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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 11

by Richardson, James

  “Yes my lord,” said Siphon and Diniks bowing. The two elves walked into to the darkness of the corridor back to the hall. Were they would tell the two younger elves of their important duties they were to carry out. As the ceremony, drew to a close Cominus began to ponder what to do next what was going to happen to him. Before he could answer himself, Darjin began to speak though their shared mental link.

  We are to leave for the high elves within the hour,” Darjin said flicking Cominus's ear with her bard tongue.

  How do you know that?” So many questions flooded his mind he could not fathom where to begin.

  My mother told me,” Darjin said rubbing her small scaly nose against the back of his neck the sensation was quite unnerving for the young rider.

  How will we get there I know my brother will not let me go alone.” Well at

  least some one is giving him an straight answer for once. By foot of course mother has told me that a dark elf mage and a wood elf sword master will be joining us.”

  How would get there by foot .” Since he had been here, he never saw any sign of horses in the area. Did every one walk to their destination, or was there some other means that he was not aware of.

  We will use the ancient gates that connects the lands to one another silly,” Darjin said stretching her tiny wings.

  It would take him some time to get use to having Darjin in his mind all the time. Darjin become restless on his shoulders after seeing a rat run across the floor of the hall. Jumping off his shoulders, she ran right after the rat thinking it would be a quick meal before they left for the high elf city. Cominus watched her as she stalked the rat, her movements remind him of a house cat. For her speed and stealth for stalking her prey were much the same.

  Cat where it would be a much better meal then this rat, though the fur would just get caught in my teeth,” Darjin said the rat's tail twiched against the corner of her mouth.

  How would you catch a cat you yourself are no bigger then a cat,” Cominus said laughingly.

  Humph you underestimate my skills,” Darjin said holding her head up as she swallowed the last bit of the rat's tail. Walking back towards Cominus her head still in the air her foot catching her tiny wing tripping falling on her head. Unable to hold in the laughter Cominus bent over picking up Darjin in his hands.

  Shut up that hurt ,” Darjin said nursing her bump.

  That will teach you to watch were your going,” Cominus said scratching under Darjin's chin. Before their talk was finished Redbird approached him bowing to the newly hatch dragon and her rider in respect.

  “My lord the hour is almost over we should head towards your brothers chamber now,” Redbird said sternly.

  “Right lead the way master dwarf,” Cominus said as Darjin settled herself onto his shoulders. As the two walked out of the hall all eyes were upon them. For what were Lord Draco’s plans for this new human rider, would he succumb to the power as his predecessors had once done only time will tell. Cominus knew there was a lot was riding on him this did not deter him from making his brother proud. Now that he was joined, the elves could no longer belittle him openly. It would bring shame onto those who would do so. However, it did not stop them from saying half-truths and underhanded comments.

  This didn't effect Cominus as they would have hope it would, now he was to be sent to the one place were. He would have to put up with this daily how would he deal with this. The newly joined rider and dwarf walked down the corridor towards Draco's room. Redbird knocked on his lordship's door waiting for a reply before entering.

  “Come.” Draco said as he spoke to someone within. As they did Darjin jumped from his shoulders and ran to her mother that was resting in her alcove. As Darjin, neared Shadow Fang lowered her front leg to allow Darjin to climb on her back, nestling in the low area behind her mothers head.

  “Brother I got to ask why we are going to the high elves, their is no need for one of them to join us. Also why are we walking the entire way there and not riding horses,” Cominus said letting his displeasure known.

  “You mind fillng this one in master dwarf.”

  “With pleasure my lord. The reason why we are travailing to the high elves is to gather another. It would show the high elves are valued in this alliance. It would also go along way for us as well, the high elves would not let anyone travail within their lands without an escort. I know nothing of these horses you speak of, but if they are to carry travelers over great distance then they are a kin to our rams. Our rams have been decimated by the Doncer used as food for their dragons. We have only a hundred left for breeding stock. The dwarfen nation cannot afford to allow even these four to leave. My chief woman sends her regrets that we can not be of help in this manner,” Redbird said respectfully. Cominus saw the hurt in the dwarf’s eyes when he told of the slaughter of their rams.

