The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 29

by Richardson, James

  Turning his attention back to Cominus, he readied himself for the attack he should have kept his attention on the crimson rider. For at the moment of the elves attack the crimson dragon slammed into the elves dragon knocking the elf out to the battle. The impact knock the crimson rider unconscious as she and her dragon plummeted to the ground. Cominus and Darjin race to catch the falling elf and her dragon as they fell unaware of their own deaths.

  As Cominus neared the falling duo, Cominus unlashed himself from his saddle. Jumping to the aid of the elf folding his arms around the unconscious elf. Darjin slapped her massive head against the belly of the crimson dragon. Shaking him out of his dive Darjin race to catch her rider in time before the two were bloodstain dots on the ground.

  With a mighty push from the crimson dragon Darjin got the speed, she needed to catch Cominus and the elven woman in her fore legs. They began to slip from her grasp and fell harmlessly to the ground. Cominus cushioning the landing for the wood elf, Cominus only suffered a few broken ribs and many bruises on his body. “It could have been worst,” Cominus thought to himself. As the wood elf rested on top of Cominus, he noticed she was the same elven woman that was at dinner that night. She was just as beautiful as Cominus remember her.

  Darkness was creeping over him as he saw Shadow Fang looming over him. Darjin had sent a mental plea to her mother about what had happen. Draco knew that the elves would try to push his brother around but this was getting out of hand. As Shadow Fang landed Draco rushed to his brother’s unconscious body. As Cominus came to, he found himself resting in the medical tent. His brother, Aryl, Redbird, Ergan, and the wood elf standing above him, Draco was relieved that his brother would not surfer any permanent injures from his foolishness.

  “That was very reckless of you brother,” Draco said a displeased scowl had formed on his pale face. Not wanting to give his brother the pleasure to know that how worried he was.

  “But it was a very brave act my lord,” said the wood elf running her hand against Cominus's arm. Seeing this Aryl grew angry and stormed out of the tent. Ergan and Redbird watching Aryl leave knowing the fury that was building within her. Looking back to Cominus seeing his gaze was still on the wood elf they began chatting amongst themselves.

  “What is your name my lady,” Cominus asked not noticing Aryl's exit.

  “Brenda Moonshade my lord,” answered Brenda.

  “Why did you ram you dragon into that elf,” asked Cominus.

  “I did not do that my lord, Brendol moved on his own when he saw the elves treating Darjin so poorly. I shall take my leave now my lord,” said Brenda. As Brenda neared the exit of the tent, she turned to face the man that had risked his life to save her own. She had wished that he had not made the attempt. Though her dragon deemed Darjin his mate, she was an outcast among her people.

  She feared that if she were to fall for the man. She could not throw away her only means to avenge her parents. Her honor would not allow her to nor would it except this man's infatuation. If she were to take this man into her bed, her standing with the other elves would lower his own standing. She could not take that change she could not let her heart lead her astray.

  When Cominus was able to move on his own he headed for his brothers chambers. Determined to find out what he could do to figure this whole mess though. He did not think his brother would be forth coming with answers he sought. As he made his way though his brothers keep, Cominus noticed the passing elves and dwarf's viewed him newfound respect. Several elven women viewed him with lustful eyes as he passed. Whispering mummers of his dexterity, and skillfulness, that he would have in the bed if any one were lucky to gain his favor. Upon hearing these things blood rush to his cheeks and ears as he had never been the subject of womanly wants. It seemed to him now that whatever he did now and forever he would have to deal with these whispers.

  It seemed to him his brother would be the gossip of the women of his realm instead of him. However, who could catch his brother's eye other then Ishtar. Though he would never agree with his brothers choice of a wife however the heart wants what the heart wants. Who was he to complain when he himself has been caught in web of an elf. As he neared his brother's chamber door her scent still hang in his nostrils.

