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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 23

by Richardson, James

  “State your business here,” demanded the guard standing to Cominus left.

  “We are under the Queen’s orders now stand a side,” Cominus said in a calm but forceful voice.

  “And, I’m a dwarf’s ass,” said the other guard.

  “Where’s your proof we have never seen either of your faces pass this gatehouse before,” demanded the first guard.

  “We have been in her service since our fair city of Basing fell to the Doncer,” Ergan said holding up the parchment scroll Draco had given him. Draco had told Cominus that the guards would not open the scroll when they saw the Queens seal. As the first guard took the fragile parchment from his hands, the red wax seal caught his yellow green eyes. Which displeased the guard, it only made Cominus smile on the inside he would treasure this moment while he was in this damn city of their’s.

  True to Draco’s words, the guard did not attempt to open the scroll. Handing the parchment back to Cominus wanting nothing more to do with the two waving them through. As the two entered the gatehouse that could house fifty soldiers if the city was attacked, Cominus had to admit though to himself never would he openly praise the high elves. The structure was sound the stones fit so neatly not even a hair could fit in between the stone fittings. Weapon racks sat securely against the far wall, their weapons sitting at the ready to be handed out if the need should arise.

  As they exited the gatehouse into the city proper, where the city of Shadleel was a mix of wood and stone in their dwellings, Leel was all-stone. No longer could the elves manipulate the world to their liking Draco had saw to that. Their ways were destructive on the landscape, and Draco would not have the high elves marring his land even if his wife was their leader. As Cominus and Ergan looked upon the dwarfen made city. Though they would not acknowledge others races in their city they would allow the dwarfs’ rooms at the far end of their grand city. Out of sight of the main populace, if Cominus was not in the form of an high elf he would head straight for the section of the city that housed the dwarfen stone magi.

  As the two walked down the cobblestone main street, there was no sounds of laughter, no children running freely in there imaginary games. No beautiful gardens filled with trees, birds of all kinds, animals that ran free in the lush green grass. Where mothers took their children to play and laugh, as he had seen in the dark elf city on Edos. “How sad this place is,” Cominus said in a whisper. Though Ergan did not voice his agreement to him, Cominus could see it on his fine chiseled face.

  The streets were set out in a grid making travel in and out of the city fairly easy for a visitor. Everywhere he looked no room for the green vegetation to grow in this city of stone. Shops, and homes where nestled against the sidewalks, to allow eager shoppers a better look at their wares. How greedy these elves were, not long after their exile from their homeland. The council had raised the taxes on the land and the goods the poor could not afford. Even the poor couldn't afford to live within the city Cominus could not figure out why. When Draco had heard of this he rode out to Leel demanded to know why they had taxed land that belonged to him. The goods he could not help the poor with for that was for his wife to question the council. When the lords of the city could not give him an answer that was satisfactory to him, Draco could careless how the high elves saw him. He would not have the people that had come to him for his protection being taking advantage.

  As they neared the palace, the construction was still underway yet with the help of the dwarfs’ magic the building was whole. Though the grey lifeless stone was not to the elves liking the dwarfs’ would not subjugate, themselves any longer to their demands. It was Draco’s gold that lined their pockets he only told them to help build their city not decorate it for the uptight elves. As his hands ran down the iron rods that formed the fence that surrounded the grey polished stone. That housed the ruling family and the council of high elves.

  A shudder ran through his body at the thought of how much time he would have to spend in that building. Cominus hoped he could get to the bottom of this as fast as possible so he could be free of their foul demeanors. As they neared the palace guard, crossing their amberikes to deny the two passage, handing them the parchment scroll the sight of the wax seal straighten their posture. Cominus wondered how far this would get them. As the wooden poles separated, they saluted the two giving them access to the palace grounds. As the two started down the polished paving stones one of the guards tapped upon Cominus shoulder.

  “Please give her ladyship our condolence and praise for her continued work for our people. If there is anything that you have need during your stay I am at your service,” said the guard bowing as he retook his post. As Cominus watch the elf return to his post at the gate he had to admit the elf was nice enough fellow. As they ascended the stairs, the gilded red pine doors loomed before them. The detail of the silver scrolls interwoven with broad leafs simulating their movements through the air. Lifting the two-pound brass knocker the thud of the strike echoed down the halls of the palace. The two waited for minutes before a palace servant came to answer their call.

  “Can I help you my lord,” said the smut covered elven girl. Those sea green eyes looked so innocent to Cominus yet he knew that further behind those eyes lays the arrogance that her race dwells in.

  “Yes we are here at the Queens request, please tell the council that we are here on her behalf,” Ergan said to the girl. It was Ergan’s plan to have him do all the talking seeing how he was more accustom to the high elf manner. Cominus would only answer when he had to, other then that he would sit quietly watching for any hint of betrayal. It was their plan if any one asked, Ergan was to be his servant while Cominus went through the papers that were supplied to them.

