The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 48

by Richardson, James

  The heat of Shadow Fangs breath of fire glowed in the afternoon sun. As they watched and listened to the cries of the dieing Cominus could not let his morality get in the way in this fight. “Would the Doncer show such kindness to us, I doubt that?” He said to himself. To him hours seem to pass instead of minutes as his nerves twitched. Ready to draw his swords against those who had harmed so many innocents. Placing his hand on the gray lifeless stone, calling upon his magic the stone crumbled to dust. Leaving a gapping hole large enough for the five of them to slip though. Pressing their backs to the wall Cominus hoped no one noticed their entrance into the castle.

  The thundering of armored boots rang throughout the hall. Peaking around the corner, the walls reverberated with each impact of Shadow Fangs attack. How he wished he could be in the air along side his brother. He had a job to do if there was any left he, and Darjin would sink their blades and fangs into the enemy flesh. With Darjin’s guidance, the companions made quick time to Heavens Wing’s prison. The smell of the orcan trio ahead alerted them quick enough to catch them off guard. As his scimitars plunged though the rear orc guard. Those enchanted blades slicing though its goblinoid flesh, spilling its pink blood over the stone floor.

  Ergan and Redbird easily took down the other two, pulling their kills into a shadowy alcove. They were to keep their presence to a minimal if they could help it. It was too early into the attack to be caught. Though every able body rider was in the air, their ground forces still held control over the castle. As the companions crept along the corridors, their eyes searched for any sign of movement. Cominus had to trust the elves uncanny hearing for troop movements from behind. With Darjin in her child form they could move quickly to their destination. Her small hand tugging on his scale armor, forcing them to halt their journey though the Doncer’s wicked castle.

  “Heavens Wing said not to come in,” her childlike voice filling these once great noble halls with long forgotten memories.

  “Why we are almost there I can see the hold from here.” Cominus peering out of an arrow silt down towards the dragon hold. As the white dragon’s body glisten in the afternoon sun Cominus was in awe at the sheer size of the male dragon. He looked to Darjin and wondered if she would get such a size if they survived that long.

  “He says there at least twenty guards in there hiding for any one foolish enough to enter.” Well twenty was not such a bad number; they had taken on more then that in Nagaren. Though if they had a diversion it may help them get the drop on their waiting foes. What could they do now they could not sit and wait for Draco to finish with the riders. They would be found out eventually and Cominus was dead set to be out of this evil place long before that. Looking to Darjin for help, she knew what he had in mind.

  “What is it daughter?” Was that fear in

  her mothers voice or did Darjin just imagined that.

  “Mother we are ready to storm the dragon hold but there are guards waiting for us. We

  need a diversion if you can.” A roar vibrated

  though their shared link images flood her mind. What could have her mother so afraid, never had she felt such a feeling from her mother. Cominus placed a strong hand on her shoulder. He to had felt the fear that rolled though their mental link. Laughter filled their minds but it was not the madness that meant to claim his brother.

  The image of the massive black dragon filled their minds. So large was the evil dragon it put Heavens Wing bulk to shame. Cominus could only assume he was looking though his brother’s eyes. Shadow Fangs bloody body came into view he could feel his brothers rage forming. She would live he saw to that his brothers strength had weaken greatly to save his partners life. The black’s sharp talons had cut deeply into her breast. As Shadow Fang lay near unconsciousness, she could feel the energy he poured into her to keep her alive. The air beat with the black’s mighty palpitating wings. Teasing the anger that was still building within his chest, his hand traced her soft scales behind her right eye.

  Had Draco led his people into a no win scenario, was Draco to be imprisoned along with Shadow Fang. Nothing more then to keep the Doncer in power, Draco knew their black dragons could no longer reproduce. Was it their attempt to capture his dragon for such a propose. He knew Shadow Fang answer to such a demand. Draco would rather die then allow them to use Shadow Fang in such a manner. Yet the man standing before him was older then time itself. As he stared at the man in his glistening scale armor. The air seem to bluster around the man, was his evil so great that nature itself quaked in feared this man.

  “Did you honestly think that you could destroy me?” Damishtal said staring at the man that had put his plans in jeopardy. Cominus could feel every once of his brother’s hate poured into him as he looked at the black rider. “Now lower weapon and surrender to my forces, you and your dragon will be kept in comfort within my walls.” Looking back to the wounded Shadow Fang, would his brother give up. Would he be subjugated by this man. Could he some how find the power to defeat this man before he could launch an attack on the still Shadow Fang. Sensing the man indecision “You may not be able to be killed, but your dragon does she benefit from your curse. Oh yes I know of the thing that plagues you, see I was there when it happen. Now do be so kind and come quietly.” His black dragon’s maw snaking to grasp the unconscious Shadow Fang. Cominus wanted to cry out to his brother to do something.

