The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 45

by Richardson, James

  “Darjin when this war is over, and we are

  no longer needed we are leaving.” She looked

  at him with those sky blue eyes. Darjin would travel the world if it would please Cominus. Yet she had grown fond of her rider’s mates, Darjin did not wish to leave them behind.

  “Why where would we go, our friends, our family is here. We just can’t take off and leave them behind to worry over whether we are

  alive or dead.” Wrapping her arms around Ar

  yls slender neck she could not believe he would do this to them. “I need a better reason to

  leave them then you ordering our exile.” He

  had never planned to leave, but the timing of all this had put his wants to the side.

  “We are not leaving for that long Darjin. We must though too many depend on us not to

  try.” He could not bring himself to reveal his

  plans to Aryl yet. He could not face the hurt that would dance in her beautiful silver eyes. He knew he had to try to find the gods that had placed this curse upon his family. Even if he had to fly to their gates and demand that they listen.

  “Then why must we leave?” Darjin said aloud so he would have to face Aryls questioning look. “He plans on leaving after this war to where he will not tell me.” Nestling her head in the hollow of Aryls throat, those silver eyes looked at him with curiosity, and resentment for not being involved in this discussion.

  “Yes my Lord, I to would like to know why must you leave us when you have just come into our lives.” Aryl asked her silver eyes glisten in the fire light as moisture began to gather in their depths.

  “Because I will not watch as my brother suffers for all time, I will not allow these damn gods to play with the fate of my family.” Leaving the warmth of the fire Cominus needed time to his thoughts. How could any of them know what it was like, to watch you own brother suffer for something that happen so many years ago. How could he sit back and do nothing for his brother. Cominus could not simply live the rest of his years knowing that his brother was within reach. Yet forbidden to walk the land he is so willing to die for.

  Cominus had to do something that would right a wrong that had no bearing on his, or his brother’s actions. How could he make them realize that with out him he would not be here, his brother had suffered enough now it was his turn to protect him. Tears ran freely down his face at the enormity of the cost of failure. How could the gods be so cruel to the ones that are trying to bring peace to a war torn land.

  Aryl approach her betrothed as the silver light of the moon shine down on the dirt path. Her slender elven hands slid around his waist, kissing the exposed skin of his neck Aryl said nothing hoping that her presence would ease his anguish. As she held him tight sent her prayers to her gods in hopes they would hear her, if they did they choose not to listen.

  When morning dawned on their third day in the forest, Cominus wanted to be out of that forest. He needed to be out of its confining space. To soar through the air so his thoughts would be his own. Fasting the last of the saddle straps to Darjin the weight of his own quest weighed heavily on his shoulders on that cool morning. Resting his hand against the molded leather, he began to doubt if he could change his family’s fate. Darjin wanted to cease her rider’s woes yet Cominus had shut her out. As he belted on his scimitars all expect Argan who had gone ahead to scout the trail. Stood there looking at the man that had would change the course of their world’s history.

  Redbird stood with his arms crossed eyeing the human that had proven himself to be a fine friend. Strapping his shield to his back Ergan would follow Cominus anywhere even if it meant fighting the gods themselves. Aryl leaning on her staff for her betrothed to gather himself for the day’s events. It had hurt her to know he had not told her about his decision. It also touched her to know he had also thought about the children they would someday have. When they returned to the castle, she would find whatever she could to help Cominus in his quest.

  “We should visit the forest plains of Morger, I sure we can seek the forest god there.” Cominus began to decline the dwarfs help, but Redbird would hear none of it. “It is said that those who seek help will find her there. Therefore, when all is well enough you will not leave Sol alone in this quest. All the races of this world owes a debit to your brother. I will not allow his own kin to go traipsing across the land, getting into gods know what kind of trouble.”

  “Yes sounds like fun, who knows we may even go visit the water shine of Ushtler that sits on the shores of the lake Shales.”

  “Or the oracle of Heli it was once said that one could reach the gods though those hallowed stones.” Aryl quickly put in. They began to converse amongst themselves as he was not even there. Her silver eyes bored into him. “So you better not forget that you are never alone. Whatever your troubles are, you have friends that care and love you. I will not listen to any more of this talk about leaving us.” Sealing her kiss on his cracked dry lips a smile formed on his tan face.

  How he ever found such noble and honorable friends was beyond him. It would seem they would walk into hell itself if he was determined to speak with the devil. Well at least he would have good friends on that long, burning road. There noble sacrifice would not go in vain. The thought of them by his side during those long days brighten his mood.

  “Well then it seems that we must finish this quest and stop the Doncer. But I would have no others by my side.” Giving the order the five were once again on their journey. An hour had pasted since there trek resumed however Argan was no were to be seen. His tracks had simply vanished in the clay soil. Could this man truly be apart of a spy network set out to destroy his brother’s rein.

  Aryl traced the surrounding area for any mystical residue that might lead to Argan’s location. Stopping halfway up the trail, she had located a wisp of magic. As her spell began its work Cominus stayed by her side. While the others searched, the woods for any sign of trouble that may still lurked in the woods that surround them. When Ergan and Redbird returned their faces showed there discomfort with the idea of the man. They all had trusted with there life’s would turn out to be a spy.

