The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 24

by Richardson, James

  A soft knock came upon the locked door. Drawing his elven blade Cominus waited behind the door while Ergan answered the door. As the door opened, Ergan viewed the boy no more the ten. Holding the tray of steaming food on a brass tray, with a nodded sheathing his weapon Cominus came into view of the boy. Those green eyes lit when Cominus ushered the boy into the room, as the lad sat the tray down on the walnut table. Pulling a gold coin from his leather satchel the coin tumbled in his small waiting hands. The boy knew not what to do never before had the boy been tipped for his services.

  “Thank you kindly my lords,” said the boy as he bowed turning towards the hallway. He wondered if he should tell anyone about this. Shaking the thoughts from his head no he would keep this to himself. His family needed the money and they seemed nice enough to the young lad. As the steaming rose from the roasted meats and vegetables’ waited for them to gorge on the contents of their containers. Draco’s words rang in the back of his head. Calling forth the spell that would detect any traces of poison in their food or drink. With his spell spent finding nothing but ordinary food, and very strong wine the two helped themselves to the array of food set before them.

  As the hours past the sun began to set. Cominus paced the room wondering if the guard would show, or had he run into these that his brother feared where plotting against them. A soft rasping came upon the door. Cominus unlocking the door inched it open peering into the corridor. The same boy that had brought their food hours ago held a small silver tray in his hands. Sitting on its polished surface sat a bottle of dwarfen ale, and a very dusty bottle of elven everberry wine. With three-crystal glass turned over not to fall from their voyage from the lower floor, as the boy moved into the room. Cominus hardy noticed the guard in his silken attire he had to make sure his eyes were not playing tricks on him.

  “Ah, Durchin so good of you to come please,” Cominus said sweeping his arm in a grand gesture.

  “Thank you my lord, I must admit that no lord has ever ask me to grace his table even to share a drink,” Durchin said trying not to insult the man that could boost his position.

  “Think nothing of it my good man these are dark times. The Queen will thank you for your help you can be sure of that,” Cominus said patting the man on the shoulder. As the boy seat the silver tray down, gartering the empty dishes of their past meal on to the brass tray. Though he did not do this for a tip he felt they had been kind to him. When the other lords that came to this inn treated him no better then the dirt they walked on. As the boy readied his exit for their room, Cominus firm hand touched his shoulder. Nearly dropping the tray for the he never suspected to he touched by a noble.

  “What is your name lad,” asked Cominus.

  “E-Erathel Morningstar, my lord,” said the stuttering boy.

  “As long as we are here I want you to bring our food to our room and no one else. I hope I can count on you not to tell who is staying in this room,” Cominus said reaching into his leather satchel. The boy could only nod as half a gold piece fell into his golden hands. “You will get the other half tomorrow if you keep your word.” Erathel could not fathom the words as he looked at the man. That gave his parents the means to repay the debts the lords levied against his family. Closing the gold coin around his fingers the metal was still warm from its time near the man's body. Leaving the three alone Erathel raced home to give his mother the means to save the farm that they had come to love as home.

  As Durchin, watch the interaction between the elf lord and the boy. The act was unusual in the high elf city for none gave money freely, at least not with out a price that was hidden among the gift. Durchin eyed the lord as Ergan began to pour the contents of the ale for the three of them. Taking the seat at the far end of the table Cominus knew the elves eyes where on him.

  “I can see that you are confused Durchin and rightly so. The Queen has heard of the outrages tax the council has levied upon her people. When she had sent us here on her behalf she told us to ease what sulfuring that we could until she can see to the matter personally,” Cominus said lifting the crystal glass to his lips.

  “Then she has my thanks for to long the lords have sought to bleed the people dry. For what cause I do not know but I fear that it will only get worst for those of the lower classes,” Durchin said looking into the yellow liquid wondering if he could drown his sorrows.

  “Durchin I know this is hard for you, but you must tell us everything you know. About what occurs behind those walls that they keep from the people,” Ergan said setting down his glass.

  “Well I am only a lowly guard they think that I can not hear them plotting behind those doors.” Cocking an eyebrow Cominus wondered what was in store for them when they entered the council chambers tomorrow. “I was stationed at the door of Lady Arilyist chamber after their meeting a few days ago. She and another man I think were talking about the fallen princess. How she had plans for her people and it would be wise not to cross the princess. What the plans were spoken I can not say. They did not go into detail about whatever it was. Each time I have been stationed at her door I have made the attempt to hear anything out of the ordinary,” Durchin said hoping that he was doing the right thing.

  “Thank you for telling us this I will let the Queen know how helpful you have been in this investigation,” Cominus said refilling their glasses.

  “That’s not all my lord,” Durchin said taking a dry swallow. “All know why the princess was disowned I am fully support the Queen as many do. In her decision to move our people to the safety of the land of Sol, hell if I could I myself would join in Draco’s army. I have heard tales that the man himself makes sure that every man has the things he needs for himself and their families. Unlike these lords that rule in the Queens absence, you see my wife is sick and the medicine she needs if far to expensive for a man of my pay to afford on my own. If you can see it in your heart that the Queen puts a word in to Lord Draco for me. It would be nice to get off these hours of guard duty yet if he could do something for my wife. I would gladly stand in the sun until it shined no more just to see her smile once more,” Durchin said trying his best not to lose his composer in the face of these two lords.