  Her honey color hair, the honeysuckle scent she wears still made his blood run hot. He did not want his brother to see him flustered as he was. Cominus knocked once waiting for a reply from within then nothing he knocked once more. Hearing nothing, he began to turn away from the massive door. When he heard a woman's reply echo though the door.

  “Do come in,” said Ishtar. When Cominus walked into his brother’s chambers, his gaze was lifted upward. There sat Shadow fang in a large alcove and Balo in the same size alcove on the opposite side of the room. Cominus had wished to speak with his brother in private though getting her option on this would not hurt. As Cominus entered his brother’s chambers, he noticed Ishtar had dawned a silken lace dress. For the first time since meeting her Cominus noticed her beauty.

  Her honey golden hair hang freely to her waist her emerald green eyes shine as if the sun had effused them with its eternal light. Her rose color lips could melt any man’s heart once they had them within their reach. Though the thick lace covered her breast and groin, it did not stop a man from guess what lay underneath. No wonder she had captured his brothers heart.

  “Well just don't stand there ogling what is it that you wish to see me about brother,” asked Draco. Though Ishtar took no offense to his lingering gaze though she could see why he was awe with her demeanor.

  “You said my new chambers would be ready after I was done with my training. Also you have never told me what makes our dragons queens,” asked Cominus. Pushing himself up from the wooden table Draco gestured for his brother to follow. Cominus bowed to Ishtar as he fell into pace with his brother footsteps. As the two brothers walked only twenty feet down the stone corridor when they came on to three-inch thick door, Draco noticed some conflict raging inside of his brother.

  Carvings depicted elven women chasing after their forest god around and massive oak tree. As they entered the chambers, Cominus noticed that it was at least twice as large as his previous room. Draco ushered Cominus in while waited for his brother’s approval of his new courtiers. Cominus jumped unto the bed to check the bounce and hardest of the bed. When he nodded his approval of the surroundings, Cominus noticed the side door.

  “What’s in there,” Cominus asked pointing towards the side door.

  “Your private bathing pool, now to answer your question the reasons Shadow Fang and Darjin are queens. One that they themselves can control like colored dragons. Second, they can withhold the number of eggs they chose to lay during a hatching. Where as the other female dragons have no say in the number of eggs they lay at a time. Lastly while other dragons only extend the life of their riders by three to five hundred years. Queen dragons will extend the life of her rider indefinite,” Draco said leaning against the wall.

  “How could he be so cool about living forever it's not something that goes down easily,” Cominus thought to himself. “Has any queen chosen to limit the number of eggs before,” asked Cominus. As the words fell of his tongue Cominus looked upon his brother sadness filled his eyes as if his closest friend had died. Wanting to asked what was troubling him Cominus thought it would be wise not to. “I’m sorry brother I do not mean to bring up painful events if it pains you so I understand."

  “No you should know why this pains me so. After my fight with the long forgotten son of Aacole, confused I was for the transformation had began to take hold of me. Shadow Fang and I knew not what to do so in my blood haze. We were captured by the Doncer, Shadow Fang submitted to their demands for fear of my safety. We were taken to the fortress of Bumber by that time Shadow Fang was old enough to mate. When word had reached, the leaders of the Doncer had given permission.” “For the crimson rider to mate with Shadow Fang in attempts to lay a queen egg. While I was thrown into a cell that lined the dr
agon hold there. True they kept me close to her but it made her more submissive. When the time came for her to mate, the crimson dragon had his way with her. As they would pour salt on to the wound, they made me watch as she cried out in pain. I howled with rage at the sight of their dishonor of one so mighty. Just as I was helpless to stop this, I became clear minded once again.” Cominus saw drops of blood falling from his brother’s clenched fist.

