reasons why I’m doing this. If Jake is cheating on me then I have to know, no matter how much it might hurt me.

  A knock on my front door startles me out of my deep contemplation before I race across the living room and open the front door. Carla is there and greets me with a warm smile on her face, offering me as much support as she can.

  “Are you ready to go?” She enquires optimistically, making sure her voice sounds light and carefree.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I say sombrely, mirroring the response she made earlier on the phone.

  “Everything will be ok, Bethany. You need to find out where he’s been going and this is the only way.”

  “I’ve been trying to convince myself that I’m doing the right thing all night but I don’t think it is working.” I admit, wringing my hands together.

  “You are doing the right thing and you know it.” She reminds me, leaning against the doorframe. “Jake has left you with no other choice.”

  “I’m not sure he’s going to see it that way.”

  “Then he should have been honest with you in the first place.” Carla argues, refusing to concede on the matter. “Now come on, let’s go.”

  We both leave the apartment and hurry down the stairs, jumping into the taxi w
hich Carla arrived in. It’s waiting for us at the side of the road and Carla thanks him for waiting while opening the back door for me to get inside.

  She gives the driver an address I’ve never even heard of and I look at her quizzically, trying to figure out what she knows.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, turning to face her as soon as the car takes off. “Did you manage to find something out?”

  “I spoke to a couple of Jake’s old friends and one of them was willing to talk.” She informs me, appearing to be a lot more relaxed than I’m feeling right now. “He told me where he thinks Jake has been going every night and I’m pretty sure he’s right about it.”

  “And? What did he tell you?”

  She remains silent for a few moments, as though she’s debating whether or not she should even tell me.

  “He’s still fighting, Bethany.”

  I frown at her in confusion, allowing the realisation of what she’s just told me to sink in.

  “He’s what?”

  “He’s still doing it.” She murmurs softly, lowering her gaze. “He never quit like he told you he did.”

  “I… I can’t believe this.” I whisper, struggling to process everything. “He swore to me that he would never fight again. He promised me, Carla.”

  “I know he did and that’s why I’m helping you to do this.” She says, reaching for my hand. “It’s the only way we’re going to be able to put a stop to this and he needs to see you there for that to happen. I know Jake and there is no way he would ever risk your safety. He would never put you in danger, Bethany.”

  “You mean… that’s where we’re going? You’re taking me to an underground fight in the middle of the night?” I exclaim incredulously, staring at her in horror.

  “It will be ok, Bethany.”

  “How can you say that when you know how terrifying those places are? Jake won’t be able to protect us due to the fact that he won’t even know we’re there!” I yell, raising my voice as I start to panic.

  The driver glances back at us in the rear-view mirror, unable to ignore our impending argument.

  “He will soon enough.”

  “My God, Carla… we can’t do this.” I cry, removing my hand from hers so I can cover my face. “You’re seventeen years old and it’s just not safe.”

  “I might be young but you’re twenty-one now. You’re old enough to protect me.”

  She has a slight smirk on her face and it’s enough to infuriate me. I can’t help but wonder if this is all just a big game to her, an exciting adventure in the middle of the night which she wants to be a part of.

  “This isn’t funny.” I chastise her firmly. “Jake is going to go berserk if he sees either one of us there and you know it.”

  “That’s the whole point!” She declares boldly. “Us being there is the only way he’s going to stop fighting. He’s bound to freak out when he sees you in a place like that and the shock will be enough to convince him that he has to quit.”

  “This is such a huge gamble.” I groan, glancing at her in desperation. “I don’t even want to think about all the things that might go wrong.”

  “Then don’t think about them.” She insists, squeezing my hand which she takes hold of again. “Don’t torture yourself any more than you already have done by wondering where the hell he is every night he sneaks out. Tonight is about the truth and about fixing what is now broken between the two of you.”

  We arrive outside a dilapidated building which is located in the centre of town a few minutes later. I climb out first and wait for Carla on the side of the road while she pays the driver.

  “Carla, we must have come to the wrong place, there’s nobody here.”

  “That’s because the fights always taken place underground.” She explains patiently. “It’s all low key so the police don’t find out about it and they switch locations every time.”

  “How come you so much about this?” I enquire, battling against the fear which is building up inside of me just from being here.

  “I don’t know that much, just a little bit of information from the old friend of Jake’s I spoke to.”

  “So how are we supposed to get in?” I ask, glancing up and down the empty street.

  “I think we should try that side door over there.”

  Carla points to the right of the building and takes hold of my hand, pulling me along behind her.

  “I’m really not sure about any of this…” I groan, reluctant to follow her.

  “Just trust me, everything will be fine.”

  She tries the door but it’s locked. Carla still knocks on it, waiting to hear a response from the other side of it.

