The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 12

by Richardson, James

  “I will hunt us a stag for our dinner. When Lord Cominus awakes from his slumber he will have the hunger of an ogre,” Ergan said stringing his elm bow. Darjin curled up Cominus's chest protecting him while he slept. Aryl chanted a healing spell over Cominus's mangled body. As the wounds, stitched together blood was returning to his face. It would be a few hours before his body would recover from the battle. Within the hour Redbird returned with enough wood to last throughout the night.

  Redbird took out his fire bundle and his flint to light the cooking fire. As the fire began to warm the three of them, Redbird took up his battle ax standing guard over the elven mage and the fallen rider. As the he stood guard a dark shadow flew over there camp. Lord Draco had flown out to see what the cause of Darjin's cry. As Shadow Fang landed on the dusty road Draco saw, his brother covered in blood. Fearful that he had sent his brother to his death Draco raced to his brother’s body.

  “What has happen to my brother,” Draco asked in a fury of seeing his brother covered in blood.

  “We were ambushed my lord,” Aryl said stepping back to allow Draco room to examine his brother’s body.

  “By who,” Draco said nodding a silent thank you to Aryl for fine work.

  “Bandits my lord they were lead by a Char,” Redbird said the butt end of his throwing axe puffing up the ash of the dead goblins. “How did you escape from the beast,” Draco asked ready to fight the beast if it dared to show its face before him.

  “Your brother killed the mighty beast,” Redbird said ponting towards the body of the dead Char. Though his own feats were things that made him hero could he think any less of his brother.

  I see that you are well White Fang,” Shadow Fang said nudging Darjin as she slept on Cominus's chest.

  All is well mother he fight bravely against that pig thing,” Darjin said her little white nose kissing her mothers.

  “Where is Ergan did he fall to the beast blade,” Draco asked fearing the quest he had set his brother out on was already in danger of collapse.

  “He went hunting my lord,” Aryl said looking towards the direction Ergan had ventured into the woods.

  “My lord you should not be here we have no idea who these bandits were working for. It is not safe for you to stay any longer then you need to your brother is in fine hands my lord,” Ergan said his voice filtering through the tree branches. Walking out of the forest carrying the carcass of male stag freshly skinned draped over on his shoulders. Ergan walked over to the fire to place the stag on the spit. Draco knew Ergan was right however he did not wish to leave his brother is this state. Draco knew that the three of them would defend his sleeping body as long he was in that state.

  Draco walked back to Shadow Fang stopping at her side turning to look back at his brother before leaving him. Jumping onto Shadow Fangs back with three beats of her powerful wings, they were in the air heading back towards his citadel. Kicking himself Draco knew that this could happen he just thought it would happen after his training was done. Hours past the smell of food awoke Cominus from his slumber. Cominus noticed Darjin on his chest he thought she had grown while he was asleep. Darjin raised her tiny head in response to his thought. Glad he was awake Darjin yawed as her white bard tongue curled in her mouth she stretched her wings, extending her razor sharp claws.

  Darjin jumped off Cominus chest as he began to study the injures that he had suffered during the battle. Cominus figured he would be bandage from head to toe. To his amazement, his hands and arm showed no sign of injury however were the cuts on his hand and arm were nothing more then pink welts. Thinking back to the time when the Drow attack him at his home. His brother had jumped in between them to save his life. Is this what his brother used to heal the injury on his back.

  Cominus felt weak from the battle and use of magic that he did not know he had in him. Aryl and the others stood watching the brave rider for any signs of fatigue from the unexpected use of magic. Waiting for him to join them, the others waited patently for Cominus fogged mind to grasp what had happened to him. Once again Cominus was filled with questions that had no answers. This irritated him to no end when would these questions come to an end he wondered. Seeing the others waiting for him Cominus gathered himself and joined them by the camp fire. The smell of the roasting meat made his mouth water his stomach growled as if he had not eaten in days. “We were wondering when you would awaken Cominus,” Ergan said cutting off a slab of the roasted stag.

