The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 4

by Richardson, James

  “It would be an honor my lord. If I may suggest Hagar of the hill dwarfs for the second dwarf on the team. He has served my clan with honor, and is a fine warrior. He has fought many years in our army and is renowned for his feats of courage in the stone clan,” Redbird said sipping on the fine mead. He could hardly wait to tell his old and must trusted comrade the glorious news. How his chief woman would sing to the heavens for the honor that he has given the stone clan.

  “I don't have to tell you to keep this under your hat. Though I hope the elves join us without having to tell them about this group.”

  “I don't think it would be wise to keep this from them my lord. Though I will keep this secret to myself until you feel it is time,” Redbird said though he thought that keeping. This from the other races would not look kindly at this being kept secret from them.

  “I will take your advice under concretion Redbird you may return to your duties," Draco said unrolling a piece of parchment. As Redbird turned to retake his post, going over the upcoming events in the next few days. Remembering the days before he was a dragon rider it all seemed so long ago. This as been his greatest adventure that anyone could dream of. Who would come out as the victor of this war. Would it be Draco, or the armies of the Doncer. These will be dark times for all if the dwarf and the elves do not take to this new alliance. How would Draco cull the elves mistrust of the humans on second Earth. Why should they send there sons and daughters to fight for the humans. That have no idea that they even existed, yet could they simply watch the horror’s that will unfold if the Doncer are not stopped.

  “If we do not fight for these souls then who will, the humans should not take the fall for something their ancestors allowed to happen. Therefore even if the elves stay in their forest cities I will not fail to hear the call to arms,” Draco thought to himself. If the elves wish to hide for the rest of time then so be it, then this world will belong to those who shed their blood for their freedom. Thinking back to the first time he had ventured into the dwarfen lands. They sung his name and that of his dragon in their feast halls. To remember when the races of this world did not allow injustice to go unpunished. "Where could he be I have searched for two years now and only found traces of his whereabouts.Where could you be Last White Dragon Rider!" Draco muttered to himself. Taking his mind off the worries of war, Draco’s mind wandered to the days when he was with his family. The few minutes he spent talking to his brother meant the world to him. Sensing Shadow Fang close Draco opened his mind to hers.

  Is something troubling you my little one?” A great many things trouble me these days may dear Shadow Fang take your pick,” Draco said in a weary voice.

  Is it the elves should I go and teach them a thing or two. Are you concerned about the joining ceremony have you not found the one you seek yet.”

  The elves what should I do with the elves they are willing to bring us the arts of the arcane and many other things. They do not see fit to join us in battle, when it is we that take the risk in housing their kind from the Doncer. I can not blame them for being set in their ways. They have lived many centuries behind their cities walls maybe it just take some time to knock so sense into them. It will not be me though I have had my fell of elves as of late. I wish I could take a vacation from all this. We could go down to the beach on second Earth just relax on the sandy shores,” Draco said to Shadow Fang lovingly.

  Yes the warm sand on my belly would be nice though I don't think the humans would like us much,” Shadow Fang said laying her massive head down next to him to protect her rider if any one would mean him harm.

  I guess your right about that though it would be nice it’s a thought though,” Draco said rubbing his hand along Shadow Fang neck. “How were the eggs my dear?”

  All should be ready for the joining ceremony except for the white egg. Who is it that you think would be a match for my daughter?” You have already met the man I think he would make a good match for her,” Draco said smiling at Shadow Fang at the thought of his brother flying next to him.

  Are you positive that he be the one for her I just don't want you to get your hopes up little one,” Shadow Fang said reassuring Draco with a flick of her tongue.

  “I believe he is the one we seek my dear. What are your thoughts on the dwarf's joining

  with the greens,” Draco asked shaking his doubts from his mind. I think it’s a good match seeing how the greens have no use of flying since they choose to live underground. The dwarfs themselves do not care much for flying so I see no problem with this course of action.”

  Do you think the greens will except the dwarf's as their riders?” Trying his best to hide his concerns from his partner so that she would not realize how delicate they sit on the edge of ruin.

  I did not sense any discomfort within the eggs when I told them about this,” Shadow fang said nudging her rider with her scaly snout. Hearing this Draco’s mood began to lift from his shoulders, long days had past since he told Shadow Fang of his plains. If the greens did not approve of this then Draco could no longer count on the dwarf's assistance in this war. With this bit of news Draco knew some good will come out of this meeting.

  Well my dear I am off to bed you going to the hatchery tonight, or will you be staying in the alcove.”

  You know my answer to that until the eggs are hatch I will not leave their side during the night,” Shadow Fang said twisting her body around. Draco knew that since her own mother had died at the hand of one of the Doncer black dragons. She would never leave her young unguarded for to long.

  I know I just miss the gentle rumble you make during the night.”

  How sweet of you, you know you are always welcome to stay with us in the hatchery,” Shadow Fang said nudging Draco to fellow.