  Release me and we can save her and kill that man in one move.” The sheer evil in the voice chilled Cominus to the bone. Was this the thing that lived inside of his brother, how had his brother survived so long with this presence within him. Cominus felt the overwhelming power coursing though his brother’s body. Was he really going to trust that evil surly it was trying to deceive his brother. As the dragon’s maw neared Shadow Fang's neck, Draco launched his attack. As his sword flew though the air, Draco with all the unholy power that coursed through his body pouring the remainder of his magic into the ground. Trembling as the magic took hold of the lifeless soil. As the rock shoot towards the massive dragon’s neck encasing its massive spear shape head, his fingers flexed as the earth tighten around the dragon’s scaly neck. As the pressure begun to build Cominus heard the bones creaking under the pressure of the stones. As Draco’s fist formed into a ball the ancient dragon was no more.

  Turning to the man who had threatened his friend, and partner Draco relished in the sweet copper scent of his blood. Cominus hoped that he would not do anything unnecessary, however he knew his brother would not listen to him. Coughing up his life’s blood the black rider pulled Draco’s sword from his gut. Muttering spells of healing to stave off death, he looked at the man who had killed his dragon. In his long life he had never knew fear as he did now when he looked at this thing that was once a man.

  “How…” Grabbing hold of the riders armor Draco could hear the flesh knitting back together.

  “You forget in your old age the curse was different in your time. While it had changed me into what you see, I have done the same with the vile magic that spawned it.” The evil that calls his body home savoring every drop of the riders magic laced blood. Cominus could not believe what he was seeing. Nor could he simply brush away what he had felt from the beast. His legs seem to give out as their shared bond severed. Ergan’s strong hands were there to keep his friend from falling face first into the stone floor. Coming back to his senses, he knew the others would want to know of what had just transpired.

  “You won’t believe this.”

  “What is it what did you see Cominus?” Ergan asked helping Cominus to stand on his own accord. “Draco has defeated the black rider, we must hurry Shadow Fang was injured in the battle. We must save Chad and Heavens Wing and help my brother before he is overwhelmed by the Doncer’s forces.” With out further word they ran as silently through the stronghold towards the dragon hold. Bursting through the double wooden doors they had prepared themselves for a fight yet found none. No orc’s, no Drow came to greet them as they walked across the hold. Never taking
their eyes off the shadows that danced across the stone.

  Chains scrapped across the stone ringing throughout the hold. Never eager to face another dragon on solid ground Cominus made his slow way around the corner of the cellblock. There in all his glory rested Heavens Wing bound in chains as if he was some animal meant to be taught a lesson. Raising his mighty head Heavens Wing could not believe that this group of adventures had defied his request. Though the dragon sensed her presence near yet he could not discern her whereabouts. Yet the air filled with her scent, or was it just the air around her rider.

  “So you have come when you were

  warned not to.” His voice booming in the

  minds as his words held his displeasure. “Leave them be Heavens Wing can you

  not see they mean us no harm. Even if their

  quest is a foolish one.” The musical tones of

  his elfish voice filled the cell he had called home for so many years. As their heads turned to view the man in the cell. Here was Chad the last white rider who had fought so long against the forces of the Doncer. Only to fall into their hands when no one cared enough to stand against their evil. He did not look a day over thirdly however with elves no one can be sure of their real age. Dirt covered his golden skin, his honey colored hair seem to come to life in its fight to untangle itself. Tattered clothes were all that provided warmth during the cold


  Cominus will not have one of their own

  rotting any longer in a cell. As his sword cut

  though the iron lock with ease as if it was butter on a hot summers day. Stepping back from

  his cell Cominus did not want to rush the old

  man. Three hundred and fifty years was a long

  time to be imprisoned. Cominus set to work

  with the help of the others to unchain Heavens

  Wing. When the last of the locks were free,

  Heavens Wing could not help but shake his

  sore muscles. Unfurling his fifty foot long

  wings Cominus could not help but wonder

  what was to come for him and Darjin. As the

  hinges of his cell door squeaked from the nonuse of the years, for the first time in so many

  years he was free.

  “Whom do we owe this liberation from

  this vile dark place too?” As he looked upon

  the hero’s that had save him from this unending

  ordeal. His heart swelled with pride when he

  saw the corporation of the elves and the

  dwarf’s. “This is Redbird of the stone clan” Aryl

  began to introduce their company to the lost

  rider. “This is Ergan of the wood elves.”

  Chad’s face light up at the sound of another

  wood elf name. Long has it been since he had

  danced under the moon and stars along side his

  kin. “I am Aryl of the dark elves and this is my

  betrothed Cominus from the human world and

  Darjin’s rider. With out them we would have

  never found you.” Chad was shocked had the

  banished humans return from their long exile. “Forgive me I do not mean to be rude to

  the ones that had freed me from their hold.