  “So they are going to baby sit me is it,” Cominus said angrily crossing his arms. “You can say that.”

  “Why send me they have shown their feelings towards me,” Cominus said excepting the fact that he had no say in the matter.

  “To show them a new rider has been chosen,” Draco said placing a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  “So am I going unarmed or what,” Cominus said hearing this Darjin raised her tiny head displeased with her riders comment.

  What I will be there as well is that not enough for you,” Darjin said accusingly. “No little one that's not what I meant,” Cominus said aloud. Not convinced by her riders words Darjin turned her head so that her rider could not reach her, Draco began to laugh as well as Shadow Fang at the two disputed. Draco walked over to his armoire rummaging through it looking for something.

  “What’s so funny,” Cominus asked turning his head towards the sound of his brother’s rummaging.

  It was the same for us when we were first joined,” Shadow Fang purred remembering the days of her youth traveling though the land upon Draco’s own shoulder. Dodging Doncer movements as they trekked throughout the land. “Here you are brother these should do though they are not a proper sword for a rider. They should hold up until you return from your trip,” Draco said handing Cominus twin long swords edged in dwarfen runes. Taking the swords from his brother’s hands, he thanked him for the gift.

  “So when do we leave,” Cominus said his thumb rubbing along the pummel of his sword.. “As soon as the two elves get here." As Draco finished a knock come from the massive wooden door. The elves that Diniks and Siphon had nominated stood outside their lords chambers waiting for there invention to enter. Redbird answered the door as he did, he realized it was the same two he had meet in the

  commanders office.

  “Greetings master dwarf we have come at our leaders’ request,” Ergan said inclining his head towards the dwarf.

  “Greetings my lord and lady,” Redbird said waving them into the room. When they entered, the two elves bowed to Draco as they came halfway into the room. Cominus studied the two elves the male stood six foot tall with sandy brown hair with almond colored eyes. Cominus could tell that this warrior that he had seen many a battle once before. There stood behind Ergan was the lovely Aryl dressed in white silk robes. She stood only at five feet her silver hair was as nearly as long as she was tall. Her skin was that of midnight blue which made her silver eyes shimmer like diamonds against her skin. Even though she was smaller, then the wood elf beside her, Cominus could sense that she had power within her small frame. “I see that you are all here let me tell you why I have brought you all together,” Draco said bringing their focus onto him.

  “Before we being I wish to say that it is an honor to be chosen to protect the new white rider. I shall not let any harm come to his lordship,” Ergan said saluting Draco.

  “I know you and Aryl will do your best to make both your races proud. Now allow me to tell you why you are all here. I formed this group for one purpose to find Chad and Heavens Wing,” Draco said allowing the situation to sink in.

  “How are we to
find a man that has been missing for the past five hundred years,” Aryl asked perplexed by his order. Before Draco could answer her question, Darjin entered everyone's mind.

  Because I can track other white dragons in this world,” Darjin said retreating from their minds. Stunned by this information the two elves were amazed by what Darjin had said. “If white dragons can track other white dragons can black dragons do the same,” Aryl asked looking between the two dragons.

  Yes you are correct in your thinking,” Shadow Fang said flicking out her braded tongue to taste the scent of the two elves. “Before you go on this noble quest I will have you travail to the high elf city of Shadleel. Were you will extend an invention to for one of them to join your group. I will also charge you as my emissaries, in my hand is another invention to fully join us here. Since the fall of Amsher two days ago, I think they will be open to negotiations,” Draco said handing the scroll to Aryl, placing it with in a hidden pocket in her robe sleeve.

  “I shall see to it that it is guard well my lord,” Aryl said fervently.

  “Well you have your orders I wish you all luck and safe journey,” Draco said dismissing them.

