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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 34

by Richardson, James

  “Now I will teach you the words I want you to focus on that tree and expend the energy there. Also you must not damage the surrounding area,” Draco said wagging his finger at Cominus. Unsure if he could control the spell as his brother had once done. Seating on a rotten log at the far corner of the clearing placing his chin in the palm of his hand. Running the vowels of each word through his mind, trying to see if there was another way to go about the spell. For minutes Cominus pondered the spell muttering under his breath. Agitated Cominus leaped to his feet stamping his boot into the soft moss. Cursing himself for not finding a way around the spell.

  “How would I go about that I can not find the words to shape the magic,” growled Cominus. Kicking over a stone beetles, spiders, white grubs scampering away to find a new hiding place from the burning sun. Draco peeked over his shoulder hiding his smile from his disappointed brother.

  “There are no words to shape the magic to do what I ask.”

  “I don't understand how you can shape the magic with out the words of power to control the flow of magic,” Cominus asked in his confused state.

  “Because the words may hold the spell to this world, you are the one that shapes the magic to your will,” Draco said with a smile. From what he had been thought by Aryl the words of power is what holds the spell and shapes the magic in this world. This went against the grain of his teachings.

  “I don't understand how can my will shape the magic when every spell I have summoned is dependent on the words of power,” Cominus said growing agitated with his brother. With a sigh Draco shook his head in disbelief he had hope his brother could see it. Cominus saw the look of dissatisfaction on his brothers pale slender face.

  “Tell me brother why is this so,” Cominus growled.

  “No,” shouted Draco. Cominus could fill the power behind the word. Staggering a few steps backwards Cominus felt as if his brother had put some type of magic behind the words.

  “Why not what harm could come from you tell me why this is so,” Cominus said regaining his footing.

  “Would you gain anything from what it if I told you how this is done. No you must find the answer yourself then you know why I can not tell you,” Draco said turning his gaze to the sky. Cominus wanted to run over to his brother and shake some sense into him. He knew that if he tried he would not gain anything from that. He would only get a bloody nose or worse for his actions and still be lost in the dark. Draco turned back to his brother seeing the turmoil forming his brother face.

  “I will tell you this, you must look inside yourself for the answer,” Draco said with a sigh. Before Cominus could utter a word, he felt Darjin's approach he was glad to have her by his side. Maybe with her help he could get his brother to speak without the riddles. Shaking his head Darjin would not do that he knew she would not move against her mother. He knew he could not best his brother in hand-tohand combat.

  Maybe Darjin could give him some insight into his brother’s words. As the majestic white dragon soared to the ground, she could sense her rider’s discomfort. She would have to wait until they were back in the air. Though she and her mother needed the meal, they had lost two hours of daylight. With their saddles and supplies secured, and there riders ready for their accent back into the darkening sky. The two mighty dragons righted themselves into the southern wind current making their way to Sandsabar.

  Tell me what troubles you Cominus,” Darjin asked lovingly. Cominus began to tell her of the spell, and how he could not perform what his brother had asked. He told her of his brother’s refusal to give him the answer to his question. Cominus was taken back when he noticed Darjin laughing.

  I’m please that my confusion pleases you so mighty dragon,” growled Cominus. I only laugh my brave rider for your brother is wise for none other then yourself could answer the question,” Darjin said hiding her amusement.

  If you know the answer then tell me,” Cominus said demandingly.

  I shall do no such thing my rider how could you learn, if every one gave you the answer to every question you have. I will give you a hint if you ask nicely," Darjin said shyly. With a huff Cominus sat there with his arms across his chest unable to swallow his pride. Feeling her riders mind closing to her Darjin snaked her spear shaped head around, peering through her giant saucer sky blue eye at her rider. Cominus could not help but be at awe when he looked into her eyes.

  Though she mighty beast of the sky and land able to burn any one that stood in her path to ash. However to Cominus he only saw love, the passion for him and those around him. If he was ever alone in his world he had only to look into her eyes, and know that he would never be alone. For she would never allow any harm to come to her rider.

  “You should not let your pride get in the way, it will only serve to give our enemies the


  “This coming from the most amour-propre

  of all the races of the world,” Cominus said

  trying to hold back his laughter. Arching her neck Darjin let out a puff of smoke that choked Cominus.

  “Why should a dragon not take pride in itself. We can fly to any land we chose, we do not answer to kings or queens of the land. Our scales shine like no gem of the earth could ever achieve. We have fangs and claws to defend ourselves from attack, and to dig into unwitting

  humans who take us lightly,” Darjin said with

  a hint of humor and surrealism. Cominus could not read her mind to determine if she was joking or not. Feeling, as he had become her next meal her laughter however did not ease his fear. “You are so simple to read sometimes Cominus,” Darjin said her laughter breaking though her words. Cominus sent her a thought that would anger any dragon. When she answered with a bloody churning growl, Cominus could hold his laughter back any longer.

