Dragons and Destiny

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Dragons and Destiny Page 38

by Candy Rae

  Altuinq: Larg a human forced into rapport with a Larg

  Allst: Tall, large leafed tree of the north

  Ammokko: Dglai mother ship

  Argyll: Human country on the eastern coast of the northern continent on Rybak

  Atropos: The fate that cuts the thread of life

  Avuzdel: Lind Central Spying Unit, a quasi-secret order within the Lind nation

  Bamana: Fruit grown in the southern continent, very like a banana in shape and texture

  Battle of the Alliance: Battle between the Larg and the convicts of the south and the settlers and the Lind of the north at the beginning of the second summer of mankind on Rybak

  Battle of the Ford: The Larg attacked the Kingdom of Murdoch in AL503 and were defeated at the Ford of the river that runs between the Duchies of Cocteau and van Buren.

  Battle of Trumpet Keep: When the Larg invaded Vadath in AL10 the Armies of the North met them at David’s Keep that was renamed Trumpet Keep after the battle was won.

  Battle of the Gorge: When the Larg invaded Lind in AL167 they were defeated at this battle. Also known as the Battle of Fountains Head

  Black Cat: An Inn at Vada

  Black Star: Honour Star awarded to brave vadelns (deceased) of the Vada

  Blue Flag: The flag raised above human habitations to tell searching Lind that there is a human there who wishes to be considered for vadeln-pairing

  Blue Lind: Tavern in southeast Argyll

  Book of Laws: The Holy Book of the priests if the Island of Hallam

  Book of the Fallen: Book held in the Inner Sanctum of the Vada in which is recorded details of those who have died in the line of duty

  Boton Lai : Probe of the Diaglon

  Brai: Lai : Black skinned rtath of the Diaglon

  Chela: Lind claw, they have five on each paw. They resemble the claws of an earth cat in that they can tract and retract

  Ceja: Yes

  Clotho: The fate that spins the thread of life

  Conclave: Ruling Council of the Kingdom of Murdoch, chaired by the King or Lord Regent. All Murdochian Dukedoms are entitled to a seat on Conclave as is the Lord Marshall. All seat-holders are entitled to one vote.

  Contrap: Weapon invented by Arthur Knott and used to defeat the south during the Battle of the Alliance in AL2

  CP: Command Post; in a battle this is where the commander of the army is located

  CPO: Chief Petty Officer

  Crtath: Welcome (informal)

  Daga: Lind den

  Daiglon: Lai : Planet where the Lai and the others come from

  Daki: Section of the Avuzdel

  Dalina: Blue flowers resembling snowdrops

  Dalinabell: Merchant ship that plies her trade between the Kingdom of Murdoch and Argyll

  Dantrapper: Forest in southwestern Lind

  Dedta: Welcome (formal)

  Deld: Dglai : a measure of gravitational levels

  Dglai :Lai and Dglai : Green skinned rtath of the Daiglon

  Dhrehl: Season

  Dom: Temporary pack home

  Domta: Permanent pack home

  Domta Holad Winston: The settlement in Vadath where medicine is taught and founded by Winston Randall in AL2

  Douglastown: Town in northern Argyll with a Garda detachment

  Dugo: Small prickly, dense and fast growing bush, prevalent in the north

  Dune Mountain: Bobbly peak near Pointy Peak and close to the town of Dunetown

  Dunetown: A village along the Southern Trade Route in Argyll, outside which the Little Rover Inn is situated

  Eastern Isles: A prosperous and large group of islands in the Great Eastern Sea and allied to the Kingdom of Murdoch

  Elda(s): Leader(s) of packs and Lind nation

  Eln: Mate

  Express: A service set up during the early years and modelled on the “Pony Express” of the American mid-west in the nineteenth century with the additional service of ‘immediate’ messages using the Lind’s telepathic abilities

  Farquharstown: A small village in Argyll about thirty miles north of Settlement

  Fealtatis: Fealty ceremony at the Court of Murdoch (the giving of homage and the taking of fealty to and from the King or Queen)

  Fifty-first Ryzck: Known as the Susa’s Own and who perform tasks directly ordered by the Susa of the Vada

  Fireoil: A substance that burns even in the wettest of conditions

  Fort: Defensive site where the crew and families of the WCPS Electra fled to before being overrun by the convicts some months after landing on Rybak (Wolves) : it became the ruling centre and capital of the Kingdom of Murdoch (Trumpet) – the principal royal palace is situated here.