  “It pains me so that it took her torment to bring me out of it. When the men had all but forgotten me and I reached into the deeps of our power. Twisting the bars that were meant to hold me as they where nothing but twigs rage filled my mind that night. I slaughtered every one that got in my way. I made their blood my own and in turn, it made me far stronger. When the crimson rider saw my approach towards him and his accursed dragon, as the rider drove towards me with his blade drawn in my madness. I allowed him to run his blade though me. To his surprise I could not be killed I saw fear in his eyes.” The droplets of blood that fell to the stone floor gave a hypnotic rhythm to his brother’s tale.

  “With a wicked smile I clamped my hands around his skull intending to crush it between my palms. That was not to be however fearing for his rider the crimson dragon released his grip on Shadow Fang. With a ground-shaking roar, the dragon set at charging me. With a madding laugh that would have sent chills down any man. As he opened his maul to release a jet of his fire when he was within range. Shadow Fang urging me to leap to safely but my mind could not hear her. Yet I stood there laughing like a mad fool though I did not know it at the time. When he was satisfied that he had finished me off he closed his maul to steam the flow of his flame.”

  “As the smoke cleared enough for the dragon to examine his kill, there I stood what was left of my clothes were smothering rags. I remained unharmed from his blast of dragon fire. There I remain laughing like a fool again the dragon roared with all his might. However I was no more afraid of him as he was of me. The dragon charged me once again this time intent to snap me up in his maul.”

  “However I was to fast for the dragon I ducked under his neck and with all my might. I unleashed a blow that would have broken the dragon’s neck if it were not for its armored scales. Though I could not deal it a lethal blow, the blow did knock the dragon unconscious. With his dragon dealt with, I made my way over to its rider. Seeing his dragon dealt by just one blow made his ebony skin turn white as snow. As I stood over the man, he tried his best to run from my grasp.”

  “Before I could have my vengeance Shadow Fang came running towards me. Urging me to flee for the soldiers were rushing in to the hold. I did however give the man something to remember me by,” said Draco. Trying his best to hide his anger from his brother, and Shadow Fang whose presence. Was always up to him to keep her from remembering that day.

  “What was it brother,” asked Cominus. Pondering this question Draco sought an answer to his question the best that he could. Without divulging to much that he wished to keep secret.

  “What I did was to leave a reminder of me. I ripped the dagger from his boot as I held the man by his dragon mail. I took the tip of his dagger and carved a crescent moon on his left side of his face. If by chance he showed himself on the battlefield I would know him by that scar,” Draco said with a wicked smile on his face.

  “I never would have thought they would do such a thing. I'm sorry that I ever asked brother if I knew how much this pains you and Shadow Fang. I'm to am filled with rage for what they did to you two,” Cominus said trying to still his anger. "This answers some of my questions though I wish I had never asked," he muttered to himself. Seeing his brother dishearten Draco placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Do not trouble yourself over this brother this is not your burden to bear,” Draco said patting Cominus right shoulder.

  “Is this why you fight brother?”

  “One of them,” Draco said mutely. As he turned to leave his brothers chambers, Draco turned back to his bother as his hand rested on the door handle.

  “Keep this between us I do not wish to become public knowledge. Oh and you should not anger Aryl as you did in the healing tent.”

  “Why have I done something wrong to offend her,” Cominus asked confused he could not remember her within the tent at the time.

  “Though you are not accustom to their ways she as chosen you as her mate,” Draco said smiling at his brother's discomfort. Dumfounded Cominus by this turn of events, Cominus did not know how to ask, or how Draco knew about this.

  “Walk me though this when did she do this."

  “After the attack by the Drow on the high elf city,” Draco said remembering the fight with the shadow golem.

  “Is that why ..., no it can’t be your just messing with me I know you are,” Cominus said jumping from his position on the bed.

  “Afraid not brother,” Draco said with a smirk on his lips.

  “Walk my though this for my mind can not contemplate this,” Cominus said rubbing his temples.

  “In the dark elf race along with the Drow it is their custom that when their females. Are ready to take a mate it is the female that approaches the male of her liking. In Aryl's case she has chosen you brother, if we were among our race it is the male that announce who he wishes to marry. So basically she has made you her bitch brother,” Draco said with huge grin on his face.