  “So are you oh mighty dragon,” Cominus said patting Darjin's neck. “But you are right

  Darjin pride will be my downfall, so what is the hint."

  “The answer to his statement is what you “You just giving more riddles,” Cominus shouted aloud.


  “You just giving more riddles,” Cominus shouted aloud.

  “Think about it,” said Darjin. Cominus

  urged her to tell him what she meant but he could not get her to speak. As his anger subsided, Cominus began contemplating on Darjin's hint. “What am I," as Cominus ran these words though his mind then it hit him.

  “Because I a rider,” asked Cominus.

  “No guess again,” said Darjin. Cominus sat in his saddle if it was not because he was a rider then it would not be because he is human. Cominus caught a glint of Darjin's mind letting him know he was closing in. Cominus looked over to his brother he was human once. A satisfied smile form on his lips Cominus leaned over in his saddle to Darjin's ear.

  “Is it because I and my brother are the de

  scendants of Aacole,” Cominus asked with a

  satisfying smile on his face. Cominus could feel the pleasure rolling from Darjin's mind.

  “How did you guess,” Darjin said un

  aware she had help in the answer.

  “Why my dear you gave me the answer, "

  said Cominus. Stunned that Darjin had helped, she had thought she had locked her mind from his. “Don’t beat yourself up my dear you did

  not give me much to go on,” Cominus said re

  assuring Darjin with a scratch behind her ear. “So why is it that we can perform this when no

  other can,” asked Cominus. Darjin could not

  give an answer to her rider. Urging Darjin to her mother's side where he would ask his question to his brother. “I have the answer,” said Cominus with a smug smirk on his face.

  “Oh do tell,” Draco said eager to hear. “We can shape the magic to our will because we are the descendants of Aacole,” Cominus said taking pride in his answer. Cominus saw that a grin was forming on his brother’s face.

  “Oh I see that Darjin gave you some help in that,” said Draco. Stunned
that his brother knew about that he looked to Darjin for an answer. She just shook her spear shape head for she was as baffled as much as Cominus was. Draco turned to his brothers left shoulder were a sprite hoped into his hand.

  “Thank you my friend for your help,” said Draco. What seemed like humming to Cominus the sprite asked something he could not understand. “Yes we are here,” said Draco. Then the sprite lifted off his hand and darted to the woodland below.

  “What the hell was that, and why were you spying on me,” asked Cominus.

  “That was a sprite she asked if we could give her a ride to her spring home. Well I had to make sure you would not try anything stupid,” said Draco. “You and Darjin should not close you minds to one either though you may act as two individuals. You are one for you two complete one another though this would be covered in your training. Do not let this hamper what is to come or what you two have to do,” Draco said reassuring. Cominus could fell Darjin grief in the fact that she failed. Cominus reached into her mind to let her know all is well and when the time comes, they would be better then his brother and her mother. This lifted her mood as she released a triumph roar.

  “Tell me brother why can we alone perform this task when no other can,” asked Cominus. Draco did not say a word he just pointed to Cominus's left hand. Wondering how the rune played into the factor. “Is it because we are curse that we can do this!”

  “Yes it is a useful gift that the gods gave us, with it our enemies should think twice when they face us in battle,” said Draco. Cominus straighten himself in his saddle ready to perform the task his brother had given him. “Don’t,” Draco said stretching out his hand to stop his brother.

  “Why not you had asked me to do if for you,” Cominus said confounded.

  “Because we have just cross into the land of the star elves,” Draco said pointing towards the lights of the village. Stunned at the colors of lights that illuminated the village in the distance. Cominus eagerness showed on his face for now he would receive his rider’s sword. A sword to tell his foes that they face Darjin and her rider in all their glory.

  “Draco what village is that,” asked Cominus wide eyed.

  “Why it is none other then Sandasbar,” Draco said into the wind. As the two riders drew near to the village, Shadow Fang and Darjin caught the echoes of other dragons within the village. Draco turned in his saddle he placed his hand on his brothers shoulder. “Remember do nothing to provoke a fight,” Draco said sternly.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was three hours pass sundown when the two brothers had reached the village. The star elves would not allow any riders to enter their village from the air. Walking beside their dragons, entered the village to find elves busy in their every day life's. Cominus stood at the entrance to the village awed at the beauty of the village. Though old as time it seemed to Cominus, that time itself could not touch this place. The hair on Cominus arm began to stand on end. Cominus began to feel something stirring within him as he stood there. Darjin nodded to Cominus for she too had felt the tingle of something tugging at her. Turning to his brother, he asked what was happening Draco just smiled and said magic.

  “What you mean by magic,” Cominus asked dumfounded.