  Forty: Sanduntan

  Fountains Head: Waterfall in southwestern Lind and the location of the most westerly Holad station in the Lands of the Lind

  France Street: A street in the old part of Stewarton

  Galland Confederation: A prosperous and large group of islands in the Great Eastern Sea and allied to the Kingdom of Murdoch

  Garda: Regular army of Argyll, its headquarters are at Settlement

  Gingrootbeer: Spicy soft drink

  Goddess: Deity worshipped on the Island of Hallam

  Great Eastern Sea: Vast ocean east of Argyll containing hundreds of islands

  Gtran: Large vicious cat-like predators that inhabit the snowy mountain ranges of the northern continent

  Gtratha: High Council of Lind

  Gtrathlin: Leader of the Gtratha

  Greenfruit: A northern fruit that is available during winter and summer

  Hallam: Northern island in the Great Eastern Sea

  Hand: Measurement used to calculate the height of both Lind and horses and measuring four inches

  Hero of Galliard: Weaponsmaster Rhian, later Susa of the Vada. Galliard is a small island in the Great Eastern Sea

  Holad: Medical section of pack

  Holland Street: A street in the old part of Stewarton

  Hope’s Point: An area to the east of Dunetown

  Ilyei Estuary: Inlet on the southern coast of Vadath where lie a fishing village and a Vada Supply Station

  Innellan: A port on the eastern seaboard of Argyll

  Inner Sanctum: The room within the Vada Stronghold where is kept the records of those serving and who have once served with the Vada. It also contains the books containing those vadeln who have died in the pursuit of their duty

  Intoxication: Armed merchant and passenger ship that plies its trade between the Islands and Settlement

  Jeza: Eat

  Jezdic: Zebra like intractable animal

  Juvenis: First Staticum (year) officer trainees of the Garda of Argyll

  Kala: Caffeine drink made from the nuts of the allst tree

  Kohort: Larg – Cohort of Larg warriors, usually numbering at least 800

  Kohortangan : Larg : Army commander

  Kran: Dglai : Commander

  Kranan: Larg : Leader of kohort (kohort) squad

  Kranj: Larg : Part of kohort, numbering eight

  Kura: Docile, woolly, short-legged goat-like animal

  Lachesis: The fate that assigns a person’s destiny

  Lai: Legendary beings of Lind mythology

  Lai: Lai : Golden skinned rtath of the Daiglon

  Larg: Larg : Warlike wolf-like denizens of southern continent

  Largan: Larg : Leader of all the Larg

  Lian: Woods or forests

  Lin: Litter of Lind pups

  Lind: Peace loving wolf-like denizens of northern continent

  Lindling: Human word for Lind young, not often used

  Lindar: Warrior section of pack. All Lind, male and female over thirteen summers fight in one of the three ryz of the Lindar of their pack

  Lisya: Other litter of Lind pups from the same parents

  Litjda: Bitter tasting poison

  Little Sisters of the Poor: Nursing Order of Nuns from the Kingdom of Murdoch. They wear white habits

  Little Rover Inn: Inn a
t Dunetown belonging to Innkeeper Talan and where Zak, Zala, Tala, Hilla, Rilla and Zilla grew up

  Ltscta: Lind youngling

  Lucky Lind: A pub at the Vada port

  Lungtrel: Multi coloured river fish

  Malinon: Northern bird that sings a fine tune

  Malinon: Argyllian merchant ship

  Middle Sea: Sea between the northern and southern continents

  Militia of Argyll: Made up of the general population, the Militia is responsible for helping the Garda in their own Ward and can be called up in time of need

  Militia of Vadath: Made up of men and women of fighting age and who have not paired with a Lind, the Militia is responsible for aiding in the defence of the northern continent

  Murdoch: Human Country in the southern continent ruled by the ex-convicts (and their descendants) from the WCPS Electra

  Nad: Nothingness

  Nadlian: Area of land with no trees, grasslands

  Nahoko: Lai : Probe of the Diaglon

  Numbers 1:10 ; Dun, Vad, Lok, San, Rak, Olf, Tak, Zan, Echt, Duntan

  Ondis: Insects that live in swarms and who look like and live s similar life to the locusts of planet Earth

  Order of the Grey Nuns: Teaching Order of Nuns of the Kingdom of Murdoch

  Pilli: Small, edible darting red fish found in the rivers of the northern continent

  Pison berry: Poisonous green berry, which resembles the greenfruit

  Plodder: Name given to the type of travelling horse that Baron Ross favoured for long journeys

