Their Perfect Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Perfect Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Cara Adams

  When Sloan rang and said he needed to talk to her, Jill grinned. It seemed there was some like-mindedness going on here as well. She told him to meet Jarrah and Keir outside her cabin at two.

  Consequently she dressed in running shoes, shorts, and a T-shirt and spent some time looking over the little map of the property she’d been given on arrival.

  For security reasons, the women were encouraged to stay near the main building. But although Jill thought sixty willing women might prove a temptation to a pack of wolves longing for mates, she really didn’t think anything much could do wrong. There were security guards everywhere. Everyone was scanned in and out of all the rooms and events, plus everyone had a huge blue number stamped on the back of their left hand. And it wouldn’t wash off either. Apparently it’d fade over the next month. So anyone trying to copy the temporary tattoo would have a difficult job she reckoned. And that was assuming they could fake up all the paperwork and break into the Konference Kabins property as well. No, Jill felt perfectly safe. So she chose a place well down the back of the property with lots of trees and shrubs where she would ask the men to transform for her and let her see them in their other form.

  When she opened the door, Keir and Jarrah were dressed in jeans and T-shirts, Sloan in one of his flowing white shirts. He seemed to have an entire closet full of them, and they looked good on him.

  “I didn’t realize you wanted to go for a run. Should we go back to our cabin and change? You could come with us and watch,” said Keir.

  Jill smiled and looked from his face to Jarrah’s. Jarrah’s face was one big grin as well. She managed not to spoil the fun by saying she planned to watch them change, but just in a slightly different way. Then she smiled at Sloan, standing a little farther back. “No, you’ll all be fine just as you are. Let’s go this way.”

  They walked along the path for a while, and then she moved onto the grass, following the route she’d memorized. It was really quite simple and impossible to get lost, but she thought likely it was wise not to get too close to the fence line when there was really no need to do so. Why worry the security staff unnecessarily?

  “Where are we going?” asked Keir.

  “Just a bit farther. I’ve been looking at the map and know where I’m going.” They were all quite smart enough to realize she hadn’t answered the question, but hopefully they’d be polite and intrigued enough to keep following her. She’d chosen her place as one where there shouldn’t be anyone around to see them transform. Not that any of the wolves or even the humans here should be shocked, but she did this more out of consideration for their privacy.

  She knew she could have asked them to transform for her in a cabin, with no risk at all of being observed, but she really wanted to see them outside, in their natural place. She wanted to run with them, to play with them, if everything went to plan, and it seemed right to her to do so at the time.

  “Ah, Jill…” Jarrah seemed a bit hesitant. She guessed he wanted to ask her not to go any farther, yet didn’t want to annoy her.

  “It’s okay. I can see the trees I’m looking for just up ahead.”

  “Trees?” Now it was Keir sounding confused.

  Sloan gave her quite a piercing look.

  Oh well, it was a woman’s job to keep her men on their toes, always trying to guess what she was planning. Jill lengthened her stride, and hurried ahead to round the little group of trees. It was exactly as shown on the map. The trees and bushes formed a protected semicircle around a patch of grass, and better still, no one was there and there were no signs anyone had been there recently. She dropped onto the grass and crossed her legs. The men stopped still and stared at her. She saw the lust in their eyes and shook her head. Sloan had moved forward now, standing in line with Jarrah and Keir.

  “No, this is not the scene for an outdoor, back-to-nature sex-fest. I want you all to transform into your wolves for me and run around a little. I want to see you as you really are.”

  “This is how we really are,” said Jarrah.

  “Okay, be pedantic then. I want to see the other side of how you really are.”

  “You have seen shape-shifters before, haven’t you?” asked Keir.

  “There’s a lot of wild land at Carnal Connections, and the wolves and panthers often go running in it, so yes, I’ve seen people in their animal form. They are usually in small groups, and I’ve seen them leaving to run or returning from a run. But generally not right up close. We respect each other’s lifestyle and privacy. If a human goes for a run, unless it’s a human running with their shape-shifter mates, it’s usually around the roads inside the property, or even along the fence line, not in the wild lands with the shape-shifters.”