  “Thank you,” said everyone, as the four bowed and exited the room. Agreeing to meet at the front gates within the hour to begin their journey. Redbird and Cominus with Darjin nestled on his shoulders were the first to arrive at the massive iron gates. Within moments, the two elves greeted them with packs filled with enough food for the trip. Cominus noticed Aryl no longer wore her fine mage robes that he had first seen her in. She opted for light leather pants and a leather vest with knee-high boots for their journey. In her left hand was a fivefoot staff with a blood red crystal crowning the top of the staff. Ergan dressed the same platinum armor that Redbird first saw him in his broad sword hunged on his side with his shield in his left hand.

  As the four of them exited the castle heading west towards the Median forest. Through they were in friendly territory reports have been coming in about a group of bandits lead by a Char. These creatures’ are known for there bloodlust and savageness with the strength of five men. Many men have gone to their graves looking to slay these mighty beast. To those who seceded in slay a Char they are awarded with the tile of Charslayer. In this time of darkness, this is a beacon of hope for those who cannot fight. The four were at the ready at all times as they started on the road westward towards the Hop gate. This will take these brave souls to the land of Lashalina. Were they would meet with the high elf council.

  As the four neared the edge of the forest, Cominus began to hear what seemed to him. Someone whispering orders to someone or something lurking within the darken forest. Cominus told the others what he heard in the forest. Upon hearing this, the elves were ashamed to not have noticed this before. Redbird held tight to his massive battle ax ready to take flight at any given moment. Cominus drew his twin long swords ready to protect little Darjin with all his might. As the four drew ever closer Darjin became agitated fearing an attack at any moment. The four scanned the forest for signs of movement. Aryl felt moment in the air currents carrying a scent of decay. Shadows darted in between the tress, twigs sniped, and the hair on Cominus's neck began to stand on end. The four stood back to back not wanting to give their hidden enemies any room to sneak up on them.

  Cominus realized that some of the shadows resembled the dark goblins that had attacked his mother’s house. Readying himself for the battle Cominus kept Darjin nestled next to his neck and pack. The shadows jumped out from their hiding places a group of ten dark goblins encircled the group. The three-foot goblins poked and prodded the defense of the four travelers. As the goblins tried to make their way through the defense, five other creatures’ appeared out from the forest.

  Having the same traits of the smaller goblins who were dancing around the four. Standing at five feet with light green skin. Their weapons were of the same design of their smaller counterparts. Cominus wondered why they weren't pressing their attack against them. Given that they were out numbered. As the fifteen goblins stood around the four, a rumble in the forest grew closer to them. "Is this why the goblins did not press there attack on them," Cominus thought. As the noise grew closer, a shadow began to form in the forest. The shadow stood eight feet tall in its left hand was a club it seemed to be as tall has Cominus. The goblins grew agitated as this creature grew closer to the group. As the first rays of light were shone on the creature, Cominus was stunned at the sight of the mammoth beast. This creature had trunk size arms with three fingers on each hand, with hoof feet. The beast head was shaped that of a pigs, massive tusk protruded from the beast lower jaw. The beast body was covered in coarse hair that would cut flesh from his bones if touched. Cominus noticed the look of fear on the elves faces as this creator approached.

  “By Cram,” Redbird said Cominus could hear the leather creaking under his tight grip. “What is that thing,” Cominus asked sweat rolling down his spine.

  “That is a Char young rider,” Ergan said fending off blows from the two hobgoblins. “We most flee,” Aryl said her voice laced with fear at the sight of the might beast. “What is a Char,” Cominus asked paring blows from the goblins that sought his blood. “We have no time for this if we are to flee we must do it now,” Redbird said cleaving through the skull of the goblin before him. The two elves agreed with the young dwarf they would be hard pressed to escape. Before they could make a plan for their escape the goblins lunged at the four. Sounds of metal clashing against one another could be heard throughout the forest. As the battle raged on, Aryl moved to the center of the group readying to cast a spell. Aryl began to whisper low the language of the arcane, two of the goblins had slipped past Ergan. Unable to follow after the two goblins as they readied their attack on the mage. Seeing this Cominus left his position running after the two goblins who had not noticed his approach from the rear. Before the goblins could reach, the beautiful elven mage Cominus raised his twin long swords. Plunging them in to the goblin flesh, the little creatures’ let out a horrific death scream. As they fell at Aryl's feet, four more goblins lunged at Cominus. Unable to defend his position Cominus drew the goblins away from the young mage.