  Cominus saw the pain and the worry in his green eyes, a pang of pity for the elf flooded through him. Should he cast a spell to contact his brother, and ask if he could do something for this elven woman. By now, he was sure whomever was on the council was plotting against his brother had sent people to spy on them. Even though they had treated him, very poorly in Shadleel he would not let this woman die.

  “Worry not Durchin I shall contact Draco this instance with your request I am sure he will see to this matter personally,” Cominus said nodding for Ergan to take Durchin to the roof gardens.

  “Durchin have you seen this inn’s roof garden it is quite a sight,” Ergan said ushering the elf to the roof. As Cominus waited for the latching sound of the glass door, hearing the two moving further down the roof. Angling the polished silver tray, so Cominus could use as a conduit for his scrying spell. As his magic filled the polished metal surface, the image of the room that he was sitting in began to shimmer. As the image faded into his brothers bed chambers Cominus wondered if he could speak to Darjin through the spell. Since he had left his brother’s castle the further he got from Darjin the hollow feeling grew ever larger.

  For minutes, he sat there looking at nothing but his brother’s bed. Casting his mind into the spell he call to Darjin, how she had become so engrained into his being he could not fathom. As his mind brushed against her mind, the sheer joy of her emotions overwhelmed his mind.

  Where are you I do not sense you in the castle are you on you way back. I miss you the nights are so long when you are not here.” Her mind was racing with questions that he hated to give the answers to. He too wanted to be back with her even though she could not rest upon his shoulders. As she once had done when she had first hatched for him. How was he to tell her he was still in the city of Dragon of Leel. No Darjin I am not in th
e castle nor am I on my way. I am still here in the high elf city I need to talk to Draco could you find him for me,” Cominus said sadly. Tears nearly formed in his blue eyes when he felt the sadness flood into his mind. As the seconds ticked by Cominus’s eyes looked to the doorway that led to the roof then to the entrance door. Blowing a sigh of relief when he heard nothing, Cominus heard the door of his brother’s bedchamber inching open. As he watched his brother’s image fill the polished silver tray.

  Cominus never got use to seeing the pale skin, those cold silver eyes that seem to look into ones soul. A chill crept down his spine as Cominus continued to study his brother. Cominus noticed that his brother was not wearing his armor nor the dragon robe that he had seen him in so often. Neither was he wearing the fine silks that Ishtar’s people seem to covet. His brother had dawned on a heavy leather apron and smut covered his pale face. What was his brother doing when he had sent him to Dragon of Leel. His anger flashed in his eyes for a second then faded to nothing.

  “So why have you called me,” Draco said studying the image that he had placed upon his brother for any flaws.

  “There’s a guard here, his name is Durchin Starchaser he has told us a great many things. None that I will divulged now I fear we are being watched. This is not why I have sought you my lord,” just saying the words did not feel right to Cominus. However if any one was listening to this spell he could not break off his disguise. The slight smile on his brother’s face only made it worst. “He has told us that his wife is very ill and asked if we could put in a good word for him. It is his hope that you my lord can do something for his wife,” Cominus said his tongue feeling soiled for calling his brother his lord. Yep he would have to beat his brother for this it was just wrong, and Draco was enjoying this far too much.

  “Did he say what was wrong with his wife?”

  “No my lord,” Cominus said the words felt like mud sliding off his tongue. It was just so erroneous for his brother to be so smug about this. “Yep when I get back I am going to show him, that I am still his older brother after all,” he thought to himself. As Draco pondered this, he knew of a sickness that had spread through the land so far the magi have held it in check. Yet it would seem the high elves where exploiting this illness to push the people into even greater poverty.

  “Bring the man before me so I know who to look for when I arrive,” Draco said tossing the leather apron behind him. Cominus could hear the agitation in his brother’s voice. Not at him or Durchin but at the lords of the city, that would sink to depths to put coin in their pockets. As the more he learned about these people Cominus grew ever more the distrustful of these elves.

  “Before I do my lord may I ask why you are wearing such garments?”

  “Ah, I have been below at the forges helping Darjin here control her breath of fire.” His pale hand running over her glistening scales, as her blue eyes filled his polished tray. Cominus heart nearly melted as he looked into their depths. Cominus sent her a message that he would be home soon, as fast as these elves allow. As Cominus stepped out onto the balcony calling for Durchin, as he entered the room where they had shared the dwarfen ale. Durchin fell to his knees when he saw that Draco image was impose on the silver tray.

  “Anlike here has told me about your wife, where in the city is your home so Shadow Fang and I can find it this night.” Durchin did not know how to answer never before had he expected Draco to act so quickly. If he had gone to the council about the matter, it would have taken weeks for him to get answer.

  “Forgive me my lord my home lies a near the west gate if you like I can meet you there and show you the rest of the way,” Durchin said trying not to trip on his own words.