  “Is this some kind of test?” asked Sloan.

  Jill stared up at them. Keir was looking as he usually did, but he did seem to be holding his body a little more upright and tense than normal. Jarrah’s eyes were filled with worry. Sloan’s hands were in his pockets and she wondered if it was to hide his tension.

  “No, it’s not a test. It’s something I need to do and see. If our relationship is to continue and deepen, I need to know about this side of you, and know how I’m going to deal with it.”

  None of the men appeared convinced, and it seemed as if Keir was about to say something, but then he nodded. “Okay. You’d better keep a good look out though. I don’t plan on getting arrested for indecent exposure here.”

  “You were happy enough to risk it when you thought we were going to fuck,” she teased them. But she faced outward to watch for anyone coming this way. She didn’t think there would be anyone nearby. They hadn’t seen anyone as they walked here after they’d passed the last of the cabins, and the runs and walks didn’t come this far.

  “I want to watch you transform,” she reminded them.

  “Almost ready,” replied Jarrah.

  Jill turned sideways, and watched them. It happened very fast. One minute three delicious naked men were standing on the grass, and the next there were two brown wolves and a smaller, paler one. Keir’s muscular build was even more obvious in this form. He had very solid legs, and a stocky body with dark-brown fur. Jarrah was taller, leaner, and his fur, although brown, had a definite red tint to it. Sloan was smaller all over, his fur quite pale, but he looked as fit and graceful as he did in his human form.

  She rather thought that together they’d be an unbeatable team. She suspected that Jarrah would move very fast indeed, and that Keir would have unlimited stamina, while Sloan would be extremely agile.

  They all stood quite still, watching her. She didn’t feel the least bit afraid. She knew they were waiting for her to make the first move, that there was no hint of menace in their posture. Jill stood and walked across to Keir. She ran her hand along his spine, touching his fur, noting that although it wasn’t soft, it wasn’t harsh or wiry either, but in between .She could clearly feel the coiled muscles and leashed power just under his skin though.

  Jarrah nuzzled her hand, wanting to be petted, too. She stroked his back, nodding her head as she mentally enumerated the differences between the wolves. He was more openly affectionate and playful, reminding her a little of a puppy waiting for her to throw him a stick or a ball to fetch. Whereas Keir was more aloof, waiting to see what would happen next.

  Sloan was standing back a bit again. If this union was to work, he would be an equal partner, not a tacked-on addition. She drew him forward and stoked his muzzle and ears.

  She stood and said, “Let’s run a little.” She ran toward the back of the property, but they were already well down toward the rear of it, so before long she turned parallel to the fence but perhaps fifteen feet inside it.

  Jill stopped and picked up a stick and threw it to Jarrah. She wasn’t at all sure that Keir would deign to fetch a stick, but she was certain Jarrah would, and she rather thought Sloan would as well. They played throw and catch for a while until Keir joined in.

  Then she chased them through the shrubbery a little,
but realistically, she had no hope of catching them. Still it was fun for a while, before she ran back toward the sheltered place where they’d left the men’s clothing. It wasn’t much of a test, she supposed, but she was quite relaxed around them and rather thought she’d enjoy being with them in their shifted forms somewhere they could be free to be themselves, such as on their own lands.

  “Okay, thank you. You can change back.”

  She watched them change, noticing Sloan was the first to return to human form, but the others were only a second behind him.

  Did you feel safe and comfortable around us? We’d never hurt you. You should know that,” said Keir.

  “I knew you wouldn’t attack me but it’s one thing to know something in my mind, and another to experience it in real life. But, yes, thank you. I felt quite happy. I wasn’t at all uncomfortable and I’m sure I’ll be fine around your transformed personas.

  “We don’t have to get dressed now. We could undress you instead,” suggested Keir.

  “I’ve watched plenty of BDSM displays, and perhaps one day I’ll participate in one, but that day is not today. I’m not ready for public exhibition just yet.”