  “Well fuck me is that why you we laughing then."

  “You could have told me,” shouted Cominus.

  “Why and spoil the fun oh no brother I could never do that,” Draco said trying to control his laughter. Leaving his brother to ponder the news Draco exited the room. As he emerge from the room Ergan and Redbird stood before him ready to guard their friend from any unseen foes. When the two mighty warriors saw his lordship, they bowed as he walked past.

  “I will see to it that you all have rooms here on this wing. That way I know no fiend would come near my brother with mighty warriors as yourselves guarding him,” Draco said seeing the pride fill there eyes hearing this.

  “On my beard I shall not allow any one pass,” Redbird said lifting his chin to the ceiling.

  “You have my word that none will get pass my blade,” Ergan said lifting sword to salute Draco.

  “I know though I do suspect their are spies among us. I know you and Ergan, Aryl are loyal to my brother. I have my doubts about the ranger do keep an eye on that one and report any thing you see directly to me. Also let Aryl know I have spoken to my brother hopefully that will simmer her anger somewhat.”

  “You can count on us my lord I shall keep one eye on him and two hands on me ax,” growled Redbird.

  “Good, good now if you excuse me I have matters to attend to,” Draco said with a turn of his heel. Draco walked back to his room were his love and daughter waited for his return. Ergan leaving his post to inform Aryl. Aryl heard his hurried footsteps as he neared her room. Placing her arcane tomes on the wooden table she approached the door.

  There in mid knock Ergan told Aryl of the conversation with Lord Draco along with the message for her about her would be mate. Hearing this news, her facial emotions became more somber. She hated herself for not telling him about her ways. She should have known that he was ignorant of her ways this did please her for now she may share his bed. This filled her face and groin with ever pulsing heat. She gathered her things ready to stand watch along with her two companions. Impatient to see her soon to be mate for the remaining hours could not pass fast enough would be torture for her. As Cominus undress ready for blissful sleep to take him, it accrued to him if he should ask his brother to make him an alcove for Darjin. There is no need for he has already seen to it,” Darjin said from her alcove. Leaping around to see where she had been hiding.

  “Don’t do that my heart nearly leaped out of my chest,” answered Cominus his heart hammering in his chest.

  Come now you should have felt my presence was near. Poor form for one that is

  joined must have something on ones mind,”

bsp; Darjin said laughing in her own form.

  “So did you know or did your mother tell

  you want happen,” Cominus asked furious that

  his brother seems to enjoy his discomfort so

  much maybe to much.

  Some what, do you want to talk about little one,” Darjin asked nudging Cominus with

  the tip of her nose. Comforted by her warm

  scales against his body, Cominus told her about

  Aryl and that she had chosen him has her mate.

  Though he had no knowledge of her ways,

  Cominus did find her of the utmost beauty. He

  did not know what he should do.

  From what mother has told me I can not

  see any way out of this. If you keep chasing

  after Brenda you will only offend Aryl again

  and this you can not plead ignorance. I do not

  have the knowledge to lead you in this so you must contemplate on this,” Darjin said with a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Darjin's emotions overwhelmed Cominus's mind, with her own jealousy for his infatuation with these elven women. Taken back by her feelings that flooded his mind Cominus finely realized what

  his brother had meant.

  As the sun crested the horizon, hues of

  pinks, purples and reds permeate the morning

  sky. As Cominus pulled his shirt over his bare

  chest walking over to the open window. Peering out to watch the morning sun climb to its

  heavenly resting place. Cominus was in awe of

  the wonderful spectacle that was unfolding in

  front of him. “No wonder he never came home,

  this sight alone is worth everything,” Cominus

  thought to himself. Darjin agreed with his

  thinking with a rumble from her throat. Knowing he had to leave for the training

  field, Cominus gathered his twin swords and

  belted them to his waist. Darjin eagerly wanted


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