Secret Gifts_Steamy Version

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Secret Gifts_Steamy Version Page 8

by Elena Aitken

  “I know,” he interrupted. He reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. The action caused goose bumps to race up her arms, and she fought the urge to relax and close her eyes at his touch. “It’s your job to keep me out of trouble. But has it ever occurred to you that I’m a grown man and I’m perfectly capable of keeping myself out of trouble?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I mean, yes. Of course it’s occurred to me, but Gage…you…”

  “I know.” He stepped away and Megan wanted to reach out and pull him back. “I haven’t done a very good job of doing it on my own. Trust me, I’m very aware of what’s going on with my career and how the producers of Tumbleweed feel.” He walked to the window and with his back to her, crossed his arms. “I know exactly what’s on the line.” His voice was so quiet, Megan couldn’t be sure he was talking to her anymore.

  Despite the fight they’d had, and the worry he’d caused her, Megan couldn’t hold on to her anger. Especially when anyone would be able to see that there was more to Gage than what was on the surface and in the news. She remembered his conversation she’d overheard the night before.

  “Gage, I—“

  “I’m sorry I—“

  They spoke at the same time.

  “Go ahead,” she said.

  He turned around and faced her, the smile firmly back in place. “Look, I am sorry if I worried you or made your job harder. I heard you this morning when you said you were just trying to do your job and that was all.”

  She flinched at his words because she knew exactly what he was talking about. “Gage, about what I said—I didn’t mean it the way it—“

  “It’s fine, Megan. I know this is your job.”

  “But it’s not just that,” she said before she could stop herself. “Being here with you, spending time with you, it’s more than that, and…”

  When she didn’t finish, he stepped towards her and took her hand in his. Megan’s body responded instantly to his touch and heat flowed through her. Dammit. She’d spent the better part of the day convincing herself nothing could happen between them. Not again. But as she looked in his eyes, every reason she’d had for staying away from Gage disappeared.

  “And, what?” His voice was quiet but persistent, and she looked up to meet his dark eyes with her own.

  She didn’t want to feel the way she was feeling. It was complicated and completely unprofessional to get involved with clients. Especially one like Gage. Her brain tried to list all the rational reasons she should step back and pull her hand away from his. But it didn’t matter. Megan leaned forward and ignored what her brain and every bit of logic in her was saying. She closed her eyes and when Gage’s lips met hers, every objection or reason there’d been to stop flew out the window.

  His free hand reached around the back of her head and pulled her closer. His thumb stroked her cheek while their lips explored each other’s. It was a soft kiss, but there was nothing gentle about it. The heat of their passion could be felt clearly in their connection. Intellectually, Megan knew what she was doing was a mistake, and that things couldn’t go any further with Gage, but in that moment, intellect didn’t count for a damn thing.


  It was like a moth to a flame; Gage couldn’t stay away from her. He’d never been so drawn to a woman before and as soon as his mouth touched hers again, his body remembered the sweet taste of her and there was no going back. He deepened the kiss and reached around her, cupping his hand on her ass, and pulled her up hard against him. He was not letting her go this time. His whole body had been burning for her all day, despite everything they’d said to each other. Those were just words, and this…this was what mattered right now.

  Gage backed her up slowly against the wall, and as soon as he had her pinned, he broke the kiss and stared at her, taking in all of her. Her lips were swollen from their kiss and the most delectable shade of red. He fought the urge to kiss her again, instead using his eyes to travel down her body. Her breasts strained against her blouse as her chest rose and fell in fast, shallow breaths. With a few easy flicks, he released the buttons and exposed her satin bra. Two perfect globes almost spilled from the cups, begging to be touched.

