The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 21

by Richardson, James

  “You know I will Aryl other then those snobs of elves, you’re about the only one that comes to my stall.” As they thanked Oris for his time Aryl with her friends in tow headed towards her master home.

  ******** “So what do you need of us Lanshina,” Lady Arilyist asked sating down the pewter goblet. “That you support me when I have the crown in my hands. If I fail, you will know that your names will never cross my lips. The army will need to be put under our control, after you control the army Shurin to keep order when I ascend to the throne. Lord Dertemale you know the trade routes of this area you will plan with Shurin to take what we need from those fools by force. Lady Arilyist your men will become my new personal guard, the old guard is still to loyal to my mother. Brehminas you will be my eyes and ears in the palace not to throw suspicion on Lord Shurin.” Though they did not want to start a war with their kin, nor the dwarfs. However if it would reset the balance then they would arm for war if need be. With their meeting over the council members left all but Shurin.

  “My lady if you have need anything do not hesitate to ask, it was shameful how your mother left you with nothing.”

  “Yes if you can share a few coin while I await for the right time to strike I will gladly repay you from the coffers of the throne with interest.” Taking the leather pouch from his belt Lord Shurin placing it in her golden palm. Bending low to kiss her regal hand he knew their race was in better hands then that foolish Queen. Left alone in that small room Lanshina pondered what was to come in the next few days.


  Home of Sandter Moonbeam the archmage for the Duke of the dark elves, teacher of Aryl, sat quietly in his home awaiting his pupils return. A great evil has come upon there cousins in Talnos, and he knew of the man she traveled with. Sandter hoped that the man was as honorable as his brother. Even though he did not like to rely on this man he did not see a choice in the matter. As her dark hued hand knocked on her former master’s home, the long days of studying under the man ran through her mind. Like all dark elves, Sandter had the skin of midnight blue, silver eyes and the star light hair that years of their ancestors travels in that darken world. However the sages had a theory on why their own skin had lost its ebony tone. Due to their years of living in the sunlight they where returning to what they once were, wood elves this pleased the people greatly. Soon they could cast off that evil side of their heritage.

  As the door to his dwelling opened, Cominus was shocked never before had he seen an elf with a beard. His white whiskers flowed in the breeze as his door opened onto the very busy street. Those silver eyes of his studied the rider, and his dragon Sandter could feel the power that the man had within his body. “Maybe, just maybe he'll stand a chance,” Sandter muttered into his beard.

  “Ah, Aryl please do come in and thank you for coming so soon.” With a wave of his hand ushering the companions into his home, when Darjin started her way into his home Sandter’s hand shoot up to stop the might home. “I’m sorry rider your pet will have to wait outside.”

  “Darjin is no ones pet she as intelligent as any one here and to refer to her in such a manner. Well lets just say you would not have that hand of yours,” Cominus said as Darjin’s upper lip curled showing her very sharp and very deadly teeth.

  “Forgive me I am not accustom to the ways of dragon’s I meant no disrespect towards you. But I have no room for one of your size,” Sandter said apologetic.

  “Worry not Cominus I shall stay with her,” Redbird said placing his meaty hand on his forearm. Settling himself against the wall of Sandter's home Redbird took out one of the many pieces that he had been carving for his friend. Taking a place beside the dwarf curling herself around closing her second eye lid. If any one dared to near with evil in their hearts, thinking that she was a sleeping dragon they would be dead.

  As the companions took their seats in the small sitting room, Sandter walked over to the steaming kettle. Taking the cast iron pot from its hanger over the fire, placing a few dried tea leafs in the bottom off the porcelain tea cups. Placing a few sugar biscuits upon a patter; carrying the tray into the sitting room for his waiting guests. Placing the tray on the polished knee high table taking a cup and a biscuit, sitting back in his favorite chair. He began to ponder what was in store for the young rider.

  “Tell me master why have you called for me,” Aryl said taking a slip of her tea.