  “What happen to me after the beast fell to the ground I just blacked out,” Cominus asked rubbing the soreness out of his arms.

  “Here eat you need to regain what strength you lost when you cast that barrier,” Aryl said handed Cominus a plate of the roasted meat with mashed tubers and wild carrots.

  “Thank you Aryl its smells delicious,” Cominus said perplexed could he really cast magic. As his brother did so easily at their parents house. “What are you talking about what barrier,” Cominus asked trying his best to remember the fight with the goblins and their larger kin. “You must thank Ergan for the stag he went hunting after you passed out my lord. Do you not remember anything from the battle?” “Just bits of it when the goblins injured my arm and leg. I felt something swelling up in it felt if I did not release this energy. I would have died long before the goblins had their way. Then all I can remember is bright lights and the Char running after you all,” Cominus said biting into the moist meat Darjin looked at him with envy.

  “You’re telling us that you just stumbled on to your magic by accident. Do not get me wrong if it was not for your actions we would not be here now my lord. I just never heard of any one tapping into their magic by instinct,” Ergan said carving up the rest of the stag for the others.

  “I don't have magic within me the council had stripped us humans of any lateen magic powers. From what my brother once told me,” Cominus said his stomach voicing its approval of Ergan’s cooking.

  “That was true once, now that you and Darjin have joined you are no longer a normal human,” Aryl said trying not to scare the young rider.

  “I can still feel it within me it’s like my body is tingling all over,” Cominus said he felt like a he had left his cell phone on vibrate. “It’s normal for those who have just started on their arcane journey it will pass over time. When you can call upon it at a moments notice. What you performed was a high-level spell that would kill even the most skilled magi. With the help of Darjin, you escaped that fate,” Aryl said arching an eyebrow letting the seriousness of his actions settle in his mind. Looking at Darjin Cominus wonder how much power this tiny dragon could have.

  You should have seen what you did to the goblins and that pig thing. It was amazing you zapped those green things to ash and when you killed that pig thing,” Darjin said trying her best to depict the events with her tiny-clawed feet. Looking over at the dead Char Cominus saw that it's entrails lying on the ground.

  Did you get hungry,” Cominus asked looking down at Darjin.

  Well it looked like a pig so I thought it might taste like one,” Darjin said looking up at her rider.

  Did it?”

  No it tasted horrible!” Darjin said trying to get the taste of the dead Char off her tongue. “Here little one,” Ergan said placing the carcass of the stag on the ground. Darjin watching Ergan's hands she was so eager to sink, her fangs into the roasted meat she didn't want to take one of his fingers with. Her tail waging in the air Cominus began to laugh as he watched her dig into the remains of their dinner. “I suggest that we turn in for the night we have along way till we reach the Hop gate,” Redbird said eyeing the human. That single handed defeated the Char where it had taken ten. Of his clan to kill the one that ventured into their domain.

  “I shall take first watch,” Cominus said he was glad for the peace and quite for he need the time to readjust to his new body.

  “Wake me in four hours Cominus,” Redbird said placing his right hand on Cominus's shoulder. As the three unrolled their bedding around the cracking
fire. Walking over to the dead Char, Cominus saw the ivory tusks protruding from its bottom lip in the glimmer of the fire light. Looking for a way to cut them off its jaw Cominus thought these would make a nice gift. For his brother and the elven woman he was fascinated with. Darjin glided over to Cominus on her tiny wings seeing what his fascination with his fallen prey was.

  What are you looking at,” Darjin said cocking her tiny head as she rested at his feet.

  Wondering how do I cut off these tusks of the beast,” Cominus said tapping his chin.

  As trophies,” Darjin asked cocking her head in wonder why he would need trophies.

  No as gifts.”