  As the elven girl escorted them to the pallor, scurrying off to inform Lord Shurin of the Queens messengers. As she delivered their message to Lord Shurin, a small look of fear ran through his elven features. “Had their plans been put into jeopardy so soon,” he thought to himself. Shaking the doubts from his mind, he trusted the others to keep their meeting secret from all the others including the Queen. Yet here were two of her attendants. He would have to send word to the other four about this. He would have his people follow them as long as they were within the city. Draco’s intervention had kept his attention on their city far too close for his liking.

  Gathering himself to meet these elves, Lord Shurin straightened out any wrinkles that had formed in his silken attire. Masking his emotions in a cold placate features to hide the fact of his traitorous thoughts. His hard sole boots echoed off the stone, as Lord Shurin made his way to the pallor where the Queens men awaited. Sweat began to gather in the hollow of his lower back. Entering the room Shurin studied the two elves that waited for him. One stood looking out into the courtyard garden while the other was content to sip his tea. Clearing his throat, the man at the window never turned to meet his gaze.

  The elf that had been sipping his tea quickly got up from his chair to greet him. Bowing to him which pleased him greatly yet the man at the window never greeted him. He was Lord Shurin no other ranked higher then he other then the royal family. How could this man so blindly ignore him. This forced his rage to the surface, quickly calming himself thinking this a poly to get him flustered.

  “I am Lord Shurin I am told that you are here under the Queen’s command. I have no reason to doubt you but I must know if you speak the truth,” Shurin said calmly. In the disguise of an high elf Cominus waved his hand for Ergan to release the scroll to his lordship. As the pale brown yellow parchment scroll graced his golden palm. Shurin turned the scroll over until the red wax seal of the Queen stared up at the elven lord. In dumfounded belief as his finger began to break the seal the man at the window begun to speak.

  “The Queen has heard a great many disturbing things of late coming from her fine city. We are here to assess the situation while she attends to other matters,” Cominus said trying to hold back his anger not to allow his voice to carry his displeasure of this ta

  “What could cause her lady not to come here herself, and not question her loyal subjects herself,” Shurin said eyeing the man.

  “You have heard of the attack on the land of Talnos and the wood elf population by the Lich and its hordes of the undead.”

  “Yes trouble fate of that,” Shurin said matter-of-fact.

  “Well our Queen has gone to that land to aid those in need, and help seal away any lasting evil that may linger in the land,” Cominus said the coldness of Shurin character unnerved him greatly.

  “So what can I do to help the lady,” Shurin said rolling the parchment eager to read its contents.

  “We are here to go over every aspect of this city and the doings of the council. The Queen is not pleased that this council has raised the taxes of the goods that the dwarfs’ and Lord Draco. Who have supplied her fair city with in this time of strafe,” Cominus said never turning to meet the elf eye to eye. Ergan had told Cominus to do that so he would give off the status that Ishtar had bestowed upon them. He must act superior to anyone that came to greet them while Ergan would play the role of the servant.

  “You have no authority here,” Shurin said angry.

  “Ah, but I do Lord Shurin it will tell you what you need to know within the scroll that you are so eagerly roll in you hand,” Cominus said staring at the man’s refection. As Shurin unrolled the parchment his eyes scanned through the parchment, hoping this was all a grave misunderstanding. Yet Queen Ishtar’s words were clear these two men outranked even him while they where within the city walls. As his blood ran hot for three hundred years he had seat at the head of the council. Now these fools even only for a short time seem to think they were of a higher rank then he was. “Listen Lord Shurin we are not here to step on your toes. While we are here think of us as nothing but shadows along the walls of this fine palace,” Cominus said turning to meet the elf lord. As Shurin looked into those blue eyes, he could see the anger though buried however it was there. “How long this disruption last is up to you and the council,” Cominus tune was calm but very forceful.

  “Come Eithal let us leave his lordship in peace he must have a busy day ahead of him,” Cominus said walking out of the pallor. As Shurin watched the two elves depart the palace. Shurin contemplated how he was going to inform the other members much less alone the princess of this development. He could not have them killed now that would only tip off the Queen. No he would have to live with their movements being followed.

  As Ergan and Cominus walked down the stone steps wondering how they where going to go about this task. As they passed the gate, the guard that had greeted them stood at attention as they came into view. Saluting them as they past stopping in his tracks Cominus turned to the guard.

  “My friend and I, are hungry and tried from our travels you wouldn't happen to know of a inn near by. Where we could rest our feet and quench our thrust,” Cominus asked trying to grow accustom to the sound of his voice.

  “Certainly my lord the Blue Sun inn is what you seek no finer place for one of your status,” said the guard.

  “What is your name fine warrior?”

  “Durchin Starchaser,” Durchin said beaming with pride.

  “When you are no longer on duty come and share a pint with us,” Cominus said leaning in so the other guard would not hear. “Tell us the goings on in the palace and the happening's of the council. The Queen fears they hide important information from her,” Cominus said his tone carrying the hints of the severity of the situation.

  “It would be a pleasure my lord,” saluted Durchin.