  Surrounded by goblins on each side Cominus felt something surging throughout his body. Cominus was so drawn in by this to realize that the goblins weapons had slashed open his leg and arm. As he fell to a knee the power began to boil his blood burning his flesh. Cominus had no idea what to do, he felt if he did not release this power it would kill him. Without speaking a word a bubble of silver light surrounded the group. Lighting struck the ground within the bubble setting small flames in the grass, those hungry flames were extinguished as fast as they appeared. Seeing their prey unguarded the goblins lunged for the kill. Within inches their swords poised ready to sink into Cominus exposed chest, the four goblins were burn to ash coming to his senses. Cominus could some how control the lighting. Trying his hand at it once more Cominus look to see how many were left. Counting six still standing Cominus could feel this energy surging once again. Within seconds, the six goblins were nothing more then greasy ash on the ground. Ergan, Redbird, and Aryl were stunned that this man had some how single handily saved them.

  The battle was not over yet, the Char remained baring down on the group. Rising it's massive club over it's wart ridden head to bash in the bubble that Cominus produced. With a swing of his mighty club, the four thought it would be the end of them. As the club struck the bubble of light, the shell studdered yet held against it's might. Knocking the Char backwards towards the edge of the forest. Seeing this as the opening for an escape, the three ran from the protection of that simmering bubble. Unable to move due to his injures Cominus saw the three retreating into the woods. Bellowing in rage seeing that his prey had taken flight the Char ran after the three. Knowing that his comrades could not out run this beast Cominus lowering the bubble that he had somehow created. Throwing off his pack Cominus gathered what strength he had left.

  Approaching from behin
d the Char, Cominus plunged one of his long swords into the beast kidneys. Hearing the screams of this mighty beast the three stopped in their tracks. To see that Cominus was not with them, fearing that they had failed in their duties Redbird rushing back to the road. What he saw amazed the mighty dwarf Cominus holding fast to the beast coarse hair.

  Cominus held on for dear life the palms of his hands were slashed open, from the razor bards that lined the shaft's of the beast hair. However the pain and the blood loss did not deter Cominus with his remaining long sword. Plunging the sword into the beast thick neck in it's last tempts to throw Cominus off. The beast struggled in its death throws to kill the man who had wounded it so. As the life drained from the mighty beast, ignoring the pain from his shredded hands. Cominus iron grip held him fast to his reminding long sword. Falling to its knees do to its massive weight. As it's last breathe escaped its snout the beast fell forward with a loud grunt.

  Lying on it's back Cominus soaked in blood from the battle and the Char's braded hair. Seeing her rider slay this mighty beast Darjin let out a victorious cry. The cry rang through the land travailing back to the castle, her mother rested on the roof of the castle. Shadow Fang stood on her hind legs, wings spend, flames jetting out of her nostrils and mouth in response to Darjin's call. As Cominus laid on the ground darkness over took him. Aryl rushed to his side to determine the state of his wellbeing. Redbird and Ergan felt ashamed to have left the rider’s side when he was still willing to fight this beast.

  “Lord Cominus shall be fine, drain though of blood and his magic,” Aryl said inspecting the damage done to his body. As her hand ran over his chest, she felt some ancient pull upon her very soul. Taken back she could not figure what it was about this man. Was it his scent that tugged at her womanhood or the fact that he had risked his own life to save theirs. “We will make camp here for the night I shall gather some fire wood,” Redbird said sitting down his pack with his throwing axe in hand he departed into the forest.


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