  “Well he tried to contact some one that’s all I can tell you my lord.” Brushing the dust from her leather pants Cominus could not take his eyes off her shapely ass.

  “Hmm then we can suspect whoever he was trying to find was either gone or dead.” He hoped for the latter for Lanshina had done nothing expected hinder his brother’s plans. If Argan ever showed himself before them ever again he was sure. To beat the information out of the elf, knowing they could not stay and search for the traitor. Cominus ordered them to resume there trek.

  As the heat of the sun rained down though the thinning trees, smoke laced with the hints of meat floated on the afternoon winds. Thinking it was best to go in with swords drawn then to be caught off guard. Ergan took point leaving Darjin to guard their retreat should the need a raise. Ergan stood there his sword tip touching the ground. Never would he believe his eyes. A weathered log cabin surrounded by lush gardens. Moon butterflies flattered around the blooming flowers.

  On the porch of the old log cabin, five chairs awaited around, an equally worn table for some unforeseen guest. Cast iron kettle steamed above the cooking fire. Who was this man that knew of their arrival when they knew not when they would arrive. As the door opened, he must have been ancient. For his long white beard teased the ground with it's fine white whiskers. His body may be old, his eyes had the look of a young man’s zeal. Carrying a tray of blue gooseberry tarts it would indeed seem he was expecting guest.

  Checking on the kettle his eyes fell upon the weary group. “Two elves, one dwarf and well do my old eyes deceive me a human.” He muttered into his beard. “So is it time already,” shaking his balding head at the events to come that he knew far too much about. “Now we will see if the darkness will prevail in this last ditch attempt.” His smile hidden under the untamed whiskers, rubbing the pain away in his back the years had
not been kind to the old elf.

  “Well are the young not taught manners this day and age?” He called out to them. “To make an old man slave over a hot fire for a good cup of tea." So caught up in the man’s appearance Aryl rushed to help the old man with the tea. As she neared, she could sense the overwhelming years press in on her. Catching her by the wrist Aryl let out a gasp at the strength of his grip. Fearing for their friend they rushed to her aid. Closing her palm, he smiled a toothy grin at the elven woman, paying there others no heed. “Been a very long time since I was graced with the presence of an elf, a beautiful one at that,” his chuckle sounded as songbirds in the morning wind.

  “What is this man?” Aryl asked herself. To have this strength and to live alone in these unholy woods, “Every cell in my body tells me to run yet I do not find my self fearful of this man,” she said to herself. As Darjin’s white form entered his view, Aryl knew there was something behind those strange eyes.

  “You dragon will mind your tail,” he said with such authority in his voice that made Darjin think twice. Her blue eyes studied the man that would think to command her in such a manner. There was something, about the scent of the man’s flesh that had her head spin, sending the world in a spinning haze.

  As her dizziness flooded over him, Cominus grabbed hold on the nearest person to steady himself. Looking to Darjin for answers to her condition “Him” was the only word she would give him. Supporting Cominus to the awaiting chairs. Ergan began to fear his friend had been stricken by some illness while in the mitts of the undead. Waving them off Cominus cradled his head in his hands to stop the world from spinning. The sounded of the kettle hitting the iron plate brought his fogged head up.

  It only made it worst “What the hell I feel like I am drunk.” He voiced to Darjin the loud thub as her legs gave out under her own weight. If he could have walked a straight line, he would have gone to her. As he was, he did not if he could make it with out falling on his face.

  “Have no fear rider, your dragon will recover in a matter of moments.” As the tea leaf’s hit the boiling water the aroma of theleafs, began to lift the fog from his mind. “Here drink this it will make you and your dragon feel better,” pouring the contents into a pewter cup. How this man know of their mental sharing of emotions and sensations Cominus could not fathom.

  As he gently slipped on the hot liquid, the old man was right. The liquid did clear his mind draining the last drags of the cup he asked for more. Pouring the remits of the kettle into his cup, he sat himself in the old rocker.

  “Tell me young ones why have you come to my home.” Pulling his pipe from a hidden compartment in the sleeve of his robe tamping the dry leaf’s into the pipe. He already knew why they were there “One does not get as old as I, with out knowing the goings on in the land,” he told himself. He just like hearing a good story told from the mouths of the young. Seeing that Cominus was still under the effects, Aryl recounted what Draco had told his brother and why they had traveled so far in search of him. Nodding his head as it lined up with everything that was foretold. “So you are in search of Chad are you, saw him I did passed though here about.” His index finger drummed against his wrinkly chin trying remember when it was the saw the rider. “Ah yes about three hundred and fifty years ago, before the Doncer had captured him at the gates of Ether.”

  Slumping back into her chair clearly it was not the news she was expecting. He had taken himself off the playing board the gods so love when he had drunk the elixir of life. Was he willing to reveal himself after so long away from the gods view. Even if he was what did Marcus Moorwind owe to these young adventures. Had the gods not taken everything from him expect his eternal life. Why then would he help bring the gods back into the world. Would that take the pain of losing his family away. No the gods are not that kind, but there was something about this group. However, he loathed the gods with every fiber of his being. He had to admire the man who could pull together such an outstanding bunch of people.