  “Some thing has been terrorizing our kin in Talnos, and they have sent word to us if we could help. I am not as young as I once was, nor has any one here have knowledge of the undead. This is why I have asked for you to come,” Sandter said placing his cup on the side table. Cominus wondered why the undead where so near could his brother not fill them, and why has no one sent word to his brother.

  “What would you have me do master I have no experience with the undead,” Aryl said perplexed by his request.

  “Ah, but the man you serve does since this damnable war has the leaders of our peoples attention. They had not sought to inform the black rider of the fends existence,” Sandter said looking at Cominus.

  “So they would endanger their own people to have Draco’s full attention focused upon the war,” Cominus muttered to himself. Darjin let it known to him she felt the same displeasure at the fact. “What would you have us do?” Cominus asked leaning forward. However he did not have any love for the elves other then the ones he had come to relay on. Cominus could not let the innocence go molested by these things.

  “Travel northwest of the wood elf city there in the mountains of Talnos lays a cave. Of a long dead rider how he was brought back to life I do not know. Reports have come in that zombies and ghouls have been heard in and around the cave. I ask you to inform Lord Draco of this plight, and see that these unholy creatures are laid to rest,” Sandter said wondering if the rider would take this on his own.

  “Why have you not told him sooner before this got out of hand, before innocent people where hurt,” Cominus said trying not to crush the fragile cup in his hand. Sandter could see the anger in the young rider’s eyes. When the ruling council had asked him, he to was outraged at the lack of action by his cousins.

  “I can not answer your questions when I do not have the answers.”

  “Well then if that is all we will head out in the morning to put these creatures’ to rest,” Cominus said getting up from his seat. Seeing the meeting between them over with, Cominus went to rejoin his two friends eagerly waiting for them. With Cominus exit Aryl and Ergan said their goodbyes and walked out to embrace the dying sunlight.

  “Come I know an inn close to here not to expensive on one's coin,” Aryl said taking the lead as they strolled down the street to the inn. Cominus looked to Darjin he knew that the inn was not prepared to house a dragon. He was not about to leave her side during the long night. Coming up to Aryl, Cominus asked where a secluded knoll was so they could sleep through the night in solitude. A evil, wicked gleam formed in those silvery depths to subtle for Cominus to see.

  “Yes travel down this road until you come to the second fork. Take the left fork, then continue down until the lane ends,” Aryl said planning her vengeance. Agreeing to meet at the entrance in the morning ready to trek to Talnos. To see what they could do to help the people of Talnos.

  As darkness descended the knoll where Aryl had directed them to. Glowworms descend from their daytime nest; fireflies danced in the air carving integrate patterns to find their mates. Stars blazed in against their dark velvet curtain, a faint whisper fill that calm night air. As the magic web took hold of his body, fear for Darjin laced though his mind when he saw she was in same hold he was.

  As he awoke the cool night air brushed against his naked flesh. His body frozen the only thing that was free to move was his brown eyes. He recognized the gardens, he was still in the dark elf city yet he could not fathom why he was naked. Aryl was enjoying the sight of his naked form even if she had placed an image of a dark elf over him. She would not leave him totally nude a reef of fig le
afs cover his groin, what laid between those green leafs was for her alone. As women walked through the nighttime garden, their gaze never left his form. There giggles sent heat rushing to his darken hued cheeks.

  As his eyes grew adjusted, he saw Aryl sitting no more then five feet away from him. Those silver eyes did not hide their lust as they looked upon him. As the magic wore off of her body Darjin raced through the woods searching for her rider. She knew he was still within the city for she still felt his mind. Using her link as her guide to him, dashing through the woods she felt there link growing stronger. Entering the gardens where Aryl had taken Cominus, Darjin slowed her pace. As she rounded a bend to see, Aryl seating quietly on a park bench her hand covering her shapely mouth. As Darjin looked at the naked statue of a dark elf, there was something that held her gaze.

  Aryl have you seen Cominus we were placed under a spell now I can not find him. I know he’s still in the city but where I do not

  know,” Darjin voiced into Aryl’s mind.

