Their Perfect Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Perfect Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Cara Adams

  Wolf Pack Mates 6

  Their Perfect Mate

  Human Jill Evans came to the interspecies mating party looking for Mr. Right. But who is he? Sexy Sloan Davison who wants to take her back to his pack to choose another man to join them from the ten eligible bachelors there? Or should she accept Jarrah Armstrong and Keir Wade, who answer all her needs for a BDSM relationship?

  The BDSM with Keir and Jarrah fulfills her body’s every craving, but Sloan’s offer is incredibly appealing, too. The more she gets to know them the harder it becomes to choose. Meals, dancing, entertainment,

  BDSM scenes, and orgasms, all are wonderful. As are the men.

  The week-long party is drawing to a close, and now Jill’s more undecided than ever. How the hell is she supposed to make a decision? Then some rogue wolves break in with their own agenda.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 38,437 words


  Wolf Pack Mates 6

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Cara Adams

  First E-book Publication: September 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Jill has been waiting since the very first series of books, “Unchained Love,” for her happily-ever-after. She refused to fall in love with any of the wolves or panthers at Carnal Connections. I was so excited when she agreed to go to the DADISP with Bethany. Finally, a whole year later, this is Jill’s story.


  This book takes place simultaneously with Bethany’s story,

  A Mate to Treasure.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About the Author


  Wolf Pack Mates 6


  Copyright © 2013

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  Chapter One

  Jill Evans hadn’t danced this many dances in one night since her prom more than ten years ago. But she wasn’t complaining even though her legs and feet were going to be killing her in the morning. As one of only sixty women and almost two hundred men at the inter-species mating party, formally known as the DADISP, she was more than ready to check out every man who showed an interest in her.

  Her current partner was a superb dancer. He was blond and dressed in skin-tight black jeans that emphasized a mighty nice ass and an impressive package, and a loose, flowing white shirt that showed off his coloring.

  “What’s your name?” he asked her, his gaze on her face, not on her breasts like so many other men. Another point in his favor.

  I’m Jill.

  “Jill, my name is Sloan Davison. In my pack there are ten eligible wolves. I was the only man who passed the preregistration tests. I’m looking for a woman who’ll mate with me and at least one other man of her choice in our pack. If you mate with me you can choose any one or more of the other available men and we’ll be a triad, or a foursome, or even five of us. It’s completely up to you.”

  Jill stared up into his face. It was no joke. He was quite serious. A flash of excitement rippled through her body at the idea of having a group of men loving her, fulfilling her, mating with her. Until five years ago, Jill had thought stories about vampires and werewolves were just that. Stories. She was still to meet a vampire, but she’d come to know and respect half a dozen werewolf shape-shifters and almost twice that many panther shape-shifters. Jill lived at a BDSM community called Carnal Connections. A year ago the community had offered sanctuary to a pack of panthers whose women were being endangered. By then, of course, she’d gotten to know the male wolves in her community and had no trouble agreeing to add the big cats. Neither did any of the other humans in the community.

  Which was why she’d come to the DADISP. At thirty, she was ready to settle down and find her Mr. Right. Or possibly two Mr. Rights. Hell, why limit herself? Even three Mr. Rights. The idea of going away with an attractive man like Sloan and choosing another man or two to partner with made her panties damp with excitement. Sure, she’d want a few assurances about her personal safety. After all, the rest of the men had failed the preregistration tests. But those tests had been deliberately made very difficult to pass as there were vastly more men around than women. As long as there were some safeguards in place so she could leave again if the arrangement proved to be unworkable, well she rather liked the idea. The thought excited her, aroused her. Besides, Sloan was mighty nice to look at. She wou
ldn’t mind running her hands over his muscular ass. Or his package. Or tasting him either. Mmm. Yes. Her mouth on him would be good.

  “I’d need to get to know you better first. And I’d want some strategies in place for if none of the other men appealed to me, but I’m certainly prepared to think about it.”

  “If you come back to my cabin tonight, we can start getting to know each better right away.”

  “Nice try, Sloan. But I’m not ready to know you quite that well just yet.”