  “You know you’d enjoy it very much,” added Sloan, back to his enticing ballroom persona.

  “There’s no one around. You could treat this as a kind of practice run.” Jarrah had that appealing look on his face again, but Jill remained firm. Outdoor sex was not her thing. Or not yet, at any rate.

  After the men dressed, they walked slowly back toward the cabins.

  “Have you eaten yet? We could have a late lunch together if you like? Or we could get swimwear and sit in the hot tub,” suggested Keir.

  “I had a late breakfast and I’m not really a hot tub kind of person, but I wouldn’t mind coffee and a snack,” said Jill. She also wouldn’t mind spending a little longer just talking to the men. She wanted to be back in the cabin with plenty of time to prepare for the formal dinner tonight, but a snack now would mean her stomach didn’t rumble at an inopportune time later.

  “I’m always ready to eat a snack, but I’d be equally happy to eat you, too,” said Jarrah.

  Jill giggled. “Uh-huh.”

  They wandered in and out of all the stalls in the main building. Jill suddenly realized she hadn’t even looked at them all before. She stood outside the chocolatier for a long time, before Keir almost dragged her inside, saying, “Just choose something. Anything at all.”

  The woman behind the counter laughed. “We get a lot of that. In response, a lot of men are buying these.” She pointed to a tiny chocolate cupcake. Jill looked at it more closely and realized the entire creation was chocolate. Even the “wrapper” holding it was made of solid chocolate.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  “I’ll buy it,” added Keir.

  “But it’s too pretty to eat.”

  “Take a picture, put the picture up on Facebook, then eat it,” suggested Jarrah.

  Jill shook her head at him and laughed. “That’s a thought.” But she couldn’t imagine eating anything so delicate and that must have taken so much effort to make.

  When they reached the flower shop, Sloan stopped her. “What color dress are you wearing tonight?”

  “Deep green.”

  “Do flowers come in green?” asked Jarrah.

  The florist had two helpers working madly on tiny corsages. Obviously a lot of the women were getting flowers for the formal dinner tonight.

  She pointed to some tiny white flowers. “We can dye these the correct color to match your dress, dear. What kind of green is it?”

  The florist opened a color chart and Jill looked carefully along the row of greens. She placed her finger on the bottle green but said, “It’s just a fraction lighter than that.”

  “Not a problem, dear. Now if you just step over there I’ll talk to the gentlemen about what they want. You don’t want to spoil their surprise, do you, dear?”

  Jill hid a grin at being called dear so many times in so few sentences, but stood back and watched the nimble fingers of the two assistants, making up posies and wristbands of flowers.

  Outside the stall, Jarrah pointed to the sandwich bar, then said, “Would you like a sandwich or spaghetti?”

  “A sandwich, I think.”

  The men surrounded her as they waited in line to choose the ingredients for their sandwiches. Jill was serious about not wanting a lot of food, but it was difficult to choose when there was an entire row of different kinds of breads, then a multitude of potential ingredients to place on the sandwich. Finally she asked for a simple grilled cheese sandwich with some green peppers to eat with it.

  “You don’t want the green peppers in the sandwich and cooked, too?” clarified the server.

  “No. I like the contrast of the soft gooey cheese with the crunch of the crisp, cold pepper.”

  “Sounds tasty. I must try it one day,” said Keir.

  As soon as he’d chosen his sandwich Jarrah went and collected their coffees and then they sat at one of the small tables to have their snack. Jill really enjoyed just being with them. They talked about everything and nothing, like old, old friends, and she was relaxed, comfortable, and very happy. She knew these men were right for her. They understood her needs for BDSM. They were prepared to treat her as a person in her own right, and who could deny the attraction of three such magnificent male specimens saying and demonstrating they loved and wanted her.

  She’d idly thought about having three men very occasionally, but it’d never occurred to her it’d really happen. Now it seemed it was about to become a reality. Three men. All men she appreciated and knew she could love.