  “Yes I know where your rider is,” Aryl said looking passed Darjin. Cocking her head Darjin wondered why the statue held her attention. Walking over to the dark elf, she began to sniff at the statute. His scent was on the statue, which perplexed her, as she looked up to the statue face those brown eyes. “Why were they brown,” she said to herself.

  Cominus is that you ,” Darjin asked projecting her mind towards the statue.

  Yes damn it now get me free of this,” Cominus screamed through their link. Her head shot back wondering why any one would do this. Snaking her neck to look at Aryl she could not help hear her giggle. Looking back at Cominus he could feel the disobedience seeping through there shared link.

  Oh, no I think I am going to enjoy this,” Darjin said her tail swaying as she walked over to Aryl’s side. As she laid down beside Aryl her dragon song began to fill that garden with merriment. Oh, she could fell him fuming through the link though she thought it was a grand time. As the hours of his grand exposure to the dark elves, countless elves came to view the new addition to their garden. All wondered when the statue had arrived, and who was the artist that made such a life like statue. As the light began to eat away the night Aryl released Cominus from her spells.

  “That will teach you for leaving me in that spell,” Aryl said leaving to meet with the others at the entrance to the city. As Cominus hastily put on his clothes he never said a word to Darjin. As he hurried to meet up with the others, whispers and mummers about the new statue fill the morning air as he walked down the cobblestone street. Upon reaching his waiting friends, he knew they were wondering. What all the talk was about he was glad Aryl had not told them about last night.

  As midday approached Draco’s castle walls loomed before them. Not wanting to waste time to enter the castle when the people of Talnos needed them most. Sending a message though Darjin and Shadow Fang to Draco. With the message sent the companions headed off to the Hop gate that would take the companions to the city of Estharl. Taking the right fork to the northwestern Hop gate, Cominus looked to his left through the forest that held his first battle in this land of magic and wonder. As the four continued down the dusty road, a shadow graced the parched ground.

  A smile formed on his face Cominus knew who it was, he didn't doubt for a second Draco would miss this. As Shadow Fang came to a running landing, shielding themselves from the dust that her wings kicked up, dressed in his scaled armor Draco looked at the four as they neared. How they seemed so intoned with each other only after such a short time together. Seeing her mother, Darjin raced to her mother’s side. Nudging the little dragon with her snout, she felt the hunger swelling in her daughter. With a nodded from Draco, spreading her onyx wings Shadow Fang soared through the air to hunt for the companions and her daughter. “Well I did not expect to see you here my lord,” Ergan said bowing as Draco came up the four.

  “What you think I allow you all to take advantage of my brother without me joining in on the fun,” Draco said a smile touched his pale face. “Well let us rest and eat Shadow Fang will soon return and you can all tell me how your visit to the dark elf city went.” As the hour pasted they recounted the joyous time they had in that fair city. With there bellies full they set off to face the hordes of the undead that have terrorized the innocence for to long. As the dark fingers of night descend to claim the land of Talnos the howls of the fends drifting down the mountain slope. Flying silently over Shadow Fang waited for Draco’s order to light their dried, maggot-ridden bodies. As they climbed towards the cave that was said to be the source of the problem. Stopping the group they watched as her dragon’s fire laid waste to the few that were within the clearing of the entrance. As the rancid stench floated down towards the group gagging as their nostrils filled with the burning rotten flesh. “Whatever has caused this unholy plight lies within the cave itself. You four will wait out here with Shadow Fang, those that have already left the confines of the cave. Will return once I put an end to this so it will be your job to make sure that whatever comes out of the cave or the woods returns to their rest. Do not allow yourself to be scratch by the ghouls’ nails, or you will surfer the same fate as those that came before you,” Draco said as they took up a defensible position. They watched as Draco ventured into the depths of the cave. “Is it wise that he goes into that hole alone,” questioned Redbird. No one said a word as the first howls of the ghouls echoed out of the tunnel. Then the light of his magical fire ending their unnatural lives, as Draco ventured deeper in to the cave. It was not a cave at all, as his unholy eyes could see fine with out the aid of light as the surfaces races need. As his pale figures ran over the runes that were engraved upon the granite walls.