  He pulled her body tighter to his and ground his cock against her belly. Oh yes. It felt as good as it looked. “Still no deal, but I’ll be happy to dance with you again tomorrow, and I’ll certainly keep your idea in mind. It is appealing.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind about tonight,” he said, leading her off the floor at the end of their dance.

  More men danced with her, and then a man with reddish hair asked her to dance. “I didn’t know wolves could have red hair,” she said.

  “It’s not common, but it does happen. One of the nurses at the shape-shifter clinic, Fergus, has bright-red hair. Traffic-light red. I’m lucky mine’s more brownish red. I can blend in with a pack but he can’t. He always looks like a wolf in a Halloween costume. I’m Jarrah Armstrong, and I heard you live in a BDSM community. My Dom and I are looking for a new sub. Wanna play Chain Up the Sub with us tonight?”

  Her belly clenched with need, her nipples pebbled, and suddenly, more than anything, she longed to be spanked to orgasm. It’d been too long since she’d had a Dom of her own. “Take me to your Dom,” she said.

  * * * *

  Keir Wade had tried to be logical about dancing with a variety of women. He and Jarrah had only this one week to find a mate. He was under no illusions that if they failed now, their chances of ever mating a woman would diminish dramatically. Just passing the preregistration tests had been scary. He hadn’t stressed so much over his grades since he’d left school and that was a hell of a long time ago.

  His Alpha and two other men in his pack were mated to humans and he’d even asked them for lessons on understanding women but his Alpha’s mate, Taige, had shaken her head, saying, “The men in this pack will be given no special privileges over any other men. Watch, observe, think, and learn that way.”

  At first, he’d been immensely relieved when both he and Jarrah had passed the preregistration tests. That was before he’d understood that he’d simply progressed to the next hurdle. Almost two hundred men and sixty women. How would he ever find and captivate the one right woman for them with so much competition? But Taige’s words had stuck in his head, so he’d decided to focus his attentions on women who were open to a BDSM lifestyle. He was prepared to do a lot to win a mate, even put aside BDSM for a time and introduce her gently and slowly to the lifestyle. But it would be much better to find a woman who was already an acknowledged sub. Of course, that lowered the number of potential partners considerably, but it also meant he and Jarrah needed to target their attentions appropriately, so it was good as well as challenging.

  The curvy brunette in the red dress was an obvious choice right near the top of their list. She lived in a BDSM community and she was damn hot to look at. The problem was a lot of other men thought so, too, and winning a dance with her wasn’t easy. Fortunately Jarrah had managed to dance with her, and by the looks of things, she’d agreed to talk to them. Now if only she was as nice in person as she looked, they’d be well on the way to finding a mate.

  Damn, she was hot in that red dress. It clung to her breasts and hips, and all he could think about was touching her, holding her, and fucking her. Unfortunately fucking was a long way ahead of them, but touching was possible, especially if she stripped for him to spank her.

  “Jill, this is Keir, my Dom. Keir, Jill said she was interested in playing a BDSM scene with us tonight.”

  He looked deep into her dark brown eyes and knew she’d play with them. It was a start. “Jill, it’s a great pleasure to meet you. Will you come with us?”

  “Give me your word that what we do will be safe, sane, and consensual.”

  “You have my promise. Jarrah and I are here to find a mate. A mate who likes BDSM. We wouldn’t jeopardize that for anything or anyone.”

  She smiled and his cock grew another inch. Her dark eyes were sparkling, and she flicked her tongue along her lips. “In that case, let’s go.”

  Security at the DADISP was very strict. The women were always scanned in and out of events first. Jill waited just outside the ballroom for them, and they walked together along one of the concrete paths toward the cabins, then farther on through the gardens.

  “What’s your cabin number? Are you at the very rear of the property?” Jill asked.

  “Our cabin is well back. It’s number one hundred forty-two. But we’re going to the maintenance shed. It’s a wonderful place with hooks in the roof and lots of rope. The ideal venue to play our kind of games.”

  “Ideal, huh? And what if some other couples decide to come there while we’re playing a scene?”