  “I did not say I did not know where he is young elf. So do not look so down my dear it is unbecoming of you. I just meant that was the last time I saw the rider.” As Darjin’s mind began to clear Cominus began to understand the images and thoughts she been sending him in her haze. Laughter filled that little porch Cominus was set back when he found that it was he that was the one laughing. Marcus sat in his old rocker watching the young rider. Had the nightmare of the twilight woods robbed the man of his sanity.

  “I just figured out who you are.” Cominus could not help himself his deep chuckle filled his chest. His friends grew worried that, there leader and dear friend had indeed gone insane. Marcus rasied his old white eyebrow perplexed how his man could know of him.

  “You know of me rider.”

  “Just by your stones, Marcus Moorwind,” Cominus said lifting his clearing head to look at the man that had created the stone that his brother depended on.

  “There are many stones here young rider.” His arm arcing though the air, it was not the stones in his yard or his lush gardens. It was the stones that he had once, made with alchemy in his early years of his life. Cominus could not fathom why the old man was play coy with him.

  “Not these natural stones, the ones you made with your alchemy. The ebony and as I can only assume that since you are here today the much regarded philosopher stone.” Marcus could hardly believe his ears how could this human know about the stones. He had created them before the destruction of their world. The only place in the world that would have any connection to him was that long forgotten library. He had assumed that it had fallen into the void that separated their two worlds. It would appear he was wrong once again.

  “How do you know of these stones?” “My brother wears your ebony stone, but I fear it can no longer hold back the curse that affects him.” Marcus had never wanted to help the undead. Yet here was the descendant of Aacole wearing the stone he had mistakingly made so many years ago. Well this was getting interesting Marcus knew the stone was never meant to be worn by one as powerful as his brother. He was stunned nonetheless at the strength of will the man had to hold back the beast.

  “The stone was only meant to be worn by those lesser creatures that lurk within these woods. I can understand why the stone is losing its hold on your brother’s soul.” Cominus had hoped that this man could help his brother. Once again he was at a lost at how to release his brother from his curse. Marcus saw that look many times in his own mirror, was the man really trying to save his own brother. Did he only want to destroy the evil that lurks under the surface of his brother. Returning his attention back to Aryl, “You will find Chad within a ruin made whole under the Doncer's hand. You must travel east for three day's then north for a week. Many dangers lurk in those halls but you will find Chad held with Heavens Wing in that ancient prison.”

  “Thank you Marcus you have been kind to us, we hope that one day we may repay such kindness,” Cominus said rising from his seat to shake the man’s hand. Lowering his chin to his chest Marcus never let go of the Cominus hand.

  “You three leave us.” Turning his gaze upon them, they felt the power behind his words. They looked to Cominus, nodding that he would be fine gathering their things. Heading over to the still dazed Darjin, they hoped that Cominus knew what he was doing. “Why do you seek to help this man who bears the mark of our world’s destruction?”

  “Because I will not allow the gods to play with my families fate like their nothing more then pieces on a game broad.” A smile touched those ancient lips given time Marcus could grow to like this man. He could make a stronger ebony stone for the young rider but not without a cost.

  “I can make another more stronger ebony stone for this brother of yours for five of your dragons beautiful scales.” He hoped against hope that the old man was not toying with him. Would Darjin consent to having her scales pulled from her body.

  “Darjin did you hear that we may have

  way to help Draco.”

  “Yes, bu
t remember the ebony stone he wears now only lasted three years,” Darjin said shaking the remainder of the fog from her mind.

  “These will be different then the one he wears," a smile formed on his dry lips “What if we give him ten that way we get two for Draco

  encase one fails to hold his curse at bay.” She

  did not say a word for she didn't have to, he could feel her consent pour into the mental link they shared. “Ten scales for two stones an even trade.”

  Marcus could hardly contain his shock ten scales of a dragon would indeed make his potion stronger. The thoughts of returning to the days of his youth overwhelmed his mind. “I will need the softest of her scales.” Pushing his old body from the rocker Cominus could see the spring in the old ones step. As they came over to Darjin still laying on her side. Marcus placed his ear to her belly as he tapped her scales. Choosing only those that rang true, Darjin squirmed as he began plucking the scales from her hide.

  “That tickles,” her talons gouging rots in the soft dirt. Relief flooded off his shoulders as the scales glimmered in Marcus's clawed hand. At least they could buy time for his family. With the scales firmly in hand, Marcus turned to the young rider.

  “Return in six months and your stones shall be ready then.” Not wanting to linger Marcus left the young rider free to enter the eastern tail. Gathering their belongings they watched to old man slink off into the interior of his log house. As the door closed behind him, leaning against the door, the jingling of the scales in hand thinking back to days gone by Marcus could hardly wait. The fires of youth shine brightly in his immortal eyes. No longer would he have to live with the pain of old age. No longer would he be bound to this unholy land.


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