  “Of all the races of elves the star elves are the most imbue people of magic. It seems that from the moment they are born until they die the magic that permeates their bodies never fades. Were as the wood elves and the Drow they are less abated of the mystical elves. I only been to Sandsabar but I believe that all the towns, cities, villages of the star elves. The magic of their race permeates the very air of their life's,” Draco said inhaling the night air. Darjin felt as if she was a hatchling once again. She felt the urge to climb onto Cominus shoulder as she had done so many time's. When she came to her senses Cominus was under her left paw scramming at her to release her hold. “Forgive me Cominus I don't know what

  came over me,” Darjin said lifting her foot off

  of his chest.

  “You could have killed me and you almost

  did,” Cominus said gasping for breath. Cominus turned to his brother who just smiling away

  at the antics of his and his dragon. “You think

  that was funny,” shouted Cominus.

  “What do you expect Cominus, Darjin is a

  magical creature she would be effected by the

  magic far more then you,” Draco said not trying to hide his laughter. “Come we have stayed

  here to long,” said Draco. Walking towards the

  inn Cominus noticed that the building was not

  large enough to fit a month old dragon. “Where are Darjin and Shadow Fang going

  to stay,” Cominus said not wanting to part with

  his partner.

  “They will stay at the dragon hold,” Draco

  said pointing into the far off distance. As the

  two brothers neared the star elves dragon hold

  the building was made out entirely of rose crystal. Cominus wondered how the elves could

  have made such a thing, or how this mammoth

  thing could be formed. As the lights of the village played on the crystalline structure, Cominus could see three dragons already nesting

  within the structure. Cominus knew that no other rider from his brother’s army was here these

  dragons belonged to the Doncer. For the first

  time since his encounter with the Drow he

  would face his enemies.

  “How did the elves make such a thing or

  did they dig it out of the stone,” Cominus

  asked looking over at his brother.

  “From what they told me they sang to the

  earth in one night this beautiful structure was

  formed. Come they are waiting for us,” Draco

  said propelling his brother into the dragon hold.

  As they entered the hold on the far side of the

  hold rested three dragons. A sky blue dragon

  with a wicked scar above its right eye, an emerald green dragon that lost the last four feet of

  its tail, then coiled around laid a crimson dragon. Cominus wondered if this was the dragon

  from his brother’s tale. As Cominus studied the

  dragon, Draco had met with the keeper of the

  hold. Cominus could not hear must of what

  they were talking about his attention was elsewhere.

  As he stood there watching the crimson

  dragon the dragon felt his eyes on him. Snaking its head to see who would dare keep him

  from his slumber. Cominus studied the dragon

  as his eyes ran down its long serpentine neck

  until Cominus saw the scar.

  “You,” Cominus said under his breath.

  With a vicious growl, he let it known it he was

  not pleased to have his sleep interrupted. Darjin

  came next to her rider interested in what had

  caught his attention. It did not take Darjin long

  to figure out which dragon he was looking at.

  She released her own vicious growl to let it

  known she would not stand by while he threaten her rider. Hearing the commotion in the hold Draco rushed out of the keeper’s courtiers. Draco asked what was the problem Cominus could not answer his brothers question. For rage was building inside of the rider, Cominus could only point towards the crimson dragon. As Draco turned his head to follow his brothers finger until his eyes settled on the crimson dragon. Cominus wondered what his brother would do now since the dragon, and his rider. Had caused him and Shadow Fang so much pain was within the village. All Draco could do was smile, a wicked smile that turned Cominus blood to ice. Cominus returned his gaze to the crimson dragon it seemed to Cominus that it remember his brother. For the first time since coming into this land, he had seen fear in a dragon.

  The crimson dragon released a hiss as he tried to make himself seem smaller. Draco took Shadow Fang to a
large alcove on the other side of the hold where she would not have to see this dragon. For she would not hold her anger in check when it came to the dragon. Draco placed a potion into her food to soothe her emotions for the night. Closing the mithral gate behind him Draco waited for Cominus to take Darjin to the alcove next to her mother. As Cominus unsaddled Darjin, he wondered why he could not stay by Darjin's side. He could not help but think what the Doncer would do, such as placing a curse among their things. After closing the mithral gate Cominus

  came to his brother's side.

  “I going to stay here and keep an eye out

  for any Doncer that thinks of causing us harm.” “No need,” Draco said reassuring his

  brother but Cominus could not help but think

  of something was about to happen.

  “They could come here this night when we

  are sleeping soundly in our beds placing a spell

  on our belongings or harm Darjin or Shadow

  Fang,” Cominus said pleading with his brother. “Because in this place no magic can be

  performed, the mithral gates will only open for

  the rider of their dragons. I hardly doubt that

  any one is stupid enough to go against Darjin

  or Shadow Fang. Moreover, you forget brother

  they are queens and those over there are not,”

  Draco said his hand waving to the far wall of

  the hold. Cominus felt like an idiot of forgetting that fact with the emerald and crimson


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