  “That would be fine allow, me to change and we will fly out to Leel,” Draco said getting up from his chair ending the spell. Cominus could see the relief and joy flood into the elves weary face.

  “Thank you my lord please come to my house I would like my wife to meet you. The ones that where so generous to us without even asking for a penny for their help. Oh how she will not believe this,” Durchin said as the trio exited the room. Cominus was the last one to descend the stairs before he did, placing a spell that would alert him if anyone were to enter their room while they where gone. The nigh life of the city of Dragon of Leel it was no better then when they viewed it in the light of day.

  Still it felt good to be doing something other then sneaking around to find out if there was any one bent on betraying his brother. Cominus knew what he was doing was important, he just could not get use to the way these elves acted towards the poorest of people. As Cominus waited for his brother to arrive he hope that Draco could do something for this high elf. Though they have befriended the elf under false pretenses Cominus had come to like the elf. He did not have that smug arrogance about the man. As the wind began to buffet their cloths, the trio looked to the sky. As the dark silhouette glided through the night sky blocking out the stars as they past over. Cominus looked to Durchin seeing the man could hardly hold back his eagerness.

  As her silver talons barely touched the stone Shadow Fang took every attempt to keep her presence secret to the populace. It was Draco’s wish that the council should not know that he had come to the city in the middle of the night to heal a guard’s wife. Draco knew what they would have said about this if they found out what he was up to. Draco was furious that the council would allow this disease to run so freely. In his land when it could be passed to the other races that had come to call Sol home. In the morning, he would send massagers to the other cities warning them about the disease. He would cut off any trade with the high elves until the problem was solved.

  Draco could not afford to have a plague run wild in his lands. If the elves would not see that the disease was wiped out then he would do it himself whether they liked it or not. As he unlaced the leather strips that held him in place on the saddle, sending Shadow Fang off into the night far away from the city. Cominus stood behind the gapping mouth Durchin. With a nod to his brother, the two sent each other silent hello’s. Dropping to his knees Durchin waited for Draco to speak.

  “Raise there’s no need for that when your wife’s life is at stake now, let us see what we can do to ease her pain shall we,” Draco said placing his hand on a shaking Durchin.

  “Thank you my lord you are to kind to us to come in the night for one family,” Durchin said rising from the stone covered street. Leading the way towards his humble home as they walked into the night. Durchin did not lie it was not that far from the gatehouse. It was only two blocks down a dark alleyway, the houses in this section of the city where crammed so close to one another. It was no surprise that disease had spread so rapidly. As they neared the home of Durchin the two story town home. Was dull in the night no doubt it was equally drab in the light of the sun.

  Shutters hanged at the sides of the windows though Cominus doubted that it did the home any good. As Durchin slid the key into the keyhole. As the door opened Cominus was taken back. However the street that surrounded the home smelled of garbage and urine and less peasant things. The inside of Durchin home smelled of apple blossoms, and sweet spring water. The dwelling may have no appeal on the outside, the inside was another thing. On the walls hung paintings of elves of ages past. Cominus guess that these were family members either dead or in some other corner in this city. A jade dragon sat upon the mantle over the fireplace.

  The orange light danced inside of the dragon’s body given off the eerie feeling that it was alive. As Draco and Durchin headed for the steps, Draco asked them to wait in the sitting room if he could not heal her. He did not want his brother catching the disease. How the diseased came about no one could answer. Whether it was magic or a virus Draco did not want to chance his brother catching it. Cominus did a mental check in his head another reason why he should not be here, as he listened to their footsteps ascending the stairs.

  Cominus wondered how long it would take his brother to heal the elven woman. Could Draco even catch
a magical disease if that was what it was. Ergan sat quietly upon the sofa listening the crackling fire. The more he saw of Draco the more he grew curious of the man. Even though he had a war to fight, men to lead, he came here in the dead of night, to heal an elf that meant nothing to him. Ergan looked to the pacing Cominus would this man that he had fought along side be like his brother. How strange he thought that these two men almost act alike yet had spent years away from each other.

  As Durchin opened the door to their room, his wife laid upon the bed covered in thick blankets to keep the cold out of her ill body. The high elf was as pale as he was, he feared a vampire was at work in his land. Yet if there was one why could he not feel the undead creature. “Could this illness have the same effects of a bite from one of the undead,” he said to himself. As Draco walked to her side, placing a pale finger on her neck to check her heart beat. It was weak but steady, crossing it from the many lists of suspected diseases.

  Her eyes fluttered open at his touch, panic filled her eyes trying to push herself away from him. Durchin rushed to his wife’s side. With reassurance that Draco meant her no harm, Draco’s hands ran over her body. As he probed deeper the signs of rot appeared inside her body. His silver eyes looked at Durchin to engross with his wife to see the disheartening look he gave the man. Walking away from the couple Draco pondered what to do. If he was to save this woman he would have to regenerate massive amounts of tissue. The process was painful and taxing on the woman, and the spell caster. Draco had no doubts that he could do it, his concern was that the woman would not make it through the process. The disease had not reached the brain, which was a good sign even he could not heal that part of the body. Walking back over to the woman it was her choice to make if she was willing, he was willing to bring her back from death’s door.


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