  * * * *

  The night had not gone at all as he’d planned it and Keir was almost gritting his teeth with frustration. First, when he, Sloan, and Jarrah had arrived to escort Jill to the formal dinner, Edward and Robert were there to partner Bethany, so they’d all walked together. That wasn’t a problem so much, but it meant the women were sitting at the table side by side by the time the men were scanned in after them, and the conversation was general, with the two women talking to each other at times, leaving the men talking among themselves. At least she’d liked the flowers. The florist had done a good job and they matched Jill’s dress perfectly. That had been an excellent idea of Sloan’s.

  He hadn’t really planned on sharing his woman three ways, but Sloan was a good man, and no threat to his Dominance. It was going to take some ongoing adjustment as he and Jarrah had been in a Dom/sub relationship for a while, and now they’d added Jill to the group, but he was confident Sloan would fit in. The man clearly adored her, and seemed determined not to cause trouble. It wasn’t what Keir wanted, but he would and could live with it.

  The relationship was about Jill. She was the heart and center of their family, and she’d made it quite clear Sloan was part of the bargain. It was no use wishing him away. Just as the first-born child often had to accept the arrival of younger siblings, so, too, he had to accept Jill’s need of Sloan as well as him and Jarrah. He was still the Dom. He’d deal with it.

  What a dress Jill was wearing. It just hinted at her lush breasts and skimmed the curve of her hips. She’d piled her hair on top of her head as well and looked good enough to eat. Totally stunning. And he couldn’t so much as touch her. Fuck it!

  Then, when they weren’t actually eating, there was always something else happening—a country-western singer, a band that played background music, a pianist, and a stand-up comic. Between each course of the meal, the Master of Ceremonies led them through all sorts of different games where each table competed against the others in trivia competitions, games of guess the movie theme, a sports themed quiz, and a history pop quiz. It was a lot of fun, very enjoyable, and he knew the organizers must have gone to an enormous amount of trouble planning everything, but he just wanted to sit with Jill, to hold her hand, and to tell her he loved her.

  There was clearly no opportunity to do that. Even aft
er the party ended, they’d all walked back to the cabins together and the two women had gone inside. End of story. Fuck it!

  They’d continued to their own cabin, saying a polite good-bye to Sloan when he turned off to his, and then to Robert and Edward. Even by the time they’d arrived, after walking in the chilly evening air, Keir still had the hard-on from hell. Am I being a spoiled baby? Just because I didn’t get to do what I wanted to do, now I’m going to sulk? No, I don’t think so. The evening was really good. The women had a great time, and to be honest, I did, too. It just didn’t end how I’d hoped, with Jill in our arms, in our bed. So, now is the time to plan for tomorrow. The first time we fuck as a foursome has to be very special. It will be the test of whether Sloan belongs in this group or not.

  Consequently, at around half past eight the next morning, all three men were walking down to the maintenance shed.

  “Why are we doing this again? Especially so early in the morning?” Sloan yawned.

  “If we were at home we’d be starting work about now, so it’s not that early. But the thing is, the maintenance crew will be at the front of the property, making sure the lawns where the games are played each day, and the front gardens are all in good condition. So this is the perfect time to go looking in the maintenance shed. We need some new ideas for a nice hot BDSM scene. Something different, that we haven’t done before. Something that will set Jill on fire.”

  “Oh. Now that’s the kind of plan I could really go for. Last night was really special, with the wonderful food, and games, and everything, but I’m looking forward to the barbecue tonight. Dancing outside under the stars will be even better. Holding her in my arms, pressing my body to hers. Yum!” said Jarrah.

  “I think I’m looking forward to joining you in the BDSM. It’s new to me, but I find the idea exciting,” added Sloan.

  Just as Keir had hoped and expected, the maintenance shed was unlocked and empty. He stood in the open central space, looking up at the roof. There were the eyebolts. He could chain the three subs up again, he supposed. There was the long workbench. It might work as a spanking bench, or he could have Jill lie on it. It was really quite clean. The entire shed was. He’d only need to bring a cloth to wipe the workbench down.


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