  PO: Petty Officer

  Pointy Peak: Pointed mountain near Dunetown and used by mariners as a reference point for navigation

  Port Charles: Eighth ward port in Argyll

  Port Lutterell: Main port of eastern Argyll, most of its traffic is composed of merchantmen plying their trade between the mainland and the islands, also the base for the Argyllian Navy

  Priests of the Holy Temple: Rulers of the Island of Hallam and members of a strict religious sect

  Ptatch: Ride

  Quorko: Lai and Dglai : Scout ship of the Dglai

  Raging Jezdic: An Inn at Vada

  Rai: Lai : Blue skinned rtath of the Diaglon

  Raki: Section of the Avuzdel

  Relentless: Pirate slaver-galley

  Rdha: A snack meal

  Relm: A piece of paper or parchment of letter size

  Rhan: Sun (day)

  Rhed: Hot

  Redgeworg: Dangerous soporific drug

  Rhedhrehl: Summer season

  Ricca: A rice-like crop grown in the south

  Rtath: Pack

  Rtatha: Pack-range

  Rtathen: Pack-mates

  Rtathlian: Pack-woods

  Rudtka: Larg : Small southern burrowing animal like a rabbit with short ears

  Ruza: Hero

  Rocksprings: Mining camp in the northern mountains of Argyll

  Rybak: Planet Wolf, home of the Lind and the Larg and named after James Rybak who found it

  Ryz: Battle line

  Ryzck: Troop of Vada : made up of thirty-four vadeln-pairs and one commanding vadeln-pair

  Ryzcka: Vada Troop Commander

  Saint Joan: Religious township in northern Argyll where Susa Julia was born

  Saneln: Family unit of four, two humans and two Lind, mated

  Satalrdn: Many

  Sbnai: Lai : Red skinned rtath of the Daiglon

  Senis: Second Staticum (year) officer trainees of the Garda of Argyll

  Sheld: Dglai – a measure of gravitational levels

  Silver Star: Honour Star awarded to brave vadeln-pairs of the Vada

  Silver Star: An Inn at Vada

  Sitrep: Situation report

  Slammer: Army slang for jail

  Smaha: Red numbing medicinal root

  Southern Trade Route: This runs from Settlement at the southeasterly tip of Argyll to Vada, the Stronghold of the Vada in Vadath.

  Standard: Language spoken by the humans when they arrived on Rybak – as the years progressed the language has shifted to take account of words of Lindish and of the Larg

  Stasya: River which flowed into Stewarton during the early years, by the seventh century barely a trickle because of the dam which was built in AL200 to provide a clean water supply for the growing town

  Staticum: The year designations of officer trainees in the Garda. Training takes two years and in the first year they are designated First Staticum, in their second year Second Staticum. First year trainees take the rank Juvenis, second year trainees the rank Senis

  Stickleweed: Maroon coloured, fast growing weed whose leave stick to clothes, hair and fur

  Stewarton: City of Argyll, situated inland beside Lake Stewart

  Stronghold: A name used to describe the section within the town of Vada where the Vada HQ is

  Summoner of Death: The name for the Boton amongst the Avuzdel

  Supply Station: Vada stations that are dotted around Argyll, Vadath and Lind for the use of travelling vadeln-pairs

  Susa: Commander of a Lindar, of the Vada and of the three sections of the Avuzdel

  Susalai: Supreme Commander of the Avuzdel

  Susyc: Overall Commander of the Armies of the North

  Symington: Baronage located in the Duchy of Brentwood

  Tan: 0 (Zero)

  Tarklei: River in southwestern Lind

  Technicians Guild: Guild in Argyll and responsible for all technical matters

  Thed: Cold

  Thedhrehl: Winter season

  The Exam: The leaving exams sat by all most of those in Argyll and Vadath wishing to go on to further education, the usual age for sitting these is sixteen

  Thibaltines: Enclosed Order of Nuns of the Kingdom of Murdoch. They wear black habits

  Three of Five: Dglai :Numerical name of the unmanned beacon the Dglai sent out into space to seek out suitable planets for invasion

  Tran: Moon (night)

  Tranet: Edible freshwater flatfish

  Vada: Cavalry (Lind/human)

  Vada: The township that has grown up around the Vada stronghold

  Vadath: Country between Argyll and Lind on the northern continent, ruled jointly by humans and Lind