  I should be there momentarily my dear let me tell the men were to find me. You remember the last time when I slept in there. The commander was in such a fit in the morning I didn't hear the end of it for a week,” Draco said laughingly as he walk to the door.

  I will wait for you in the hatchery then little one do not take too long,” said Shadow Fang. Her lithe form slipping through the dark tunnel, as he walked out of the study motioning for Redbird to come and join him.

  “Redbird inform Commander Glen that I shall be in the hatchery until the morning if anything arises he can reach me there.” “Yes my lord I will let the commander know right away,” Redbird said saluting Draco as he passed.

  With the message fresh in Redbird’s mind, ran down the stone corridor towards the commander’s office. Upon entering the commanders office stood two elf's one in white silk robes her star light hair nearly as long as she was. Her midnight blue skin foretold of her heritage, all dwarf’s had a sense of magic most prefer to wield weapons then the arcane arts. Redbird could sense the magic rolling off the elf in waves. The other in platinum silver plate mail at his side hanged a broad sword edged in elven runes. The man was a wood elf like their kin the drow they were less gifted in the ways of magic unlike the high elves and the star elves. Wood elves did not have the arrogances that the high elves seem to be born with. Nor did they love to kill as their evil kin made an art form at it. No one in this world could never say they have not felt the sting of their dark magic. Since their joining with the Doncer the raids on their surface kin had nearly ceased. Though that did not stop them from sending their young warriors, into unguarded village to sharpen their skills many have never forgotten those attacks. Amazed at the shear workmanship of the weapon Redbird could not take his eyes off the sword. For dwarf’s loved the artisanship of metal as much as they loved the stone itself.

  “Is there something you need master dwarf,” Commander Glen asked staring down the dwarf. His blue-green eyes peering though his sandy blonde strands of lose hair. The Commander had the unfortunate task of keeping the armies well supplied, and well entertained. Redbird had never noticed an elf with, as many winkles as Glen seem to support. “Lord Draco wishes for you to know that he shall be in the hatchery until
the morning,” Redbird said bowing to the commander. “Thank you Redbird take over for Hagor at the hatchery entrance,” Glen said blowing out a sigh of relief. Glen remembered when he had the whole castle searching for Draco. All just to find him in the hatchery with his dragon, though he would not lose his temper in front of there leader. Yet he did let Draco know how foolish it was not to inform his men on where to find him.

  “Yes commander,” Redbird saluted before slipping out of the room.

  As Draco rounded the corner to the hatchery, he could hear Shadow Fang humming to her young. This will be her third time she had mated since she had hatched for him. Draco could not shake off how motherly Shadow Fang could be to her young. Though her own mother had been killed by a Doncer's black dragon shortly after her egg was laid. Draco was always welcome to stay with Shadow Fang. However in the hatchery most of the time Draco felt like a third wheel there. To every one else her melodies meant nothing, to Draco it was like being a small child again listening to his mother singing him to sleep. To him it meant people they would meet, places they would go and battles they would fight. If Draco could pick a place to spend his rest of his live he would say send me to the hatchery with Shadow Fang humming a tune. Shadow Fang raised her massive spear shape head towards Draco.

  How long have you been there little one?” Her giant red orb studying her rider to see if there was any discomfort within his own mind. Shadow Fang worried for him as much as she did with her own young. For it was her voice that had pulled him into this world. She would not allow anyone, or anything to take him away not without a fight. Draco had come to fill the void that her mothers death had created as best he could.

  “I caught the second half of your tune,” Draco said aloud with no one around to think him crazy for talking to himself.

  You going to stand there all night or you coming down,” Shadow Fang asked cocking her head. She would never allow any one to come so close to her young. Yet knew his heart and soul when they were apart she felt a piece of her was lost.

  “I coming,” Draco said feeling like a schoolboy when he and Shadow Fang were alone. To him, her voice was as sweet as the heavenly songs the elves seem to enjoy.

  Then I shall begin a new song of the old white dragon rider.” Shadow Fang began in a low pitch that gradually turned ever higher as the song progressed.

  Come all Listen to the tale of Chad The last White Dragon Rider Great as he was in magic and lore

  His dragon Heaven's Wing Together they flew the skies Together they fought many battles For many years before all fell to the Doncer

  There stood the mighty Chad Alone against the armies of the Doncer Many fell to their blade and fire There feats were legendary

  In the end they to fell Though together, they were mighty Some say Chad and Heaven's Wing still lives Some say he fell to the wounds given by the Doncer

  We dragons remember there bravery We sing this song in remembrance of the lives ended Their actions are our guiding post To ferry our future brothers and sisters to the end

  As Shadow Fang finished the last verse of the song Draco drifted of to sleep under her onyx colored wing. Two days had pasted since the meeting had began the emissaries had left to confer with their own leaders. The leaders of the elves were given two days to give an answer to his proposal. Draco was relieved that the elves were gone if only for a short time. The wood and dark elf's he did not mind they were easy to get along with. They did not drag there feet though every discussion that was held in the castle. The High elves were the most arrogant and egotistical of any race that Draco had ever meant since he was born.