  Using his thumbs, he stroked over the satin and urged her nipples to respond, which they did almost instantly. Desire coursed through him at her eager response. His dick got even harder, if that was possible. Impatient with her bra, he reached around her back, unclasped it and tugged it off, leaving her perfect breasts exposed for him.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “Gage, I need—”

  Her words were lost as he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked before he bit down with just the right amount of pressure to cause a sharp gasp to escape her lips. If he was a betting man, he’d bet her panties were already wet. She’d been so responsive to him earlier it had taken all the willpower he had not to take her in the kitchen. But there’d be no willpower now. He needed her and the way her body reacted, she needed him just as badly.

  “I need to see you.” His voice was thick with need. He was losing patience with her clothing at an alarming rate. Without waiting for permission or assistance, he undid her jeans and tugged them to the floor. One finger slid past the elastic of her panties and found her heated core, just as he’d anticipated, wet and ready. Too much fabric was in the way and with a quick yank, he tore the flimsy strings and exposed her to him. She groaned with need, a need he could equally match.

  “You’re killing me, babe. Seriously.”

  “You have no idea.” She smiled a sexy, killer smile and Gage crushed his lips to hers again while his hands explored every inch of her. Megan’s hands slid up under his T-shirt and he broke the kiss long enough to allow her to pull it over his head. Next, his jeans came off, freeing his throbbing dick.

  Without wasting anymore time, he grabbed a condom from his back pocket, ripped open the foil and sheathed himself before he grabbed her ass in both hands and lifted her. “I’ve got to have you,” he growled. “Right here. Right now.”

  There was no objection from her. Megan opened her legs, and wrapped them around him while he plunged into her, burning himself in her heat. She moaned and bit her bottom lip.

  “Don’t hold back,” he ordered. “I’m not going to.”

  And he didn’t. The second he was seated inside her, he knew it would be hard and fast. She definitely had that effect on him.

  Cradling her body with his hands, he drove into her; Megan matched him with every thrust. It didn’t take long for her to tense around him. Her body clenched tight while she screamed her release. Moments after her own climax, Gage’s own body tensed, and he came hard, Megan still in his arms.

  Gage would have been happy repeating their performance a few more times, and that’s exactly what he would have done, too, but even lost in the sweet taste of her, Gage had enough sense to realize that despite their instant attraction and strong connection, he needed to slow down.

  When he reluctantly pulled away from her, unwrapping her legs from his body, Gage traced his fingers along her jawbone. “I think we should take it slow.” He almost laughed at his choice in words, especially considering what they’d just done.

  Megan blushed a pretty shade of red and he was thankful she didn’t try to hide it, or say anything that would belittle what they’d just shared. “Interesting idea,” she said with a sarcastic grin. “Don’t you think it’s a little late for that?”

  He nodded and handed her her clothes. “I know, it’s ridiculous, but…”

  “I know what you’re saying.” She smiled and pulled her jeans on, ignoring the torn panties. “I actually think it’s probably a good idea.”

  Relief washed through him and he pulled his own jeans on.

  “So, are you going to tell me where you went today?”

  He froze at her question and stepped away from her, needing to put space between them. “I went for a hike,” he answered honestly.


  Gage stared at her, trying to figure out how she’d react when he told her the truth. He swallowed and said, “No, I went with Lisa.”

  The transformation on her face was instantaneous and for a split second, he wished he hadn't said anything.

  “I see,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Her jealousy was cute, really. The way her jaw tightened, and she tried not to look him directly in the eye when he was pretty sure all she really wanted to do was yell at him.

  “I don’t think you see at all,” he said and took a step towards her. Taking it slow be dammed. “It wasn’t like that.” He held her forearms and squeezed gently until she looked at him.

  “Are we talking about the same Lisa?” She raised her eyebrow in question.

  “Trust me?”

  There was a flicker of indecision in her eyes before she swallowed and nodded. “I guess I’ll have to,” she said.

  It wasn’t exactly the response he was hoping for from her, but then again, if he were in Megan’s shoes, he probably would have had a similar reaction. “So, what were you up to today?” he asked. “Besides thinking about me?” He winked and she slapped him lightly in the shoulder.