  What do you plain on making out of these tusks,” Darjin asked clamping her jaw on one of the tusks. Cominus heard the cracking of the ivory as Darjin bit clean through the tusks. Placing the tusk on the ground by his feet, she did the same to the other one. After she was done, Darjin waited for Cominus to place her on his shoulders.

  Thank you Darjin it would have taken me all night to cut though just one of these things,” Cominus said petting Darjin’s head.

  Pleased to hear her rider's comments she began to sing to him as Shadow fang sang to her eggs. Cominus remembered the time when he and his brother were in the hatchery. His brother at the time was over come with Shadow Fang's singing Cominus thought he had been driven insane. As Darjin, continued Cominus could feel the calmness of her song settling over him. Now he realized why his brother spent so much time in the hatchery.

  It seemed to Cominus that the dragons songs gave peace to their riders at a time of need. As the hours wore on Cominus began to crave out a crude design on one of the tusk of the Char. The craving showed the battle his brother had with the ruby golem on one side and his first time riding a dragon on the other. Cominus thought this would make a great gift for his brother to show how much he had change in his life.

  As his time on watch began to end, Cominus noticed he was not weary from his battle. Something had changed in him was this for the good or not. Cominus was concerned that he could no longer go back to the way he was just as his brother five years ago. His mood grew sour the more the thought about what he had lost in his previous life. Ever since his brother came to his rescue from the Drow a few days ago, there had been attempts on his life.

  However his new life here was beyond his imagination this just made his determination to become the best even more justified. As dawn approach dew gathered on the blades of grass. Cominus gathered his things wakening the others from their slumber. Cominus wondered how the two elves could sleep with Redbird snoring so close. He would not voice his opinion to the others for he fear it would seem in bad taste. Out of the entire elves Cominus was determine to prove these two wrong, were the ones he had to show that his kind could be trusted once again.

  “My lord why did you not wake me for my watch,” Redbird asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “It look like you need your rest and I was not as tried as it seemed,” Cominus said placing the craving into his satchel.

  “Shall we get going my lord the stink of the rotting Char will soon bring scavengers soon,” Ergan said wrinkling his noise. To his sensitive smell the stink of the body was enough to have him gasping for fresh air.

  “If everyone is ready Redbird you take point I shall follow from behind,” Cominus said tightening the straps of his pack. Heaving his mighty battleaxe Redbird started first on the road to the Hop gate. It would be hours before they would reach this ancient doorway. Feeling more at ease as the day wore on knowing whomever sent the Char after them. Would soon know that the beast lays dead on the road.

  “Aryl my I ask a favor of you,” Cominus asked coming up to her side. His arm brushed against hers Cominus felt some spark jump of each other’s body. Aryl noticed it to and moved a few inches away from the man, not wanting her own emotions getting in the way of her duties. Yet her body would not obey her own mind.

  “What is it my lord,” Aryl said her slender body brushing up against his. Her honey, raspberry perfume filling his head with thoughts that sent heat to his cheeks. Cominus did his best not to show the elven woman that she had such an effect on him.

  “Could you teach me how to use magic so if or when the time comes. I do not wish to go though that ever again,” Cominus said nodding his head backwards towards the failed ambush site. Seeing this as a chance to test the new rider’s limits in the way of the arcane. Aryl wondered if her own master would look kindly on her. Aryl never had a student before she had remember the test one had to take before entering the magi towers. The group stopped for a moment while Aryl went into the woods. When she returned she held a newly cut tree branch in her left hand Cominus questioned what was the point of this. Walking over to Cominus, she handed him the branch.

  “If you can keep this branch alive until we reach the Hop gate I shall teach you,” Aryl said. Knowing this was a test of his skills Cominus struggled at first to tap into the energy. That once would have killed him the day before now he would use it to keep this branch alive. As the four continued their way Cominus felt the tingling in his hand has he held on to the branch.