  Vadeln-pair: Paired life-mate (Lind/human), often shortened to vadeln or pair

  Vadryz: Squad of Vada : made up of eight vadeln-pairs

  Vadryza: Vada squad commander of which there are four in each Ryzck; of eight vadeln-pairs each

  Valdka: Cloudy white alcoholic drink

  Valley Farm: A farmstead in the northern mountains of Argyll destroyed by bandits

  Volat: Needless slaying of any creature

  Vuz: Idiot (if spoken loudly)

  Vuz: Small striped river animal (if spoken softly)

  Walda: A long thick leafed grass grown in both northern and southern continents and used for fodder, thatching and other myriad uses

  Waldathorn brocade: A brocade based on the walda grass

  Whitebush: A plant that generated white roots that can be cooked and eaten

  Western Isles: A prosperous and large group of islands in the Great Eastern Sea and allied to the Kingdom of Murdoch

  Wral: Large bear-like animals that inhabit the riverbanks of the snowy mountains of the northern continent

  Wylie Harbour: Busy and prosperous harbour in southern Argyll

  Xrndli: Vulture-like raptor, after a battle they descend on the field and eat the dead

  Zandi: Bright coloured snakes that live in the northern continent

  Zarova: Long necked camel-like meat animal

  * * * * *


  The Rybakian Year

  First Month of Summer: Dunrhed

  Second Month of Summer: Vadrhed

  Third Month of Summer: Lokrhed

  Fourth Month of Summer: Sanrhed

  Fifth Month of Summer: Rakrhed

  First Month of Winter: Dunthed

  Second Month of Winter: Vadthed

  Third Month of Wint
er: Lokthed

  Fourth Month of Winter: Santhed

  Fifth Month of Winter: Rakthed

  A Rybakian year is ten months long. There are only two seasons, summer and winter. The year begins with Dunrhed, the first month of summer because tradition states that this was the month of landing. There are four weeks, each ten days long, in a Rybakian month. A week is called a tenday.

  The Rybakian Day

  Midnight Bell : First Nightbell : Second Nightbell : Third Nightbell : Fourth Nightbell : Dawn Bell : First Bell : Second Bell : Third Bell : Fourth Bell : Noon Bell : Sixth Bell : Seventh Bell : Eighth Bell : Ninth Bell : Eve Bell : Eleventh Bell : Twelfth Bell : Thirteenth Bell : Fourteenth Bell : Midnight Bell

  The Dukedoms of the Kingdom of Murdoch in Order of Precedence

  North Baker: South Baker: Smith: Cocteau: Van Buren: Gardiner: Brentwood: Sahara (Vacant): Duchesne: Graham

  Extract from the Genealogical Chart of the Royal Family of Murdoch AL580 to AL607

  King Elliot X (527-601) m. Contessa Janet van Buren (530-89)

  * King Elliot XI (b547) m. Contessa Mary Kirkton of the Eastern Isles (b550)

  ** Elliot (567-574)

  ** Paul (b568) m. Contessa Susan Baker (b572)

  *** Elliot (b590)

  *** Susan (b593)

  *** Mary (b596)

  *** Janet (b599)

  ** Mary (571-593) m. Duke Raoul van Buren (b571)

  ** Janet (b575) m. Earl Marcus Galland (b575)

  ** Xavier (b580) m. Daughter-Heir Harriet Baker (b585)

  * Janet (b550) m. Duke James Kirk of the Western Isles (551-92)

  * Robert (b552) m. Daughter-Heir Eileidh Brentwood (b560)

  * Mary (554-99) (Nun)

  * David (b555) m. Kellessa Bethany Ross (b560)

  ** Bethany (b580) m. Duke-Heir William Duchesne (b580)

  ** Ian (b586) m. Kellessa Denise Brentwood (b590)

  *** Pierre (b607)

  * Anne (b558) m. Duke Pierre Cocteau (b554)

  Members of the Ruling Conclave of Murdoch AL599

  Head of Conclave (with casting vote) – King Elliot the Tenth (b527): North Baker – Duke William (b550): South Baker – Prince-Duke Xavier (b557): Smith – Duke David (b550): Cocteau – Duke Pierre (b554): Van Buren – Duke Raoul (b546): Gardiner – Duke Alastair (b531): Brentwood – Prince-Duke Robert (b552): Sahara – Crown-Prince Elliot (b547): Duchesne – Duke William (b540): Graham – Duke Charles (b580): Lord Marshall : Count Peter Duchesne (b565): Primate – Archbishop Tom Brentwood, Primate of Murdoch (b540)


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