  “There’s no one there.” I insist, folding my arms across my chest. “We might as well just go.”

  “Bethany, be patient. Someone is going to answer.” She promises me, sounding determined and stubborn.

  We hear a noise behind the steel door before it opens, revealing an extremely tall man with a bald head and plenty of tattoos. I take a step back, feeling intimidated and threatened by the stranger standing right in front of me.

  “What do you want?” He demands gruffly, placing himself between us and the entrance to the building.

  “We’re here to see the fight.” Carla says, speaking clearly.

  “What fight?” He snarls contemptuously, looking her up and down in disgust.

  “The one that Jake is fighting.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He snaps harshly. “Now run along home and get out of here.”

  “He’s my brother.” She exclaims loudly, holding onto the steel door so he can’t close it in our faces.

  “Who is?”

  “Jake.” She replies impatiently, standing up to him bravely.

  “Prove it.” He retorts sharply, challenging her claim.

  “Don’t you see the resemblance?”

  She raises her eyebrow at him, allowing his gaze to scrutinise her one more time.

  “Carla, maybe we should just go…” I whisper, keeping my voice low.

  “He’d be pretty mad if he knew you turned us away…” She warns him, remaining calm and in control.

  He stares at her for a few more seconds, realising she’s telling the truth when it comes to her and Jake being related.

  “You can come in but you have to pay.” He grumbles, taking a step to the side so we can get past him.

  “That’s not a problem.” Carla says, winking at me as we make out way inside.

  “I’ll throw you both out if I find out you’re lying about being Jake’s sister.” He threatens her, holding his hand out for his payment.

  “You’ll regret it if you so much as touch either one of us.” Carla assures him, handing over some money.

  I can’t see how much it is but I can tell it’s a lot. I have no idea where she would have got that sort of cash from and plan on asking her as soon as we’re alone.

  “Where did you get all of that cash from?” I demand, clutching onto her arm when we’re half way down the corridor.

  “I’ll tell you later but right now we have to hurry, it’s really important that we don’t miss the start of it.”

  She hurries towards the deafening noise which reverberates off every wall. The crowd can be heard throughout the entire building, increasing my anxiety as we draw closer towards them. I can tell by the interior that the building is now used as a warehouse and hasn’t been cleaned in years. I don’t want to think about all the things which might be scurrying around inside here and race after Carla so I’m not left alone.

  I gasp as soon as we exit the corridor and join the hundreds of people in the audience. All of them are chanting and cheering, shouting at the top of their lungs as they grow more and more impatient for the fight to start.

  I still can’t believe that Jake is still doing this behind my back and even though the doorman we just encountered acknowledged the fact that Jake is one of the fighters tonight, I know I won’t truly believ
e it until I see him with my own eyes.

  “Don’t leave my side.” I beg Carla, clutching onto her tightly.

  “I won’t!” She assures me, raising her voice so I can hear her.

  We decide to stay at the back of the crowd, trying our best to blend into the background and look inconspicuous. I’m stunned by the amount of women which are here, amazed that they would actually want to come and watch something as brutal as this. There’s something animalistic and sadistic about wanting to observe another human being hurt and I don’t want any part of it.

  I’m still furious with Jake for sneaking out of our apartment night after night and I’m also a little annoyed with Carla for dragging me here in the first place. All I want to do now is prove her wrong. I’m desperate to find out that the fighter we’ve come to see isn’t Jake so we can get the hell out of here.

  A man’s voice interrupts the excitement of the crowd by announcing that the fight is due to start in five minutes time. The audience go wild as soon as they hear this and start clapping their hands in anticipation. It’s terrifying to watch and I tighten the firm grasp I already have on Carla’s hand.

  She offers me a weak smile before she turns back towards the front of the crowd. There’s a huge ring which four beautiful young women suddenly enter, each of them holding up a white piece of card with the number of minutes left until the fight starts.

  I can’t help being envious of them, watching the girls parade around in their gold hot pants and matching gold crop tops which showcase their toned stomachs and olive skin. I don’t know how I’m going to react if I find out that Jake really is participating in this fight, especially if I find out he has had anything to do with the girls in front of me.

  My envy reaches boiling point as my gaze remains transfixed on one of the brunettes, flashing her dazzling smile and long legs. She’s so tall and elegant… a complete contrast to my small frame and petite height. She’s the sort of girl I can imagine Jake being with. She’s breathtakingly beautiful, sexy and confident. She’s everything I’m not and it’s almost enough to make me hate her for it.

  A second announcement is made which notifies everyone that the fight is about to start and all of the lights which surround the audience are switched off. We’re in darkness until two giant spotlights are turned back on where the fight is about to take place. The four girls exit the ring but stay close by, encouraging the crowd to start cheering for the fighter they’ve come to support.


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