  “They’ll find we’ve bolted the door from the inside. The lock’s another good feature of it,” said Jarrah.

  Keir watched her face as she tried to hide a grin. Excellent! His toy box was safely locked in his cabin and he didn’t want to detour there right now. Maybe after Jill had played a scene with them she’d agree to go back to their cabin. But the maintenance shed was perfect as it was a neutral meeting place, therefore not as confrontational as expecting her to go into someone else’s cabin on the very first night. Plus the ropes and eyebolts in the roof and a few other things there were wonderful. The perfect way to set and play a scene without seeming to push a new sub at all. He hoped she was adventurous. She seemed fit and sturdy, but looks could be very deceiving. Besides, no way was he looking this particular gift horse in the mouth. She’d agreed to come with them and that was beyond his wildest hopes and dreams for the first night. Now it was up to him to give her such a memorable orgasm she’d be back tomorrow for more.

  He’d take this as slowly as she needed him to, but he’d also do anything he could to bind her to them before someone else attracted her attention. For the past two years he and Jarrah had talked about finding their mate. Some of the men in the pack had been very opposed to mating with humans, but they were happy enough to visit a human brothel every Friday. To Keir that seemed stupid. If it was fair and reasonable to pay human women for sex, why not find the right human woman and mate with her? He was so glad when the Supreme Alpha gave his approval to interspecies marriages, and even more excited when his own Alpha had chosen a human bride. Now all his hope and passion was tied up in finding a suitable mate for himself and Jarrah. And this woman, this human, Jill, awoke all his senses.

  His dick was harder than a spike at the thought of tying her up, spanking her, arousing her, giving her an orgasm. No, not just an orgasm. A mighty orgasm. A perfect wonderful orgasm that would show her she needed them in her life.

  The shed was just ahead of them now, and there was no light coming from it, which was a good sign. Unless someone was there fucking in the dark, of course. “Wait here,” he said to Jarrah and Jill.

  He tiptoed up to the door and opened it a mere inch, putting his eye to the gap, not wanting to intrude if another group of people was using the space. A quick glance told him the place was empty. He sniffed deeply, using his extra wolf ability, and there was no scent of semen or a woman’s arousal. Good.

  Keir clicked the light on, and confirmed the shed was empty. He waved for Jarrah to bring Jill inside, then locked the door behind them. There was only the one window, and the blind was already pulled down covering it. Excellent.

  He looked up at the hooks and eye bolts. There were six of them over at one side of the shed. He only needed four and chose which ones he’d use, then sorted through some lengths of rope and fed them through the four relevant eye bolts, leaving the rope hanging down to tie up his subs. Next he looked over at the wor
k bench. It was a bit disorganized but the items he’d mentally tagged as useful were still there.

  He moved into the middle of the shed and said, “Jarrah, tell Jill your safe word.”


  Keir heard Jill’s tiny snort of laughter. Yes, that’s what he’d thought the first time he’d heard it, but really, it was very clever. Most people would stop dead when they heard that particular word. It was a genuine damper on enthusiasm and sex.

  “Jill, what’s your safe word?”

  “I use the Carnal Connections’ safe word. Parsnip.”

  “What do you mean? Does everyone there have the same safe word?”

  “Not necessarily. It’s the safe word used for all the public parties and gatherings. I just decided it easier to keep to that word rather than having a collection of different words for different situations.”

  “All right. Parsnip it is.”

  Keir picked up the shortest length of rope and cracked it though the air. It made a suitably harsh sound. He was certain it’d light a fire in a sub’s ass as well, so he cracked it again to let them know what he was thinking.

  “Undress, my subs. The scene is now underway.”

  He watched Jill get undressed. He’d seen Jarrah undress many times before, and knew the man was a bit of a neat freak and that he’d look for a clean place to leave his good clothing. Fortunately this shed didn’t seem dirty. Which wasn’t to say he’d be prepared to eat a meal off the workbench or anything like that, but there were no pools of oil on the floor or grease-coated bits of machinery lying around. The tools were scattered a bit haphazardly, but they were clean and the floor had been swept recently.


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