  Draco could already tell that the High elves would not support him in this war. Unless miracle of fate happens that would drive them to take up arms once again. The wood and dark elves knew they could no longer stay in the shadows. "If we are to fall they stood no change of surviving the massive armies of the Doncer," Draco said to himself. As Draco read the reports of Doncer movement across the eastern territory. Draco knew they would not dare send men to attack him directly. Draco knew the Doncer had the Drow on their side so he could not let his guard down. The Drow were a ruthless lot that would kill their own brother if it meant increasing their standing in their society. At that moment Redbird knocked upon the door.

  “Enter,” Draco said through the thick wooden door. “Forgive me my lord for intruding on you like this,” Redbird said even in dwarfen society one did not enter one’s chambers without good reason.

  “What is all the commotion about Redbird?” Draco could hear the whole of the castle was in a uproar.

  “We have just received reports of three Drow sighted down on second Earth in the area in which the humans call South Carolina.”

  “Do they have any idea why there are Drow within my realm?”

  “The scouts’ report that they are searching

  for a man that you saved a few days ago,” Redbird said not wishing to bring such dire news to

  his commander. Stunned at this turn of events

  the parchment that Draco held within his hands

  fell unto the desk.

  “Why would they be after him did they

  find out who he truly is,” Draco said under his


  “My lord what are your orders,” Redbird

  asked squaring his shoulders readying himself

  should he be called to action.

  “Tell the men to saddle Shadow Fang I'm

  heading down to second Earth,” Draco said as

  he strapped his sword belt to his hip.

  “My lord is you sure about this you’re not

  going to put on your armor.”

  “I am Redbird there is a debt to be paid,

  and there is no time for that if I am right their

  going after him,” Draco said placing his hand

  on Redbird's shoulder.

  “I will inform the men my lord,” said Redbird bowing as left the room.

  Shadow Fang we are leaving,” Draco said

  though there shared mental link as he rushed

  down the corridor.

  I am already waiting for you,” Shadow

  Fang replied.

  As Draco climbed the stone stairway to the

  roof of the castle Draco questioned how the

  Drow. Found out about his brother for he didn't

  mention his family to any one before. Were

  they watching as Draco fought the ruby golem

  on that fateful day. Did they figure out that he

  was Draco’s older brother how would they use

  Cominus against him. Would they hold him

  prisoner to keep Draco in check or use him to

  lure him to their side. Would the Doncer use

  Cominus to keep his forces from attacking

  them out right. Draco quickened his pace taking two steps at a time up the stairs. Deep in

  thought Draco nearly ran over Redbird. “My lord Shadow Fang is ready to go, are

  you sure you should go my lord. There are

  plenty of broader guards within that area. They

  would have no problem with protecting his

  man they could be there in two to three hours.

  There is no reason for you to burden yourself

  with this matter my lord,” Redbird said could

  not believe that his lordship would put himself

  in danger for a mere human.

  “This is a private matter in which I will attend to myself. If I were to wait for the broader guards he would sure be dead long before they would reach him. Shadow Fang will have me there long before that comes to pass,” Draco

  said in a commanding voice.

  “I meant no disrespect my lord I was only

  thinking of your well being. What should I tell

  the emissaries when they arrive in the next

  hour my lord,” Redbird said hoping that Draco

  would not be too hard on him for his act
ions. “None taken my friend. Tell the emissaries

  to wait in their chambers for my return we will

  continue our talks then,” Draco said putting his

  hand on Redbird shoulder to reinsure his friend

  that no harm was done.

  “If they ask were have you gone what

  should I tell them my lord?”

  “Tell them I went to take care of personal

  business that came up suddenly.”

  “Yes my lord,” Redbird said bowed as he

  backed away.

  Draco ran to Shadow Fang throwing himself onto her neck beckoning her to take off.

  With three mighty flaps of her wings, they

  were high above the castle. Draco directed her

  to the nearest slipstream that would take them

  close to there designation. Placing a ward

  around himself before entering the stream with

  out his armor to protect him. The high velocity

  winds and extreme speeds that would rip the

  skin from his bones. Draco and Shadow Fang

  made there way into the nearest stream. That

  would reach his brother in one hour, Draco

  hoped Cominus could hold out until then.

  Chapter Two

  Cold winter morning burned in Cominus lungs as he returned home from his night shift. Nearing the door to his home the images of flying on dragons back danced in his mind. For the past two days, the dragon in his dreams had been white. "Why it white," he asked himself. Was this because of his fascination with dragons or did it mean something else. Cominus had almost missed the shadowy shapes darting from tree to tree. Unsure what was going on he knew now that things are not always what they seemed. Cominus reached into his pockets searching for his house keys. As Cominus place on foot on the first step of the porch, the shadows jump out into his field of vision. Standing before him were two men with long silver hair with silvery eyes and ebony skin, and a female if she did not have the look of murder in her eyes he would have found her attractive.


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