  The common room of the Blue Sun inn was fair grander then to Cominus liking. When the poor where on the streets panhandling for food, and money to feed their families. With blue velvet chairs, a tan leather winged back divan sitting upon a black bordered rug. With exotic birds and tigers that where long dead in the land of dragons. As a roaring fire crackled in the main fireplace warming the room to a barely comfortable level. A silver bell sat upon the counter waiting for the use of the visitors that came to the inn. The faint hints of laic and blackberries come from the owners dwelling. Tapping the bell once the rustling of papers and the tapping of the quill, as it clinked into the ink well could be heard over the aggravated sigh.

  The innkeeper of the Blue Sun stood in the doorway looking over her newly arrived guest. Far from the norm of her patrons, her hazel eyes studied the two newly arrived elves. She was the first to set up her Inn in this part of the city. Which had led her to new forms of wealth being so close to the palace. For the lords and ladies, would come and spend a month’s worth of gold pieces in two day’s. Though she did not appreciate the guards coming here, drinking her fine wine and smashing her furniture when they drank too much. Their gold was good that was enough to ease her worries. Now these two that had come to her inn did not look like the sort that would know grandeur from poverty.

  “Can I help you,” asked the innkeeper.

  “Yes we would like rooms and a meal,” Ergan said in his best servant’s voice.

  “It’s a hundred pieces to stay here for a night I suppose you have money if not then get out,” said the innkeeper letting them know that she did not appreciate being kept from her task. Pulling another parchment from his silk tunic Cominus placed it on the counter. As her finger broke the seal, her eyes widen at the sight of Queen Ishtar’s signature.

  “Forgive me my lords I thought you where those riffraff that comes here seeking handouts,” curtsying the best she could behind her counter. Taking the gold key from its peg that was for the best room in the inn. “Take the stairs to the third level and the room to the left is yours while you are here. I will have your food brought up to your room so you are not subject to the masses,” with trembling fingers she gentle placed the key in Cominus hand.

  “A guard by the name of Durchin Starchaser will come here seeking us. When he arrives see that he his brought to our room with the best ale and wine that you have in stock,” Cominus said how he was loving this. How every elf seemed to bow at the sheer weight of Ishtar’s backing of his person. Though it was only for a short time, he had to admit he would enjoy every bit of these moments as long as he could. As his golden fingers wrapped around the key with Ergan in tow ascending the stairs to their temporary home.

  As the key slid into the keyhole, as the key’s teeth meshed with the tumblers. The lock gave way as the two moved into the lush room. As Ergan moved about the room looking for any traces of magic or traps. Locking the door behind him Cominus would not have unwanted guests barging into their room. The hardwood floors where covered in inch thick carpet, two four-pillar post beds set at odd angles in the next room. Large multiple pane glass doors lead the balcony garden where the last bit of their former home could be found. A large rectangle walnut table sat in the smaller room, where one could take their meals in peace from the chaos of the common room.

  “Well what do you make of this place,” Cominus said in a huff.

  “The room is sound nothing is out of place, no magical spells or traps lay in wait,” Ergan said resting upon the overstuffed feather bed. “Not what I meant but then again no offense to you, or Aryl my friend I always thought that elves where suppose to be good and just not this,” Cominus said twirling an apple on the polished surface of the table.

  “Not all elves are like this.”

  “I know when we where in the dark elf city there was so much joy and laughter in that place. Children ran free to enjoy the sun and its warmth, the people where kind to me even through I am human. Well not every one here looks kindly on that. However here it just so sterile, so lifeless its streets nothing of what I saw in the city of Edos. No children run and play their games, no mother’s taking their children to the beautiful gardens to enjoy the wonders of nature,” Cominus said sadly.

  "I know my friend how I yearn for the woodlands of my home. Where no other lives within a mile of my home, where all that surrounds you is the call of nature herself. When this war is over an
d it is safe for us to return to our homeland. I hope that you will come and visit for I have come to call you friend. It would be an honor for me to show the wonders of my village,” Ergan said placing his hands under his head. Cominus sat there watching his friend wondering how long his life will be filled with this worlds wonder. How long will he fight along side his friend in the attempts, to bring justice to a land that has long forgotten the meaning of the word. How the years of his former life seemed so far behind him. Cominus began to ponder if this was how his brother’s life was like. All those years alone in this strange land no one to turn to, no one to call for help.

  How it pain the young rider to know that he was of no use to his brother in his time of need. How he felt that he had let down his younger brother when he need him the must. It was Ergan’s words that brought him out of his funk.

  “Tell of Draco’s life before he came into our world,” Ergan asked staring up at the ceiling.

  “Not much to tell really, we grew up as any normal child does down on Second Earth. Yet as the years passed there was something about Draco that never seat right with me. His eyes always looked into the distance as if he could see something that was not there. As the years passed for us he grew distant to all those around him. Then when word came that he had gone missing, I never gave up hope that he was out there just beyond reach. I little did I know that he had stumbled upon a world that blows everything that I knew out of proportion,” Cominus said wondering if the rest of the family was as worried as he was when Draco first vanished. Homesickness tugged at his heart yet he knew he could never return to that world. Even if he did, they would never remember the encounter they had shared.


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