  This is not a burial mound for some long dead rider,” Draco said through there shared link.

  “Be careful if there is a rider come back to life then we can only assume that his, or her dragon was brought back,” Shadow Fang said snaking her head towards the tunnel's entrance. She voiced her and Draco’s warning to the four which only made their already tense nerves become frayed. As Draco stared down the corridor, branches jutted off some running miles beneath the surface, others only ending in a few feet. Draco was not going to be fooled he knew where the center chamber laid.

  Whoever had opened this tomb had the knowledge that Draco would come here. This troubled him greatly it could only mean that people that he trusted was working against him. The scraping of their feet echoed all around him. How many were there calling to Draco he could not tell. Calling for Shadow Fang of pour her fire into the tunnel, as she snaked her head as far as the outcropping of rock would allow her the tale, tale orange glow of her dragon’s fire danced across the gravy stone.

  Fire raced down the tunnel bent on consuming Draco in its inferno. Fueling the fire with his own magic the fire came to life as it, spit down through the branches engulfing the unholy creatures’ in righteous cleansing. As the fire raced down the dark corridor consuming their bodies in that all hungry fire, as their unnatural lives came to an end. A slab of stone rouse to seal Draco and his dragons fire from ending the rest of his minions lives.

  Upon hearing the tunnel close in on his brother Cominus questioned if Draco could fend off what was in that place. The snapping of twigs brought him back to reality. The moans and howls growing closer as the minutes pasted. Placing ware lights throughout the clearing to aid there friend. Hands rubbed raw, sweat trickled down their backs, anxiety formed in their throats. As the first of the undead creatures’ stumbled out into the smoldering clearing.

  As Shadow Fangs and Darjin’s claws and fangs protected their right flank, the companions eyes were everywhere waiting for the onslaught of the undead hordes. With Aryl protected sending spells into their flesh burning them back to their eternal rest. Cominus twin long swords danced in and around his body cleaving limbs and heads from their bodies. Redbirds mighty battleaxe clopping at the legs of the fends and ending their existence. As his mithral blade spit open their rotten brains upon the ground.<
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  Ergan bent like the wind as their claws and teeth sought to bring them into the realm of the undead. His elven steel blade plunging into the flesh of his nearest foe, for all their might the hordes kept coming. With no, reprieve how long can our intrepid heroes can hold off such a horde. As her red orbs scanned, the woods ranks twenty feet deep filled with the undead fearing for her rider’s brother and those that she sought to protect.

  Get down ,” yelled Shadow Fang in their minds. Cominus could fell the heat baking his skin as her cone of fire consumed the trees and the undead unlucky enough to feel the force of her might.

  With the blaze feeding hungrily on the dry underbrush and the surrounding trees. Seeing no need for her ware lights Aryl ended the spell. She knew that very soon she would need every ounce of magical energy. As the battle raged on out in front of the tunnel’s entrance, Draco descended deeper into the heart of the complex.

  The overwhelming stench of the scorch bodies of the dead would have made anyone run for the freedom of flesh air. Luckily, Draco no longer drew breath. His keen hearing picking up the movements of the few animated corpses that had escaped, the inferno of Shadow Fang’s dragon fire. Lunging out of the shadows bent on protecting their master from harm. His silver enchanted blade slicing through their dried bodies. Striking the floor as their lifeless zombies bodies crumbled to dust.

  As he neared, the end of the complex Draco could feel the shear evil. Seeping though the stone slab meant to hold whatever lays beyond forever in containment. Placing his hand on the stone ready to confront the thing that plagued his allies in this dark time. The movement of the still air plucked at his sun-bleached hair. Ducking in time as the arm of some ungodly creature meant to crush anyone foolish enough to confront their master.

  Springing into a back flip Draco nearly escaped their oversized hands. As his silver eyes peered into the darkness for his attacker, their movements were to slow even for an elf to pick up yet Draco was far from mortal. Their bodies magically altered to bend in with the surrounding stones. The mummified remains of two golther giants as the stone crumbled down, as the magic that held them hidden faded from their bodies.


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