  Seeing new buds form on the ends on the branch, he knew that he would complete this task. Looking back Aryl watched her new lord to see his progress. Watching for any sings of fatigue, she would not let this test endanger the rider’s life. It was midday the group stopped for a quick meal before continuing. Darjin had leaped from Cominus's shoulders to chase a butterfly, that ate hungrily on the nectar of the wildflowers that dominated the meadow. Darjin was excited to be in new places for she had slept for so long in her egg. It felt like no one would be her rider now that she is out she planned to explore her surroundings. As they readied themselves to continue on Cominus called for Darjin. Unable to see her for the tall grass she jumped though the grass to find her way back. Her white form catching the rays of sun light her scales acting as a prism sending rainbows along the tall grass.

  Within the hour the Hop gate loomed in the distance. Knowing they had miles left to go Cominus held tightly onto the branch that Aryl had given him earlier that day. The branch continued to grow at a steady rate, buds forming every hour of their journey. By nightfall they had reached the steps of the ancient doorway. Taking the branched from Cominus, Aryl studied the growth that had formed that day. To her amazement, the branch had grown two feet by the time they had reached the steps. Aryl had assumed that little to no growth would be shown. This sign was something that Aryl did not expect Cominus to make the branch grow as it did. Cominus would have to supply a steady rate of magic, which the grand magi of her people could not produce. Seeing this as a chance to train one of the greatest mage of their time Aryl would not turn this chance down. Looking up at Cominus, studying the man to see if he had the ability to survive the training.

  “Get some sleep my lord for tomorrow you begin your training,” Aryl said tossing the branch to the ground. Cominus could not take his eyes off of her shapely hips.

  “If you are going to train my lord I suggest that you train your sword arm as well,” Ergan said eyeing Cominus twin swords. Ergan knew he had some skill but the fight with the Char was sheer luck and he meant to improve that.

  “I thank you both for your help I shall not disappoint you,” Cominus said bowing to his new friends. Even though he had only known these two elves for only a short time Cominus began to feel as they would always have his back.

  Chapter Five

  When dawn arrived the group gathered their things, and readied themselves for their trip though the Hop gate. The doorway was shimmering like the ocean in midafternoon Cominus saw no light shining on, or through the doorway. Feeling a knot form in his throat Cominus could deal with flying on dragons back. Being teleported half way around there world was something else. Aryl chanted a spell Cominus wondered what the words meant.

  “The high elves protect their doorway by an enchantment if you do not speak it before entering. You will not end up on the other si
de,” Aryl said fighting the grip on her staff. The wind caught hold of that lovely aroma that cloaked her body. What was it about her that made his head spin as it did with the other elven woman from the feast that night he asked himself?

  “So if some one wishes to enter their realm without chanting the spell will they be killed or just transported some where else,” Cominus said sending a silent prayer to Redbird harvest goddess in hopes that this worked.

  “I do not have an answer for you my lord for I do not know myself,” Aryl said darkly.

  “We must be going before we lose daylight on the other side,” Redbird said readying himself encase there was an attack waiting for them on the other side.

  “Right you are master dwarf,” Ergan said leading the four of them through the doorway. Cominus felt weird as their bodies were turn into bits of light, shaking off the feeling of disembodiment as their bodies appeared in the elven doorway of Lashalina. As the four exited the gateway, the walls of Shadleel loomed in the distance Cominus was in awe of the sheer beauty of the land. As they began their journey in the elven land Cominus felt dozen's of eye's were upon them. Yet with no tress around the doorway were could they be hiding.

  “I don't think we are alone out here,” Cominus said his hand instinctively going to the hilts of his swords. Readying themselves for another attack the four continued on the cobblestone road towards the elven city of Shadleel. As the hours wore on an the uneasiness grew stronger as they approached the city walls. When they were within a few miles of the walls, twenty armed high elf's encircled the group from magically concealed spider traps. With swords drawn, the group readied for battle Cominus knew this was no way to foster relations.

  “Please every one let us put away our weapons. We have come as emissaries for his Lord Draco we are here on his behalf,” Cominus said to his friend's.


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