  “Actually, I was very busy. And that reminds me.” Megan walked away from him and immediately he missed her closeness. “We have a lot to do,” she said, picking up a pad of paper from the coffee table. “It turns out there’s going to be a big party here in a few days and guess who’s in charge?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Oh, and guess who the guest of honor is?”

  Gage groaned and ran his hands through his hair. “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t want a party. Especially not here.”

  “First of all,” Megan said. She pointed at him with a pen. “You’re a superstar. You get parties—it’s what you do. Accept it. Second of all,” her smile faded a little when she continued, “you don’t have a choice. Neither of us do. Orders came down from the big guns. So deal with it.” She was trying for stern, but it came off really cute, and the fact that Megan delivered the news definitely did help soften the blow.

  “Since you’ve been working all day, why don’t we go grab some dinner? It’ll be kind of like an apology for being a jerk and running out on you.”

  “Sort of like an apology?” She tilted her head.

  “Okay, an apology. What do you say?”

  “I’d love to. But I can’t. We,” she emphasized the we, “have an appointment at the Lodge to meet with the party planner.”

  Gage groaned and dropped onto the couch. He was pretty sure he couldn’t think of anything he’d like to do less than meet with a party planner for a party he didn’t want to go to, let alone be the guest of honor at. “No way,” he said. “I’ll stay here and watch a movie.”

  She laughed and the sound did something to him. He wanted to hear it again.

  “That’s not happening,” Megan said. She grabbed his hand and yanked him to his feet. “You’re coming with me. Especially after the disappearing act that you pulled today. Besides, I have a surprise for you.” There was a look in her eyes that Gage was pretty sure meant trouble, but he was completely unable to resist her pull.

  “I hate surprises,” he said as he got to his feet and followed her out the door.

  The surprise was waiting for them when they got to the main building. Jeff Michaels, the horse handler from the set of Tumbleweed, grabbed Gage in a man hug and the two men slapped each other of the back.

  “Jeff,” Gage said, when he released him. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “It’s good to see you, too, man. I told you the Lodge was practically my home. I’ll take any excuse I can to come for a visit. And this is a pretty good excuse. Gage, this is my girlfriend, Eva.” Jeff pulled forward a very tall, very beautiful blond woman.

  Gage shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Eva. All Jeff ever does on set is talk about his gorgeous girlfriend, and now I see why.”

  “Well, all Jeff does at home is talk about this smooth-talking actor he works with, so I guess he’s pretty accurate with his descriptions.”

  They both laughed and Gage knew instantly he was going to get along with Eva. He grabbed Megan’s hand and pulled her forward. “This is my…” He stumbled over the introduction.

  “Megan,” she said. “We spoke on the phone, Eva.”

  Gage looked at her in awe as she handled the situation with grace, and shook first Eva’s and then Jeff’s hands. He wasn’t sure he could be a bigger ass if he tried.

  “So,” Jeff said. “Eva’s in charge of the big party this weekend and since I know I’ll make the invite list, I figured I’d tag along.”

  “Well, I’m certainly glad you did. I’m not looking forward to the party, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss everyone from the show. It’ll be good to get together again and see everyone before the premiere.” He gestured towards the women who were already chatting and were busy poring over a clipboard Eva had. “Are we expected to help, or can we go grab a beer?”

  Jeff chuckled. “Are you kidding me? The only helping I’m ever expected to do is gather things and put them together. Isn’t that right, darlin’?”

  Eva looked up and smiled. “I’ll let you know if you’re needed. Why don’t you guys take off for a bit and we can meet up for dinner in an hour? That should give me enough time to go over my plans with Megan. Is that okay with you?” She looked at Megan for confirmation. It was probably only Gage who noticed the hesitancy in her eyes, but she nodded.

  “Sounds good to me,” Jeff said. “I want to say hi to the horses, and you’re coming with me, buddy. We can catch up on a ride through the woods. How’s that sound?”