  How did a human come into this world?” Cominus could understand his confusion he to had

  once felt lost in this world. It would be no great

  leap to suspect Chad nearly had the same questions as he did when he entered this world. “All your questions will be answered in

  good time master elf. Now we need to leave

  this place and help Draco before the Doncer

  move on his position.” Needing no further urging climbing onto Heavens Wing’s back it felt

  like he had returned home. As he nestled into

  the hollow behind Heavens Wing’s head, so

  long had he not felt the hum of his partner’s

  heartbeat. He watched as the illusion shimmered over Darjin’s body revealing her true


  When Shadow Fang had regain her senses

  Draco made sure she had suffered no further injures. When he was satisfied with his inspection, climbing into the molded leather saddle. Shadow Fang walked over to the now dead black dragon. Nudging the dead dragons head with her snout, placing her left paw on the dragon’s head. Releasing a trumpet roar throughout the darkening skies. Sending those still foolish, enough to fight against them running to other Doncer held lands. Hearing her mothers call Darjin raced to where they had last seen them in their minds. As the fires of the Doncer stronghold lit up the descending night, the shadows of dragon wings disappeared into the darkness heading for home.

  Chapter Seventeen

  With his quest for Chad now over with, Cominus had spent what free time he could in the riders’ library. Seeking to find any thing, he could about where the gods were said to rest in this world. Even with Aryl’s and Brenda’s help he was no closer to finding any clues about their whereabouts. Slamming the ancient tome closed as he vented his anger, Cominus would not give up on his brother even if Draco had. Since their return from the lands of the Doncer, Darjin had stayed by her mother’s side. It was nice to be alone with his further wives. Yet he could not pull his mind away from his brother long enough to enjoy their company.

  “Not a damn one of these books has what I seek,” Cominus muttered to himself they had heard him but knew it was meant for him alone.

  “Then I may be able to help.” Cominus turned to the unknown voice. Ishtar dawned in her white lace gown he had once seen her wear in his brother’s sitting room. How did she know that they were in the riders’ library. Was she there to find the same thing he was doing.

  “My Queen,” said Aryl and Brenda as they bowed to the high elf queen. Cominus would never bow to any elf though, he had come to know Ishtar well enough over these past few months. He never doubted her love for his brother.

  “How so Ishtar?” However, he could see the muscles in her eye twitch upon his informal greeting. She never once corrected him since she had come to live within his brother’s walls.

  “Your brother, my husband has kept many things from us. Though I know he has done what he has thought right for his people.” She seemed to look into the far off distance. As they were never in the same room with her, “I just hoped that he would let me in.” Her arms wrapped around her slender waist.

  “How so my sister,” Seeing her distress he thought it best to not to push her to much with his indifference with her people. Those emerald green eyes seem to bore into him. No wonder he fell in love with this woman. Her eyes alone were like gems plucked form heavens themselves.

  “He has a secret library were ancient tomes once thought lost for all time. Lay at his fingertips though I must assume he has gone through all of them. To find away end this curse that plagues our family.” How much has his brother kept from them. Were there some dark secrets waiting to jump out at them.

  He thought he knew all about his brother. He had hoped that there would be no longer any need to keep him in the dark. Maybe the years away from those he loves, and assassins around every corner he could hardly blame his brother for his actions.

  As he watched Ishtar move gracefully across the stone floor, towards the open window. That over looked the training field he and so many others had called home for so many months. Redbird came rushing into the library gasping for breath. The only thing that would make him intrude on them was two things. He could hardly think that something had happen to his brother.

  “What has happen Redbird?” Waiting for the dwarf to catch his breath Cominus knew it was not going to be a normal day for him. However since coming to this magical land he could hardly remember a day he could consider normal.

  “The Doncer have massed their troops, and are on the march towards us. They seek to wipe us out for what his lordship and you have done in their lands.” A shiver ran down his spine was it fear of t
he up coming battle, or the excitement that this war would soon be over one way or the other.

  How simple it would be for them to lie down and let them march on the castle. Yet he knew if they were to lose this battle he and so many others would travel into the vale of the gods. How could he and few thousand that his brother commands fend off the hordes of the Doncer.

  Cominus knew they could not allow them to roam their lands without any repercussions. He had hoped that they would hold off long enough to find away to break their curse. How he wished for just a normal day in the land of dragons. Since he had arrived at his brother’s castle the days of normalcy had long since vanished.

  He could not complain though if not for his brother he would not be here to this day. He would never met Aryl, Brenda, or Herya, yet alone dragons would still be a thing of his imagination. If he were to die in this land then he would fight with every bit of strength he had to protect those he had come to care about. Cominus could only hope that his brother had some sort of plan.

  Entering Draco’s sitting room Cominus was damned if he was going to be kept in the dark any longer. As the door to Maya’s room closed behind him, Draco wondered how long it would take them to seek him out. Shadow Fang in her image of her humanoid form sat in his favorite leather chair. His arm resting on the chairs back as he awaited for their questions to spill forth.

  “I assume you know by now.” Though he did not need to hear their answer, the look they carried was enough to tell him he hit the mark.

  “What are we going to do?” Cominus eyed his soon to be brides he could not fathom losing either of them. However, the whole bridge thing that Erdan had told him never sat well with him. Yet to see harm come to them would be the death nail for him. A smile formed on his pale face Cominus knew that smile to well. “So do tell brother what you have in store for the Doncer.”


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