  He’d wanted a beer. After his hike and subsequent swim with Lisa, he’d needed a beer. But surprising even himself, Jeff’s suggestion sounded a lot more enticing than sitting inside on such a beautiful evening. “Sounds good to me,” he said. Gage noticed the slight sag of relief in Megan’s shoulders. She couldn’t possibly be that concerned that he was going to go on a bender just because he ran into a buddy. Could she?

  He made a note to talk with her about it later, and set her mind at ease that he wasn’t a walking time bomb. He definitely had a reputation for being a partier, and sure, he made some bad decisions. Even recently, he thought as Lisa popped into his head. But it didn’t mean he’d continue making bad choices. He stole a glance at her before the women walked away. No, he thought. Only good decisions for the future.

  “So, tell me what the deal is with Megan,” Jeff asked as they walked to the stables.

  Gage shoved his hands in his back pockets and shrugged. “She’s my PR rep.”


  “And…she gets paid to make sure I don’t get in any trouble so I can keep my job.” Gage wasn’t stupid; he knew exactly what Jeff wanted to know. He also knew there wasn’t much to tell. At least until he figured things out for himself.

  “Bullshit.” Jeff shot him a look. “I’m not new, buddy. I can see the way you’re looking at her, and you’d have to be blind not to see the way she’s looking at you.”

  Gage stopped walking and grabbed his friend’s shoulder. “How’s she looking at me?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Jeff laughed and shook off his hand. “What, are you in high school? Did you want me to ask her if I think you’re cute, too?”

  Gage punched him in the arm and kept walking.

  “I knew it,” Jeff said, catching up to him. “There’s something going on with you two, isn’t there? I guess that’s one way to stay out of trouble.”

  “It’s not like that.” Then, how was it? Gage asked himself. “Megan’s different,” he said after a minute. “I’ve never been with anyone like her.” It was a lie, and he knew it, but Jeff didn’t need to know the details.

  They’d reached the stables and Gage leaned against the barn wall while he watched Jeff greet the horses and get them ready to ride. “She doesn’t care about who I am,” he said. “I
f anything, she doesn’t like the whole actor thing.”

  “You mean, the whole mega-superstar thing,” Jeff said with a laugh. “But I can see how that would be different,” he added. “You’re always surrounded by women throwing themselves at you. And while that wouldn’t appeal to a committed man like myself,” he patted his chest and tried to be serious, “I thought you kind of liked it. No?”

  “It gets old, man.” Gage took the leads of the horse that Jeff offered him and together they walked out in to the sun with the readied horses. He hopped up into the saddle, immediately feeling at ease with the horse. Gage hadn’t been lying when he’d told Jeff he was tired of women who were only interested in him because he was a celebrity. Megan was different. It was almost like she thought his fame was a negative thing. But maybe that was just because of her job? Gage’s mind went around and around. Whatever it was that was going on with Megan, he was determined not to screw it up now that he’d gotten a taste of her, she was like a drug, and he definitely needed more.

  “Gage?” Jeff was calling his name. “You okay, man?”

  “Yeah,” he said and forced himself to pay attention. Without noticing, his horse had fallen in line with Jeff’s and they were headed out of the yard to a trail. “What were you saying?”

  Jeff chuckled. “Oh, you do have it bad,” he said. “I was just asking what you’d been up to at the Lodge. Have you had a chance to explore at all?”

  Gage’s thoughts flew to Lisa, the hot springs and the swimming he probably shouldn’t have participated in. He tamped down the guilt that rose up. “I’ve seen a bit. Bo and Morgan took us rock climbing. That was pretty awesome, and I…”

  “You what?”

  He sighed. “I went on a hike today.”

  “Did you go with Bo? I thought he was leading an overnight?”

  “He is.” Gage patted the horse and looked down at the trail. “I went with Lisa.”

  Jeff let out a low whistle followed by a laugh. “If that doesn’t sound like trouble, I don’t know what does,” he said. “Did she take you up to King’s Springs?”


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